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The monitoring of radon exposure at workplaces is of great importance. Up to now passive measurement systems have been used for the registration of radon gas. Recently an electronic radon gas personal dosemeter came onto the market as an active measurement system for the registration of radon exposure (DOSEman; Sarad GmbH, Dresden, Germany). In this personal monitor, the radon gas diffuses through a membrane into a measurement chamber. A silicon detector system records spectroscopically the alpha decays of the radon gas and of the short-lived progeny 218Po and 214Po gathered onto the detector by an electrical field. In this work the calibration was tested and a proficiency test of this equipment was made. The diffusion behaviour of the radon gas into the measurement chamber, susceptibility to thoron, efficiency, influence of humidity, accuracy and the detection limit were checked.  相似文献   

In 2008 the underground Karst Laboratory of Bossea Cave started research on radon exchange dynamics between bedrock, cave waters (main collector and percolations) and indoor underground atmosphere. Radon air concentrations, normally high, increase more and more during the collector's floods. An explanation of this is a radon-water solubilisation process more effective in flood events, because of a greater rock-water contact surface. Radon is then carried by water into the cave and released into the air. To verify this, continuous measurements of radon concentration are needed not only in the air, but also in the waters of the cave. So a new device for continuous radon monitoring in water was tested, connected to the AlphaGuard radon monitor. For the first 6 months of 2010, for different sections of the cave, the correlations between radon in the air, radon in the waters and the collector's stream flow fluctuations were presented and discussed.  相似文献   

During atmospheric thermal inversions, dew and hoarfrost concentrate gamma emitting radionuclides of the short-lived (222)Rn progeny ((214)Pb and (214)Bi), causing an increase in the total natural gamma background from the ground. To highlight this phenomenon, a volcanic zone of high (222)Rn flux was studied during the winter season 2010-11. High-specific short-lived radon progeny activities up to 122 Bq g(-1) were detected in hydrometeors forming at the earth's surface (ESHs), corresponding to a mean increase of up to 17 % of the normal gamma background value. A theoretical model, depending on radon flux from soil and predicting the radon progeny concentrations in hydrometeors forming at the ESHs is presented. The comparison between model and field data shows a good correspondence. Around nuclear power plants or in nuclear facilities that use automatic NaI or CsI total gamma spectroscopy systems for monitoring radioactive contamination, hydrometeors forming at the ESHs in sites with a high radon flux could represent a relevant source of false alarms of radioactive contamination.  相似文献   

The results obtained in different international intercomparisons on passive radon monitors have been analysed with the aim of identifying a suitable radon monitoring device for workplaces. From this analysis, the passive radon device, first developed for personal dosimetry in mines by the National Radiation Protection Board, UK (NRPB), has shown the most suitable set of characteristics. This radon monitor consists of a diffusion chamber, made of conductive plastic with less than 2 cm height, containing a CR-39 film (Columbia Resin 1939), as track detector. Radon detectors in workplaces may be exposed only during the working hours, thus requiring the storage of the detectors in low-radon zones when not exposed. This paper describes how this problem can be solved. Since track detectors are also efficient neutron dosemeters, care should be taken when radon monitors are used in workplaces, where they may he exposed to neutrons, such as on high altitude mountains, in the surroundings of high energy X ray facilities (where neutrons are produced by (gamma, n) reactions) or around high energy particle accelerators. To this end, the response of these passive radon monitors to high energy neutron fields has been investigated.  相似文献   

The construction of underground tunnels through radon-bearing rock poses a radiation health risk to tunnelling workers from exposure to radon gas and its radioactive decay products. This paper presents the development and practical application of a radon assessment strategy suitable for the measurement of radon in tunnelling work environments in Hong Kong. The assessment strategy was successfully evaluated on a number of underground railway tunnelling projects over a 3 y period. Radon measurements were undertaken using a combination of portable radon measurement equipment and track etch detectors (TEDs) deployed throughout the tunnels. The radon gas monitoring results were used to confirm that ventilation rates were adequate or identified, at an early stage, when further action to reduce radon levels was required. Exposure dose estimates based on the TED results showed that the exposure of tunnel workers to radon did not exceed 3 mSv per annum for the duration of each project.  相似文献   

