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Stress surveys in U.K. and Australian universities demonstrated high occupational stress levels among faculty. This study investigated whether the same occupational stressors and stress outcomes applied at Canadian universities. Randomly selected staff (n = 1440) from 56 universities completed a Web-based questionnaire. The response rate 27%, was similar to those in the U.K. and Australian studies, as were most of the results. With respect to strain, 13% of the respondents reported high psychological distress and 22% reported elevated physical health symptoms. Less secure employment status and work-life imbalance strongly predicted job dissatisfaction; work-life imbalance strongly predicted increased psychological distress. Overall study participants were satisfied with their jobs and emotionally committed to their institutions. These results warrant consideration of contemporary academic work by both academic staff associations and university administrations with respect to the implementation of changes in policies and procedures that might lead to reductions in work-related stress and strain. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 42(5) of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice (see record 2011-23526-002). The following sentence is incorrect: “The APA has long recognized that harm and exploitation could result from dual relationships between patient and therapist (Staykova, 2010).” The correct citation for this statement should be: (APA, 1981, 1990, 1992, 2010; Sturm, 1998). Additionally, the following entry should not be listed in the References: Staykova, J. D. (2010). “On wings as swift as meditation”: A devotional allusion in Hamlet. Notes and Queries, 57, 380–384. doi:10.1093/notesj/gjq109. The correct references are included in the erratum. The authors regret these errors. All versions of this article have been corrected.] The present study is a cross-sectional national survey that investigated the ethical practices in a large representative sample of Chinese psychotherapists (N = 690). The results revealed that 76.4% of therapists had experienced feelings of incompetence, more than 80% of therapists had performed the basic principles of informed consent and confidentiality, 1.9% of the sample had engaged in sexual contact with a client, 1.8% had engaged in dual business relationships with their clients, and 34.2% had provided therapy for acquaintances in their practice. The role of the principles of Confucianism as a major influence on the ethical practices in Chinese psychotherapists is discussed. The results suggested that the Chinese Psychological Society should concentrate efforts on educating trainees on how best to maintain therapeutic boundaries when there was a preexisting relationship between therapist and client. The current Chinese Code of Ethics for Clinical and Counseling Practice (Chinese Psychological Society, 2007) could be modified to better incorporate the characteristics of traditional Chinese culture, for example, considering the value of “face” when stipulating the guidelines of dual relationships. Cross-cultural psychotherapy could benefit the clients by examining the influence of traditional Chinese culture, for example, by paying more attention to the important others of the clients. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article presents results from a study of occupational stress in Australian university staff. The authors report data on psychological strain and job satisfaction from nearly 9,000 respondents at 17 universities. Academic staff were generally worse off than general staff, and staff in newer universities were worse off than those in older universities. At the aggregate level, self-report measures of psychological well-being were highly correlated with objective measures of university well-being (investment income, student-staff ratios, and recent cuts in staffing levels and in government operating grants). The authors conclude that the financial difficulties imposed on Australian universities in recent years are having serious consequences for the psychological well-being of their staff, particularly academic staff (faculty). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Using data collected as part of a collaborative international study of the development of psychotherapists (D. E. Orlinsky et al., 1999), the authors of this study describe a sample of 538 Korean psychotherapists in various mental health professions and also provide information about the cultural and historical background of psychotherapy in South Korea. The study delineates the professional identifications, training, theoretical orientations, career status, personal therapy, and demographic characteristics of this little-known group of psychotherapists and describes their treatment settings, clients, and typical treatment modalities. The use of Western therapeutic approaches in a non-Western cultural context is discussed with respect to the potential conflicts for practitioners between imported methods that embody individualistic values and the traditionally collectivist orientations of their societies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study aimed to identify the antecedents of burnout and its consequences for psychotherapists. The meta-analysis showed that, among antecedents, the over-involvement variable had the most significant positive correlation with emotional exhaustion, while the control variable had the most significant negative correlations with depersonalization and personal accomplishment. On the other hand, among consequences, the job satisfaction variable had the most significant positive correlations with emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment. Based on these results, we found resources that can assist with developing burnout prevention interventions for psychotherapists. