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An analytic technique to determine the parasitic inductances, source resistance, and drain resistance of the FET equivalent circuit is presented in this paper. The method exploits the frequency dependence of the extracted circuit parameters to determine the parasitic inductances and drain resistance from S-parameters measured over frequency for one active bias condition. Given a value for the parasitic gate resistance R g, all of the other equivalent-circuit parameters are uniquely extracted. The method is fast and robust, making it suitable for in-line statistical process tracking, as well as device modeling. A process tracking example for a 12-wafer 1864-device sample and FET modeling results up to 40 GHz are also presented 相似文献
A simple analytical method to determine the maximum field, outside field and excess voltage of a stable domain is put forward for any values of the carrier concentration, sample length and bias. This method provides good agreement with the exact solutions, for both stable-domain and transient processes in Gunn diodes. 相似文献
An interconnect model, using the equivalent circuits derived from either the recursive or the nonrecursive evaluations of the convolution integral, is presented to show how arbitrary terminations can be efficiently handled in the high-frequency simulation environment. To achieve robustness in the recursive case, the impulse response is partitioned and Prony's method is applied to extract the exponentials. With the experimental data provided by scattering parameters, the model can be formulated for nonuniform lines, MCM connectors, etc. The equivalent circuit comprises of physically realizable elements available in general-purpose circuit simulators such as SPICE, and simulation performance for several case studies shows the applicability of this model to high-frequency circuit simulation and design. 相似文献
《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》1982,3(12):360-362
An accurate and simple method to determine channel length and parasitic drain/source series resistance is presented. This method is based on measured data of two identical devices with different channel lengths. Because of its simplicity, the technique is suitable for use in automatic parameter testing systems. 相似文献
基于太阳电池光生电流远大于反向饱和电流、并 联电阻远大于串联电阻以及光生电流 近似等于负的短路电流3个边界条件,结合太阳电池在短路点、开路点和最大功率点处的极值 表述, 提出了一种解析求解太阳电池光生电流、反向饱和电流、理想因子、并联电阻和串联电阻5个电性参 数的方法,并研究了方法的特点。通过与文献实验数据的对比表明,本文方法不仅具有正确 性,而且 适用于各种条件下的各种类型电池;通过实验表明,本文方法具有较高的计算精 度和速度,误差在2%以下,时间小于0.2s。 相似文献
《Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on》1998,11(2):204-210
A simple, accurate method of measuring interconnect capacitances is presented. The test structure has excellent resolution, needs only DC measurements, and is compact enough for scribe-line implementation. These qualities make it suitable for measurement-based, interconnect capacitance characterization in a comparable fashion to current characterization efforts for MOSFET devices. The entire characterization scheme is demonstrated for a production 0.5 μm, three-level metal technology. The method not only provides an accurate assessment of actual capacitance variation but provides valuable feedback on the variability of physical parameters such as interlevel dielectric (ILD) thickness and drawn width reductions for process control as well 相似文献
Chung-Hwan Kim Kyung-Sik Yoon Jeon-Wook Yang Jin-Hee Lee Chul-Soon Park Jae-Jin Lee Kwang-Eui Pyun 《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1998,46(9):1242-1250
A new method is proposed to determine bias-dependent source resistances for GaAs field-effect transistors (FET's). This method, which is a cold-FET measurement technique, utilizes the relations between the real part of the two-port impedances transformed from the measured S-parameters and their algebraic derivatives. It is based on the fact that the algebraic derivatives of the two-port resistances result in the simple form at the normal cold-FET condition. A bias-independent gate resistance is extracted at the pinched-off cold-FET condition to fulfill necessary and sufficient conditions in extraction. The proposed method is a direct measurement because only algebraic calculation is required, and it is general enough to need only one assumption of the laterally symmetric channel-doping profile. The deleterious results of dispersion (frequency dependence) and negative value in source resistances at the pinched-off cold-FET condition are explained by the effects of the leakage current and the on-wafer pad parasitics, respectively. The problem of deviation of α21 and α12 from 0.5 at the normal cold-FET condition is also resolved by deembedding the on-wafer pad parasitics. This method allows one to extract bias-dependent source resistances for GaAs FET's 相似文献
