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以椰子水和腰果梨为原料,对椰子水腰果梨复合果酒的发酵工艺进行研究.通过中心组合试验设计和响应面分析优化发酵工艺.最佳工艺为发酵温度为20℃、SO2添加量为100mgkg、腰果梨汁添加量为8%.以最佳酿造工艺制成的椰子水腰果梨复合果酒酒体澄清透亮,香气清淡,风味独特.  相似文献   

A semi‐industrial spray drying process of chokeberry juice concentrate using maltodextrin was analysed. The influence of the content and dextrose equivalent (DE) of maltodextrin, inlet air temperature and rotary disc atomiser speed was studied on the physicochemical properties of the obtained powders. The size and structure of the powder particles, bulk density, moisture content, flowability, yield and total polyphenol content were analysed. An increase in carrier content from 50% to 70% caused a 4.9% increase in total polyphenol retention, better flowability (Hausner ratio decrease of 0.17) and greater yield of the powder (60%). An increase in the drying temperature (150–170 °C) caused larger particle size and improved powder flowability but also resulted in greater loss of total polyphenols. A decrease in rotary atomiser speed (11 000–15 000 rpm) had a moderate influence on particle size and improvement in flowability but had no effect on polyphenol retention. Changes in the DE (8–22) of maltodextrin as a carrier indicated a moderate growing dependence on particle size and worse flowability.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the impact of some processing parameters on moisture content, flowability, hygroscopicity and water solubility of spray dried acerola pomace extract using maltodextrin and cashew tree gum as drying aids. The experiment was conducted according to Response Surface Methodology, with the independent variables being: inlet temperature (170-200 °C), drying aid/acerola ratio (2:1-5:1), and percent replacement of maltodextrin by cashew tree gum (0-100%). Higher inlet temperatures favored the desired physical properties of the powders, decreasing their moisture contents and hygroscopicity, and increasing flowability. The drying aids decreased the powder hygroscopicity, especially cashew tree gum (CTG), which also enhanced the powder flowability. The best processing conditions to obtain a free-flowing and least hygroscopic acerola pomace extract powder by spray drying were: inlet temperature above 194 °C; drying aid/acerola solid ratio, 4:1; percent replacement of maltodextrin by CTG, at least 80%.  相似文献   

以胡萝卜纤维素作为干燥载体,采用单因素实验和正交实验设计,探讨不同载体添加比例、物料浓度、物料流量、热风温度等喷雾干燥工艺条件对荔枝果粉的含水量、堆积密度、吸湿性、分散性和感官属性等指标的影响。结果表明,荔枝果汁喷雾干燥优化的工艺参数:20 MPa压力下均质15 min,干燥载体胡萝卜纤维素和麦芽糊精添加量分别为15%和22.5%,果汁物料浓度为25%,物料流量为25 m L/min,物料温度为50℃,热风温度为175℃,样品的水分含量为3.24%,堆积密度为0.512 g/m L,吸湿性为0.038%,流动性为53.6°,分散性94 s,感官质量良好。   相似文献   

The cashew crop is an important agro-economic activity in many equatorial areas, although less than 10% of the cashew apple production is exploited industrially. This work focuses on two aspects: obtaining food-grade syrups from cashew apple juice and studying fixed bed adsorption dynamics to separate fructose from glucose. Syrups obtained by concentrating clarified cashew apple juice under vacuum showed similar characteristics to a reference food-grade syrup, with a higher content in fructose, which may contribute to a higher sweetening power with less caloric intake. Adsorption equilibrium studies were performed with synthetic solutions of fructose and glucose by frontal analysis under the concentration range found in the syrups (10-120 g/L) at 30, 40 and 60 °C, using the cation exchange resin Dowex MTO 99Ca. Fructose was more strongly adsorbed than glucose, with measured selectivities ranging from 1.50 to 2.25. Resistance to mass transfer was significant and thought to be due to resin crosslinkage. Glucose and fructose breakthrough curves using cashew apple syrup as feed were practically identical to those measured with synthetic solutions, which leads us to believe that high-fructose syrups may be readily obtained by using current continuous chromatographic units, such as SMB.  相似文献   

以干红枣为原料,经浸提、调配、均质和喷雾干燥工艺生产枣粉,试验研究了不同种类添加剂和添加量对喷雾干燥效果影响。试验结果表明,当麦芽糊精加入量为70%,CMC加入量为1.5%时,喷粉效果好。  相似文献   

