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W. S. Taylor's ("Psychoanalysis revised or psychodynamics developed?" American Psychologist, 1962, 17, 784-788, see record 1963-05882-001) polemic may be assessed against the background provided by Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions as conveniently reviewed by Gillispie (1962) in a recent issue of Science. The present author comments that Taylor fails to see that psychoanalysis is a relatively coherent system of theories rather than an accumulation of the various theories that Taylor says had been put forward by others, sometimes centuries earlier. A major part of his misapprehension is his overlooking the fact that psychoanalysis is primarily a method of research rather than the body of theories that happen, at the present time, to be based on following that method (for a recent discussion of psychoanalysis as a scientific method, see Ramzy, 1962). More important, however, he adopts an either-or attitude, "Psychoanalysis Revised or Psychodynamics Developed," that is quite unnecessary. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the April American Psychologist (1962, 17, 207), Ross Stagner raised the question of royalty payments. Stagner proposed that the American Psychological Association receive "a share of royalties, based on the number of articles reprinted from APA journals" and asked for comments from other psychologists regarding his proposal. The commentator discusses this issue and raises some questions, including (a) to whom, if anyone, should readings royalties be paid and (b) what basis for distribution should be followed? (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The author presents his reflections on reading "Psychology and the United States Science Exhibit: Seattle World's Fair, 1962" (American Psychologist, 1962, 17, 798-800) which described "six exhibits relating to psychology." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Pasamanick's "clarification" of Dreger and Miller's article extends the meaning of the original beyond its intent. In conjunction with Pasamanick's 1946 article it is shown that the samples of white and Negro infants are inadequate. Dreger and Miller could not have been aware of Pasamanick's 1946 reliability procedures for these were not described until his 1962 clarification. In 1962 Pasamanick's "major comparison" between white and Negro infants does not seem to be the same as it was in 1946. Contrary to Pasamanick's contention, Dreger and Miller did not attack Gesell's Developmental Schedules. Later work done by Pasamanick may substantiate his conclusions, but the criticisms of his 1946 article still hold. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in the original article by John G. Darley and Meredith P. Crawford (Amer. Psychologist, 1962, 17[7], 465-474). Corrections are provided for the column headed "Members" in Table 3, on page 467. (The following abstract of this article originally appeared in record 1963-04067-001.) "As an organization of individual members, our first major source of income derives from membership dues." Major sections are: Growth in Income, Expense, and Membership; History of Dues Increases; The Journal Operations; Annual Allocation of Resources; External Grants and Contracts; Additional Operations; and Conclusion. "Just as 1962 represented our first budgeted years of over $1,000,000 in both income and expenses, 1963 will see a membership in excess of 20,000." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "The evolving profession of psychology: Comment on Lowe Hays-Thomas's (2000) "The silent conversation." by Ronald F. Levant, Stanley Moldawsky and Tommy T. Stigall (Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 2000[Jun], Vol 31[3], 346-348). On page 346 in the author note, Louisiana Southern University was given as the university where Tommy T. Stigall received his PhD. The correct university is Louisiana State University. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2000-03894-017.) The authors comment on R. Lowe Hays-Thomas (2000; see record 2000-03894-016). The article begins with a few comments about the master's-degree issue and then examines the evolution of professional psychology in relationship to the master's issue over the past 50 years and into the future. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This brief editorial comment commemorates the 75th anniversary of the first issue of Lightner Witmer's journal, The Psychological Clinic. The editorial includes reproductions of the title page, the page describing the editorial policy, and the first page of the lead article by Witmer entitled "Clinical Psychology." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in the table of contents of the Journal of Counseling Psychology. The article "On Measuring the Vocational Interests of Women" (see record 1973-23974-001) by Nancy S. Cole (1973[Mar], 20[2], 105-112) that was listed on page 16 in the January table of contents appears in this issue of the Journal. Appearing on page 16 in the January issue, in fact, is "Instability of Therapeutic Conditions in Psychotherapy" (see record 1973-21485-001), by Alan S. Gurman (1973[Jan], 20(1), 16-24). