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Common practice in brain research and brain surgery involves the multi‐modal acquisition of brain anatomy and brain activation data. These highly complex three‐dimensional data have to be displayed simultaneously in order to convey spatial relationships. Unique challenges in information and interaction design have to be solved in order to keep the visualization sufficiently complete and uncluttered at the same time. The visualization method presented in this paper addresses these issues by using a hybrid combination of polygonal rendering of brain structures and direct volume rendering of activation data. Advanced rendering techniques including illustrative display styles and ambient occlusion calculations enhance the clarity of the visual output. The presented rendering pipeline produces real‐time frame rates and offers a high degree of configurability. Newly designed interaction and measurement tools are provided, which enable the user to explore the data at large, but also to inspect specific features closely. We demonstrate the system in the context of a cognitive neurosciences dataset. An initial informal evaluation shows that our visualization method is deemed useful for clinical research.  相似文献   

Visualization of vessel movements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose a geographical visualization to support operators of coastal surveillance systems and decision making analysts to get insights in vessel movements. For a possibly unknown area, they want to know where significant maritime areas, like highways and anchoring zones, are located. We show these features as an overlay on a map. As source data we use AIS data: Many vessels are currently equipped with advanced GPS devices that frequently sample the state of the vessels and broadcast them. Our visualization is based on density fields that are derived from convolution of the dynamic vessel positions with a kernel. The density fields are shown as illuminated height maps. Combination of two fields, with a large and small kernel provides overview and detail. A large kernel provides an overview of area usage revealing vessel highways. Details of speed variations of individual vessels are shown with a small kernel, highlighting anchoring zones where multiple vessels stop. Besides for maritime applications we expect that this approach is useful for the visualization of moving object data in general.  相似文献   

It has long been recognized that transfer function setup for Direct Volume Rendering (DVR) is crucial to its usability. However, the task of finding an appropriate transfer function is complex and time-consuming even for experts. Thus, in many practical applications simpler techniques which do not rely on complex transfer functions are employed. One common example is Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) which depicts the maximum value along each viewing ray. In this paper, we introduce Maximum Intensity Difference Accumulation (MIDA), a new approach which combines the advantages of DVR and MIP. Like MIP, MIDA exploits common data characteristics and hence does not require complex transfer functions to generate good visualization results. It does, however, feature occlusion and shape cues similar to DVR. Furthermore, we show that MIDA – in addition to being a useful technique in its own right – can be used to smoothly transition between DVR and MIP in an intuitive manner. MIDA can be easily implemented using volume raycasting and achieves real-time performance on current graphics hardware.  相似文献   

Illustrative parallel coordinates (IPC) is a suite of artistic rendering techniques for augmenting and improving parallel coordinate (PC) visualizations. IPC techniques can be used to convey a large amount of information about a multidimensional dataset in a small area of the screen through the following approaches: (a) edge‐bundling through splines; (b) visualization of “branched ” clusters to reveal the distribution of the data; (c) opacity‐based hints to show cluster density; (d) opacity and shading effects to illustrate local line density on the parallel axes; and (e) silhouettes, shadows and halos to help the eye distinguish between overlapping clusters. Thus, the primary goal of this work is to convey as much information as possible in a manner that is aesthetically pleasing and easy to understand for non‐experts.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel approach for automatic generation of visualizations from domain‐specific data available on the web. We describe a general system pipeline that combines ontology mapping and probabilistic reasoning techniques. With this approach, a web page is first mapped to a Domain Ontology, which stores the semantics of a specific subject domain (e.g., music charts). The Domain Ontology is then mapped to one or more Visual Representation Ontologies, each of which captures the semantics of a visualization style (e.g., tree maps). To enable the mapping between these two ontologies, we establish a Semantic Bridging Ontology, which specifies the appropriateness of each semantic bridge. Finally each Visual Representation Ontology is mapped to a visualization using an external visualization toolkit. Using this approach, we have developed a prototype software tool, SemViz, as a realisation of this approach. By interfacing its Visual Representation Ontologies with public domain software such as ILOG Discovery and Prefuse, SemViz is able to generate appropriate visualizations automatically from a large collection of popular web pages for music charts without prior knowledge of these web pages.  相似文献   

Synthesizing the movements of a responsive virtual character in the event of unexpected perturbations has proven a difficult challenge. To solve this problem, we devise a fully automatic method that learns a nonlinear probabilistic model of dynamic responses from very few perturbed walking sequences. This model is able to synthesize responses and recovery motions under new perturbations different from those in the training examples. When perturbations occur, we propose a physics‐based method that initiates motion transitions to the most probable response example based on the dynamic states of the character. Our algorithm can be applied to any motion sequences without the need for preprocessing such as segmentation or alignment. The results show that three perturbed motion clips can sufficiently generate a variety of realistic responses, and 14 clips can create a responsive virtual character that reacts realistically to external forces in different directions applied on different body parts at different moments in time.  相似文献   

