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对高强钢10CrNi3MoV钢厚板进行了双面双弧焊接试验研究。结果表明,焊接长2 m、厚50 mm的钢板,双面双弧焊与传统单弧MAG焊相比,生产效率提高1.4倍,焊接接头力学性能满足指标要求;双面双TIG打底的热影响区金相组织为板条状马氏体,焊缝区为板条马氏体+针状铁素体。  相似文献   

为探讨690 MPa级低合金高强钢焊接接头组织与性能的关系,采用手工电弧焊(SMAW)和埋弧焊(SAW)获得成形良好的焊接接头,经过拉伸、冲击、弯曲试验及光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜分析,对两种焊接方法的接头组织性能进行研究.结果表明:两种焊接方法的焊缝组织主要为板条状贝氏体和少量针状铁素体,粗晶区为粗大贝氏体和少量马氏体;焊缝中含有大量分布均匀的微小球形夹杂物;两种焊接方法所得焊接接头都具有较高力学性能,-50℃的冲击断口形貌为韧窝、准解理混合型;埋弧焊焊缝冲击韧性低于手工电弧焊,手工电弧焊熔合线处冲击吸收功小于埋弧焊,但随距熔合线距离增加其值增加更快.显微组织和夹杂物是影响接头性能的主要因素.  相似文献   

为了研究800MPa级低合金高强钢焊接粗晶区的组织转变规律,采用热模拟的方法,应用L78RITA相变热膨胀仪模拟了实验用钢的两次焊接热循环过程,对应的焊接线能量约为20kJ/cm。建立了该钢的奥氏体连续加热转变曲线(TTA),并对组织、硬度和热膨胀曲线进行分析,结果显示,实验用钢一次热循环粗晶区组织为板条马氏体和贝氏体,硬度为318HV,当第二次热循环峰值温度(Tp2)为1000℃时,第一次热循环后的组织发生完全重结晶,得到细小的贝氏体组织,硬度下降,当Tp2为900℃时发生部分重结晶,硬度最低(239HV),当Tp2为800℃时,在晶界和晶内相界生成链状分布的M-A组元,而Tp2小于A′c1时发生回火作用,M-A组元分解并析出碳化物。实验用钢的热影响区未出现组织遗传现象,因此为了更准确判断组织转变类型,应结合TTA曲线对焊接热影响区组织转变进行分析。  相似文献   

研究了一种850 MPa级高强钢配套用E85C-K4金属粉芯药芯焊丝。焊丝合金系为C-Mn-Si-Mo-Ni,同时加入强脱氧剂,研究结果表明,焊丝具有良好的焊接工艺性能、良好的抗裂性与较高的熔敷效率。  相似文献   

以工业生产的240MPa级高强IF钢为试验材料,进行了冷轧压下率和退火温度的实验室研究。结果表明:在试验条件下,不同退火温度下,冷轧压下率在75%~85%时,试验钢为完全再结晶组织,卷取温度较高在710℃的试验钢的屈服强度、抗拉强度、伸长率、屈服点伸长率、塑性应变比及应变硬化指数分别在260MPa,445MPa,37.5%,2.14%,0.25,2.0左右;卷取温度较低在670℃的试验钢的上述参数分别为235MPa,369MPa,38.8%,1.73%,0.26,2.1左右。最终提出了试验钢工业生产中退火温度为840℃左右,冷轧压下率为75%左右,为获得高强度和优良成型性能的最佳匹配。  相似文献   

王丽娟 《安装》2022,(S2):57-59
本文针对乌东德水电站压力钢管制造,分别采用手工电弧焊、埋弧自动焊、富氩气体保护焊进行现场焊接工艺试验,通过分析研究焊接工艺试板力学性能,确定了合理的焊接工艺(埋弧自动焊)参数,为800MPa级低合金高强钢超大型压力钢管制造提供了经验借鉴。  相似文献   