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In a partial replication and extension of a survey conducted 25 years ago (Smith, 1982), over 2,400 North American psychotherapists completed a Web-based survey in which they identified prominent figures in the psychotherapy field who have most influenced their practice and the best psychotherapy books they had read in the past 3 years. There is a continued prominence to leaders of the field from 25 years ago but who are now deceased, notably the top-ranked Carl Rogers. Three books on the top-10 list represent empirically supported therapies (ESTs); two are treatment manuals for an EST, and one is a self-help book derived from an EST that has itself been shown to be efficacious bibliotherapy. Differences between psychologist and nonpsychologist therapists in the choice of influential figures, authors, and books are negligible. Implications are discussed in terms of the contemporary context into which therapeutic innovations are disseminated, as well as the conditions that may be necessary for successful dissemination. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Twelve peer-nominated psychotherapists were interviewed to provide a rich understanding of their sustained high levels of work commitment. Common themes included creating boundaries between professional and nonprofessional life, using leisure activities to provide relief, turning obstacles into challenges, finding diverse activities to provide freshness and energy, continually seeking feedback and supervision, taking on social responsibilities, and experiencing a strong sense of spirituality. Whereas participants did not differ significantly from norm groups on measures of work salience, job satisfaction, emotional exhaustion, and depersonalization, they reported high levels of personal accomplishment and scored in the 99th percentile on openness to experience. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The primary aim of this study was to investigate the ways in which therapists-in-training construct and use mental representations of their relationships with their supervisors in the service of their own professional development. A total of 115 trainees (75% of whom were psychodynamically oriented) completed The Supervisory Representation Inventory, a network of measures designed to assess the forms, functions, and phenomenological properties of internalized representations of that relationship. Results indicate that supervisees tend to evoke representations of their supervisors' spoken words, vocal qualities, and the settings in which they have met; that they evoke these representations to better formulate clinical interventions, especially those perceived as painful or difficult for patients to hear; and that these representations are especially likely to occur when patients behave in ways consistent with a supervisor's view or, when the supervisee is alone and thinking about a patient that has been discussed in supervision. Findings support the hypothesis that representations of the verbal and nonverbal aspects of the supervisory dialogue play an integral role in the acquisition of the skills and professional identity of a psychotherapist. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Most recent articles on self-disclosure have addressed advanced questions of theory and technique related to self-disclosure in psychoanalysis. This article, however, takes up issues related to the use of self-disclosure by psychotherapists in training. Rather than arguing categorically that beginning psychotherapists should or should not use self-disclosure, the focus here is on the factors influencing the decision of whether or not to make a self-disclosure. Illustrated by 2 case examples, it is argued that because of their relative lack of experience in working with transference and countertransference, beginning therapists are especially susceptible to the temptation to use self-disclosure and nondisclosure to close off--rather than to analyze--a patient's intense transference feelings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this introduction to the special issue, the current key issues in the area of occupational stress and its management are summarized. These include the link between stress and ill health, job stressors and strain outcomes, work-life balance and individual worker characteristics and the experience of occupational stress. The editors argue that the concept of occupational stress and its corollary, coping, may not be useful concepts for moving forward and that the implicit adoption of a psychomedical model for understanding workers' reactions to work demands has hindered progress in this field. Finally, there is a lack of good research on stress management interventions, but on the basis of current evidence, it is concluded that there are few benefits to workplaces implementing many such programs. It is speculated that the concept of occupational stress has had its day and that a return to a focus on occupational stressors and worker fatigue, where the field originated, might be more productive. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Research, theory, and practice generally assume that contact with others, often characterized as social support, is beneficial to the recipient. The current study, however, explores the possibility that workplace social interactions, even if intended to be helpful, can sometimes be harmful. University employees (N = 403) completed an online survey examining three types of potentially supportive interactions with other people in the workplace that might be harmful: Interactions that make the person focus on how stressful the workplace is, help that makes the recipient feel inadequate or incompetent, and help that is unwanted. Results suggest that these types of social interactions at work were indeed likely to be related to worse rather than to improved psychological and physical health. The most potentially harmful forms of these three social interactions were those that drew the person’s attention to stress in the workplace. These results indicate that in some instances social interactions, even if ostensibly helpful, may be harmful. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studies on workplace stress have been conducted in various occupational environments. However, published reports exploring occupational stress in the military are rare. This study examines occupational stress in the Canadian Forces within the framework of social role theory and its relation to employee health, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. Ss were 1,068 Regular Forces military members who completed a survey questionnaire. Of interest were the psychological resources (e.g., individual coping skills, workplace leadership, and perceived organizational support) that have the potential to alter the perception of work stress and/or alleviate its association with individual and organizational outcomes. Regression analyses indicated a negative association between occupational role stress and both individual (strain) and organizational (job satisfaction and organizational commitment) well-being. No moderating effects were found for coping strategies, workplace leadership, or perceived organizational support, although these factors had direct relationships with both individual and organizational well-being The results are discussed in terms of the potential of organizational resources and role stress to cascade across organizational levels. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Explored the religiosity of 425 marriage and family therapists, clinical social workers, psychiatrists, and clinical psychologists. Although 80% of the Ss indicated a religious preference, only 41% regularly attended religious services. According to the Religious Orientation Inventory, 230 of 425 Ss were classified as religious. This is consistent with findings of previous studies (e.g., A. E. Bergin; see record 1980-05877-001). The potential for change toward greater empathy for religious clients is underscored by the significant levels of unexpressed religiosity found among mental health professionals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The concept of fairness has been centrally situated within justice and legal discourses, yet some have suggested that a deeper understanding is possible by looking at the "injustice" end because those instantiations tend to be clear, concise, hot, passionate, insistent, and have primacy. In this cross-cultural work, the authors apply this suggestion by deconstructing instantiations of unfairness from American and Japanese samples of students and their parents. Although all major types of unfairness were invoked in both countries, significant differences emerged in the frequency distribution patterns and quantitative severity ratings of unfairness by culture; to a lesser extent, by generation within culture; and to a still lesser extent, by gender. Why discriminatory treatment instantiations were significantly more salient for Japanese than American respondents (and why the reverse was so for misfortune instantiations) is discussed, along with foundational links of unfairness notions to communal relationships and society. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, A perilous calling: The hazards of psychotherapy practice by Michael B. Sussman (1994). In this book, the author presents chapters by therapists from various disciplines (e.g., psychology, social work, psychiatry) that examine the "hazards" that lay hidden in the practice of psychotherapy. The author contends that doing psychotherapy "poses significant dangers to clinicians" (p. 1). He believes that there are forces both internal and external to the therapist that may take their toll on the therapist's well-being. Sussman makes the point that while other overtly dangerous professions (e.g., firefighter) warn prospective candidates of the perils of their field, novice psychotherapists are not prepared for what awaits them. Psychotherapists, then, enter the profession unprepared for, if not blind to, possibilities that not only make them less effective in their work, but might actually harm themselves and their families. Sussman sees a real human cost to not preparing clinicians to be aware of, and deal with, these hazards. The book is divided into six parts that range from the therapist's personal development to renewal. Along the way the reader encounters professional, ethical and legal issues, clinical dilemmas, the emotional impact of the work, and the ailments of the therapist. Within each particular area are rather personal, and at times idiosyncratic, chapters from a variety of psychotherapists. There are chapters that deal with AIDS, the Holocaust, body shame, and being a female therapist. Most of the chapters have a distinctly clinical orientation, while a few come across as philosophical discourses. There is one chapter by an expert witness in the Margaret Bean-Bayog case who warns of the dangers of the press on one's career. The wide scope of the chapter topics, at times, gives the book a disjointed feel and the sense that it is trying to tackle too many issues at once. Overall, this book provides a new slant on what is involved in the practice of psychotherapy. It raises some important questions about the field and how we prepare for its impact on our lives, for the practice of psychotherapy surely does affect the practitioner. Sussman and some of the chapter authors make a good case for increasing communication about potential hazards and developing strategies and training methods that will minimize their effects. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The results of a survey conducted by the ASCE Wireless Construction Committee are presented. The goal of the effort is to better understand how much construction contractors have advanced in adopting information technologies in general and wireless communications in particular. Responses were collected from 152 U.S. and 31 Korean firms. It was found that, overall, the strongest interest among the responding contractors is in document and content management applications. Differences between Korean and U.S. contractors are discussed. The data indicate that the use of information technology by contractors is generally higher in Korea than in the United States. Both practitioners and scientists will be able to use the presented study because the data reveal the managers’ perceptions of the most promising opportunities for and highest barriers to implementation of advanced communication systems in construction. With the information provided, interested readers of this journal will be able to focus their attention on pursuing specific opportunities and removing barriers to future adoptions.  相似文献   

Data on symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were collected 6 months after Hurricanes Paulina (N/&=/&200; Mexico) and Andrew (non-Hispanic n/&=/&270; United States) using the Revised Civilian Mississippi Scale. A 4-factor measurement model that represented the accepted multicriterion conceptualization of PTSD fit the data of the U.S. and Mexican samples equally well. The 4 factors of Intrusion, Avoidance, Numbing, and Arousal correlated significantly and equivalently with severity of trauma in each sample. A single construct explained much of the covariance of the symptom factors in each sample. However, modeling PTSD as a unidimensional construct masked differences between samples in symptom severity. With severity of trauma controlled, the Mexican sample was higher in Intrusion and Avoidance, whereas the U.S. sample was higher in Arousal. The results suggest that PTSD is a meaningful construct to study in Latin American societies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A meta-analysis was conducted to determine the effectiveness of stress management interventions in occupational settings. Thirty-six experimental studies were included, representing 55 interventions. Total sample size was 2,847. Of the participants, 59% were female, mean age was 35.4, and average length of intervention was 7.4 weeks. The overall weighted effect size (Cohen's d) for all studies was 0.526 (95% confidence interval = 0.364, 0.687), a significant medium to large effect. Interventions were coded as cognitive-behavioral, relaxation, organizational, multimodal, or alternative. Analyses based on these subgroups suggested that intervention type played a moderating role. Cognitive-behavioral programs consistently produced larger effects than other types of interventions, but if additional treatment components were added the effect was reduced. Within the sample of studies, relaxation interventions were most frequently used, and organizational interventions continued to be scarce. Effects were based mainly on psychological outcome variables, as opposed to physiological or organizational measures. The examination of additional moderators such as treatment length, outcome variable, and occupation did not reveal significant variations in effect size by intervention type. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

刘一威 《铜业工程》2010,(3):73-76,112
作为电子政务同样起步较晚的邻国——韩国,在联合国最新发布的2010年全球电子政务调查结果中,电子政务评估排名跃居全球第一,走在了世界各国的前面。韩国电子政务发展之快速、成就之显著令世人瞩目,学习和借鉴韩国的经验,对我国电子政务的发展,有诸多有益的启示。  相似文献   

People are living longer, and in better health, than in any prior point in history, with far-reaching but as yet underrecognized implications for mental health professionals. This phenomenon affects both the developed and the developing world. With greater numbers of older people, mental health professionals will need to develop greater awareness, understanding, and appreciation of gerontology to deliver optimally effective psychotherapy with this population. The nature of psychological issues encountered in clinical practice will also change—for example, intergenerational issues among blended families, increased retirement and leisure time, and expectations of greater health and productivity in later life from baby boomer cohorts. These issues are important for mental health professionals to recognize, as the increased sophistication of the baby boomer generation in terms of health care will lead to higher expectations of mental health care. The authors have chosen to discuss the implications of an ageing population with reference to a cognitive–behavioral perspective, but the issues raised here and practical suggestions contained within this article are not restricted to practitioners of Cognitive–Behavior Therapy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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