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Infant and early childhood mental health practices can be supported by policies and professional standards of care that foster the healthy development of young children. Policies that support infants and toddlers include those that strengthen their families to provide a family environment that promotes mental wellness. Policy issues for infants, toddlers, and young children have come to the forefront of thinking as children need a “voice” to advocate for their support and care. This article (a) highlights several important policy areas that support the social–emotional development of very young children and (b) gives examples of current policy accomplishments and challenges. The article offers a policy agenda to promote the mental health of infants and young children and suggests ways that psychologists can engage with policymakers to promote policies that foster infant mental health, including contributing to the knowledge base that informs policy decisions, educating the public and policymakers about early childhood development and mental wellness, forming community partnerships to identify and address infant mental health risks, and participating in the development of policy recommendations that improve access to evidence-based practices in infant mental health. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article examines our current mental health care system, and what can be done to expand this current system. It focuses on the mental health needs of our children, and makes some suggestions to improve their care. Some things discussed are putting more mental health professionals in schools, affordable and convenient treatment options for parents, and flexible treatment arrangements. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Changes in psychotherapy services have been the focus of controversy between psychologists and the managed-care industry, yet too seldom have client preferences been directly heard in that debate. This study investigated consumer attitudes about the central elements of psychotherapy service delivery by 3 participant groups: self-pay clients, managed-care clients, and adults without therapy experience. Important differences of opinion were found among participant groups, yet results revealed that all 5 elements investigated were considered essential. Autonomy in treatment decision-making was ranked most important, followed by choice of therapist, copayment amount, limits to confidentiality, and ease of access to care. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: This study explores the relationship between mental health and health care consumption among migrants in the Netherlands. Design: Samples of the Turkish (n = 648), Moroccan (n = 102), and Surinamese (n = 311) populations in Amsterdam were examined. The study tested a hypothesized model of risk factors for psychiatric morbidity, indicators of well-being, and indicators of health care consumption. The model was specified on the basis of information from earlier research on the sample and literature on the topic. The model was tested and refined using structural equation modeling. Main outcome measures: Psychiatric morbidity and well-being measures were assessed with the CIDI 1.1 and MOS-sf-36 subscales, respectively. Health care consumption was assessed by the question "Have you ever consulted one or more of these professionals or health care facilities with respect to mental health problems or problems related to alcohol or drugs usage?" Results: The primary result of this study was the confirmation that health care consumption among migrants is predicted by need and predisposition factors, such as health condition and sociodemographic characteristics. In addition, mental health care consumption of migrants is predicted by acculturation characteristics. This result suggests an effect of cultural and migrant-specific factors in help-seeking behavior and barriers to mental health care facilities. Conclusions: Findings confirm the existence of migrant-specific mechanisms in health care consumption. Mental health care professionals should be aware of these. However, ignoring common ground for interventions unnecessarily creates distance between migrant groups and between migrant and indigenous Dutch groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This randomized trial is a first evaluation of a brief psychotherapeutic intervention for primary care patients. Sixty-two participants were randomly assigned to the intervention or to treatment as usual. As compared with treatment as usual, the intervention led to significant reductions in symptoms of anxiety and depression. The reduction was maintained for 3 months after the end of treatment, but some return of symptoms occurred by 6 months after treatment. The treatment was well accepted by patients. This study provides good preliminary evidence for the effectiveness of this intervention. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The managed health care movement has reached a stage of maturity that has allowed it to begin to invest in the development of new clinical intervention approaches. Modern managed mental health care therapy, also known as pithy therapy, is expected to replace more traditional, lengthier forms of therapy by the year 2000. This article presents sections of the new treatment manual for purposes of illustrating the newly developed techniques. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Addiction Severity Index (ASI) has been extensively used in the United States and Europe as an indicator of the problems of substance abuse patients. Several studies have shown the ASI to be a reliable and valid instrument, but lately doubt has arisen regarding its validity and reliability. The article focuses on a specific scale of the ASI-the Psychiatric Status scale-and its strength in predicting the use of mental health care. A group of 1,027 heroin patients in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, who participated in a methadone program were the subjects. Three indices have been used: the evaluation index, the clinical index, and the composite scores. It appears that no matter which indices are used, the Psychiatric scale does discriminate between those who will have contact with mental health care and those who will not. However, the percentage of false positives is high. None of the indices predicts the intensity and duration of the mental health care treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study examined sociodemographic and attitudinal predisposing factors (gender, age, marital status, health insurance, household income, attitudes about mental health care), and need/illness variables (depression severity, physical and mental health functional status) as predictors of past-year mental health care use intensity (i.e., visit counts) and use/nonuse. The sample included 283 adult primary care patients from the Midwestern United States in a cross-sectional study. Nonlinear regression models demonstrated that past-year treatment use intensity was significantly associated with both married status and poorer physical health functioning, while the use (vs. nonuse) of treatment was associated with depression severity. A sociodemographic and attitudinal multivariate predictor model only explained 5% of the variance in treatment use intensity, but a need/illness model significantly contributed an additional 23% variance. Poorer physical health functioning was significant in predicting treatment use intensity, while depression severity was significant in predicting the use (vs. nonuse) of treatment. Results demonstrate the particular importance of physical health problems in determining the intensity of mental health care use, and depression severity in determining the use/nonuse of treatment, notwithstanding the restricted sociodemographic contour of the sample. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: This study was designed to evaluate the association between marital distress and mental health service utilization in a population-based sample of men and women (N = 1,601). Method: The association between marital distress and mental health care service utilization was evaluated for overall mental health service utilization and for specific sectors of treatment providers, including psychiatrist, other mental health provider, other medical provider, and religious services provider. Interviews were used to assess past-year service utilization and presence of anxiety, mood, and substance use disorders. Results: Approximately 12% of married individuals sought help for problems with their emotions, nerves, or substance use during the 12 months preceding the interview. Marital distress was significantly associated with (a) overall mental health service utilization and service utilization provided by each of the sectors of providers when controlling for demographic variables and (b) overall mental health service utilization and receiving treatment from a psychiatrist when additionally controlling for past-year anxiety, mood, or substance use disorders. There was little evidence that the associations between marital distress and service utilization were moderated by gender or presence of psychiatric disorders. Conclusion: The finding that marital distress is associated with greater mental health care service utilization suggests that clinicians should assess both individual and relationship factors among individuals presenting for treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors summarize the health care problems facing rural and frontier America by addressing five key issues within the framework of health care for the whole person: how to (a) provide health care access, (b) ensure health care quality, (c) provide a range of health care or meet the scope of practice demands, (d) address regional, rural-specific characteristics that may exist, and (e) address health professionals' quality of life. When working in rural and frontier areas it is crucial for providers to collaborate across all types of health care to provide better care and better utilize a region's tautly stretched resources. Rural health care resources are provided. The authors attempt to demonstrate characteristics of rural culture and rural and frontier populations' health care disparities, highlighting the need for collaborative care. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This research examined longitudinal associations between caregiving stressors, caregiver depression, and quality of care. Informal caregivers of elderly care recipients were interviewed at baseline (N = 310) and again one year later (N = 213). Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that increases in caregiving stressors (i.e., caregiver physical health symptoms, caregiver activity restriction, and care recipient controlling and manipulative behavior) were related to increased caregiver depression. In turn, increased caregiver depression and decreased caregiver respectful behavior predicted increases in potentially harmful behavior. These results extend previous cross-sectional findings and indicate that changes in caregiving stressors, caregiver depression, and caregiver respect over time may signal that intervention is warranted in order to forestall or prevent poor quality of care. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