Measurements of radon concentration in the underground low-level laboratory in Belgrade, Serbia with a discrete sampling (T=2 h) have been performed. From July 2008 to July 2010, the time-series analysis was carried out. Also, the simultaneous measurements of meteorological parameters (temperature, atmospheric pressure and relative humidity) in the laboratory were done. The simultaneous monitoring of these parameters shows the correlation between temporal variations of radon concentration and meteorological parameters. Also, the radon time-series analysis has been used to study the possible correlation between the anomalous behaviour of the radon concentration and the local seismicity.  相似文献   

A radon test facility for small animals was developed in order to increase the statistical validity of differences of the biological response in various radon environments. This paper illustrates the performances of that facility, the first large-scale facility of its kind in Japan. The facility has a capability to conduct approximately 150 mouse-scale tests at the same time. The apparatus for exposing small animals to radon has six animal chamber groups with five independent cages each. Different radon concentrations in each animal chamber group are available. Because the first target of this study is to examine the in vivo behaviour of radon and its effects, the major functions to control radon and to eliminate thoron were examined experimentally. Additionally, radon progeny concentrations and their particle size distributions in the cages were also examined experimentally to be considered in future projects.  相似文献   

The paper deals with one of the physical methods, which can be used for monitoring hydration of cementitious materials: the radon exhalation method. Experiments with two types of hydrating cement paste (made with water to cement ratios of 0.25 and 0.33) are described. The kinetics of shrinkage and hydration heat development are discussed. Different mechanisms influencing the radon exhalation rate E from cement and hydration products are considered. The initial E-values determined in the beginning of the tests were 0.01–0.02 mBq  kg−1 s−1 for the cement pastes made at water/cement ratios of 0.25 and 0.33, respectively. In 3 days both pastes showed E = 0.04 mBq  kg−1 s−1. However, the most important finding seems to be the dramatic increase of the radon exhalation rate up to the maximum observed a few hours after mixing with water (0.66 and 0.58 mBq  kg−1 s−1 for 0.25 and 0.33 pastes, respectively). This was registered in the radon chamber within the time period usually classified as set. The test results showed a strong correlation between radon exhalation rate and liberation of hydration heat. Peaks of the radon exhalation rate coincide with those of temperature measured on the surface of the cement paste. Analysis of the literature data shows that heating of the materials weakens physical adsorption of radon gas atoms on newly formed solid surfaces and can enhance the radon exhalation rate by several times. However, the performed experiment shows that the radon exhalation rate drastically increases (by dozens of times), and then decreases again. Such a dramatic growth can be explained by a synergy between temperature effect and two more phenomena: (a) intensive formation of microstructure with an extremely high specific surface area, when cement sets and while porosity is still high and (b) intensive flow of water, which traps radon from the newly formed solid surfaces of C-S-H and brings it to the sample surface, enhancing the radon flux.  相似文献   

The starting point of the Spanish experience in the study of High Background Radiation Areas is the development of a nationwide indoor radon survey carried out in 1988. This campaign, belonging to the first Spanish Radon Framework, consisted of approximately 2000 indoor radon measurements which represented a valuable basis to face rigorously the radon issue in Spain. Together but indepently from this survey, since 1991 the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council, the National Uranium Company and several Universities have developed the so-called MARNA project with the aim of estimating potential radon emission from external gamma dose rates, radium concentrations in soil and geological parameters. During the last decade, several regional surveys have also been conducted to determine exposure to natural sources of radiation in different highly populated background radiation areas. Among them, the surroundings of the village of Villar de la Yegua Town, located in the western province of Salamanca, is the most important area of Spain from a radiological point of view, with the highest indoor radon concentrations, of up to 15,000 Bq m(-3) being found there. Until now, the main result of the study in this area showed a geometric mean radon concentration of 818 Bq m(-3), which is 18 times higher than the national average. In this article, the results of the last survey, carried out in Villar de la Yegua during 2004 are summarised. A geometric mean radon concentration of 1356 Bq m(-3) was found. Dose estimation coming from radon inhalation is also shown.  相似文献   

