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The problems created by sediment deposits in combined sewer systems (sanitary and storm) are internationally recognized. The loss in conveyance due to these deposits contributes to hydraulic overloading, leading to flooding and premature operation of combined sewer overflows. The washout of sediments through combined sewer overflows into urban water courses during times of storm and the associated pollution caused by this phenomenon may be a factor affecting many urban ecosystems. Based on field observations, coupled with sampling and analysis of combined sewer sediment deposits, it has been found that in the invert of pipes there is often coarse, loose, granular, predominantly mineral material overlain by a mobile, fine-grained deposit. The erosion of the latter type of deposit is considered to be the source of the “first foul flush” of pollution, which is observed in many sewerage systems in response to storm events. This paper describes an experimental laboratory investigation of the erosion and subsequent suspended sediment transport of an in-pipe, fine-grained, organic, cohesive-like sediment deposit analogous to those found in sewers. The development of the laboratory system, the test program, the results of the study, and the development of a new approach to model the erosion and transport of cohesive-like sediments in pipes are described. Conclusions regarding the importance of the structure of the bed and its erosional behavior under a wide range of time-varying hydraulic conditions are presented.  相似文献   

This study brings to the attention the difficulty imposed by the design on the development of a self cleansing storm sewer based on a general rule of minimum water velocity of 0.75 m/s under pipe full capacity and suggests the Camp’s criterion as an alternative. The key finding is the determination of the lower limit of flow strengths above which the Camp’s criterion can be applied to warrant the development of a more efficient storm sewer system. The lower limit is adjusted for storm sewers with loose or rigid boundary serving two transport conditions: to sustain equal sediment mobility on pipe invert instead of selective transport, and to avoid progressive deposition of finer grains due to low and reducing water flows.  相似文献   

Storm overflow structures in combined sewers are used to separate sewage from storm water. For subcritical approach flow, sideweirs are currently used; however, they often behave hydraulically poor. This study was conducted to explore a combined storm overflow structure able to improve the hydraulic performance of sewer sideweirs. Such a structure consists of a low-crested sideweir and a bottom opening just downstream from the sideweir end. First, the hydraulic design procedure is described, and then, based on laboratory experiments and by using the governing flow equations, the main hydraulic features are highlighted. The results indicate that the proposed device has advantageous characteristics in terms of hydraulic efficiency, reliability, and maintenance.  相似文献   

The purpose of a sanitary sewer is to carry the peak discharge at the end of the design period, and to transport suspended materials under all flow conditions to prevent deposition of solids, and hence, sewer blockages. To accomplish the latter, the liquid must provide for sufficient shear stress to suspend and transport the particles along the sewer. Published design criteria for critical shear stress in sanitary sewers vary significantly. However, the effect of biological film development on the internal pipe surface has been neglected. Experiments conducted utilizing a pilot-scale sanitary sewer installed in the Hydraulics Laboratory at the University of New Orleans, La., provide evidence that the shear stress to move particles of a given size is independent of slope and pipe diameter, but does depend on the effect of biological film on increasing the roughness coefficient. This critical shear stress, to achieve self-cleansing in sanitary sewers, was found to be in the range of 1.1–1.4?N/m2, depending on the integrity of the biofilm. Based on this principle, a design procedure applicable to small-diameter PVC pipes with slopes between 0.1 and 0.5% was developed.  相似文献   

The need for sewers to carry sediment has been recognized for many years. Traditionally, a minimum “self-cleansing” velocity was specified and, although this approach had been successful in many cases, it was appreciated that a minimum velocity—unrelated to the characteristics and concentration of the sediment or to other aspects of the hydraulic behavior of the sewer—could not properly represent the ability of sewer flows to transport sediments. During the 1980’s, sediment transport theory had been increasingly applied to the design of sewers, particularly in major interceptor sewer schemes. But, in the absence of any universally recognized guidance, the design methodologies and criteria adopted were developed on a project-by-project basis, building on the increasing experience and understanding of the subject of the designer. In recognition of this, a research project was initiated by the U.K.’s Construction Industry Research and Information Association to develop a new design methodology for sewers, which would take advantage of the available knowledge (mostly laboratory derived) on sediment mobility and the effects of sediment deposition on the hydraulic performance of sewers. This paper describes the main findings of the project and summarizes the recommended design guidance.  相似文献   

