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This article presents a system to automatically generate compact explosion diagrams. Inspired by handmade illustrations, our approach reduces the complexity of an explosion diagram by rendering an exploded view only for a suitable subset of the assemblies of an object. However, the exploded views are chosen so that they allow inferring the remaining unexploded assemblies of the entire 3D model. In particular, our approach demonstrates the assembly of a set of identical groups of parts by presenting an exploded view only for a single representative. In order to identify the representatives, our system automatically searches for recurring subassemblies. It selects representatives depending on a quality evaluation of their potential exploded view. Our system takes into account visibility information of both the exploded view of a potential representative as well as visibility information of the remaining unexploded assemblies. This allows rendering a balanced compact explosion diagram, consisting of a clear presentation of the exploded representatives as well as the unexploded remaining assemblies. Since representatives may interfere with one another, our system furthermore optimizes combinations of representatives. The optimization process also generates good views on the explosion diagram. Labels are added to the explosion diagram to increase the visibility of small or occluded parts. Throughout this article, we show a number of examples, which all have been rendered from unmodified 3D CAD data.  相似文献   

This paper argues that existing definitions of viewpoints in software engineering are inadequate for requirements engineering (RE). The ESPRIT 6353 NATURE basic research action proposes an alternative definition which recognises that viewpoints are social artefacts within the RE process. It also proposes novel computational mechanisms for analysing different viewpoints as a basis for more informed negotiation between viewpoint owners. This paper reports important aspects of this research and outlines an agenda for future research in multiperspective RE.This work was conducted when the author was with the Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research of Technology-Hellas  相似文献   

对于深海水下摄影,由于相机平移和旋转,图像对应关系很难自动生成,因此需对应点映射来求解图像间的变换。本文通过摄像机自身所带仪器,测量摄像机焦点和任意物点所在位置,得出不同图像中相同物点所对应的像点。对于两幅图像的映射关系,原理上讲,一般输入三组对应点即可,但考虑到误差和相关性等因素,输入较多的对应点,对所求结果进行优化。将一幅图像映射到另一幅图像所在平面,对两幅图像进行平滑拼接。最后给出计算机实验结果。  相似文献   

对于深海水下摄影,由于相机平移和旋转,图像对应关系很难自动生成,因此需对应点映射来求解图像间的变换.本文通过摄像机自身所带仪器,测量摄像机焦点和任意物点所在位置,得出不同图像中相同物点所对应的像点.对于两幅图像的映射关系,原理上讲,一般输入三组对应点即可,但考虑到误差和相关性等因素,输入较多的对应点,时所求结果进行优化.将一幅图像映射到另一幅图像所在平面,对两幅图像进行平滑拼接.最后给出计算机实验结果.  相似文献   

目前的多透视拼接算法存在两点局限:1)需要大量源视点以保证足够多的拼接切片可以提取;2)视点方向应与水平运动方向垂直以模拟与场景面的正交投影或视点旋转角度较小以实现最小扭曲拼接。这两点很大程度上限制了多视点拼接的应用。为此,提出一个基于稀疏可旋转视点的多透视拼接算法。该算法采取两步走的策略,即:虚拟变换和同步校正与配准,解决相邻视点成像时因与场景面不垂直而产生的不同程度透视变形以及视点因旋转角度变化而产生的重叠区域变化问题,实现稀疏可旋转视点图像拼接。实验结果表明该算法是有效的。  相似文献   

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《空中蛇患》;《不可征服》;《方糖》;《时间》;《龙虎门》;  相似文献   

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日常生活中人们分拣辨别不同种类的苹果需要消耗大量的人力物力,为解决这一问题,提出了一种基于多角度多区域特征融合的苹果图像分类方法。首先,收集五类总共329个苹果,使用手机摄像头从上面、下面和3个不同侧面共五个角度采集每个苹果的图像,每个图像裁剪若干个(1~9)区域块;其次,每个区域块用颜色直方图向量来表示,多个区域块的直方图向量通过首尾相连进行融合,以此生成一个图像的表示;最后,将得到的329个样本数据用12种分类器进行分类比较。实验结果表明,当多角度多区域图像特征融合时,分类效果总是好于单角度单区域,而且越多越好;当使用5个角度的图像,每个图像裁剪9个区域时,偏最小二乘(PLS)分类器的分类精度达到97.87%,好于深度学习。所提方法操作简单、精度较高,算法复杂度为4n,n为图像裁剪区域块总数,可以推广成手机应用,并应用到更多水果和植物图像分类上。  相似文献   

《幽灵骑士》;《电灯泡》;《德州链锯杀人狂前传》;《加勒比海盗2:亡灵的宝藏》;《迈阿密风云》;[编者按]  相似文献   

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V字仇杀队;隔山有眼;雏菊;冰河时代2;天生一对;[编者按]  相似文献   

针对信息检索领域特定类型实体的检索问题,在传统搜索引擎的基础上,提出一种基于多角度关联模型的实体检索方法,综合运用实体名识别(NER)、文本向量、关联规则等技术以及Wikipedia、Stanford NER等工具,并在TREC2010实体检索项目中进行评测。实验结果表明,与基于BM25和贝叶斯模型的检索方法相比,该方法的nDCG@R值平均提高11.49%和18.09%。  相似文献   

