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“印刷设备慨论”课程是印刷专业的重要基础课程,对学生专业知识学习和实践能力的提高非常重要.本研究在明确了“印刷设备概论”课程专业定位的基础上,进行了课程的教学模式与教学方法的改革和实践.通过设计课堂授课、现场教学、基地实习和企业观摩等环节,建立了理论知识与实践能力相结合的教学模式.通过启发式教学、讨论式教学和分阶段考核等教学方法的改革,激发学生的学习和动手实践的主动性,培养团队协作精神.并通过教学队伍、课程教材和实习基地的建设,为教学改革的实施提供保障,本研究对专业课程的深化改革具有十分重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

本文分析了当前印刷包装工程专业在学生实践和科研创新能力培养方面普遍存在的问题,结合印刷色彩学相关课程,设计具有开放性和创新性的综合实验.在丰富学生第二课堂、为学生获得创新学分提供途径的同时,也锻炼和培养了学生的实践能力,创新能力和团队协作能力.  相似文献   

加强学生创新意识、合作精神、工程实践能力的培养,是当前高等教育教学改革的重要内容之一。探索以任务驱动教学为导向、开展各类专业学科竞赛为引领、拓展校企深度合作的教学思路,促进电气、电子类应用型工科专业学生的核心课程教学方法的改进与实践,通过积极的践行和尝试,有效培养学生团队协作能力、实践操作能力,增强学生自主学习、积极思考的探究精神,提高学生开拓思维、敢于大胆创新的意识。  相似文献   

培养大学生的团队合作精神是高校教学工作的重要任务之一,结合多年教学工作经验分析了当代大学生团队合作精神现状和原因;并以纺织工程专业为例,介绍了在人才培养方案、课程设置、课程教学及课程考核四方面本院进行的改革和实践。结果表明,大学生团队合作精神的培养需从多方面进行,其中恰当的课程改革可有效促进大学生的团队合作精神培养。  相似文献   

混合式教学是未来高校教学模式改革的重要方向。《食品毒理学》是食品质量与安全专业的核心课程,也是实施专业课程思政教学的重要载体。课程组构建了五段进阶混合式教学模式,基于课程思政的教学活动充分发挥学生学习的主体性和自主性,培养学生的协作学习和自主学习能力,拓展学生的视野,构建了师生新型学习共同体。课程思政与线上线下混合式教学的有机融合,对提升大学生的专业知识和专业自信的培养具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

洪叶 《纺织报告》2020,(1):106-107
"服装配饰设计"课程教学主要重视学生的理论知识与实践能力培养,但是对学生的创新创业能力培养依旧不足,此外,教师自身的创新创业能力有限,影响了创新创业课程的开展效果,为此,需要从加强校企合作、保障创新创业教育顺利实施,依托"互联网+"的教育资源、加强学生的创新创业能力培养,贯彻落实团队项目化学习、提高学生的创业团队协作水平3个方面提高学生的"双创"能力。  相似文献   

毕业设计对于建筑工程技术专业学生来讲极其重要,是专业学习中对整个大学阶段所学知识的深化与升华;是对所学知识的一次检验和提炼;是培养发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的过程;更是培养大学生创新能力的重要过程。如何在毕业设计中培养大学生创新能力,对于进一步改革教学、提高建筑工程技术专业教育质量,增强大学生就业与创业的能力等方面具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

分析"印染CAD原理与应用"课程在教学过程中存在的问题,提出基于问题的学习(PBL)模式下该课程的教学改革举措。实践证明,应用PBL模式进行教学,有利于培养学生独立分析和解决问题的能力,提高学生的团队协作能力等综合素质。  相似文献   

人本的教育理念要求体育教学要坚持以学生为本的教育思想,体育课程更多的是培养学生各方面的能力和意志品质,对于学生人生观和价值观的形成有重要作用。团队协作能力的培养有助于学生学习成绩的提高、学生的个人发展、帮助学生塑造正确的人生观和价值观体育课程教学对于团队协作能力的影响主要体现在体育课程的教学有其独特性、体育项目的可选择性、体育精神的影响。人本教育理念下体育课程中团队协作能力培养的途径为:坚持以学生为本的教育思想;树立学生的团队精神;选择团队项目,设立激励机制;加强沟通,鼓励学生创新。  相似文献   

以建构主义学习理论为基础,结合我国大学生心理健康教育课程教学实际,研究并且实践了建构主义学习理论的教学模式在大学生心理健康教育课程中的应用。将教学过程分为了解学生已有的知识储备和心理发展水平基础上确定教学目标、创设问题情境、协作学习、商讨会话、意义建构、效果评价六个环节。旨在利用新型的教学模式提高学生自主学习、合作学习、探究学习的能力。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The new IFT Education Standards require that all IFT-approved Food Science programs have an assessment plan for evaluating student learning. Learning outcomes must be written for each individual course as well as for the curriculum as a whole and assessment within each course and across the curriculum is recommended. This approach is significantly different from the traditional education approach used most commonly and requires a change in perspective on the meaning of teaching and learning without sacrificing the good things that come out of our current education system. For most programs, the first step in developing an assessment program is to identify a set of learning outcomes in the broadest sense. The assistance of an education expert to help write true learning outcomes should be solicited; as well, input from the industrial sector should be invited. Once learning outcomes have been developed for the curriculum as a whole, individual courses can be prepared to bring the most logical learning sequence together. Individual courses may follow traditional lines or courses may be reorganized in some other way to promote student learning within the resources of the program. As the curriculum is designed, thought should be given to how student learning develops across the curriculum. For example, developing team work skills may be coordinated at several points in the curriculum. In this way, students are exposed to the concepts, allowed to practice their skills, and then evaluated on their competence in a manner consistent with what they will be required to do upon graduation. Using the approach suggested here, a curriculum with coordinated instruction to promote and to assess student learning can be developed. The outcome of such an approach to instruction will be enhanced student learning and competency upon graduation.  相似文献   