An efficient approach for power delivery network design with closed-form expressions for parasitic interconnect inductances 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Chen Wang Jingkun Mao Selli G. Shaofeng Luan Lin Zhang Jun Fan Pommerenke D.J. DuBroff R.E. Drewniak J.L. 《Advanced Packaging, IEEE Transactions on》2006,29(2):320-334
Investigation of a dc power delivery network, consisting of a multilayer PCB using area fills for power and return, involves the distributed behavior of the power/ground planes and the parasitics associated with the lumped components mounted on it. Full-wave methods are often employed to study the power integrity problem. While full-wave methods can be accurate, they are time and memory consuming. The cavity model of a rectangular structure has previously been employed to efficiently analyze the simultaneous switching noise (SSN) in the power distribution network. However, a large number of modes in the cavity model are needed to accurately simulate the impedance associated with the vias, leading to computational inefficiency. A fast approach is detailed herein to accelerate calculation of the summation associated with the higher-order modes. Closed-form expressions for the parasitics associated with the interconnects of the decoupling capacitors are also introduced. Combining the fast calculation of the cavity models of regularly shaped planar circuits, a segmentation method, and closed-form expressions for the parasitics, an efficient approach is proposed herein to analyze an arbitrary shaped power distribution network. While it may take many hours for a full-wave method to do a single simulation, the proposed method can generally perform the simulation with good accuracy in several minutes. Another advantage of the proposed method is that a SPICE equivalent circuit of the power distribution network can be derived. This allows both frequency and transient responses to be done with SPICE simulation. 相似文献
In this paper, we present the results of optimizing interconnect parameters to satisfy chip-level targets in future device generations. The optimization approach used is based on existing system-level models and can optimize the number of wire levels, speed, chip size, and power in sequence, with the optimization variables being all interconnect parameters such as pitches, thicknesses, etc. We also study the trade-offs resulting from various interconnect process limitations and choices. The findings of this study, in brief, are: 1) while the thickness of the interlayer dielectric (ILD) can be scaled without adverse effects on speed so that the hole aspect ratio is held constant at about 3.0 across generations, it is important to provide extremely thick ILD films in excess of 4 pm in the upper wire levels, 2) while the maximum wire thickness can be safely held to about 2 μm in the upper wire levels, extremely thin wires of less than 0.1 pm thickness will soon be needed in the lower wire levels to reduce capacitance, 3) while wire resistivity reduction is desirable it is much more important to reduce the ILD dielectric constant aggressively, and 4) chip size constraints can impact the speed extremely and need to considered carefully. These results can be used to construct an optimal interconnect technology roadmap and can be an invaluable aid in guiding interconnect process development 相似文献
Jin He Xing Zhang Yangyuan Wang Ru Huang 《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2001,22(12):597-599
A new method for the extraction of the MOSFET parameters is presented in this letter. The method, which relies on combining drain current and output conductance characteristics, enables reliable values of the threshold voltage Vth, mobility μ0 and the mobility attenuation coefficient &thetas; to be obtained. Extracted results have been shown in good agreement with that of the second-derivative method, showing the validity of our presented method 相似文献
The method extracting the electromagnetic parameters from scattering coefficients was studied in this paper. The Support Vector Machine (SVM) method is used to solve the inverse problem of parameters extraction. The mapping relationship is set up by calculating a large number of S parameters from the samples with different permittivity by using transmission line theory. The simulated data set is used as training data set for SVM. After the training, the SVM is used to predict the permittivity of material from the scattering coefficients. 相似文献
