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In ruminants, milk yield can be affected by treatment with growth hormone (rbGH) and/or changes in frequency of milking. Frequent milkings encourage the maintenance of lactation, whereas infrequent milkings result in mammary involution. Our objective was to evaluate the influence of rbGH treatment and milking frequency on mammary gland morphology and milk composition. After adaptation to twice-daily milkings, six Saanen goats in late lactation were milked once daily from one udder-half and thrice-daily from the other udder-half. Concurrently, three of the six goats received daily injections of rbGH. After 23 d of treatment, milking frequency significantly affected milk yield (+8% vs. -26% for thrice- vs. once-daily milking). Additionally, treatments of rbGH increased milk yield from thrice-daily milked udder-halves (+19%), but failed to abate the reduction in milk yield from once-daily milked udder-halves (-31%). Mammary glands were heavier in the frequently milked udder-halves and in GH-treated goats. Based on histological and DNA analysis of mammary tissues, it was determined that milking frequency clearly affected epithelial cell numbers and alveolar diameter, whereas rbGH induced a potential cell hypertrophy and only a tendency to increase and/or maintain the mammary cell number. RNA concentration and kappa casein gene expression were not affected by treatments. In udder-halves milked once-daily, low casein:whey protein ratios, high Na+:K+ ratios, and high somatic cell counts (SCC) were indicative of changes in epithelial permeability, which rbGH treatment facilitated. The present data suggest that milking frequency and exogenous treatments of rbGH use different cellular mechanisms to influence mammary gland morphology and milk production.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of biological mechanisms regulating lactation is constructed. In particular, the model allows prediction of the effect of milking frequency on milk yield and mammary regression, and the interaction of nutrition and milking frequency in determining yield. Possible interactions of nutrition with milking frequency on alveolar dynamics are highlighted. The model is based upon the association of prolonged engorgement (as a consequence of milk accumulation) of active secretory alveoli with changes in gene expression that result in impairment and, ultimately, cessation of milk secretion. The emptying of alveoli at milking, following alveolar contraction induced by oxytocin, prevents this process and also allows quiescent alveoli to reactivate. Prolonged engorgement results in apoptosis of the secretory cells and, hence, regression of the mammary gland. Milk yield is linked to alveolar populations, with secretion rates being modulated by nutrition and udder fill effects. The model was used to investigate different management scenarios, and is in agreement with experimental results. The model shows that while milking frequency drives alveolar population, and therefore potential milk production, actual production varies considerably with nutrition. A significant portion of the loss associated with once-daily milking was due to udder fill rather than loss of secretory tissue. The model showed qualitative agreement with experimental data, on the acute and chronic effects of temporary once-daily milking.  相似文献   

Increased milking frequency (IMF) during early lactation has the potential for carryover responses following the return to normal herd milking frequency. The objective was to determine the consistency of response of cows in commercial dairy farms to IMF during early lactation. Cows (n = 398) were assigned randomly at calving within each of the 4 participating farms to 1 of 2 treatments. The control group was milked twice-daily (2×) during the entire lactation. The IMF group was milked 4-times daily (4×) starting on d 1 to 7, depending on farm, until d 21 postcalving and 2× thereafter. Cows in the IMF group were milked at the beginning and again at the end of the normal milking routine. Milking intervals differed across the farms for the 4× cows with a minimum interval of 3.5, 4.0, 5.0, and 6 h for each of the 4 farms, respectively. The milk yield of cows subjected to IMF increased by 2.2 ± 0.4 kg/d during the first 7 mo of lactation. Interactions of treatment with lactation group (primiparous vs. multiparous) were not significant. Although percentages of fat and protein in milk were decreased by early lactation IMF (3.69% ± 0.03 fat and 3.05% ± 0.02 true protein for control vs. 3.57% ± 0.03 fat and 2.99% ± 0.02 true protein for IMF), overall yields of protein were increased by IMF (1.02 ± 0.01 vs. 0.98 ± 0.01 kg/d). Early lactation IMF did not affect udder health as assessed by somatic cell count linear score. Cows subjected to IMF were 1.4 times more likely classified as subclinically ketotic than the control cows. Early lactation IMF has the potential to increase milk yield on commercial dairy farms. Although the direction of response was the same on all farms, the magnitude of the response was different among farms and appears influenced by management practices specific to each farm, which included, but were not limited to, housing system, stocking density, nutrition, genetics, and other covariates differing among farms.  相似文献   