Due to their low visibility, sanitary sewers' condition assessment and rehabilitation are frequently neglected until a catastrophic failure occurs. Neglecting regular maintenance of these underground utilities adds to life-cycle costs and liabilities, and in extreme cases causes stoppage or reduction of vital services. A systematic approach for the determination of deterioration of sewer systems and an integrated management system are necessary to fully understand the complete status of this underground infrastructure system. This paper discusses the major aspects of integrated management for sewer systems, namely, the development of network identification, sewer classification and sewer condition rating systems, sewer deterioration mechanisms, prediction modeling, and the use of optimization techniques for maximizing benefit∕cost ratios over a planning horizon. A case study, based on large combined sewers from the city of Indianapolis, has been used to demonstrate the use of the framework of this integrated life-cycle based sewer management system. Deterministic dynamic programming is employed to identify appropriate sewer rehabilitation techniques at different stages during the planning horizon adopted for the sewer systems.  相似文献   

This paper presents a historical overview of the sewer sediment control projects conducted by the Wet-Weather Flow Research Program of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The research presented includes studies of the causes of sewer solids deposition and development/evaluation of control methods that can prevent sewer-sediment accumulation. Discussions focus on the relationship of wastewater characteristics to flow-carrying velocity, abatement of solids deposition and solids resuspension in sewers, and sewerline flushing systems for removal of sewer sediment. Methods for abating sewer sedimentation include steeper sewer slope, pipe bottom shapes that maintain high velocity during low-flow conditions, and periodic sewer flushing. The future research program plan for sewer-sediment control is also presented.  相似文献   

The hydraulics of supercritical flow across manholes in sewers is explored using systematic experimentation. Due to the expansion at the manhole entrance an in-manhole wave is generated. Further, at the downstream manhole end, flows with a sufficiently large filling ratio impinge on the wall and lead to a so-called swell. In addition, due to shock wave generation in the downstream sewer, a sewer wave is generated. The heights and locations of these three waves were determined in terms of basic hydraulic quantities. More importantly, the capacity of the manhole and the downstream sewer under wave action was quantified. It was found that in order for free surface flow to be maintained the common design standard for sewers with a supercritical approach flow have to be revised. These implications have to be accounted for in future designs.  相似文献   

The model developed in this paper, the bacteria loading estimator spreadsheet tool (BLEST), was designed as an easy to use indicator bacteria model that can overcome the shortcomings of many of the simpler total maximum daily load (TMDL) modeling approaches by integrating spatial variation into load estimates. BLEST was applied to the Buffalo Bayou watershed in Houston, Texas and incorporated loading from point and nonpoint sources, such as wastewater treatment plants, sanitary sewer overflows, septic systems, storm sewer leaks, runoff, bed sediment resuspension, and direct deposition. The dry weather Escherichia coli load in Buffalo Bayou was estimated using BLEST to be 244 billion MPN/day and would require an overall 48% reduction to meet the contact recreation standard, while wet weather loads would need to be reduced by 99.7%. Dry weather loads were primarily caused by animal direct deposition, septic systems and discharges from storm sewers under dry weather conditions, while wet weather loads were mostly attributable to runoff and resuspension from sediment. Unlike most simple TMDL load allocation strategies, BLEST can be used to evaluate spatially variable load reduction strategies. For example, septic system load reductions implemented in less than 10% of the subwatersheds resulted in a decrease in bayou loading of more than 20%.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to test the performance of a traditional gate-flushing device and a newly designed vacuum-flushing device in removing sediment from combined sewers and CSO storage tanks. A laboratory hydraulic flume was used to simulate a reach of sewer or storage tank. The flushing device was fabricated and installed at upstream end of the flume. The removed sediment was collected at downstream end of the flume and weighed. The test results indicate that the weight of flushed sediment increases with increasing initial water depth in the flushing device; the weight of flushed sediment decreases with increasing initial water depth in the flume; the weight of flushed sediment only changes slightly with changing height of flushing device opening for water release and does not necessarily increase with increasing opening height. Water is held up by vacuum and is released upon dissipation of the vacuum in the vacuum-flushing device rather than through closing and opening of a mechanical gate in the gate-flushing device. The test results indicate that sediment removal efficiency of the vacuum-flushing device is practically the same as the gate-flushing device.  相似文献   

The various hydraulic and environmental problems related to the accumulation of solids have recently drawn increasingly attention to deposits in the management of sewer systems. Among the mechanical and hydraulic devices used for deposit removal, hydraulic flushing gates have proved to be a cost-effective solution and have been adopted in several sewer networks. This paper reports the results of an investigation on the scouring performance of flushing waves produced by hydraulic flushing gates. A numerical model based on the De Saint Venant–Exner equations in dimensionless form was validated by using data derived from laboratory experiments and was then utilized in this investigation. Simulations were carried out considering various values of the dimensionless parameters involved in the analysis, in order to obtain indications for the design and positioning of flushing devices in sewer channels. The problem of optimal flushing frequency was also investigated.  相似文献   

