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Sibling species pairs of sweat bees (Halictus confusus and H. tumulorum) and pine sawflies (Neodiprion pratti and N. maurus) were surveyed for genetic variability using enzyme electrophoresis. Levels of heterozygosity were found to be within the ranges earlier recorded for Hymenoptera. Expected heterozygosities were not significantly higher in the sawflies than in the sweat bees. Estimates of genetic identity between the sibling species were not lower than those generally found for diplodiploid insect species: no evidence was found for an increased rate of evolution in these haplodiploids. Genetic identity data among populations of H. confusus and between Halictus species were within the range expected for conspecific populations and sibling species, respectively. In Neodiprion all genetic distances were low but the two populations of N. pratti had similar genetic distances as each did to N. maurus, indicating the necessity for further systematic studies of the genus.  相似文献   

The chromosomal determination of interspecific differences in mating behavior was studied in the interfertile pair, Drosophila arizonensis and Drosophila mojavensis, by means of chromosomal substitutions. Interspecific crossing over was avoided by crossing hybrid males to parental females, and identification of the origin of each chromosome in backcrossed hybrids was possibly by means of allozyme markers. It was found that male mating behavior is controlled by factors located in the PGM-marked chromosome (which, in other Drosophila species, is part of the X chromosome) and in the Y chromosome. The other chromosomes influence male sexual behavior through their interactions with each other and with the PGM-marked chromosome, but their overall effect is minor. Female mating behavior is controlled by factors located in the ODH-marked and AMY-marked chromosomes, with the other chromosomes exercising a small additive effect. Hence, the two sex-specific behaviors are under different genetic control. Cytoplasmic origin has no effect on the mating behavior of either sex. There appears to be no correlation between a chromosome's structural diversity (i.e., amounts of inversion polymorphism within a species or numbers of fixed inversions across species) and its contribution to sexual isolation. These findings are in general agreement with those from similar Drosophila studies and may not be specific to the species studied here.  相似文献   

Siblings’ risky attitudes toward sex and pregnancy and risky sexual behavior were studied in 1583 dyads from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. We tested moderators of the links between 2 siblings’ reports of sexual risk as well as mediators of the links between siblings’ genetic similarity and similarity in their sexual risk. Siblings’ sexual risk reports were correlated, and consistent with social learning predictions, associations were stronger between siblings with close relationships and in same-gender dyads and, to a lesser extent, between more genetically similar siblings and those closer in age. Consistent with behavior genetics’ hypotheses about gene–environment correlations, similarity in family warmth and sibling relationship closeness mediated associations between siblings’ genetic similarity and similarity in their sexual risk. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We describe a riboprinting strategy for identifying and distinguishing among sibling species in the Tetrahymena pyriformis complex. It involves use of the polymerase chain reaction to amplify a large segment of the nuclear ribosomal DNA and internal transcribed spacers, and digestion of this DNA with restriction enzymes. Unique restriction fragment length patterns or haplotypes were then used to distinguish species into: (1) six taxa that were identifiable to the species level, (2) eight taxa that were separated into four pairs, and (3) a group of eight taxa that were identical to each other. The latter result indicates that a more variable molecule is needed to distinguish the most closely related species in the complex. There was no intraspecific variation between two strains from one species (Tetrahymena thermophila) nor among multiple isolates from another species (Tetrahymena empidokyrea). This approach provides an alternative to traditional techniques for identifying T. pyriformis species that require living reference specimens and/or that reveal high levels of intraspecific variation.  相似文献   

Used Monte Carlo techniques to generate sampling distributions of the correlation coefficient between 2 variables, each measured by 2 quantitative models of the randomized response technique (RRT)—the additive constants model and the unrelated question model. As expected, the RRT models yielded less statistically efficient estimates of the population correlation coefficient, and inefficiency increased as the population correlation increased. Comparisons of efficiency between the 2 models favored the additive constants model for constants less than certain limiting values. (13 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We have investigated 67 patients with proven Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD) using a standard protocol including a detailed history and a functional and clinical examination. Our aim was to define the natural history of the disease in a large cohort of patients in the light of the diagnostic methods now available. In all patients with or without an X-linked family history, the diagnosis was confirmed by the identification of a deletion or other abnormality in the dystrophin gene, and abnormal dystrophin on immunoblotting and immunocytochemistry of muscle biopsy samples. In graphs of functional and muscle score against age, two groups of patients emerged. In the larger group the disease was milder and patients remained ambulant into their forties or beyond. A smaller group had more severe disease with a slightly earlier onset, much earlier loss of ambulation, more frequent abnormal electrocardiographic findings and much lower reproductive fitness. The relationship of these clinical findings to the genetic and protein abnormalities found in the patients is explored in the accompanying paper.  相似文献   

