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锌焙砂氨浸法制活性氧化锌的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以锌焙砂为原料,经氨浸、净化、蒸氨、干燥、煅烧等工序,制备活性氧化锌,产品质量符合国家标准,制备工艺简单,操作简便,锌的回收率高,生产成本低,经济效益显著。  相似文献   

深入贯彻科学发展观,全面落实节约资源基本国策,正确处理节能与发展、节能与开发、市场机制与宏观调控的关系,以提高能源利用效率为核心,以转变增长方式、调整经济结构、加快技术进步为根本,充分发挥市场配置资源的基础性作用,实行有效的激励政策,调动市场主体节能的积极性,加强节能管理.强化全社会的节能意识,加快构建节约型的生产方式和消费模式,促进经济社会可持续发展,能源消耗水平,是一个国家经济结构、增长方式、科技水平、管理能力、消费模式以及国民素质的综合反映。因此,节约资源,也必须采取综合措施,多管齐下,多方努力,主要应从以下6个方面入手,扎实推进。  相似文献   

患者女性,29岁,因工作不慎伤及右膝部,即疼痛、流血、下肢血运差,急至当地医院行清创,Guo动、静脉吻合术,术后逐渐肿痛,并给予筋膜室切开减压,疼痛仍明显,为进一步治疗,转入莱钢医院。查体:T38.2℃,P96次/分,R20次/分,BP130/80mmHg,右下肢石膏屈曲位外固定,压痛、肿胀明显,末梢血运差,行DSA动脉造影示Guo动脉血栓形成,遂以右Guo动、静脉断裂吻合术后,血栓形成,右小腿骨筋膜室高压症收入院。入院后立即作好术前准备,在氯胺酮全麻下行右小腿筋膜室高压筋膜减压术,术中见右小腿切口偏小,给予延长,深室、外侧室、第四室未减压,给予减  相似文献   

铁矿石中SiO2 CaO MgO及Al2O3的系统分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱平 《江苏冶金》2006,34(1):12-14
以无水碳酸钠、四硼酸钠为熔剂,在装有石墨粉的瓷坩埚内进行快速熔融试样,熔块以盐酸浸取,溶解盐类,对铁矿石、球团矿、烧结矿中二氧化硅、氧化钙、氧化镁、三氧化二铝进行系统分析。与国家标准方法相比,本法具有操作简便,准确性好,速度快,成本低,测定范围宽等特点。  相似文献   

杨锦萍 《江西冶金》1996,16(3):43-45
本文采用原子吸收法联合测定矿石中钙、镁、锰、铅、锌、铜。用王水并辅以氟化钠溶样,加高氯酸去氟,以锶盐作释放剂,消除Si,Al,Fe,对Ca,Mg,Mn的干扰,操作简便,结果满意,收率为97-104%。  相似文献   

一种豪华型营养铁锅及其制造工艺,铁锅材料为含有多种微量元素的合金铸铁,微量元素为:铜、锌、磷、钙、碘、钾以及稀土,镁、锰等,铁锅包括锅体,与锅体铰接的锅盖,锅盖窥视孔上涂有防雾防水剂,锅体边及锅盖手柄上包有或镶嵌镀黄金或钛金圈。采用本锅能使人预防多种疾病,传热快,可节能15%~20%,耐酸碱,使用寿命比普通铁锅长3倍以上,锅结构新颖、豪华,使用、操作方便,有多种类型.锅还可用于制备人造矿泉水,使用范围广泛。  相似文献   

关于不锈钢成分的分析,一般采用化学分析方法及原子吸收法,虽然化学分析方法的精密度和准确度都比较高,但分析程序长,操作复杂,而用ICP—AES法可同时测定不锈钢中硅、锰、磷、镍、铬、钛等多种元素,节省了大量的人力、物力,提高了工作效率。本文采用基体匹配法,选择了仪器最佳工作参数,测定了不锈钢中硅、锰、磷、镍、铬、钛,方法简单、快速,精密度和准确度均能满足测试要求。  相似文献   

金秋顺 《江西冶金》1997,17(5):71-72
1铅冶炼的有关知识1.1铅的性质和用途铅是一种蓝灰色金属,原子序数82,原子量207.2,熔点327℃,沸点1751℃,纯铅很软,比重11.34g/cm3,易挥发。铅能与许多金属组成合金。在干燥空气中,,铅不发生化学变化,但在潮湿空气中被氧化,表面被氧化铅薄膜所复盖。常温下铅几乎不溶于稀盐酸和稀硫酸,但溶于硝酸,此外,铅对碱、氨、氰酸及有机盐的防腐蚀能力也较好。由于铅有具这些特性,应用较广,大量用于制造蓄电池、电缆护套、保险丝、弹头、轴承合金、焊料、活字、设备内村、管道、颜料油漆、橡胶等。铅还可用来保护人体免受辐射伤害…  相似文献   