We propose a visualization based approach for digital signature authentication. Using our method, the speed and pressure aspects of a digital signature process can be clearly and intuitively conveyed to the user for digital signature authentication. Our design takes into account both the expressiveness and aesthetics of the derived visual patterns. With the visual aid provided by our method, digital signatures can be authenticated with better accuracy than using existing methods—even novices can examine the authenticity of a digital signature in most situations using our method. To validate the effectiveness of our method, we conducted a comprehensive user study which confirms positively the advantages of our approach. Our method can be employed as a new security enhancement measure for a range of business and legal applications in reality which involve digital signature authorization and authentication.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers among males, and the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been suggested for its detection. A framework is presented for scoring and visualizing various MR data in an efficient and intuitive manner. A classification method is introduced where a cumulative score volume is created which takes into account each of three acquisition types. This score volume is integrated into a volume rendering framework which allows the user to view the prostate gland, the multi‐modal score values, and the surrounding anatomy. A visibility persistence mode is introduced to automatically avoid full occlusion of a selected score and indicate overlaps. The use of GPU‐accelerated multi‐modal single‐pass ray casting provides an interactive experience. User driven importance rendering allows the user to gain insight into the data and can assist in localization of the disease and treatment planning. We evaluate our results against pathology and radiologists'determinations.  相似文献   

This paper presents a quick and simple method for converting complex images and video to perceptually accurate greyscale versions. We use a two‐step approach first to globally assign grey values and determine colour ordering, then second, to locally enhance the greyscale to reproduce the original contrast. Our global mapping is image independent and incorporates the Helmholtz‐Kohlrausch colour appearance effect for predicting differences between isoluminant colours. Our multiscale local contrast enhancement reintroduces lost discontinuities only in regions that insufficiently represent original chromatic contrast. All operations are restricted so that they preserve the overall image appearance, lightness range and differences, colour ordering, and spatial details, resulting in perceptually accurate achromatic reproductions of the colour original.  相似文献   

Modeling natural elements such as trees in a plausible way, while offering simple and rapid user control, is a challenge. This paper presents a method based on a new structure from silhouettes paradigm. We claim that sketching the silhouettes of foliage at multiple scales is quicker and more intuitive for a user than having to sketch each branch of a tree. This choice allows us to incorporate botanical knowledge, enabling us to infer branches that connect in a plausible way to their parent branch and have a correct distribution in 3D. We illustrate these ideas by presenting a seamless sketch-based interface, used for sketching foliage silhouettes from the scale of an entire tree to the scale of a leaf. Each sketch serves for inferring both the branches at that level and construction lines to serve as support for sub-silhouette refinement. When the user finally zooms out, the style inferred for the branching systems he has refined (in terms of branch density, angle, length distribution and shape) is duplicated to the unspecified branching systems at the same level. Meanwhile, knowledge from botany is again used for extending the branch distribution to 3D, resulting in a full, plausible 3D tree that fits the user-sketched contours. As our results show, this system can be of interest to both experts and novice users. While experts can fully specify all parts of a tree and over-sketch specific branches if required, any user can design a basic 3D tree in one or two minutes, as easily as sketching it with paper and pen.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an automated system for generating context‐preserving route maps that depict navigation routes as a path between nodes and edges inside a topographic network. Our application identifies relevant context information to support navigation and orientation, and generates customizable route maps according to design principles that communicate all relevant context information clearly visible on one single page. Interactive scaling allows seamless transition between the original undistorted map and our new map design, and supports user‐specified scaling of regions of interest to create personalized driving directions according to the drivers needs.  相似文献   

The curve-skeleton of a 3D object is an abstract geometrical and topological representation of its 3D shape. It maps the spatial relation of geometrically meaningful parts to a graph structure. Each arc of this graph represents a part of the object with roughly constant diameter or thickness, and approximates its centerline. This makes the curve-skeleton suitable to describe and handle articulated objects such as characters for animation. We present an algorithm to extract such a skeleton on-the-fly, both from point clouds and polygonal meshes. The algorithm is based on a deformable model evolution that captures the object's volumetric shape. The deformable model involves multiple competing fronts which evolve inside the object in a coarse-to-fine manner. We first track these fronts' centers, and then merge and filter the resulting arcs to obtain a curve-skeleton of the object. The process inherits the robustness of the reconstruction technique, being able to cope with noisy input, intricate geometry and complex topology. It creates a natural segmentation of the object and computes a center curve for each segment while maintaining a full correspondence between the skeleton and the boundary of the object.  相似文献   