C8 deficiency is associated with an increased susceptibility to neisserial infections. We present a case of an 11 year old boy who suffered from infection with Neisseria meningitidis. Medical history of the patient and his family (n = 5) did not indicate any previous immunodeficiency symptoms. Results from the analysis of phagocyte and lymphocyte functions were within the normal range. No hemolytic activities of the classical (CH50) and the alternative (APH50) pathways of complement were measurable, and SC5b-9 protein complexes could not be detected in the patient's plasma. Further analysis by highly sensitive ELISA and functional assays revealed a complete deficiency of C8. Upon the reconstitution with purified C8 total hemolytic activity could be restored. SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis established a deficiency of the C8 beta chain. Genetic analysis at the genomic DNA level demonstrated the common C-T mutation in exon 9 of the C8B gene. Family analysis presented the older sister with non-detectable function of C8 in serum, both parents with about half-normal C8 titres, and the younger sister with normal C8 function. The parents and both sisters were asymptomatic, although the older of the sisters presented with the same complete C8 beta-chain deficiency as the patient described. In conclusion: the common C-T mutation in the C8B genes is the genetic basis of C8 beta-chain deficiency in two members of this Bosnian family.  相似文献   

The surname distribution of the population of Switzerland was studied using a sample of 1,702,000 private users registered for the year 1994 in the Helvetic Telephone Directory. These users were distributed in four linguistic areas, in 26 Cantons and 271 Communes of the Confederation. Estimates of unbiased random isonymy, of Fisher's alpha, an indicator of abundance of surnames converging to the allele effective number in standard genetic polymorphisms, and of Karlin-McGregor's v, an indicator of immigration rates, were calculated for each Commune, each Canton, each linguistic area and for the whole Confederation. The Commune with the highest value of alpha was Geneva (alpha = 5312) followed by Versoix (3713) and by the Communes of Vaud on the north shore of Lake Leman, Chavannes (3381), Montreux (3200), Nyon (3114) and Lausanne (3109). The Italian-speaking Communes of the Ticino were next. The lowest value (alpha = 29) was observed in Poschiavo, south of the Berninapass; alpha = 39 was observed in Einsiedeln (Schwyz); then Mels and Widnau (62 and 67, Canton of St Gallen), Frutingen in Bern (72), and Appenzell (80). Accordingly, the highest consanguinity values were observed in the Grisons and in the nucleus of the founding Cantons, while the lowest were observed in the Cantons of Geneva and Vaud, preferential areas of immigration to Switzerland from abroad. The effect of subdivision on isonymy is large at the Commune level, and decreases in Cantons and linguistic groups. French and Italian languages indicate minor, German and Romanisch major inbreeding.  相似文献   

This paper reviews concepts of multivariate statistical modeling via the logistic regression model, which has become very popular for modeling the relationship between a positive clinical outcome and a variety of predictor variables. The process is illustrated using a composite of data from three large prostate specific antigen based screening studies of prostate cancer.  相似文献   

The investigation of genetic interrelation between a number of Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla species with the use of different types of molecular-genetic markers (proteins, RAPD-PCR) were carried out. The marker-specific features of interspecific relations and their similarities on the groups of markers of both types were revealed. The distinctions between interspecies genetic relations and ones estimated from the phylogeny on the determined group of different types of markers were observed. It was supposed that these discrepancies may be related with common selection factors and involving this marker group in selection in some species.  相似文献   

"The present study set out to test hypotheses derived from the Adlerian theory of sibling relations… . Allies and Competitors were found to differ significantly in their goal-setting when the sib's performance was compared to S's own performance." From Psyc Abstracts 36:01:1FC13F. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

45 counselor trainees were rated by coached clients using the Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory and by trained judges using the Truax rating scales. Correlation coefficients between the measures of empathy, warmth, genuineness and the total scores were not significant at the .05 level. Reasons for the results are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Diggle (1988) described how the empirical semi-variogram of ordinary least squares residuals can be used to suggest an appropriate serial correlation structure in stationary linear mixed models. In this paper, this approach is extended to non-stationary models which include random effects other than intercepts, and will be applied to prostate cancer data, taken from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. A simulation study demonstrates the effectiveness of this extended variogram for improving the covariance structure of the linear mixed model used to describe the prostate data.  相似文献   

The effect of single allele substitutions into an isogenic background in Oregon-R inbred lines of Drosophila melanogaster on courtship and mating patterns has been studied. A comparison has been made between the white locus w, wco, we, the wild type w+, cn, bw, and cn bw to test the effect of eye pigmentation in influencing courtship and mating patterns. It was found that w, we, wco, cn, and bw females were more successful in mating than were wild-type and cn bw females, cn bw females being less successful than wild-type females. Also, w and cn bw males were equally successful in mating but less successful than wild-type males during the 20-min test period. The mutant males performed as well as the wild-type after courtship was initiated. The behavioral parameters measured were (1) courtship latency, the time from exposure of male to female until orientation; (2) mating speed, the time from beginning of orientation of male to female until successful copulation, and (3) copulation time.  相似文献   