大厂“八五”科技攻关取得重大进展万云,董洪超,包晓波大厂矿区是我国重要的有色金属基地,其矿产资源十分丰富,具有矿种多、品位富、储量大的特点。迄今,锡、锑保有储量居全国第一,锌、铅亦名列前茅,钢居世界第一,还伴生有可观的银、金、镓、钢、硫、砷等,具有很...  相似文献   

成勇  肖军  宁燕平 《钢铁钒钛》1999,20(3):58-64
采用新型等离子体光谱仪(IRIS/HR型),对同时测定面钢、低合金钢中Si,Mn,P,V,Ti,Cu,Co,Ni,Cr,Mo,Mg,Al12个元素的最佳分析参数进行了试验。研究了分析谱线、背景校正点、高叔功率、载气压力、试样提升量和辅助气体流量对分析结果的影响。将试验所选择的分析参数应用于标准样品的分析,结果表明该方法简便易行、快速、准确。  相似文献   

P Bryant 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,71(1):29-37; discussion 39-44
Muter, Hulme, Snowling, and Taylor (1997) claimed that measures of phoneme segmentation, and not measures of rhyme, predict young children's reading. They base this claim on the relative predictive success of two rhyme and two phoneme segmentation tasks. However, there is a problem with one of their two rhyme measures, the Rhyme Detection measure. The children were asked to select a choice word which "rhymes with or sounds like" a target word, but the authors only scored rhyme choices ("boat"-"coat") as correct. Choices of words with the same onset as the target ("train"-"tractor") were counted as mistakes, even though these latter choices also shared a common sound with the target. A better way to score the task is to count onset as well as rhyme choices as correct. The new score predicts reading and spelling as well as the phoneme tasks. This result is consistent with the hypothesis of Goswami and Bryant (1990) that sensitivity to onset and rhyme, as well as awareness of phonemes, plays a part in children's success in reading and to spelling.  相似文献   

何苏娟  何宇涛 《包钢科技》2012,38(1):94-95,98
文章结合包钢炼铁厂高技能人才的现状,以务实创新精神,对培养高技能人才理论与实践相结合,通过构建高技能人才培养的平台,建立和完善内部培训制度,构建高技能人才培养与能力业绩挂钩的成长通道等措施,全力培养高技能人才,促进企业全面协调可持续发展。  相似文献   

The connections of the frontoparietal opercular areas were studied in rhesus monkeys by using antero- and retrograde tracer techniques. The rostral opercular cortex including the gustatory and proisocortical motor (ProM) areas is connected with precentral areas 3, 1, and 2 as well as with the rostral portion of the opercular area which resembles the second somatosensory type of cortex (area SII) and the ventral portion of area 6. Its distant connections are with the ventral portion of prefrontal areas 46, 11, 12, and 13 as well as with the rostral insula and cingulate motor area (CMAr). The mid opercular region (areas 1 and 2) is connected with pre- and postcentral areas 3, 1, and 2 as well as SII. Additionally, it is connected with the ventral portion of area 6, area 44, area ProM, the gustatory area, and the rostral insula. Its distant connections are with area 4, the ventral portion of area 46, area 7b, and area POa in the intraparietal sulcus (IPS). The rostral parietal opercular region is connected with the postcentral portions of areas 3, 1, and 2; areas 5, 7, and SII; the gustatory area; and the vestibular area. Its other connections are with area 4, area 44, the ventral portion of area 46, area ProM, CMAr, and the supplementary motor area (SMA). The caudal opercular region is connected with the dorsal portion of area 3; areas 2, 5, and 7a; and areas PEa as well as IPd of IPS. It is also connected with area SII, insula, and the superior temporal sulcus. Its distant connections are with area 44; the dorsal portion of area 8 and the ventral portion of area 46; as well as CMAr, SMA, and the supplementary sensory area. This connectivity suggests that the ventral somatosensory areas are involved in sensorimotor activities mainly related to head, neck, and face structures as well as to taste. Additionally, these areas may have a role in frontal (working) and temporal (tactile) memory systems.  相似文献   

The interaction of human peripheral blood leukocytes with alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), its glycoforms as well as neoglyco-conjugates representing carbohydrate chains of AGP or its fragments was studied by flow cytometry. It was shown that the main target cells for AGP as well as for conjugates of its carbohydrate chains with polyacrylamide (PAA) are monocytes and polymorphonuclear leukocytes but not lymphocytes. The interaction of AGP with monocytes and granulocytes are mediated by its carbohydrate chains: the binding of AGP with cells was inhibited by AGP, AGP oligosaccharides as well as conjugates of oligosaccharides and its fragments with PAA. The data obtained show the existence of monocyte (and granulocyte) receptors which interact with complex type sialooligosaccharides of AGP.  相似文献   