The 2007 edition of the ASCE MOP 60-WEF FD 5 Manual recommends the tractive force (TF) method for self-cleansing design for gravity sanitary sewers. TF design is a major improvement over traditional methods to achieve self-cleansing in gravity sewers. This approach results in a self-cleansing pipe slope value (Smin) for the design minimum flowrate (Qmin) in each sewer reach. Qmin is the predicted largest 1-h flowrate in the reach during the lowest flow week over the sewer design life. Past design practices seldom included accurate estimation of Qmin values, but good estimates of Qmin are crucial for TF design. Design equations and plots have been developed to assist in obtaining Smin values for given Qmin values. As compared to traditional minimum slopes, Smin slopes via the TF method are flatter for sewers carrying typical to larger Qmin values and steeper for sewers carrying smaller Qmin values.  相似文献   

Municipal and industrial sewers may be localized sources of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions to the ambient atmosphere. Previous studies of VOC emissions from sewers have focused on sewers with large diameters that are often characterized as having mild channel slopes and as conveying relatively large wastewater flow rates. The study described in this paper was completed to better understand VOC emissions from sewer reaches with small diameters, steep channel slopes, and relatively low wastewater flow rates (e.g., as might be typical for building laterals, street sewers, and on-site industrial sewers). Mathematical models were developed to investigate the nature of mass transfer kinetics and equilibrium conditions in such sewers. A series of 20 experiments were then completed to determine liquid-phase and gas-phase mass transfer coefficients for a range of sewer operating conditions and chemical properties. Experiments were completed in an experimental sewer reach (60 m length, 0.2 m diameter) using five volatile chemicals (acetone, ethyl acetate, toluene, ethylbenzene, and cyclohexane, listed in order of increasing Henry's law constants). Experimental stripping efficiencies were as high as 47% for cyclohexane and as low as 0.3% for acetone. Experimental and mathematical results indicate that VOCs with low Henry's law constants (e.g., acetone) can reach equilibrium conditions rapidly in sewers. However, emissions of VOCs with high Henry's law constants (e.g., cyclohexane) are kinetically limited, allowing for the sewer to be treated as an “open” system. The findings described herein suggest that a large fraction of VOCs with high Henry's law constants may be emitted to the ambient atmosphere in the near vicinity to the point of discharge.  相似文献   

The factors affecting sulfide buildup in gravity sewers are complex, consisting of biological and physical processes, both in the aqueous and the gas phases of the sewer. The rate of each of these processes varies (among other parameters) according to flow characteristics, temperature, and pH. Under fast and turbulent flow conditions, the stripping of hydrogen sulfide into the gas phase may become the dominant process. The paper presents a semiempirical approach to the problem of quantifying hydrogen sulfide emission rates in sewers. Kinetics of hydrogen sulfide emission as a function of hydraulic parameters was measured in the laboratory using methods adopted from flocculation theory. A flocculation unit was used to impart a selected velocity gradient (G) into the water, and sulfide concentration was measured with time. The process was repeated for a number of G values. Regression analysis was then used to fit the rate of hydrogen sulfide emission equation against G. An equation was developed linking G to HL (head loss) in sewers assuming plug flow conditions. The hydraulic model and the kinetic model were linked (via G) to give the desired rate equation for hydrogen sulfide emission along a sewer line. The model was used to predict H2S emission from a uniform flow sewer and the effect of parameters such as pH, sewer slope and degree of fullness was studied. As expected, results show that low pH, high slope, and low degree of fullness enhance emission rates. Reasonable agreement was attained when the model output was compared with measured results from a field test sewer in Virginia, South Africa, under conditions where sulfide stripping was the rate-dominant process.  相似文献   

Recent advances in optical sensors and computing technologies have led to the development of inspection systems for underground facilities such as water lines, sewer pipes, and telecommunication conduits. It is now possible for inspection technologies that require no human entry into underground structures to be fully automated, from data acquisition to data analysis, and eventually to condition assessment. This paper describes the development of an automated data interpretation system for sanitary sewer pipelines. The interpretation system obtains optical data from the Sewer Scanner and Evaluation Technology (SSET), which is known to be the current leading-edge technology in inspecting sanitary sewer pipelines. The proposed system utilizes artificial neural networks to recognize various types of defects in sanitary sewer pipelines. The framework of this system includes modification of digital images for preprocessing, image feature segmentation, utilization of multiple neural networks for feature pattern recognition, and the fusion of multiple neural networks via the use of fuzzy logic systems.  相似文献   