王纳  张宇  赵孚  秦亚飞 《精密成形工程》2022,14(12):170-175
目的 评价80 mm厚船板EH36的大热输入性能。方法 采用控轧控冷方法试制了80 mm厚的大线能量钢板,并进行热输入量为700 kJ/cm的双丝气电立焊试验,用金相显微镜观察微观组织,用试验机测试接头的力学性能。结果 焊接接头抗拉强度为542 MPa,焊接接头–40 ℃冲击功在59 J以上,根部粗晶区为焊接接头的韧性薄弱区,这与其根部散热慢有关。结论 试制的钢板满足超大热输入要求,焊接性能优异。  相似文献   

双丝单弧气保焊是一种新型熔化极焊接方法,系统由单电源、单送丝机构和单焊枪组成,双丝共用一个具有两孔的导电嘴,单电源通过导电嘴同时向双丝输出电流形成单个电弧,双丝末端熔滴相互吸引形成共熔滴并稳定过渡到熔池。采用高速摄像、信息同步采集及焊接电源等装备,开发双丝单弧气保焊熔滴过渡试验系统,研究了不同焊接电流参数对熔滴大小、过渡行为及焊缝形貌的影响,并阐明了双丝单弧气保焊熔滴过渡机理。结果表明:随着焊接电流的增大,熔滴过渡形式依次为多脉一滴、一脉一滴、射流过渡和潜弧射流过渡四种模式,过渡频率逐渐增大,熔滴体积逐渐减小。焊缝形貌研究表明,随着焊接电流增大,焊缝熔深逐渐增大,熔宽先增大后减小,当焊接电流为570 A时,焊缝截面成形质量最佳,此时熔敷速度为15.8 kg/h。  相似文献   

采用等强匹配的 1 0MnNi2MoTi合金焊丝和 70 5 ch熔炼焊剂 ,通过改变焊接线能量及道间温度对不同碳含量连铸 1 0CrNi3MoV低合金高强钢板焊接性进行了研究。结果表明 ,连铸 1 0CrNi3MoV钢板具有较好的接头力学性能和焊接工艺适应性 ,但在较大线能量条件下 (~ 4 0kJ cm) ,接头韧性降低。为保证连铸1 0CrNi3MoV钢接头韧性水平 ,在限制自动埋弧焊线能量的同时 ,还应提高钢板韧性 ,控制钢板碳含量  相似文献   

高心心  郭建章  张海兵 《材料导报》2017,31(6):93-97, 104
利用氢渗透试验、慢应变速率拉伸试验(SSRT)研究了1 000MPa级高强钢(HSS)焊接件在海水中的氢渗透行为及其应力腐蚀敏感性,结合SEM观察了试样的断口特征,并利用电化学试验和显微组织观察分析了焊接件不同区域的氢脆特征。结果表明:相对于焊缝区(WM)和母材区(BM),热影响区(HAZ)的自腐蚀电位最负、析氢电位最正,更容易发生腐蚀和析氢行为。热影响区的氢扩散系数最大,具有较强的吸氢倾向。动态电化学充氢对高强钢焊接件的影响主要体现在对塑性的损减方面;随着极化电位的负移,高强钢焊接件的强度没有明显变化,但断面收缩率、断后延伸率均减小,断裂方式逐渐由韧性断裂变为解理断裂;当极化电位约为-930mV(vs SCE)时,高强钢焊接件的氢脆系数达25%;在不同充氢极化电位下,焊接件试样的断裂位置多在热影响区。  相似文献   