郑锐锋  郑刚  姜永军 《包钢科技》2012,38(4):45-47,72
文章以我国大中型矿渣立式磨为研究对象,建立摇臂结构的力学模型,通过力学分析得到其所受载荷,应用CATIA软件进行三维建模与有限元分析,校核计算了摇臂的强度极限,并提出优化设计建议。该研究对同类型构件的设计和改造具有参考作用。  相似文献   

To illuminate the disease progression in retinopathy centralis serosa, 50 patients were enrolled in a basic study. Evaluated data included medical and sociodemographic data as well as data regarding the patient's coping with everyday conflicts and the disease. Hence, the German multidimensional coping inventory (SVF, Janke, Erdmann u. Boucsein 1985), measuring the trait aspects of coping with everyday troubles, as well as the German coping questionnaire (EFK, Franke 1997), dealing with coping with retinopathy, were applied. We described three different clusters of patients according to active and passive coping strategies. These three clusters also differed in terms of coping with the disease as well as in ophthalmological parameters. To illuminate the individual situation of the members of the clusters, we discuss the specific situation of three patients.  相似文献   

不同锂源对尖晶石锰酸锂性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
采用溶胶凝胶法,以氢氧化锂、醋酸锂、硝酸锂为锂源制备锂离子电池正极材料尖晶石LiMn2O4,分别用XRD和SEM对产物的结构和微观形貌进行表征,并对其电化学性能进行了测试。结果表明,用硝酸锂制备的LiMn2O4有较好的的微观形貌及较高的初始比容量,用氢氧化锂制备的LiMn2O4有较好的循环性能。  相似文献   

Individuals with normal voice and patients with voice functional impairments undergone electrophysiological investigation of various parts of the hearing system, using tone audiometry, including the extended frequency band (10, 12, 14 and 16 kHz), as well as short- and long-latency acoustic evoked potentials (SLAEP and LLAEP). It was found out, that individuals with voice functional impairments had all of their hearing system's parts impaired to various extent, with more marked impairments in the central, rather than in the peripheral part of the hearing system. It was shown, that hearing at 4-8 kHz, as well as with the extended frequency band, especially at 14-16 kHz, time patterns of acoustic evoked potentials (latencies of waves III and V of SLAEP, the interpeak interval I-V, as well as the latency periods of the LLAEP components P2 and N2) could be useful in professional selection of individuals of voice and speech professions and for solving labor expertise matters. Of those individuals with normal voice but systematic vocal stress, 17.5% had impaired hearing at 14 and 16 kHz, as well as significant latency prolongation of the LLAEP wave N2 with tone stimulation at 1 and 4 kHz. Apparently, individuals of voice and speech professions should be referred to as the "risk" group. It may well be, that extended band audiometry and acoustic evoked potentials time patterns could be useful in determining the thresholds between the normality and pathology in voice dysfunctions.  相似文献   

Antineutrophil antibodies may be found in the sera of patients with chronic neutropenia as well as in the sera of a variety of patients with neutropenia and associated autoimmune or infectious disorders. We evaluated an immunofluorescent flow cytometric technique for the measurement of antineutrophil antibodies in serum. Sera from patients with suspected immune neutropenia were studied and compared with a group of sera from normal healthy individuals, as well as with sera from patients with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Of 159 patients with suspected immune neutropenia and a variety of associated clinical disorders, 59 (37%) were found to have evidence for enhanced binding of IgG to normal target neutrophils, interpreted as positive for antineutrophil antibodies. Whereas 0/37 non-neutropenic patients with typical RA had positive results, 51/244 (21%) of sera from nonneutropenic patients with SLE or other collagen vascular disorders showed enhanced IgG binding to neutrophils. Living neutrophils were used to study the effects of cellular activation, and increased antibody binding was observed with certain sera that contained IgG directed against activation-dependent antigens. We found that, under controlled conditions, flow cytometry can be reliably used to detect antineutrophil autoantibodies, with unfixed, living neutrophils as antigenic targets.  相似文献   

Overall ninety patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis presenting with signs of varying degree cardiopulmonary insufficiency (CPI) were evaluated by radionuclide ventriculography with technetium pertechnetate as well as by rotational viscosimetry of blood. The degree of hemorheological derangements tended to get higher with CPI severity (light, moderately severe, severe) being accompanied by progressing impairement of systolic and diastolic functions of both ventricles of the heart. Mechanisms of compensation of endocardiac hemodynamics were realized as a result of increase in end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes of both ventricles together with changes in amplitude and time characteristics of processes of ventricular ejection and filling. Forecast of the probable course of the condition may rely upon the functional state of right as well as left ventricle of the heart.  相似文献   

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