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on the article "Operation Babel: A survey of the effectiveness of the foreign language requirements for the PhD degree in psychology" by S. Rosenzweig et al (Amer. Psychologist, 1962, 17, 237-243; see record 1963-04105-001). While interesting and stimulating to the amphitheater spectator, the aforementioned article was not a complete success. The current authors believe that the data collected by Rosenzweig do not lead to his conclusions. If his data are to support his philosophy, then another exploratory operation is deemed advisable. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 31(4) of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice (see record 2007-17397-001). On page 346 in the author note, Louisiana Southern University was given as the university where Tommy T. Stigall received his PhD. The correct university is Louisiana State University.] The authors comment on R. Lowe Hays-Thomas (2000; see record 2000-03894-016). The article begins with a few comments about the master's-degree issue and then examines the evolution of professional psychology in relationship to the master's issue over the past 50 years and into the future. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in the pagination reported for the article "Cloze Readability Scores as Indices of Individual Differences in Comprehension and Aptitude," by W. L. Taylor (Journal of Applied Psychology, 1956, 40). In the volume table of contents for 1956 article is incorrectly listed as appearing on page 378 of the 1956 volume. The article is instead published in this issue (February, 1957) beginning at page 19. (The following abstract of this article originally appeared in record 1958-00960-001.) In the "cloze procedure" the readability of a prose passage is measured by the number of deleted words readers correctly guess. To three test groups (N = 58), "easy," "hard" and "any" cloze passages were administered in a before-after design together with a knowledge pretest, and these data were related to AFQT scores. "Cloze" scores, knowledge test scores, and AFQT scores were all positively correlated. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This articel reviews the literature pertinent to the "drug lag" issue, in order to evaluate the evidence underlying the thesis that the U.S. has suffered from a slow-down in the rate and timing of new drug introductions, to the detriment of patients, because of the stricter requirements since 1962 regarding proof of safety and efficacy for new drugs. Comparing the post-1962 record in the U.S. with (a) the U.S. record before 1962 and (b) the post-1962 record in other, mainly Western European, countries, the weight of evidence and argument falls on the side of those who see a lag existing in the U.S. Other evidence, more subjective, supports the view that this lag imposes net positive costs on U.S. patients. However, it is not clear that the 1962 Drug Act is the sole, or even the main, cause of the lag. Instead, the drug information system and its inefficiencies emerge as the fundamental reason for the existence of a lag; hence, changes in the administration of the law by the Food and Drug Administration and greater efficiency by companies in supporting New Drug Applications can help close the gap, but probably only in minor degree. The solution to the lag problem lies in formulating and implementing a drug information system that quickly and accurately gathers, interprets, and disseminates information on the positive and negative effects of newly introduced drugs; with such a system, protection of drug users from undue risk is compatible with a greater rate and more rapid appearance of new drug discoveries.  相似文献   

The author notes that in a reperusal of William James on Fechner, it was therefore brought sharply to the writer's attention on reading "A Case at Law" by Hoch and Darley in the September issue (American Psychologist, 1962, 17, 623-654; see record 1963-04080-001) that the sceptical stanza from Southey (concluding "But 'twas a famous victory") had been notoriously cited on an earlier occasion. But it was James, not Fechner, who, writing 40 years after the event, had thus behaved with appropriate, if disputed, justification. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in the original article by Irwin G. Sarason (Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1962, 65[6], 376-380; (see record 1964-10015-001). On page 379, the second line of Paragraph 1 should read: (p  相似文献   