In this paper we present an efficient structural approach for diagnosing board interconnects using boundary-scan. Whereas existing diagnosis approaches assume only wired-AND or wired-OR bridging fault model, we consider a more complex bridging short fault model in a CMOS circuit environment. The diagnostic test set is generated on the basis of graph theoretic technique and the adjacency fault model is adopted. By using the structural information of the wiring layout, the test length can be reduced. Both one-step and two-step diagnosis algorithms are given. They guarantee the complete diagnosis of multiple interconnect faults with no aliasing or confounding. The algorithms have been evaluated by simulation on several benchmark layouts and randomly generated layouts. Simulation results show that more than 50% reduction in the number of tests can be achieved for two-step diagnosis when the fault rate is very small, such as in a matured product line. This can significantly save the diagnosis cost for boundary-scan testing. 相似文献
The quad-tree based picture partition scheme in High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) results in a more substantial increase in computational complexity than those incurred by its predecessor video coding standards because of the need in this scheme to determine the best coding unit (CU) partitions. In this paper, we propose a method to effectively reduce the computational complexity of inter-prediction coding in the HEVC standard. The relative displacement of the largest coding unit (LCU) at the corresponding position between adjacent frames is tested through optical flow (motion estimation). The texture intensity of the LCU at the given time is tested if the condition that determines the coding depth in advance cannot be satisfied. The depth of the coding unit (CU) can be determined in advance beyond the xCompressCU function by using our proposed method, which does not require the calculation of the rate-distortion (RD) cost for each level of depth, and thus reduces the circular traversal times of the xCompressCU function. Experimental results proved that our proposed method is effective, as it reduced the computational complexity of an encoder by 53.2% on average, and had a slight influence on coding performance. 相似文献
A new method to extract diode parameters under the presence of parasitic series and shunt resistance
A simple method is presented for extracting the diode ideality factor and saturation current in the presence of significant series and parallel parasitic resistances. Additionally, the values of both resistances can be determined. The method is compared to conventional direct optimization, which fails when both resistances are simultaneously significant. 相似文献
Cheng-gang Xu Fiez T. Mayaram K. 《IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. I, Regular papers》2004,51(6):1223-1233
In this paper, a new formulation for the extraction of substrate parasitics is derived that can account for the nonuniform current distribution on contacts without contact subdivision. This method is orders of magnitude faster than the original Green's function method. The speedup is achieved by a significantly reduced matrix size combined with the application of the discrete sine transform. The method is accurate, and is well suited for large problems. 相似文献
In this paper it is estimated an influence of parasitic parameters of elements in converters of different topologies on a spectral components of conducted electromagnetic interference. Scalability of obtained results allows to estimate expected levels of electromagnetic interferences (EMI) from considered converters types, and hence, develop more efficient interference-suppression filters (ISF) for switching-type power supplies (STPS) with less development cost. Results are obtained for frequency band of 0–30 MHz. 相似文献
The Kramers-Kronig transform is used to calculate the phase of a reflection coefficient once the frequency dependence of its magnitude is measured. The calculated values agree quite satisfactorily with the measured results, thus making it feasible to use this method in practice to determine microwave phase. 相似文献
《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》1985,6(3):109-110
A brief review of a recent paper [1] describing a method to electrically determine the effective channel length is presented. The method uses a simplifying approximation. By defining some new terms this application can be avoided leading to a new method. Finally, data is presented comparing the two methods for MOSFET's clearly violating the approximation and exemplifying the general applicability of the new method. 相似文献
An optical holographic backplane interconnect system capable of high-speed information transmission between optoelectronic transmitter/receiver boards is described. Using conjugate pairs of transmission gratings in a folded reflection geometry, a practical method of insulating the interconnect system from wavelength variations due to temperature or power fluctuations can be achieved. The final demonstration unit was developed in a fully packaged form and has the potential for reconfigurable interconnects and may serve as a testbed for a variety of interconnect networks and hardware protocols 相似文献
为了提高语音信号的识别率。提出了一种改进的LPCC参数提取方法。该方法先对语音信号进行预加重、分帧加窗处理。然后进行小波分解,在此基础上提取LPCC参数,从而构成新向量作为每帧信号的特征参数。最后采用高斯混合模型(GMM)进行说话人语音识别,实验表明新特征参数取得了较好的识别率。 相似文献