Effective dose: a useful concept in diagnostic radiology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The long-term monitoring of soil radon variations was conducted at two reference sites in Ottawa. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a single soil radon survey could provide a representative soil radon characteristic of the site. Results showed that during the normal field survey period from June to September in Canada, a single field survey with multiple measurements of soil gas radon concentrations at a depth of 80 cm can characterise the soil radon level of a site within a deviation of +/-30%. Direct in situ soil permeability measurements exhibited, however, large variations even within an area of only 10 x 10 m(2). Considering such large variations and the weight of the equipment, soil permeability can be determined by direct measurements whenever possible or by other qualitative evaluation methods for sites that are hard to access with heavy equipment.  相似文献   

For this study, a geothermal area around Izmir-Dikili, located in the western part of Turkey, was chosen as a measuring site and the radon concentrations of environmental samples were determined. Indoor radon monitoring was performed for 3 months in dwellings located in different part of the region using passive CR-39 nuclear track detectors. The radon concentrations of water samples drawn from wells, municipal supplies, village fountains and spas in the area were measured using a liquid scintillation detector (Packard Tri-Carb 2770 TR/SL, A-277001). Soil samples collected from each location were analysed and (226)Ra concentrations were determined using a gamma ray spectrometer connected to an HPGe detector. Annual effective doses from radon inhalation and ingestion were calculated.  相似文献   

Since 2003, the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) has conducted annual interlaboratory comparisons for passive radon measuring devices in order to ensure the quality of these measurements. Passive radon devices which use solid state nuclear track detectors, electrets or activated charcoal can be tested. The exposures of radon devices are carried out in the radon calibration laboratory at BfS. Radon activity concentrations are traced back to the national standard, being established at the National Institute of Physics and Metrology (PTB). According to the national guideline, radon services which offer radon monitoring at workplaces have to participate in the intercomparisons and prove the suitability of their radon devices for the measurements.  相似文献   

Part of the action of the EURADOS working group (European Radiation Dosimetry Group) on "Harmonisation of Individual Monitoring in Europe" was to investigate how the results from personal dosemeters for external radiation, from monitoring for internal exposure and from workplace monitoring, can be combined into a complete and consistent system of individual monitoring. To facilitate this work, the "EURADOS questionnaire Q3" relating to radon and other natural sources of radiation in the workplace was distributed to relevant institutes across Europe. A total of 24 countries replied to the questionnaire. This study offers an important overview on actual regulations, national standards and reference levels for protection of employees from radon and other natural sources in different workplace scenarios. Information was also collected on individual monitoring and area monitoring to determine individual doses in workplaces with elevated levels of natural radiation. The article discusses in detail the results obtained showing by country the reference level in workplaces for radon gas and other natural sources. In both instances, exposures in mines, other underground workplaces, industry workplaces/waterworks, offices, schools and day-care homes were considered. The resultant data clearly indicate that there is a need for harmonisation among countries, not least in the areas of regulation and use of reference levels in the workplace.  相似文献   

The continual soil-gas radon concentration measurements are absolutely crucial for a reliable assessment of radon entry characteristics into the indoor building environment. For this purpose, a new detection system (a continuous monitor RM-3) was developed and tested. The detection principle of the monitoring device is based on an airflow ionisation chamber operating in a current mode. A comprehensive series of testing and calibration experiments have been carried out in a laboratory environment. An output signal of the device caused by the radon concentration in a sensitive detection volume significantly depends on a detector ventilation rate, the gas flow rate through the ionisation chamber. A set of calibration experiments was accomplished with the artificial radon source application and close circuit experimental arrangements. The system detection properties including applied experimental conditions and key results of pilot in situ measurements are reported in detail.  相似文献   

During the Sixth European Conference on Protection Against Radon at Home and at Work held in autumn 2010 in Prague, the first intercomparison of continuous radon and its short-lived decay product monitors was organised and held by the Natural Radiation Division of the National Radiation Protection Institute (NRPI) in Prague. Eight laboratories submitted eight continuous radon monitors, two electronic monitors, three passive integral systems based on charcoal and three continuous radon short-lived decay product monitors. The intercomparison included exposures to both the radon gas concentration and equivalent equilibrium radon concentration (EEC) under different ambient conditions similar to the ones in dwellings. In particular, the influence of the equilibrium factor F, unattached fraction of EEC f(p) and absolute air humidity were investigated. The results of the radon gas measurements were performed on a calibration level of about 8 kBq m(-3). The results of all monitors were compared with the reference NRPI monitor.  相似文献   