Louis McQuitty was born in Curran, Illinois, on January 29, 1910. He died on October 8, 1986, in Florida. McQuitty earned his undergraduate degree at the University of Florida (Gainesville) and his master's and doctoral degrees at the University of Toronto, in 1933, 1934, and 1937, respectively. The title of his PhD dissertation, "An Approach to the Measurement of Individual Differences in Personality," forecast his creative exploration of quantitative methods during the remainder of his life. These explorations of innovative analytic methods are the subject of many articles and his posthumous book: Pattern-Analytic Clustering: Theory, Methods, Research, and Configural Findings, (1987). Added to his many other activities were roles in the American Psychological Association. He served on the Council of Representatives, 1960-1962; Board of Professional Affairs, 1960-1962; and Education and Training Board, 1965-1968. He also served as president of Division 5, 1964-1965. In 1960-1961, Lou was president of the Michigan Psychological Association. The innovative, challenging contributions that McQuitty made to the area of methodology remain to be assimilated and evaluated. He sought to produce quantitative methods to support a scientific rather than an intuitive approach to the study of personality. Whatever form the incorporation takes, he should receive credit for his pioneering contributions and for the perseverance he showed in his self-chosen assignment, to which he was so deeply committed. With Lou's death, psychology has lost a strong contributor and valued colleague. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study repeated the procedures of an earlier study (see 35: 2117) that showed similarity of objectively measured (Edwards Personality Preference Schedule) personality characteristics to be a significant correlate of friendship. Experiment I tested the repeatability of this finding with a similar sample (college freshmen) and the results again supported the similarity principle. Experiment II tested the generalizability of the earlier finding. The procedures were applied to a different population (college seniors), and the results failed to confirm the similarity hypothesis. Personality differences between freshmen and seniors can be viewed as a function of increased social and emotional maturity on the part of seniors (Izard, 1962). Perhaps the more "mature" person has less need to see his personality characteristics reflected in his friends. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on the article by A. Astin (see record 1962-03183-001) which examined the functional autonomy of psychotherapy. The current author was left with the vague suspicion that Astin had martialed a good deal of scholarly evidence to prove a point that needs no proof. Psychotherapy is autonomous and serious students of it are giving a good deal of thought, time, and energy to a consideration of its functional properties. Certainly many of the "practitioners" are as unhappy as Astin over the uncertainties involved, but fortunately, unlike Astin they have not washed their hands of the "bothersome business" of outcome or process. The first issue that needs attention is his opening sentence. Unfortunately, here he gives no reference to indicate how long we have been about the business of attempting to formulate rigorously any test hypotheses about the therapy relationship within that situation itself and in the laboratory as well. The second and final point the current author makes is that it is unnecessary to answer Astin's article point by point. It would be more fruitful to look at the term "psychotherapy" and see in what way he may not have attended to what is perhaps the most important part of the problem he raises. That is, what does it mean to condemn "psychotherapy" when there are so many meanings attached to it, all applied by men of general good will who do intend to "provide a service to troubled people." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in the original article by D. W. Mackinnon (American Psychologist, 1962, Vol 17[7], 484-495. The last sentence of the fourth paragraph, page 487, should read as follows: "The mean rating of creativity for each of the three groups-the ratings having been made on a seven-point scale..." (The following abstract of this article originally appeared in record 1963-04959-001): "Creativity... is a process extended in time and characterized by originality, adaptiveness, and realization." Except for mathematicians "where there is a low positive correlation between intelligence and the level of creativeness, we have found within our creative samples essentially zero relationship between the two variables." A research study of the characteristics and background of creative architects is extensively discussed. Implications of the nature of creative talent for the nurturing of it in school and college through the processes of education are considered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in the December 1968 issue of American Psychologist. On page 879, a presentation by Lorraine Nadelman, entitled, "Training Laboratories in Developmental Psychology," (see record 1969-09498-001) was omitted in the Paper Session chaired by Lawrence E. Murphy, "Innovations in the Teaching of Psychology." In the same issue, on pages 926-927, there is an omission in the list of Presidential Addresses. There should also be: PHILIP ASH, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle. The Parties to the Grievance. Stanley K. Seashore, University of Michigan, Chairman. (Division 14.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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