为了优化醋粉的喷雾干燥工艺,以市售镇江香醋为原料,制得醋粉。以进口温度、物料浓度、麦芽糊精添加量及进料速率为影响参数,采用单因素实验和正交实验相结合的方法优化喷雾干燥工艺。结果表明:在进口温度160℃、物料浓度25%、麦芽糊精添加量30%、进料速率400 m L·h-1的条件下获得的醋粉品质较佳,该条件下醋粉的含水率为8.39%,集粉率为66.58%,DPPH自由基半清除率浓度(IC50)为0.773 mg·m L-1,有机酸含量为18.44%,总色差值为21.94。本研究结果为优质醋粉的研制提供了依据。   相似文献   

优化八月瓜果粉的喷雾干燥制备工艺,并分析其溶解特性。采用单因素试验分别探讨麦芽糊精用量、果浆固形物含量、进风温度、出风温度对果粉得率的影响;通过正交试验对喷雾干燥工艺条件进行优化;检测果粉的流动性、溶解度、溶解时间以研究分析其溶解特性。结果表明:喷雾干燥法制备八月瓜果粉的最佳工艺条件为麦芽糊精用量16%、果浆固形物含量20%、进风温度150℃、出风温度75℃,该条件下果粉得率可达15.52%;制备的八月瓜果粉流动性为9.25cm,溶解度为56.37%,溶解时间为20.2s。  相似文献   

山药喷雾干燥粉的加工工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了喷雾干燥法制取山药粉的操作流程和工艺条件。将新鲜山药粉碎制浆后,在入口温度160℃、出口温度70℃条件下喷雾干燥制取山药粉,既可以维持较好的干燥效率,又使产品含水率较低而提高其储藏性能,用温水或开水均可迅速溶解,且具有浓郁的山药风味。  相似文献   

Leuconostc mesenteroides B-512F and L. mesenteroides B-742 were cultivated in clarified cashew apple juice to produce prebiotic oligosaccharides. Yeast extract (20 g/L); K2HPO4 (g/L) and sucrose (50 g/L) were added to the juice to promote the microbial growth and dextransucrase production. Initial pH was adjusted to 6.5 with H3PO4. Fermentations were carried out at 30 °C and 150 rpm for 24 h. The prebiotic effect of the fermented cashew apple juice, containing oligosaccharides, was evaluated through the Lactobacillus johnsonii B-2178 growth. L. johnsonii was incubated for 48 h using fermented cashew apple juice as substrate. Lactobacillus growth was compared to the microbial growth in non-fermented juice and in MRS broth. L. johnsonii growth in the fermented cashew apple juice was threefolds the observed growth in the non-fermented juice.  相似文献   

以慈姑酶解液为原料,研究助干剂对慈姑出粉率的影响,在最优助干剂添加量的基础上,以出粉率、含水量及感官评分为评价指标,优化喷雾干燥过程中进风温度、进料流量和热空气流量参数,确定最佳干燥工艺条件。结果表明:在麦芽糊精添加量为40%,进风温度为180 ℃,进料流量为25%,热空气流量为36 m3/h时,慈姑出粉率最高,达48.51%±0.63%,比不添加助干剂的出粉率高出31.32%,含水量为4.86%±0.07%,慈姑粉为乳白色,粉粒细小均匀,风味浓厚,冲调性好,感官性状最佳。采用助干剂协同喷雾干燥技术制备慈姑粉能显著提高出粉率,改善慈姑粉品质。  相似文献   

以植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum)、凝结芽孢杆菌(Bacillus coagulans)混菌对大枣进行液态发酵,通过单因素试验研究喷雾干燥进口温度、雾化流量、蠕动泵转速和脱脂乳粉添加量对益生菌发酵枣粉出粉率、感官评定、含水量、堆积密度及活菌数的影响,确定喷雾干燥进口温度、雾化流量、蠕动泵转速和脱脂乳粉添加量4个因素为自变量,感官评分为响应值进行响应面优化。结果表明,喷雾干燥制备益生菌发酵枣粉的最优参数为喷雾干燥进口温度150 ℃,雾化流量473 L/h,蠕动泵速20%,脂乳粉添加量2.5%。在此优化条件下,益生菌发酵枣粉出粉率为39.15%、感官评分为95.6分、含水量3.82%、堆积密度为0.251 g/mL、活菌数为1.78×109 CFU/g。  相似文献   