Increasing milking frequency (MF) increases milk yield (MY) and farm profit, and optimal milking intervals (MI) prevent milk production decline. The objective of this experiment was to compare the MY effect of even and uneven 4 times daily (4×) MI in early lactation under increased MF. Fourteen multiparous and 6 primiparous cows were milked using unilateral frequent milking, with right udder halves milked 4× and left udder halves milked 2 times daily (2×) for 20 d in early lactation starting on d 5 postpartum. Ten (7 multiparous and 3 primiparous) cows were allocated evenly based on parity and assigned to either the even or the uneven MI groups distinguished by intervals of 9:3:9:3 h or 6:6:6:6 h. The left and right udder halves were milked at 0100 and 1300 h. The right udder glands were additionally milked at 0400 and 1600 h for the uneven MI group and at 0700 and 1900 h for the even MI group. Milk from each udder half was weighed and sampled for components on the final day of treatment and at 60, 120, 180, 240, and 300 d in milk. The overall effect of 4× milking on the right udder halves was a 5.96 ± 0.70 kg/d increase in MY on d 21 of unilateral frequent milking compared with the 2× udder halves. This elevated MY continued through 300 d in milk and averaged 1.56 ± 0.70 kg/d. Increased MF in early lactation increased the udder half difference in total yield throughout a 300-d lactation by 508 kg for milk, 25 kg for milk fat, and 15 kg for milk protein. Increased MF in early lactation increased milk component yields, but there were no differences between MI groups. The lack of treatment difference may be beneficial to farmers. The ability to achieve the same increased MY effect with uneven MI may optimize labor efficiency because early-lactation cows could be milked at the beginning and end of milking sessions. Farmers would not have to add additional milking sessions to achieve the enhanced MY response regardless of normal milking session length.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate milk yield and frequency of visits to the milking station of primiparous versus multiparous cows at different stages of lactation on farms with automatic milking systems (AMS) in the Upper Midwest United States. Forty farms were included in the study, and daily AMS software data were collected for 18 mo. For the investigation of milk yield and milking visits, stage of lactation was categorized into 14 periods, 7 d in length for the first 28 d in milk (DIM) and 30 d in length thereafter until 328 DIM. Cow traffic flow to the AMS (free or guided) was included in the model. For the evaluation of failures and refusals, stage of lactation was categorized into 6 periods, 7 d in length each for the first 28 DIM, and 2 periods of 150 d in length each thereafter until 328 DIM. Failures are milking station visits where a cow fails to be milked due to lack of machine attachment although it is time for the cow to be milked. Refusals are milking station visits before adequate time has passed since previous milking, thus the cow leaves the milking station without being milked. Data from lactation days beyond 328 DIM were excluded from the study. Primiparous cows in free-flow systems produced less milk than multiparous cows until the 11th stage of lactation and produced more milk from the 12th stage until the end of the study period. Primiparous cows in guided-flow systems produced less milk than multiparous cows all 14 stages of lactation, but were approaching the milk yield of multiparous cows at the end of the study period. This was a biologically normal lactation curve for primiparous cows. However, estimated peak ratio (primiparous vs. multiparous cows' peak milk yield) was lower than industry standards. Both traffic flow systems had fewer milking visits for primiparous cows compared with multiparous cows in early lactation. This lower milking frequency persisted until the 11th stage of lactation in free-flow systems. In guided-flow systems, primiparous cows were milked less frequently until the 5th stage of lactation, had similar milking frequency in the 6th stage of lactation, and were milked more frequently thereafter. Failures were greater for primiparous cows during all stages of lactation. However, the greatest differences were detected in the early stages of lactation. Primiparous cows had 0.067 more failures/cow per day on average than multiparous cows during wk 1 of lactation. For the remaining lactation stages, differences in failures ranged from 0.003 to 0.039. Refusals were less frequent (0.4 to 0.6/d) for primiparous cows during the first 2 wk of lactation, similar for wk 3 of lactation, and more frequent for the remaining lactation stages (0.10 to 0.14/d). Failures and refusals were only evaluated in free-flow systems. These findings appear to indicate a potential lagging performance for primiparous cows in early lactation as compared with multiparous cows. Additional investigation into improving the adaptation of primiparous cows to AMS in early lactation may be warranted.  相似文献   

