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Multiple-unit activity in the central nucleus of the amygdala was continuously recorded during 4 hr of restraint stress in rats. Five different activity profiles were found. Two types were associated with stress ulceration: one with increased stomach pathology, and the other with decreased stomach pathology. The same unit profiles were also differentially related to the emotionality characteristics of Wistar-derived rats, as well as to those of the genetically selected lines of Roman high- and low-avoidance rats. The type of profile that had been associated with increased pathology was generally seen in the Roman low-avoidance rats and in the Wistar rats that had been judged to be more emotional, that is, defecated before five "rearings" had occurred in an open-field test. The other unit profile was significantly more frequent in the Roman high-avoidance animals and the less emotional Wistar rats. Low-level electrical stimulation of both types of units produced stomach erosions in all cases. It was concluded that the unit activity in the central nucleus of the amygdala reflects certain emotionality characteristics of rats and also their susceptibility to stress ulcers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (AL) is essential in auditory fear conditioning and that neurons in the AL respond to auditory stimuli. The goals of the present study were to determine whether neurons in the AL are also responsive to somatosensory stimuli and, if so, whether single neurons in the AL respond to both auditory and somatosensory stimulation. Single-unit activity was recorded in the AL in anesthetized rats during the presentation of acoustic (clicks) and somatosensory (footshock) stimuli. Neurons in the dorsal subdivision of the AL responded to both somatosensory and auditory stimuli, whereas neurons in the ventrolateral AL responded only to somatosensory stimuli and neurons in the ventromedial AL did not respond to either stimuli. These findings indicate that the dorsal AL is a site of auditory and somatosensory convergence and may therefore be a focus of convergence of conditioned and unconditioned stimuli (CS and UCS) in auditory fear conditioning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Many lines of evidence support the importance of the nucleus accumbens (NAC) for ethanol-reinforced behavior. The nature of the neuronal activity that occurs in this region during ethanol self-administration is not known. We recorded from ensembles of single-units primarily located within the shell of the NAC during operant responding for oral ethanol solutions by well-trained rats. Of 90 units recorded from seven sessions from seven rats, 41 (46%) did not exhibit significant changes in relation to the experimental events. Of the 49 units (54%) that did exhibit significant phasic changes, alterations in firing rate occurred in relation to the following experimental events: operant response (63%), tone stimulus (20%), and ethanol delivery (63%). In addition, changes in spike activity during the intervals between the three experimental events were noted in 33% of the units. Most units (55% of responsive units) responded to multiple experimental events. Thus different but overlapping populations of neurons in the NAC represent each event that occurs along the temporal dimension of a single trial performed to obtain ethanol reward. The data suggest that the NAC plays a crucial role in linking together conditioned and unconditioned internal and external stimuli with motor plans to allow for ethanol-seeking behavior to occur.  相似文献   

Recent evidence points to a role of cytokines like tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) in the generation of hyperalgesia not only in inflammatory, but also in neuropathic pain. We used the model of chronic constrictive injury (CCI) of one sciatic nerve in the mouse to investigate which of the two known TNF receptors is involved in the process that leads to hyperalgesia after nerve injury. Neutralizing antibodies to TNF, to the TNF receptor 1 (TNFR1), and to the TNF receptor 2 (TNFR2) were administered by epineurial injection once daily to mice with CCI. Testing of the animals' hind paws with thermal and innocuous mechanical stimuli revealed a reduction in thermal hyperalgesia and mechanical allodynia in mice treated with neutralizing antibodies to TNF and to TNFR1. Neutralizing antibodies to TNFR2 had no effect. We conclude that TNFR1, but not TNFR2, is mediating thermal hyperalgesia and mechanical allodynia after nerve injury.  相似文献   

Infant rats emerge from the maternal nest at Postnatal Day 17-18 to have their first critical environmental experiences; they may be particularly sensitive to experiences or experimental interventions that can affect their adult capacity. The authors address open questions on 2 components of normative environmental exploration, locomotor activity and response to anxiety-provoking locations, in Postnatal Day 18 infant and Postnatal Day 60 adult rats. The authors compare diurnal patterns of locomotor activity, wheel running, novel and familiar open-field activity, and 2 measures of anxiety. Infants have an equivalent capacity to adults for locomotor activity and wheel running and a fundamentally adult-like diurnal rhythm, except that they do not anticipate light-dark transitions, are more perturbable at their most somnolent, and are more or less active during specific limited phases than adults. Infants initially have a lower rate of locomotor activity in novel environments and have a greater willingness to be active in anxiety-provoking locations. Such differences may allow enhanced gathering of environmental information by the infant and are important to consider in the design of experiments using infants. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 3 experiments with a total of 24 male Holtzman albino rats, analyses of multiunit activity of midbrain reticular formation (RF) and lateral geniculate nucleus (LG) revealed marked phasic covariation that conformed to characteristics of behavior. Movement patterns appeared to set the range within which RF activity and thalamocortical arousal (as reflected in LG activity) varied. In tests of spontaneous behavior, sensory stimulation, barpressing for food, and conditioned emotional response, RF activity and thalamocortical arousal conformed to immediate properties of behavior apart from conditions giving rise to the behavior. Other analyses revealed close relationships between RF activity and visual evoked response, but only a general relationship to hippocampal slow-wave rhythms. Findings emphasize the necessity for refining psychological conceptualizations of arousal processes. (49 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effects of inactivation of cerebellar deep nuclei and the lateral pontine nucleus on classical eyeblink conditioning with tone or lateral reticular nucleus (LRN) stimulation as conditioned stimuli (CSs) were examined. Inactivation of cerebellar deep nuclei abolished eyeblink conditioned responses (CRs) when the CS was either a tone or LRN stimulation. Inactivation of the lateral pontine nucleus prevented only the acquisition and retention of tone-evoked eyeblink CRs. Multiple-unit recording demonstrated that when LRN stimulation was used as the CS, inactivation of the interpositus nucleus abolished learning-related neuronal activity in the lateral pontine nucleus, whereas inactivation of pontine nucleus had little effect on similar activity in the interpositus nucleus. Thus, the learning-induced neuronal activity in the lateral pontine nucleus was most likely driven by the cerebellar interpositus nucleus. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Rats were trained to run down a runway for either 1 or 10 food pellets. After training, those receiving 10 pellets were shifted to 1 pellet. Such shifts typically elicit a temporary decrease in running speed. Groups of normal rats and rats with bilateral lesions of the fimbria–fornix, lateral–basolateral complex of the amygdala, or dorsal striatum were tested with the shifted and unshifted procedures. Separate experiments, identical except for the intertrial intervals (ITIs; 3 min vs. 30 s), were carried out. The data are consistent with the view that an integrated action of multiple neural systems is required to observe the typical response to reward reduction in unlesioned rats. One system that includes the dorsal striatum promotes a reinforced approach response to the goal box. A neural system that includes fimbria–fornix is required to retain information about reduced reward over the 3-min ITI. A system that includes the amygdala may acquire a conditioned aversive response to the goal box after the shift is detected, leading to reduced speeds over testing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A within-subject design was used to investigate the behavioral and neural basis of the conditioned activity induced by amphetamine in male Wistar rats. In this design, conditioned activity was inferred when the activity of a given rat following a vehicle injection was greater in its amphetamine-paired environment (CS+) than in its vehicle-paired environment (CS-). Conditioned activity (a) did not change in magnitude with the number of conditioning sessions, (b) did not differ from the level of activity recorded during the first exposure to the CS- (novelty), (c) had an extinction rate that was similar to the rate of habituation to the CS-, and (d) was not impaired by a bilateral excitotoxic lesion of the basolateral amygdala. Results are discussed in light of the incentive conditioning and habituation theories of conditioned activity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the respective roles of the hippocampus (H), the amygdala (A), and the dorsal striatum (DS) in learning and memory. A standard set of experimental conditions for studying the effects of lesions to the 3 brain areas using an 8-arm radial maze was used: a win-shift (W-SH) version, a conditioned cue preference (CCP) version, and a win-stay (W-ST) version. Damage to the hippocampal system impaired acquisition of the W-SH task but not the CCP or W-ST tasks. Damage to the lateral A impaired acquisition of the CCP task but not the W-SH or W-ST tasks. Damage to the DS impaired acquisition of the W-ST task but not the W-SH or CCP tasks. Results are consistent with the hypothesis that the mammalian brain may be capable of acquiring different kinds of information with different, more-or-less independent neural systems (NSs). A NS that includes the H may acquire information about the relationships among stimuli and events. An NS that includes the A may mediate the rapid acquisition of behaviors based on biologically significant events with affective properties. An NS that includes the DS may mediate the formation of reinforced stimulus–response associations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of the hypothalamus contain a pacemaker that generates circadian rhythms in many functions. Light is the most important stimulus that synchronizes the circadian pacemaker to the environmental cycle. In this paper we have characterized the baseline neuronal firing patterns of the SCN as well as their response to light in freely moving rats. Multiunit and single-unit recordings showed that SCN neurons increase discharge during daytime and decrease discharge at night. Discharge levels of individual neurons that were followed throughout the circadian cycle appeared in phase with the population and were characterized by low discharge rates (often below 1 Hz), with a twofold increase during the day. The effect of light on the multiunit response was dependent on the duration of light exposure and on light intensity, with light thresholds of approximately 0.1 lux. The light response level showed a strong dependency on time of day, with large responsiveness at night and low responsiveness during day. At both phases of the circadian cycle, the response level could be raised by an increase in light intensity. Single-unit measurements revealed that the time-dependent light response of SCN neurons was present also at the level of single units. The results show that the basic light response characteristics that were observed at the multiunit level result from an integrated response of similarly behaving single units. Research at the single-unit level is therefore a useful approach for investigating the basic principles of photic entrainment.  相似文献   