A new passive radon-thoron discriminative measurement system has been developed for monitoring radon and thoron individually. It consists of a 'couple' of passive integrating devices with a CR39 nuclear track detector (NTD). The experimental prototype is based on the application of a new concept of NTD instrument developed at ENEA, named Alpha-PREM, acronym of piston radon exposure meter, which allows controlling the detector exposure with a patented sampling technique (Int. Eu. Pat. and US Pat.). The 'twin diffusion chambers system' was based on two A-PREM devices consisting of the standard device, named NTD-Rn, and a modified version, named NTD-Rn/Tn, which was set up to improve thoron sampling efficiency of the diffusion chamber, without changing the geometry and the start/stop function of the NTD-Rn device. Coupling devices fitted on each device allowed getting a system, which works as a double-chamber structure when deployed at the monitoring position. In this paper both technical and physical aspects are considered.  相似文献   

One important requirement for accurate monitoring of radon in working environments, dwellings, and outdoors is to ensure that the measurement instrumentation is properly calibrated against a recognized standard. To achieve this goal, the U.S. Department of Interior Bureau of Mines (BoM) Radiation Laboratory has participated since 1983 in a program to establish international radon measurement standards. Originally sponsored by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the program is also sponsored by the International Atomic Energy Agency. While the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) radium solution ampules are acceptable to all participating laboratories as a primary standard, a method of transferring radon from the NIST source into each laboratory’s primary counting apparatus is a critical problem. The Bureau’s method transfers radon from the primary solution by bubbling 3 L of air through it into a steel cylinder. After homogenizing the radon concentrations in the cylinder, eight alpha-scintillation cells are filled consecutively and measured in a standard counting system. The resulting efficiency is 81.7±1.2%.  相似文献   

In this paper the focus is on Arnea Chalkidikis, an area in Greece with granitic geological background and indications of possible elevated radon concentration indoors. Data are reported of indoor radon measurements with etched track detectors and those are used for dosimetric estimations. Moreover, data are reported on soil gas and soil radon concentrations in Arnea, as well as radon and uranium concentrations in water samples. From the measured radon concentrations in water samples the contribution to the overall dose has been calculated. For a period of 1 month, indoor radon and progeny activity has also been monitored in the dwelling that has the maximum indoor radon concentration in Greece. This dwelling is in Arnea and the dose delivered to the inhabitants has been calculated. The mean annual effective dose due to indoor radon was 4.5 mSv and about 11% of this was due to the use of water. Mean soil gas concentration and soil radon concentration were (90 +/- 30) kBq m(-3) (p<0.05) and (30 +/- 5) kBq m(-3) (p<0.05) respectively. Mean uranium concentration of the water samples was (98 +/- 13) mBq l(-1) (p<0.05).  相似文献   

The four passive samplers (quatrefoil) already described in a parallel paper, make it possible to obtain thin radiation sources, useful for alpha and beta counting by any passive and real-time detector. In the present paper, the applications of this quatrefoil for measuring radon gas by etch-track detectors will be described. In the case of radon measurements, different solids have been identified, with radon-sorption partition coefficients related to air from 1 to 2000. Uniquely compact radon badges can be obtained by using a layer of these solids facing an alpha track-etch detector. These radon badges make it possible to overcome most of the shortcomings of existing passive monitors. Moreover, these badges show promise for studying the radon solubility of polymer films.  相似文献   

The behaviour of ubiquitous radon (222Rn), thoron (220Rn) and their progeny in the indoor atmosphere generally reflects a complex interplay between a number of processes, the most important of which are radioactive alpha-decay, ventilation, attachment to aerosols and deposition on surfaces. The present work involved a long-term (1997-2000) passive monitoring of 222Rn and 220Rn in the indoor environment of Shillong, Meghalaya. The north-east region of India being a zone of high seismicity, the indoor radon and thoron map of the region will provide a better insight and a valuable database for any study related to radon and thoron anomalies.  相似文献   

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