Results of previous studies have shown that increased milking frequency (IMF) during early lactation results in increased milk yield not only during the period of IMF but also after cows have returned to a decreased milking frequency. The cellular mechanisms underpinning this increased milk yield and the overall effects of IMF on metabolism have not been well characterized. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of IMF on metabolism and mammary epithelial cell proliferation in dairy cows. Thirty primiparous and 30 multiparous Holstein cows were assigned randomly at calving to 1 of 2 treatments. The control group was milked twice daily (2×) for 119 d, whereas the IMF group was milked 4 times daily (4×) from d 2 postcalving until d 21 and then 2× from d 22 until d 119. Overall milk yield did not differ between treatments throughout the 119 d monitored; however, the interaction of treatment by week was significant in that IMF cows yielded 4.8 kg/d more milk than control cows during wk 2 and 3 and had similar levels of milk yield during the remainder of the study period. Reanalysis of data excluding data from cows subjected to mammary biopsy suggested that the mammary biopsy procedure contributed to the lack of overall responses of milk yield, but that responses overall to IMF were greater in primiparous cows compared with multiparous cows. Plasma nonesterified fatty acid concentrations were elevated in multiparous cows subjected to IMF during the period of IMF, but were not influenced by treatment in primiparous cows. Plasma β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations were not affected by treatment. Mammary tissue was collected by biopsy in a subset of cows (n = 8 cows per parity and treatment) at calving and at d 21 and 75 postpartum and used for immunohistochemical localization of the cell proliferation antigen, Ki67. Effects of treatment on mammary epithelial cell proliferation were not significant, suggesting that other mechanisms must be responsible for carryover effects of IMF on lactational performance.  相似文献   

Multiparous Holstein cows (n = 300) were assigned to 1 of 2 milking frequency treatments at parturition. Cows were either milked 6 times (6×) or 3 times (3×) daily to determine effects on early lactation milk yields and subsequent lactation persistency with or without use of recombinant bST (rbST). Treatments included a control group milked 3× and 3 groups milked 6× for either the first 7, 14, or 21 days in milk (DIM). Those 4 groups of cows all received rbST starting at 63 DIM. The fifth treatment group was also milked 6× for the first 21 DIM but those cows received no rbST during the entire lactation. All cows returned to 3× milking after their respective treatment periods ended. Cows milked 3× tended to produce more milk (43.2 vs. 41.5 and 41.0 ± 1.1 kg/d) during the first 9 wk of lactation compared with cows milked 6× for 7 or 21 DIM, respectively. Group milk yields after wk 9 averaged 38.3 ± 0.7 kg/d and did not differ among various groups assigned to an increased milking frequency in early lactation. Percentages of milk fat (3.8 ± 0.12%) and protein (2.9 ± 0.06%) did not differ among treatments during the first 9 wk after calving. Early lactation milk yield (41.9 ± 1.2 kg/d) did not differ between the 2 groups of cows milked 6× for 21 DIM. However, cows subsequently administered rbST (at 63 DIM) produced more milk (38.8 vs. 34.2 ± 0.9 kg/d) from wk 10 to 44. The number of cows sent to the hospital during the 305-d trial for mastitis (97), digestive disorders (14), respiratory issues (9), lameness (22), or retained placenta (16), were not affected by treatments (χ2 = 0.49). Under the conditions of this commercial dairy herd in Arizona, increasing milking frequency to 6 times daily for 7 to 21 d at the start of lactation conditions did not increase milk yield nor improve lactation persistency.