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F. O. Riemelmoser R. Pippan 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》1997,20(11):1529-1540
Abstract— In recent literature it is asserted that the concept of crack closure in fatigue fracture mechanics is not capable of explaining fatigue crack growth behaviour. The reasons given are that both asperity induced crack closure and plasticity induced crack closure should be either negligible or non-existent. We have re-considered these hypotheses since their correctness would completely change the established picture of fatigue crack growth. In order to get mathematically tractable systems the present studies are confined to long cracks loaded in mode I. The results suggest that in case of asperity induced crack closure the proposed hypothesis is only true in special cases and the demonstration of the non-existence of plasticity induced crack closure is proved to be wrong. 相似文献
A surface crack penetrating the interface between a presstressd hard coating and a substrate is analysed in terms of linear fracture mechanics in order to assess the fatigue properties of such a composite. Assuming Paris law, fatigue crack growth rate allows the determination of safe regimes, where a crack always experiences closure. 相似文献
带中心孔的钛合金扩散连接层合板裂纹扩展特性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了研究含孔TC4钛合金扩散连接层合板的裂纹扩展行为,进行了含ϕ6中心孔的8mm厚单层板材、三层(3+2+3)扩散连接层合板和三层(3+2+3)含ϕ12止焊区扩散连接层合板的疲劳对比试验,试验中施加标识载荷,通过断口判读裂纹形态和尺寸,得到裂纹扩展(a,N)数据,建立了裂纹扩展da/dN-a曲线,对单层板、层合板和止焊层合板的裂纹扩展行为和规律进行了对比。结果表明:单层板出现规则的半椭圆形孔壁裂纹;层合板由于存在层合界面的影响,出现不规则的半椭圆孔壁裂纹;而止焊层合板以角裂纹为主,裂纹扩展过程分为三阶段;三类试件的da/dN-a曲线可用双对数线性关系描述;三层板的裂纹扩展特性不弱于单层板;止焊层合板的裂纹扩展性能有明显改善,提高了含孔层板的损伤容限特性。 相似文献
Wu Newman Zhao Swain Ding & Phillips 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》1998,21(11):1289-1306
The small crack effect was investigated in two high-strength aluminium alloys: 7075-T6 bare and LC9cs clad alloy. Both experimental and analytical investigations were conducted to study crack initiation and growth of small cracks. In the experimental program, fatigue tests, small crack and large crack tests were conducted under constant amplitude and Mini-TWIST spectrum loading conditions. A pronounced small crack effect was observed in both materials, especially for the negative stress ratios. For all loading conditions, most of the fatigue life of the SENT specimens was shown to be crack propagation from initial material defects or from the cladding layer. In the analysis program, three-dimensional finite element and weight function methods were used to determine stress intensity factors and to develop SIF equations for surface and corner cracks at the notch in the SENT specimens. A plasticity-induced crack-closure model was used to correlate small and large crack data, and to make fatigue life predictions. Predicted crack-growth rates and fatigue lives agreed well with experiments. A total fatigue life prediction method for the aluminium alloys was developed and demonstrated using the crack-closure model. 相似文献
T. J. Nykänen 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》1996,19(1):99-109
Abstract— A single-crack evolution model with eight degrees of freedom and an isotropic Paris law constant was used to simulate fatigue crack growth at the surface of a plate, and from the toe of a transverse non-load-bearing fillet weld in a T-joint. A planar crack was assumed. In the simulated cases fatigue cracks usually propagate through the plate thickness under the dominant effect of the mode I stress system. The crack front shape was modelled as a broken line. The straight sided crack tip elements were tangential to the direction of an initial elliptical crack front. It was found that the simple eight degrees of freedom model performed well and the predicted aspect ratio development was in good agreement with experimental data. 相似文献
本文研究了一种新型结构复合材料玻璃纤维-Al 混杂复合层板(Glass Aluminum Laminates,GLALL)在不同外载荷作用下的疲劳裂缝扩展行为,以及疲劳破坏规律。试验发现,由于未断高强度纤维对裂缝的桥接作用降低了裂缝尖端的有效应力场强度因子,GLALL 的疲劳裂缝扩展速率远低于单一Al 合金。伴随 Al 合金层内疲劳裂缝的扩展,GLALL 疲劳裂缝附近区域会产生脱层破坏,脱层区宽度随外加载荷增大而增大。脱层区宽度越小,纤维对疲劳裂缝的桥接作用越强。 相似文献
B. TOMKINS 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》1996,19(11):1295-1300
This paper describes the early work directed to understanding fatigue crack growth behaviour and the seminal role played by Regis Pelloux, at both the Boeing Aircraft Co and MIT, and other researchers in various parts of the world. From this beginning, fatigue life assessment procedures for engineering components and structures developed and still continues. 相似文献