为深化食品工艺学实验教学改革,优化课程教学方案设计,教学方案设计思路建立大型项目实验由子项目组成的总项目,采用全过程项目管理手段,从而培养学生面向产品,提升科研、团队协作、项目管理等能力。  相似文献   

多元化教学团队是一种综合性的教学团队形式,在同一领域的教学体系中,融入该领域的基础课教师、专业课教师、企业技术专家、科研人员、行业协会专家等,形成一种能够优势互补的多元化教学团队。在武汉科技大学城市学院环境设计专业多元化教学团队的建设中,我们发现青年教师在教学和科研方面的能力均有待提高,针对此问题,我们在团队建设过程中让青年教师参与进来,为他们提供学习和培训的机会,在搭建优良教学平台的同时为青年教师的职业发展指出具体的方向。  相似文献   

从大学生创新实验与研究生开题、导师制与导师合理引导"、产""学""研"结合、研究团队等方面论述系列措施对研究生创新能力培养的影响,找出有效的创新能力培养措施。综合分析表明,应该从研究生本身、导师引导、政策导向、制度支持、经济诱导、环境培育等方面为创新能力的培养提供全方位的保障与支持。  相似文献   

This 3-yr classroom research project studied students’ perception of the learning environment when class time was reserved primarily for discussion of preassigned reading material as an alternative to a lecture in ruminant nutrition. A student-assessment-of-learning-gain instrument with 46 items was administered anonymously as a survey 3-wk into the semester and as a course evaluation at the end of the semester. Scores, collected on a scale of 1 to 10, were analyzed to determine differences between survey and evaluation, the variation due to student cohort (years 2003, 2004, and 2005), and student standing (undergraduate or graduate) for 5 selected items: item 1 = My level of interest/ curiosity for nutrition is; item 17 = The reading assignments help me learn; item 18 = The in-class discussions help me learn; item 24 = I would prefer the professor lecture; item 38 = I am learning a lot in this class. Although students indicated a preference to using class time for discussion rather than lecture, the degree of consensus was low, as 10% of scores indicated a strong desire for lecture, whereas another 10% indicated strong opposition to lecture. Reading assignments and in-class discussions contributed positively to the perception of learning and both were correlated positively with level of interest in the topic. In the evaluation, the desire for lecture was correlated negatively with level of interest in the topic and the self-assessed level of learning. Students reported a greater interest in the topic at the end of the semester than at wk 3; however, the self-reported learning gains from discussion-related activities varied with student cohort. Graduate students reported a higher interest, more learning from discussion-related activities, and less desire for lecture than undergraduates. Although graduate students were more impervious to the discussion format, undergraduates perceived more learning if the discussion was student-centered (i.e., focused on their questions and answers), rather than subject-centered (i.e., focused on the paper content).  相似文献   

制革商务英语是一门实用型的英语课程,为了能学以致用而进行教学改革。本文通过分析制革商务英语教学现状,探讨基于信息技术提高教师素质、丰富教学内容、改进教学模式方案以提高教学效果及学生制革商务英语素质。  相似文献   

It has been stated that one important effect of introducing a National Curriculum has been to increase teacher collaboration to the substantial benefit of pupil learning. Drawing upon findings from a research project which studied the implementation of the History and Geography National Curriculum of England and Wales for primary schools, this paper presents evidence which contrasts with that claim and bears witness to an important, and largely unexamined, culture shift in what constitutes curriculum and professional teacher development. It argues that the rhetoric and purposes of teacher collaboration must be closely examined in order to rekindle the debate about educational and pedagogical values. Suggestions are made concerning principled teacher collaboration with a newly-defined concept of teaching as a career. The call is for teachers to sound the clarion of a new era of professional collaboration to enhance pupil learning, rather than to feel obliged to collude with a pedagogically and professionally empty 'accountability' enmeshed in formulating structures and implementing legalities.  相似文献   

为提高服装工艺课程学习效率和教学效果,结合服装工艺课程教学特点探讨了开展合作学习模式的新思路。  相似文献   

工科本科实验教学是培养应用型工程技术人才教学体系的重要组成部分.以印刷工程与包装工程专业为例,结合工科专业的特点和工科本科毕业生的培养目标,针对目前工科本科实验教学中存在的问题,分别从实验室建设、实验教师队伍建设、实验教学创新改革等方面,对如何提高工科本科实验教学质量进行探讨.本文提出,提高现有实验仪器设备利用率、加强校外实验基地建设;增加实验教师的进修机会、提升实验教师的整体素质和待遇;改革实验教学方法、引导学生参加科技创新活动等措施都能有效地提高工科本科实验教学质量,有助于培养具有较强实践能力和创新意识的工程技术人才.  相似文献   

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