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that early-lactation increased milking frequency, in combination with bovine somatotropin (bST), would improve milk yield in continuously milked (CM) primiparous glands through greater mammary epithelial cell (MEC) function, proliferation, and reduced apoptosis (cell turnover). Primiparous cows were randomly assigned to a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial with a split-plot design to either a continuous bST (+bST, n = 4) or no bST (−bST, n = 4) treatment throughout the study. Within each animal, udder halves were randomly assigned to either a CM or a 60-d dry period (control). During late gestation, CM glands were milked twice daily until calving or until spontaneous dry-off. At calving, cows were milked either twice or 4 times daily and udder-half milk yield was recorded until 30 d postpartum. Mammary biopsies were conducted on −19 ± 13, −8 ± 6, +2, +7, and +20 d relative to calving. Postpartum milk yield was reduced in CM udder halves. Reduced milk yield in CM half udders from cows administered bST and milked 4 times daily was 35% compared with 65% in CM half udders in cows not provided bST and milked twice daily. Proliferation of MEC tended to be greater in control vs. CM tissue at 8 ± 6 d prepartum. Mammary epithelial cell proliferation was greater during the prepartum period (d −19, −8) compared with postpartum time points (d 2, 7, 20). Apoptosis of MEC was not affected by dry period length, but was elevated during the first 7 d postpartum compared with levels measured at −19, −8, and 20 d. Bovine somatotropin did not alter MEC turnover in primiparous CM or control glands. The use of increased milking frequency and bST alleviated, but did not prevent, reductions in milk yield of CM primiparous cows.  相似文献   

Frequent milking of dairy cows during early lactation elicits both an immediate increase in milk yield and a partial carryover effect that persists to the end of lactation. We hypothesized that the immediate response would be associated with a local increase in insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I signaling and a consequent increase in mammary growth. Four multiparous cows were assigned at parturition to unilateral frequent milking [UFM; milking of the left udder half twice daily (2×; 0230 and 1430 h); milking of the right udder half 4 times daily (4×; 0230, 0530, 1430, and 1730 h)]. Mammary biopsies were obtained from both udder halves at 5 d in milk at 0530 h (immediately after 4× glands were milked). Incorporation of [3H]-thymidine into DNA and mammary cell apoptosis were not affected by UFM. Because biopsies were obtained when udder halves were at different postmilking intervals, our results reflected both the acute, transient mammary response to milking and the sustained mammary response to frequent milking treatment. We further hypothesized that the acute, transient response involves mechanisms distinct from those regulating the sustained response to frequent milking. To test that hypothesis, mammary biopsies were obtained from UFM cows (n = 5) at 0500 h, when time postmilking was the same for both udder halves. Mammary cell apoptosis was not affected by UFM. Expression of genes involved in the IGF-I axis was analyzed to identify acute responses associated with milking, per se, versus sustained responses to frequent milking treatment. Removal of milk from 4× glands was associated with an acute increase in expression of IGF binding protein-1, -3, and -4 mRNA in 2× glands, whereas IGF-I expression was increased by frequent milking treatment. These effects, however, were significant only for expression of IGF binding protein-3. Expression of IGF-I receptor did not differ because of milking frequency but was higher in both udder halves immediately postmilking, indicating a systemic effect. We conclude that several genes of the IGF-I axis respond to milking, per se, or frequent milking treatment, via at least 3 distinct patterns. Increased milking frequency does not alter mammary cell proliferation or apoptosis at 5 d in milk; however, it may increase the bioavailability of IGF-I in the mammary gland. Moreover, the increase in local expression of IGF-I in 4× udder halves indicates a role for this gene in the immediate milk yield response to frequent milking during early lactation.  相似文献   

Frequent milking during early lactation of dairy cows increases milk production throughout lactation; however, whether this response is regulated systemically via lactogenic hormones, locally in the mammary gland, or both is unknown. We hypothesized that the effects of frequent milking on milk production during early lactation are regulated via local mechanisms. Ten multiparous cows were assigned at parturition to unilateral frequent milking [UFM; twice daily milking of the left udder half (2×), or 4 times daily milking of the right udder half (4×)] for d 1 to 21 of lactation. After treatment, cows were milked twice daily for the remainder of lactation. At the first milking after calving, milk yield from individual quarters was measured to verify that udder halves produced equal amounts of milk prior to treatment. Thereafter, individual quarters were milked on d 3 and 7, weekly for the first 5 wk of lactation, and once every 3 mo for the remainder of lactation. During UFM, cows produced 3.9 ± 0.7 kg/d more from the side milked 4× than the side milked 2×. Upon cessation of treatment, milk production from the side milked 4× decreased, but remained at 1.8 ± 0.5 kg/d more than the side milked 2× for the remainder of lactation. After milk yield was corrected to the equivalent of a whole-udder basis, acute milk yield responses to frequent milking were found to be consistent with previous reports. Moreover, we observed greater persistency in the milk yield response, which lasted throughout lactation. We conclude that both immediate and persistent effects on milk production of frequent milking during early lactation are regulated at the level of the mammary gland. Our results demonstrate that UFM is a valid and efficient model for investigating the effects of frequent milking during early lactation in dairy cows.  相似文献   