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities reported that approximately 55% of sewer infrastructure in Canada did not meet current standards. Therefore, the burden on Canadian municipalities to maintain and prioritize sewers is increasing. One of the major challenges is to develop a framework to standardize the condition assessment procedures for sewer pipelines. Lack of detailed knowledge on the condition of sewer networks escalates vulnerability to catastrophic failures. This research presents a proactive methodology of assessing the existing condition of sewers by considering various physical, environmental, and operational influence factors. Based on historic data collected from two municipalities in Canada, structural and operational condition assessment models for sewers are developed using the multiple regression technique. The developed regression models show 82 to 86% accuracy when they are applied to the validation data set. These models are utilized to generate deterioration curves for concrete, asbestos cement, and polyvinyl chloride sewers in relation to traffic loads, bedding materials, and other pipe characteristics. The developed models are expected to assist municipal engineers in identifying critical sewers, prioritizing sewer inspections, and rehabilitation requirements.  相似文献   

Dual Multilevel Urban Drainage Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In urban areas, when heavy rains occur, the discharge capacity of sewers is usually unable to transport the effective rainfall reaching the streets. When the runoff flow rate exceeds the capacity of the storm sewer system, the excess flow is conveyed through the street network as overland flow. A dual model is proposed for modeling the system as a double network, formed by an upper network of open channels (street gutters) and a lower network of closed conduits (sewer pipes). What is new in this model is its capacity to take into account the hydrodynamic relationship between the flows in the upper and lower networks. The model is applied to computing the response of a real monitored basin; the historical flow rates measured during a first rainfall event are used to calibrate the model, which is then validated using the simulation of two other measured events.  相似文献   

The hydraulic design of certain types of subsurface drains has recently been put on a more rational footing, and deficiencies in earlier design methods have been demonstrated. However, significant limitations remain in hydraulic design methods for geosynthetic and aggregate subsurface drains. It is important to decouple the groundwater hydrology from the internal hydraulics of the drain, and properly design subsurface drains for open-channel rather than pressurized conditions. Present design methods can inadvertently result in pressurized flow. The assumption of uniform flow (Manning’s equation alone) is also improperly made in some present design methods. Consequences can include unintended pressurized flow and attendant nonuniformity of inflow on the one hand and uneconomical design on the other. Current standard guidelines provide relatively little guidance for the design of geosynthetic and aggregate drains. A current ASTM standard, commonly referenced by geosynthetic manufacturers, has significant limitations. Deficiencies and qualifications are identified for present design methods. Guidance is given for the improved design of geosynthetic and aggregate subsurface drains based on sound hydraulic principles.  相似文献   

Assessing the condition of sewer networks is an important asset management approach. However, because of high inspection costs and limited budget, only a small proportion of sewer systems may be inspected. Tools are therefore required to help target inspection efforts and to extract maximum value from the condition data collected. Owing to the difficulty in modeling the complexities of sewer condition deterioration, there has been interest in the application of artificial intelligence-based techniques such as artificial neural networks to develop models that can infer an unknown structural condition based on data from sewers that have been inspected. To this end, this study investigates the use of support vector machine (SVM) models to predict the condition of sewers. The results of model testing showed that the SVM achieves good predictive performance. With access to a representative set of training data, the SVM modeling approach can therefore be used to allocate a condition grade to sewer assets with reasonable confidence and thus identify high risk sewer assets for subsequent inspection.  相似文献   

Municipal wastewater collection systems, due to the nature of their functions, carry varying concentrations of odorous gases. The production rate and transport of these gases within and out of sewer systems depend on air flow rate in the system piping. However, municipal sewers are generally designed to only transport sewage flow without giving consideration to the air flow field. As a consequence, the movement of air into, along, and out of collection systems is for the most part uncontrolled. The purpose of this paper therefore is to provide a new design protocol based on system theoretic techniques to be used by municipal engineers and environmentalists involved in odor control and sewer foul air transport studies. The modeling formulation accounts for combined wastewater drag and pressure-induced air flows, and manhole pressurization. The developed framework is applied to both hypothetical and real sewer systems to only illustrate the applicability of the modeling formulation.  相似文献   

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