In this article we describe three experiments aimed at determining why the conditioned stimulus/stimuli (CS) elicits similar increases in heart rate in groups given paired and random training. The first study demonstrates that regardless of the pseudoconditioning control procedure used (random, backwards, shock-alone, or naive), the same pattern of results is obtained: the increases in arterial pressure are greater in the paired than in each control group, but the heart rate rises to the same extent in all groups. The second study determined that the context in which the responses are tested (conditioning apparatus vs novel test chamber) does not affect the general pattern of results obtained. The third study demonstrates that the superficially similar increases in heart rate in conditioned and pseudoconditioned rats are achieved by different physiological mechanisms: coactivation of the sympathethic and parasympathetic nervous systems in conditioned rats and sympathetic excitation alone in pseudoconditioned rats. Thus, the heart is influenced by associative emotional processes, but heart rate is not, under these conditions, a particularly useful index of those influences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Small lesions of the dorsomedial amygdala reduced the magnitude of the conditioned place aversion produced by naltrexone-precipitated morphine withdrawal, whereas large lesions of the ventral nucleus accumbens had no effect. This finding that the dorsomedial amygdala, which has not been implicated in opiate reward, is involved in mediating the aversiveness of opiate withdrawal is consistent with data indicating that amygdala lesions reduce the aversiveness of a variety of aversive events. In contrast, the nucleus accumbens, which is involved in mediating the rewarding effects of opiates, does not appear to be critically involved in mediating the aversive effects of opiate withdrawal. Together, these findings suggest that the neural structures that mediate the rewarding effects of opiates may be at least partially distinct from the structures that mediate the aversive effects of opiate withdrawal. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence that the basolateral complex of the amygdala (ABL) is involved in learning about the motivational value of otherwise neutral stimuli. The authors examined the role in this function of the ABL and one of its major efferent structures, the nucleus accumbens. Male Long-Evans rats received either sham, ipsilaterally. or contralaterally placed unilateral lesions of the ABL and accumbens and were trained in an appetitive Pavlovian second-order conditioning task. Sham-lesioned and ipsilaterally lesioned rats acquired the task normally, but contralaterally lesioned rats, in which the ABL and accumbens were functionally disconnected, failed to acquire second-order conditioned responses (although they did acquire second-order conditioned orienting responses). The results suggest that the ABL and accumbens are part of a system critical for processing information about learned motivational value. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The nucleus accumbens core (AcbC), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) are required for normal acquisition of tasks based on stimulus-reward associations. However, it is not known whether they are involved purely in the learning process or are required for behavioral expression of a learned response. Rats were trained preoperatively on a Pavlovian autoshaping task in which pairing a visual conditioned stimulus (CS+) with food causes subjects to approach the CS+ while not approaching an impaired stimulus (CS-). Subjects then received lesions of the AcbC, ACC, or CeA before being retested. AcbC lesions severely impaired performance; lesioned subjects approached the CS + significantly less often than controls, failing to discriminate between the CS + and CS-. ACC lesions also impaired performance but did not abolish discrimination entirely. CeA lesions had no effect on performance. Thus, the CeA is required for learning, but not expression, of a conditioned approach response, implying that it makes a specific contribution to the learning of stimulus-reward associations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Rats with a neurotoxic lesion of the amygdala central nucleus (CN) in one hemisphere and a 192 immunoglobulin G (192IgG)-saporin lesion of cholinergic neurons in the contralateral substantia innominata/nucleus basalis (SI/nBM) failed to show the enhanced attentional processing of a conditioned stimulus (CS) observed in sham-operated rats when that CS's predictive value was altered. Performance of these asymmetrically lesioned rats was poorer than that of rats with a unilateral lesion of either structure or with a symmetrical lesion of both structures in the same hemisphere. These results implicate connections between the CN and SI/nBM in the incremental attentional processing of CSs, extending previous research that has shown similar effects of bilateral lesions of either the CN or the SI/nBM. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reversible blockade of the neocortex by spreading depression and of the parabrachial nucleus (PBN) and amygdala (AMG) by tetrodotoxin (TTX) injection was used to study lateralization of passive avoidance reaction (PAR) engrams in rats. In Exp 1, PAR acquisition was not disrupted by posttrial TTX applied into the PBN or AMG or into both of these structures in the same hemisphere but was impaired when the AMG and PBN were blocked in opposite hemispheres. In Exp 2, retrieval of PAR acquired with intact brain was not impaired by unilateral TTX blockade of the AMG. In Exp 3, PAR was acquired with posttrial TTX blockade of the AMG and PBN in 1 hemisphere. Full or partial block of PAR retrieval was induced by functional decortication of the contra- or ipsilateral hemisphere, respectively, whereas blockade of either AMG was ineffective. It is concluded that PAR acquisition requires ipsilateral interaction of the AMG and PBN and that the 2 hemicortices contribute differentially to the retrieval of engrams formed under such conditions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Neurochemical and morphological effects of repeated microdialysis or permanent microdialysis probe implantations in striatum were studied. The extracellular levels of dopamine did not change between a first and a second probe insertion separated by 2 weeks or at a third dialysis session 2 days later. The 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and homovanillic acid levels were similar at the first and second microdialysis session, but decreased at the third. Probes implanted permanently for 2 weeks clogged, and the recovery varied markedly after insertion of new probes. Tyrosine hydroxylase-stained dopamine fibers appeared unaffected after all dialysis sessions, although some swollen fibers were observed surrounding the probes. No change in the glial fibrillary acidic protein staining was seen immediately after the first dialysis session, although 2 weeks later gliosis was observed. After the second and third dialysis a diffuse gliosis was observed, while a glial barrier was seen surrounding the permanently implanted probes. Immediately after the first dialysis session enlarged laminin-stained blood vessels were seen, whereas repeated probe implantation also increased the blood vessel density. Thus, chronic in vivo microdialysis with permanently implanted probes is limited by severe technical problems and marked tissue changes. On the other hand, repeated probe insertion in the same brain site appears to be acceptable for performing chronic microdialysis studies in the same subject, provided neurochemical and morphological changes are taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Synchronization of spatially distributed responses in the cortex is often associated with periodic activity. Recently, synchronous oscillatory patterning was described for visual responses in retinal ganglion cells that is reliably transmitted by the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), raising the question of whether oscillatory inputs contribute to synchronous oscillatory responses in the cortex. We have made simultaneous multi-unit recordings from visual areas 17 and 18 as well as the LGN and the retina to examine the interactions between subcortical and cortical synchronization mechanisms. Strong correlations of oscillatory responses were observed between retina, LGN, and cortex, indicating that cortical neurons can become synchronized by oscillatory activity relayed through the LGN. This feedforward synchronization occurred with oscillation frequencies in the range of 60-120 Hz and was most pronounced for responses to stationary flashed stimuli and more frequent for cells in area 18 than in area 17. In response to moving stimuli, by contrast, subcortical and cortical oscillations dissociated, proving the existence of independent subcortical and cortical mechanisms. Subcortical oscillations maintained their high frequencies but became transient. Cortical oscillations were now dominated by a cortical synchronizing mechanism operating in the 30-60 Hz frequency range. When the cortical mechanism dominated, LGN responses could become phase-locked to the cortical oscillations via corticothalamic feedback. In summary, synchronization of cortical responses can result from two independent but interacting mechanisms. First, a transient feedforward synchronization to high-frequency retinal oscillations, and second, an intracortical mechanism, which operates in a lower frequency range and induces more sustained synchronization.  相似文献   

Our earlier studies suggest dopamine and serotonin interact with acetylcholine (ACh) in the nucleus accumbens (NAC) as part of a system for motivation and reinforcement. The purpose of the present experiment was to characterize a possible link between GABA and acetylcholine in the nucleus accumbens using microdialysis in freely moving rats. Different doses of GABA, muscimol, baclofen, saclofen and bicuculline were locally infused into the nucleus accumbens through the microdialysis probe. GABA and its agonists dose-dependently decreased extracellular levels of acetylcholine in the nucleus accumbens. In contrast the GABAA antagonist, bicuculline, dose-dependently increased extracellular ACh while the GABAB antagonist, saclofen, was without effect. Co-infusion of bicuculline or saclofen was shown to block the decrease in recoverable ACh produced by muscimol or baclofen, respectively. The results demonstrate an inhibitory action of GABA on acetylcholine interneurones in the nucleus accumbens involving both GABAA and GABAB receptor subtypes. In addition a tonic inhibitory GABAergic tone is probably mediated through GABAA receptors.  相似文献   

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