An experimental procedure was developed to join thick advanced high strength steel plates by using the hybrid laser/arc welding (HLAW) process, for different butt joint configurations. The geometry of the weld groove was optimized according to the requirements of ballistic test, where the length of the softened heat affected zone should be less than 15.9 mm from the weld centerline. The cross-section of the welds was examined by microhardness test. The microstructure of welds was investigated by scanning electron microscopy and an optical microscope for further analysis of the microstructure of fusion zone and heat affected zone. It was demonstrated that by changing the geometry of groove, and increasing the stand-off distance between the laser beam and the tip of wire in gas metal arc welding (GMAW) it is possible to reduce the width of the heat affected zone and softened area while the microhardness stays within the acceptable range. It was shown that double Y-groove shape can provide the optimum condition for the stability of arc and laser. The dimensional changes of the groove geometry provided substantial impact on the amount of heat input, causing the fluctuations in the hardness of the weld as a result of phase transformation and grain size. The on-line monitoring of HLAW of the advanced high strength steel indicated the arc and laser were stable during the welding process. It was shown that less plasma plume was formed in the case where the laser was leading the arc in the HLAW, causing higher stability of the molten pool in comparison to the case where the arc was leading.  相似文献   

宋刚  李传瑜  郎强  刘黎明 《材料工程》2022,50(6):131-137
采用激光诱导钨极惰性气体保护(tungsten inert gas, TIG)电弧焊接技术,在未添加任何夹层和镀层的条件下,通过优化工艺,获得了AZ31B镁合金和DP980高强钢高质量搭接焊接头,重点研究TIG电弧电流对焊接接头成形和力学性能的影响规律。结果表明:电弧电流的增大会提高镁合金在高强钢的润湿铺展能力,提升焊缝宽度的同时减小润湿角。镁合金/钢焊接接头的最大拉伸载荷随着电弧电流的增大先升高后降低,接头断裂模式由沿界面断裂转变为沿焊缝断裂。当TIG电流为80 A、激光功率为350 W时,焊接接头最大平均拉伸载荷达到279 N/mm。焊缝宽度和界面层厚度的增大以及激光匙孔的钉扎作用共同提升了镁合金/钢的接头性能。  相似文献   

为优高强度低焊接裂纹敏感性钢的力学性能,对其热轧态钢板进行了不同温度的回火实验.通过光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜观察了回火显微组织的演变特征,并结合相应的力学性能检测手段分析了不同回火温度下显微组织与力学性能的关系.结果表明,550℃回火后屈服强度和抗拉强度较热轧态强度分别提高了115和30 MPa,平均冲击功提高了...  相似文献   

In this paper, gas metal arc weldability results of a particular advanced tool steel are presented. Indeed, the study was focused on the weld profile, microhardness and microstructure of the joints. The aim was to identify an appropriate filler material and optimize the process parameter.The validation of results started with a careful metallographic analysis of the joints, in order to verify that the metallurgical properties of the material were not compromised by the welding process. In the following step, all the non-destructive and mechanical tests, imposed by procedure qualification, were performed in order to have a complete characterization of the joints. For all the wires used, hardness tests highlighted that the use of low heat input and a high number of beads causes an increase in the Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) hardness up to values equal to or exceeding the limits imposed by the European standard on the process qualification. To avoid this problem, it was therefore necessary to adopt high electric parameters and thus high heat inputs. The filler material that gave the best results, in terms of uniformity of mechanical properties, is the rutile flux wire.  相似文献   

The present investigation is related to the development of the welding procedure of the hybrid laser/arc welding (HLAW) in joining thick dissimilar materials. The HLAW was applied to join aluminum alloy (AA6061) to an advanced high strength steel (AHSS) where an explosively welded transition joint, TRICLAD®, was used as an intermediate structural insert between the thick plates of the aluminum alloy and AHSS. The welds were characterized by an optical microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM), tensile test, charged coupled device (CCD) camera, and microhardness measurement. The groove angle was optimized for the welding process based on the allowed amount of heat input along the TRICLAD® interface generated by an explosive welding. The weld was fractured in the heat affected zone of the aluminum side in the tensile test. The microhardness was shown that the temperature variation caused minor softening in the heat affected zone satisfying the requirement that the width of the softened heat affected zone in the steel side falls within 15.9 mm far away from the weld centerline. The microstructure analysis showed the presence of tempered martensite at the vicinity of the weld area, which it was a cause of softening in the heat affected zone.  相似文献   