The practical applications of studies related to constant amplitude mode I loading are somewhat limited in situations where more than one mode exists. So, criteria, rules and laws for these situations have to be validated with experiments. This paper extends previous results by the authors for mixed-mode I and II fatigue loading. An effective stress intensity factor range which considers crack closure and crack surface interference is described for the analysis of a crack under mixed-mode I and II fatigue loadings, and this factor is assessed from experimental results. 相似文献
该文以跨尺度应变能密度因子作为裂纹扩展的控制参量, 建立了跨尺度疲劳裂纹扩展模型。疲劳破坏全过程可用该模型进行统一描述, 而不必划分成疲劳裂纹形成与扩展两个不同阶段, 采用不同的理论分别进行分析。以LY12 铝合金板为例, 采用上述模型, 精确拟合出不同循环特征下的S-N试验曲线。当考虑材料微结构的影响时, 疲劳试验数据的发散性也可拟合出来。研究表明:材料初始缺陷及微结构在疲劳过程中的演化特性, 对于构件的疲劳寿命有显著影响, 是疲劳试验数据发散的主要原因。 相似文献
K. Shiozawa Y. Tohda S-M. Sun 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》1997,20(2):237-247
Abstract— Fatigue strength, crack initiation and small crack growth behaviour in two kinds of squeeze-cast aluminium alloys, AC8A-T6 and AC4C-T6 were investigated using smooth specimens subjected to rotatary-bending fatigue at room temperature. Fatigue resistance of these alloys was almost the same as that of the wrought aluminium alloys because of their fine microstructure and of the decrease in defect size due to squeeze-casting. Fatigue crack initiation sites were at the eutectic silicon particles on the surface of specimens or at internal microporosity in the specimens. Crack initiation life, defined as a crack length of 50 μm on the specimen surface, was successfully estimated from an evaluation of initiation sites using fracture mechanics and the statistics of extrema. Small fatigue crack growth in the two kinds of alloys obeys the relation proposed by Nisitani et al. , namely that d(2c)/d N = C (σa /σB )n · (2 c ), where C is a constant and σB is the ultimate tensile strength. It is pointed out that an improvement in fatigue strength of cast aluminium alloys can be expected by refining the eutectic silicon rather than by an increase in static strength. 相似文献
管节点表面裂纹疲劳扩展的数值模拟 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
本文采用线弹簧单元与ADINA程序结合计算了表面裂纹在交变载荷作用下的应力强度因子,首次提出了预埋线弹簧单元法模拟表面裂纹疲劳扩展,并发展了相应的技术和软件。 相似文献
M. M. I. Hammouda B. M. El-Sehily E. R. De Los Rios 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》1996,19(4):475-484
Abstract— The behaviour of physical short mode I cracks under constant amplitude cyclic loading was investigated both numerically and experimentally. A dynamic two-dimensional elastic-plastic finite element technique was utilised to simulate cyclic crack tip plastic deformation. Different idealisations were investigated. Both stationary and artificially advanced long and short cracks were analysed. A parameter which characterises the plastically deformed crack tip zone, the strain field generated within that zone and the opening and closure of the crack tip were considered. The growth of physically short mode I cracks under constant amplitude fully reversed fatigue loading was investigated experimentally using conventional cast steel EN-9 specimens. Based on a numerical analysis, a crack tip deformation parameter was devised to correlate fatigue crack propagation rates. 相似文献
G Rosenberg 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》1998,21(6):727-739
The effect of microstructure on the fatigue properties of Ti–6Al–2.5Mo–1.5Cr alloy was investigated. The experimental results for both the fatigue crack initiation and propagation behaviour, as well as the dynamic fracture toughness ( K Id ) showed clearly that a lamellar microstructure is superior to two other structures. It was found that, as in the case of steels, the initiation and subsequent growth of cracks in the titanium specimens with a sharp notch may also occur on loading levels below the threshold values of the K factor (Δ K th ) determined for long fatigue cracks. In addition, measurements by interferential-contrast of the plastic zone size on the surface of specimens revealed that the different rate of crack growth at identical values of Δ K in individual structural states can roughly be correlated with the size of the plastic zone. A general relationship between the fatigue crack growth rate and plastic zone size, the modulus of elasticity and the role of crack tip shielding is discussed. 相似文献