In this work we present a point classification algorithm for multi‐variate data. Our method is based on the concept of attribute subspaces, which are derived from a set of user specified attribute target values. Our classification approach enables users to visually distinguish regions of saliency through concurrent viewing of these subspaces in single images. We also allow a user to threshold the data according to a specified distance from attribute target values. Based on the degree of thresholding, the remaining data points are assigned radii of influence that are used for the final coloring. This limits the view to only those points that are most relevant, while maintaining a similar visual context.  相似文献   

When performing daily maintenance and repair tasks, technicians require access to a variety of technical diagrams. As technicians trace components and diagrams from page-to-page, within and across manuals, the contextual information of the components they are analyzing can easily be lost. To overcome these issues, we have developed a Schematic Diagram Visualization System (SDViz) designed for maintaining and highlighting contextual information in technical documents, such as schematic and wiring diagrams. Our system incorporates various features to aid in the navigation and diagnosis of faults, as well as maintaining contextual information when tracing components/connections through multiple diagrams. System features include highlighting relationships between components and connectors, diagram annotation tools, the animation of flow through the system, a novel contextual blending method, and a variety of traditional focus+context visualization techniques. We have evaluated the usefulness of our system through a qualitative user study in which subjects utilized our system in diagnosing faults during a standard aircraft maintenance exercise.  相似文献   

Optical triangulation laser scanners produce errors at surface discontinuities and sharp features. These systematic errors are anisotropic. We examine the causes of these errors theoretically, and we study the correlation of systematic error with edge size and orientation experimentally. We then present a novel processing method for removing systematic errors, by combining scans taken at several different orientations. We apply an anisotropic filter to the separate scans, and use it to weight the data in a final combination step. Unlike previous approaches, our method does not require access to the scanner's internal data or firmware. We demonstrate the technique on data from laser range scanners by two different manufacturers.  相似文献   

Effectively evaluating visualization techniques is a difficult task often assessed through feedback from user studies and expert evaluations. This work presents an alternative approach to visualization evaluation in which brain activity is passively recorded using electroencephalography (EEG). These measurements are used to compare different visualization techniques in terms of the burden they place on a viewer's cognitive resources. In this paper, EEG signals and response times are recorded while users interpret different representations of data distributions. This information is processed to provide insight into the cognitive load imposed on the viewer. This paper describes the design of the user study performed, the extraction of cognitive load measures from EEG data, and how those measures are used to quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of visualizations.  相似文献   

Computing global illumination in complex scenes is even with todays computational power a demanding task. In this work we propose a novel irradiance caching scheme that combines the advantages of two state-of-the-art algorithms for high-quality global illumination rendering: lightcuts , an adaptive and hierarchical instant-radiosity based algorithm and the widely used (ir)radiance caching algorithm for sparse sampling and interpolation of (ir)radiance in object space. Our adaptive radiance caching algorithm is based on anisotropic cache splatting, which adapts the cache footprints not only to the magnitude of the illumination gradient computed with light-cuts but also to its orientation allowing larger interpolation errors along the direction of coherent illumination while reducing the error along the illumination gradient. Since lightcuts computes the direct and indirect lighting seamlessly, we use a two-layer radiance cache, to store and control the interpolation of direct and indirect lighting individually with different error criteria. In multiple iterations our method detects cache interpolation errors above the visibility threshold of a pixel and reduces the anisotropic cache footprints accordingly. We achieve significantly better image quality while also speeding up the computation costs by one to two orders of magnitude with respect to the well-known photon mapping with (ir)radiance caching procedure.  相似文献   

In coloured media, the index of refraction does not decrease monotonically with increasing wavelength, but behaves in a quite non-monotonical way. This behaviour is called anomalous dispersion and results from the fact that the absorption of a material influences its index of refraction.
So far, this interesting fact has not been widely acknowledged by the graphics community. In this paper, we demonstrate how to calculate the correct refractive index for a material based on its absorption spectrum with the Kramers-Kronig relation, and we discuss for which types of objects this effect is relevant in practice.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method to accelerate algorithms that need a correct and complete visibility ordering of their data for rendering. The technique works by pre‐sorting primitives in object‐space using three lists (one for each axis: X, Y and Z), and then combining the lists using graphics hardware by rendering each list to a texture and merging the textures in the end. We validate our algorithm by applying it to the splatting technique using several types of rendering, including point‐based rendering and volume rendering. We also detail our hardware implementation for volume rendering using point sprites.  相似文献   

At a microscopic resolution, biological structures are composed of cells, red blood corpuscles (RBCs), cytoplasm and other microstructural components. There is a natural pattern in terms of distribution, arrangement and packing density of these components in biological organization. In this work, we propose to use N‐point correlation functions to guide the analysis and exploration process in microscopic datasets. These functions provide useful feature spaces to aid segmentation and visualization tasks. We show 3D visualizations of mouse placenta tissue layers and mouse mammary ducts as well as 2D segmentation/tracking of clonal populations. Further confidence in our results stems from validation studies that were performed with manual ground‐truth for segmentation.  相似文献   

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