以红薯多孔淀粉和阿拉伯胶为壁材,采用喷雾干燥法制备粉末黄油.通过单因素试验和正交试验确定最佳制备工艺参数:乳化剂(蔗糖酯与单甘酯)质量比9∶1、乳化剂用量1%(以黄油质量为基准)、乳化温度70℃、壁材(阿拉伯胶与多孔淀粉)质量比1∶3、黄油与壁材质量比0.75∶1、固形物添加量15%(以乳化液质量为基准)、进风温度18...  相似文献   

喷雾干燥南瓜粉生产工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以南瓜为原料,经软化、打浆、调配、均质和喷雾干燥工艺生产南瓜粉,试验研究了辅料对南瓜料液黏度、集粉率和水分含量的影响。试验结果表明:南瓜粉喷雾干燥适宜的辅料添加量为(以料液可溶性固形物含量计)麦芽糊精50%,β-环糊精10%,CMC1%,卡拉胶1%。  相似文献   

以小球藻藻粉得率为主要目标,选取进料浓度、进风温度和进料速度三个因素进行中心组合实验(Box-Benhnken),通过响应面分析法对小球藻藻粉干燥工艺进行优化研究。利用Design Expert软件,得到了小球藻粉最佳的喷雾干燥条件:进风温度200℃,进料浓度77.8g/L,进料速度100mL/h。在此工艺条件下,喷雾干燥所得的藻粉得率最高,其最大得率理论值为48.18%,与实测值47.20%基本一致。  相似文献   

Coconut sugar is traditionally produced by evaporating sap until reaching its saturated liquid and formed a crystalline structure. This study investigated the comparison of coconut sugar made by traditional method (crystalline structure) and dried coconut sugar (predominantly amorphous structure) to its characteristics. Two different formulation of coconut sap : maltodextrin (7 : 3) and (6 : 4) (weight/weight) were dried using vacuum oven (70℃, 6 hours) and spray dried (Tinlet 120℃.) Coconut sugar was characterized for moisture content, crystallinity, water sorption isotherm, hygroscopic rate, color, dissolving time, and powder recovery. Initial moisture content was examined and in range of 1.33% - 3.44% (wb). The highest monolayer water content was obtained by using spray drying (6 : 4) and lowest was obtained by traditional method. X-ray diffraction showed that dried coconut sugar powder had dominant amorphous structure (70.9 – 71.4%) while traditional one was dominated with crystalline structure (90.5%). Traditional coconut sugar was the least hygroscopic (1.21 × 10-4 g water/g solid/minutes), followed by vacuum dried coconut sugar (1.48 × 10-4 g water/g solid/minutes) and spray dried ones (1.56 – 1.67 × 10-4 g water/g solid/minutes). Spray dried coconut sugar had the brightest and the whitest color, followed by vacuum dried and traditional coconut sugar. Vacuum dried powder was quicker to dissolve (13.33 – 16.67 s), while increasing maltodextrin in spray drying could not decrease the dissolving time. The highest powder recovery of dried sugar was obtained by using vacuum drying and higher maltodextrin concentration (88.70%) while traditional method produced 100% powder recovery.  相似文献   

Cashew kernels are thermally processed to facilitate the removal of their outer skin (testa). Infrared (IR) processing of cashew kernels for differential drying is a novel approach. Processed cashew kernels are valued for their colour, size and texture. The kinetics of colour change and the effect of thermal processing on compressive strength (indicator of brittleness) during IR drying of cashew kernels were investigated. Kernels with testa were dried for different durations (15–55 min) over a range of temperatures (55–95 °C). The change in colour was expressed as total colour difference and browning index. The colour values increased with increasing drying temperature and duration, indicating darkening of the kernel colour. Increase in drying duration reduced the compressive strength, imparting the desired brittleness to the kernel. Optimisation of the drying conditions by response surface methodology and the peelability factor indicated that the best results could be obtained when cashew kernels were dried at 55 °C for 55 min. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

以山西老陈醋为研究对象,采用低温喷雾干燥工艺优化制备醋粉,通过HPLC(高效液相色谱法)、氨基酸分析及营养价值评价等方法,对山西老陈醋及醋粉中的功能成分、理化指标及氨基酸组成等进行研究,并对所得醋粉进行感官评价。结果表明:在进风温度140 ℃、进料量13 mL/min、助干剂(β-环状糊精)添加量3%条件下,醋粉的得率为31.67%,川芎嗪含量为165.02 mg/kg,必需氨基酸总量达到3.84 g/100 g,氨基酸评分为11.94,以FAO/WHO标准模式蛋白为基准的必需氨基酸指数(EAAI)为82.82,且感官品质良好,为山西老陈醋进一步的开发提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

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