为解决现有电商水军特征模型对文化产品水军识别不足以及单一分类器识别精度不高的问题,提出面向文化产品水军的多视角特征表达与识别模型.根据文化产品具有丰富的语义性、严格的时效性以及网络交互性等3个特点,从内容、行为、属性3个视角提出了评论主题相似度、平均有用度、行为关联性、兴趣关联性、平均评价积极度和综合质量评价等特征.将...  相似文献   

当DVD按需制造规范出现之后,Dan Daley发现了很多东西,而光盘将继续扮演一个很重要的角色。  相似文献   

机载组合导航系统实际导航性能计算方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙淑光  戴博  张鹏 《控制工程》2011,18(2):262-266
机载组合导航系统的实际导航性能计算是民航实施基于性能的导航(PBN)的关键技术,PBN要求机载组合导航系统能够利用相关数据实现其自身实际导航性能的实时评估计算,从而达到高可靠性要求下的缩小航路间隔,提高空域利用的目的.提出了机载组合导航系统实际导航性能实时计算评估的方法.通过分割卡尔曼滤波器的协方差矩阵获取位置误差矩阵...  相似文献   

Assignment of Movies to Heterogeneous Video Servers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A video-on-demand (VOD) system provides an electronic video rental service to geographically distributed users. It can adopt multiple servers to serve many users concurrently. As a VOD system is being used and evolved, its servers probably become heterogeneous. For example, if a new server is added to expand the VOD system or replace a failed server, the new server may be faster with a larger storage size. This paper investigates how to assign movies to heterogeneous servers in order to minimize the blocking probability. It is proven that this assignment problem is NP-hard, and a lower bound is derived on the minimal blocking probability. The following approach is proposed for assignment: 1) problem relaxation—a relaxed assignment problem is formulated and solved to determine the ideal load that each server should handle, and 2) goal programming—an assignment and reassignment are performed iteratively while fulfilling all the constraints so that the load handled by each server is close to the ideal one. This approach is generic and applicable to many assignment problems. This approach is adopted to design two specific algorithms for movie assignment with and without replication. It is demonstrated that these algorithms can find optimal or close-to-optimal assignments.  相似文献   

The paper presents a method for multi- perspective enterprise modeling (MEMO) and a corresponding (meta-) modeling environment. An extensive analysis of requirements for enterprise modeling serves to motivate and assess the method. The method is based on an elaborate conception of multi-perspective enterprise models and on an extensible language architecture. The language architecture is comprised of a meta modeling language and an extensible set of integrated domain-specific modeling languages (DSML). The DSML are supplemented with process models and with guidelines for their reflective use. The corresponding modeling environment integrates editors for various DSML into multi-language model editors. It includes a meta model editor which enables the convenient use, development and extension of the set of supported DSML and supports the generation of respective graphical model editors. Thus, it also serves as a foundation for method engineering. MEMO covers both software engineering as well as social, managerial and economic aspects of the firm. The presentation of MEMO is supplemented with a comparative overview of other approaches to enterprise modeling. The paper concludes bys summarizing fundamental technical, epistemological and political challenges for enterprise modeling research and discusses potential paths for future research.  相似文献   

GPS-denied aerial flight is a challenging research problem and requires knowledge of complex elements from several distinct disciplines. Additionally, aerial vehicles can present challenging constraints such as stringent payload limits and fast vehicle dynamics. In this paper we propose a new architecture to simplify some of the challenges that constrain GPS-denied aerial flight. At the core, the approach combines visual graph-SLAM with a multiplicative extended Kalman filter. More importantly, for the front end we depart from the common practice of estimating global states and instead keep the position and yaw states of the MEKF relative to the current node in the map. This relative navigation approach provides simple application of sensor measurement updates, intuitive definition of map edges and covariances, and the flexibility of using a globally consistent map when desired. We verify the approach with hardware flight-test results.  相似文献   

Imprecise Navigation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Conventional models of navigation commonly assume a navigation agents location can be precisely determined. This paper examines the more general case, where an agents actual location cannot be precisely determined. This paper develops a formal model of navigation under imprecision using a graph. Two key strategies for dealing with imprecision are identified and defined: contingency and refinement. A contingency strategy aims to find an instruction sequence that maximizes an agents chances of reaching its destination. A refinement strategy aims to use knowledge gained as an agent moves through the network to disambiguate location. Examples of both strategies are empirically tested using a simulation with computerized navigation agents moving through a road network at different levels of locational imprecision. The results of the simulation indicate that both the strategies, contingency and refinement, applied individually can produce significant improvements in navigation performance under imprecision, at least at relatively fine granularities. Using both strategies in concert produced significant improvements in performance across all granularities.  相似文献   

联想宽屏滑盖手机S90是联想再次重磅推出的一款"乐"手机,在其领先的2.9寸高清宽屏上,更加强调了媲美DVD效果的流畅视频播放功能,充分贴合了现代年轻人随时深度娱乐的需求.……  相似文献   

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