For more than a decade, health care systems have attempted to implement evidence-based practices and guidelines. These efforts have demonstrated the difficulty in making practice changes in complex systems of care. Many health care systems, including the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and state community mental health systems, have made adoption of evidence-based treatments, especially psychotherapies, a priority. Psychologists, as behavioral change experts and clinical leaders, are positioned to aid local implementation efforts but may have limited knowledge of the “implementation science” literature. This article provides a brief introduction to the implementation literature and offers a guide for developing an implementation plan to adopt evidence-based psychotherapies in local health care settings illustrated by a hypothetical example. Challenges to implementation are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We argue that infant meaning-making processes are a central mechanism governing both typical and pathological outcomes. Infants, as open dynamic systems, must constantly garner information to increase their complexity and coherence. They fulfill this demand by making nonverbal “meaning”—affects, movements, representations—about themselves in relation to the world and themselves into a “biopsychosocial state of consciousness,” which shapes their ongoing engagement with the world. We focus on the operation of the infant–adult communication system, a dyadic, mutually regulated system that scaffolds infants' engagement with the world of people, things, and themselves, and consequently their meaning-making. We argue that infant mental health problems emerge when the meanings infants make in the moment, which increase their complexity and coherence and may be adaptive in the short run, selectively limit their subsequent engagement with the world and, in turn, the growth of their state of consciousness in the long run. When chronic and iterative, these altered meanings can interfere with infants' successful development and heighten their vulnerability to pathological outcomes. Cultural variations in meaning-making and implications for clinical practice are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Health care has been, and to large measure remains, an enormous collection of considerably independent professionals, freestanding institutions, highly individualized consumer demands, and laws that vary considerably state by state. To a great extent, health services in the US have been organized and offered as an exchange between individuals, and American practitioners and patients have valued this independence. Over the past decade and a half, however, we have begun to recognize that provision of health care on an individuated basis comes at an enormous cost. Beyond simply the economic cost, there is the growing realization that the "independent" nature of the actions taken by the individuated sectors of our health system can often be characterized as idiosyncratic, unmanaged, uncoordinated, and irrational. One small but critical step toward improving the fractious nature of our health system is to advance the cause of states recognizing the professional licensure of health professionals by other states. Such mutual recognition, long overdue, promises real benefits for patients and, in the long run, for professionals as well. Professional bodies both private and public should focus on patients and their needs when considering any regulatory changes to be made. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The specialization of forensic mental health assessment (FMHA) has incorporated important advances during the last two decades. As scientific advances, specialized tools, and relevant ethical guidelines have become core elements of FMHA, however, the question of how to regulate poor practice has assumed increasing importance. One such means of regulation that has been rarely applied to FMHA thus far is malpractice litigation using a clearly defined standard of care. This article focuses on the relationship between standard of practice and standard of care in FMHA. The authors discuss the current absence of a standard of care in FMHA, describing the historical, regulatory, and legal influences that have helped to shape the current state of practice in this specialty area and their relevance to operationalizing a standard of care. The authors address the various sources of authority that the law might consider in defining a standard of care and specify circumstances under which legal regulation using a standard of care would be more useful than would ethical/professional regulation using a standard of practice. Finally, the authors describe the advantages of developing a clearer standard of practice in FMHA, which can then inform the operationalization of a standard of care. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article summarizes the conception and diagnosis of the mental health continuum, the findings supporting the two continua model of mental health and illness, and the benefits of flourishing to individuals and society. Completely mentally healthy adults--individuals free of a 12-month mental disorder and flourishing--reported the fewest missed days of work, the fewest half-day or greater work cutbacks, the healthiest psychosocial functioning (i.e., low helplessness, clear goals in life, high resilience, and high intimacy), the lowest risk of cardiovascular disease, the lowest number of chronic physical diseases with age, the fewest health limitations of activities of daily living, and lower health care utilization. However, the prevalence of flourishing is barely 20% in the adult population, indicating the need for a national program on mental health promotion to complement ongoing efforts to prevent and treat mental illness. Findings reveal a Black advantage in mental health as flourishing and no gender disparity in flourishing among Whites. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Risky families are characterized by conflict and aggression and by relationships that are cold, unsupportive, and neglectful. These family characteristics create vulnerabilities and/or interact with genetically based vulnerabilities in offspring that produce disruptions in psychosocial functioning (specifically emotion processing and social competence), disruptions in stress-responsive biological regulatory systems, including sympathetic-adrenomedullary and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical functioning, and poor health behaviors, especially substance abuse. This integrated biobehavioral profile leads to consequent accumulating risk for mental health disorders, major chronic diseases, and early mortality. In conclusion, the authors state that childhood family environments represent vital links for understanding mental and physical health across the life span. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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