The relevance of studies in dogs on regulatory testing of pesticides was examined retrospectively using data of 216 pesticides (acaricides, fungicides, growth regulators and hormones, herbicides, insecticides, molluscicides, nematicides, rodenticides, synergists for insecticides) submitted for regulatory purposes during the past 40 years to the Federal Institute of Health Protection of Consumers and Veterinary Medicine (BgVV), the competent national authority in Germany. At first the relevance of the no-observed-effect levels (NOEL) for safety assessment was evaluated for each chemical in 4-week (subacute), 13-week (subchronic) and 52/104-week (chronic) toxicity studies carried out on dogs, rats and mice. After subchronic and chronic application of fungicides the sensitivity of rats and dogs to the toxic chemicals was quite similar. However, the dog was generally a more sensitive species to toxic effects of insecticides than rat and mouse. On the other hand the NOEL was lower in the rat than the dog in chronic studies on herbicides. When the lowest-observed-effect level (LOEL) was evaluated in animal species, the dog was the most sensitive in approximately 15% of the studies. Mice were found to be the most sensitive species only in approximately 1% of the studies on 216 pesticides. Comparison of organ specific toxicity at the LOEL in subacute studies on fungicides and herbicides revealed a poor correlation of target-specific organ toxicity across species. However, in the subchronic and chronic studies (13 and 52/104 weeks) no significant differences in species-specific organ toxicity were observed in the three species rat, mouse and dog. The only exception were haematoxic effects in chronic studies on herbicides, which were more frequent in dogs (40%) than in rats and mice (20%). The results support the established concept that studies on dogs and rats are important for the safety assessment of pesticides, while studies on mice do not provide further information, except for detection of an oncogenic potential which is a further controversial issue. Further analysis of subacute, subchronic and chronic studies in dogs should reveal if all of the studies are essential for safety assessment of pesticides.  相似文献   

Many psychological experiments generate data that form multidimensional tables of frequencies. Although these tables are conventionally analyzed by such theoretical models as signal-detection theory, a direct and atheoretical analysis of the associations present in the data gives additional valuable information about the underlying detection processes. The present article demonstrates an application of these models to psychophysiological data, which provides an attractive compliment to the more usual signal-detection theory analysis. It is suggested that direct frequency analysis can investigate quite complicated patterns of association; furthermore, it allows approximate statistical test of specific hypotheses to be run. Thus, it provides a valuable adjunct to theoretical models. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

HLA-G is a nonclassical major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecule that is expressed only in the human placenta, suggesting that it plays an important role at the fetal-maternal interface. In rhesus monkeys, which have similar placentation to humans, the HLA-G orthologue is a pseudogene. However, rhesus monkeys express a novel placental MHC class I molecule, Mamu-AG, which has HLA-G-like characteristics. Phylogenetic analysis of AG alleles in two Old World primate species, the baboon and the rhesus macaque, revealed limited diversity characteristic of a nonclassical MHC class I locus. Gene trees constructed using classical and nonclassical primate MHC class I alleles demonstrated that the AG locus was most closely related to the classical A locus. Interestingly, gene tree analyses suggested that the AG alleles were most closely related to a subset of A alleles which are the products of an ancestral interlocus recombination event between the A and B loci. Calculation of the rates of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution at the AG locus revealed that positive selection was not acting on the codons encoding the peptide binding region. In exon 4, however, the rate of nonsynonymous substitution was significantly lower than the rate of synonymous substitution, suggesting that negative selection was acting on these codons.  相似文献   

Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a T-cell-regulated autoimmune disease in which a pathological autoantibody response is mounted against the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor of the neuromuscular junction. Our laboratory previously identified a T cell epitope, p195-212, derived from the human acetylcholine receptor alpha subunit, which triggered PBL to proliferate from about 70% of MG patients tested. p195-212 was also found to be an immunodominant T cell epitope in SJL mice and a cryptic epitope in C3H.SW mice. Inoculation of naive SJL mice with cells from a p195-212-specific syngeneic T cell line caused MG-related autoimmune manifestations in those mice. In these studies we analyzed TCR alpha and beta chain sequences used by T cell lines and clones from both high- and low-responder mouse strains in response to p195-212. T cell lines generated from either strain expressed single TCR V beta gene segments (V beta 17 in SJL mice and V beta 8 in C3H.SW mice). By deleting V beta 17-expressing T cells in p195-212-immunized SJL mice we established a T cell line that expressed the V beta 6 gene product, suggesting that SJL mice are not limited to using a single V beta gene segment in response to p195-212. In addition, we found that N- and/or C-terminal-truncated peptides of p195-212, presented under the same culture conditions to different clones bearing the same TCR alpha beta chain, could elicit very different proliferative responses from the clones. Thus, even within a constrained system, factors other than TCR sequence contribute to the differential stimulation of T cell responses.  相似文献   

Determined with Charles River rat pups in 3 experiments that terry-cloth texture, home odor, and the presence of siblings modulated Ss' ingestive behavior. Unlike warmth, which affected ingestion in pups until at least 15 days of age, the relative importance of other cues varied with age. At 3 days, ingestion was dependent on warmth but was not influenced by the other cues. At 6 days, texture and home odor enhanced ingestive behavior (intake, activity, mouthing, and probing), but the presence of siblings had no effect. Home odor or terry-cloth texture did not alter the ingestive behavior of 12-day-olds, but the presence of siblings enhanced milk intake. Thus, during development, the external sensory controls for ingestion became progressively more complex. Warmth served as a primary permissive cue for ingestion, but as Ss grew older, such other cues as odor, texture, or social stimuli also gained significance. (33 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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