Medium Mn steel was metal inert gas(MIG)welded with NiCrMo-3 and 307Si filler wires.The effect of filler wires on the microstructure and mechanical properties of joint was investigated,and the carbide precipitates were contrastively discussed.The results revealed that the microstructure of weld metal,heat-affected zone and base metal are austenite.Obvious grain coarsening occurred in the heat-affected zone(HAZ),and the maximum grain size grew up to 160 pm.In HAZ,C and Cr segregated at grain boundaries,the carbides was identified as Cr7C3.The dispersive(Nb,Mo)C phase was also found in weld metal with NiCrMo-3 filler wire.All the welded joints failed in HAZ during tensile tests.The tensile strength of welded joint with NiCrMo-3 filler wire was 675 MPa,which is much higher than that with 307Si filler wire.In comparison to base metal,higher microhardness and lower impact toughness were obtained in HAZ for these two welded joints,which was attributed to the precipitation of Cr7C3 phase and grain coarsening.The impact toughness around the fusion line is the worst for these two welded joints.  相似文献   

铝/镀锌钢搅拌摩擦铆焊接头组织与力学性能   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为实现铝钢之间的优质连接,采用搅拌摩擦铆焊新方法对6061铝合金和DP600镀锌钢进行搭接点焊,利用扫描电子显微镜、能谱仪及拉伸试验对接头的微观组织及力学性能进行了研究.结果表明:接头成形平整美观,中心没有匙孔;接头包含铆接区和扩散区,其中在铆接区铝合金以铝柱的形式嵌入到钢板的圆孔中,形成了一个"铝铆钉",底部有富铝的α固溶体偏聚,圆孔四周形成扩散区,铝和钢形成了冶金结合,依靠金属间化合物Fe Al3连接在一起;接头有3种断裂形式,在最佳工艺参数下接头的抗剪力达到8.2 k N;铝柱上断口的微观形貌是被拉长的韧窝,扩散区的断口由灰色基体和白色颗粒组成.  相似文献   

In the present study an ultra high strength armour steel was austenatised at 910°C followed by tempering at 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600°C. After heat treatment the properties of tensile strength, ductility, charpy impact strength, hardness and microstructure were evaluated from the mechanical tests and metallographic analysis respectively. The ballistic behavior of the heat-treated plates was evaluated impacting against non-deformable hard steel core projectiles at 840 ± 15 m/s at normal angle of attack. The changes in the microstructure and mechanical properties with heat treatment have been correlated with ballistic performance of the steel. Experimental results showed that 200°C tempering gives the best ballistic performance.  相似文献   

The welded joints of the novel 3Cr pipeline steel were fabricated via the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) technique using an inhouse welding wire labeled as R01 and two kinds of commercial wires (H08Cr3MoMnA and TGS-2CML). Microhardness, impact toughness and tensile properties of the joints were measured, and microstructure characteristics were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results show that under selected welding procedure, the joints of R01 can achieve quite good mechanical properties without preheating and post weld heat treatment (PWHT). After thermal refining, elongation (15.2%) doubled and met the DNV-OS-F101 standard. For low carbon or super low carbon pipeline steels such as 3Cr steel, the revised formula with the carbon applicable coefficient (A(c)) was quite good for predicting the maximum hardness in heat affected zone (HAZ). Compared with these two selected commercial wires, the inhouse welding wire R01 can provide the highest cost-performance ratio.  相似文献   

In this study, 16MnCr5 chain steels were welded by flash butt welding and welded samples were annealed. Their microstructure and mechanical properties have been investigated. Upsetting current time was chosen as 1.6 s and build up pressure was chosen as 2, 2.5, and 3 bar. It is pointed out that welding parameters and annealing affected the mechanical properties. For all samples, the highest hardness was measured from weld metal. Non-annealed samples gave the highest tensile strength with the parameter of highest build up pressure. It is also found that annealing reduces the tensile strength of all samples.  相似文献   

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