A comparative study was performed to evaluate differences in milk yield between an automatic milking system (AMS) and a conventional herringbone milking parlor system. Two herds of Italian-Friesian cows were reared in the same barn, located in the Po Valley in northern Italy. Twenty-five primiparous cows and 10 multiparous cows were milked with an AMS, while at the same time 29 primiparous and 9 multiparous were milked twice daily in a milking parlor on the other side of the barn. A selection gate allowed cows to access the AMS only if the interval from last milking was >5 h. Multiparous cows in the AMS yielded more milk than multiparous cows in the milking parlor (34.2 ± 0.7 vs. 29.4 ± 0.6 kg/d). There was no difference in milk yield between primiparous cows in the AMS and in the milking parlor (28.9 ± 0.4 vs. 28.8 ± 0.3 kg/d). Milking frequency in the AMS was significantly higher in primiparous (2.8 ± 0.03) than in multiparous cows (2.5 ± 0.04). The hot season negatively affected milk yield; the milk yield reduction was higher for cows milked with the AMS (−4.5 ± 0.6 kg/d) than in the milking parlor (−3.0 ± 0.8 kg/d). In the AMS, milking frequency decreased during the hot season in primiparous cows (−0.3 ± 0.1). We concluded that a positive AMS effect on milk yield is possible, but that steps must be taken to alleviate the discomfort involved with attracting cows to the AMS.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of different milking frequencies on entire lactation production performance in Holstein cows. One hundred twenty Holstein cows were assigned to 3 milking treatments (35 multiparous and 5 primiparous cows in each): 1) milking 6 times daily for the entire lactation (6×); 2) milking 6 times daily for the first 90 d in milk (DIM) and switching to 3 times daily milking afterward (6×-3×); and 3) milking 3 times daily for the entire lactation (3×). Milk yield was recorded every other day during the first 60 DIM and on 2 consecutive days per week subsequently. Cows were weighed and scored for their body condition immediately after parturition and monthly afterward. Blood and milk samples were taken from each cow on 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 210, and 270 DIM, with an additional blood sampling on 15 DIM. Milk and fat corrected milk yield was greater for 6× and 6×-3× cows than for 3× cows (36.82, 37.32, and 36.1, 36.75 versus 34.56, 35.33 kg/d, respectively) during the experimental period. Milk fat and lactose percentage were not different among treatments, but milk protein was lower in 6× cows than in 6×-3× and 3× cows. Blood glucose concentration was higher and blood nonesterified fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate concentration were lower in 3× cows than in 6× and 6×-3× cows during early lactation. Dry matter intake was greater in 6× cows than in 6×-3× and 3× cows (23.05, 22.58, and 22.45 kg/d, respectively). The 3× cows began to gain weight earlier than the 6× and 6×-3× cows, but there was no difference among groups for BW change regarding the entire experimental period. These results indicate that increasing milking frequency to 6 times daily increases milk yield only during early lactation and that there are no advantages of milking 6 times daily compared with 3 times daily during the mid and late lactation periods. Given the results of this study and the economical aspects of production, milking 6 times daily until 90 DIM and subsequently switching to milking 3 times daily is preferred.  相似文献   

Increased milking frequency during early lactation can elicit immediate and persistent increases in milk yield; however, the timing and duration of frequent milking have not been optimized. Our objective was to use a half-udder model to determine the milk yield response to 2 wk of frequent milking imposed at 2 different times in early lactation. Multiparous Holstein cows were assigned at parturition to unilateral frequent milking [UFM; twice-daily milking (2×) of the left udder half and 4-times-daily milking (4×) of the right udder half] on d 1 to 14 (UFM-1-14) or 7 to 21 (UFM-7-21) of lactation (n = 10 cows per treatment). Cows were milked 2× before and after UFM. Half-udder milk weights were measured at 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35 d in milk, and then once every 3 mo for the remainder of lactation. For both treatments, the 4× udder halves produced more milk than the 2× udder halves during UFM, resulting in an average difference of 3.7 ± 0.7 kg/d in UFM-1-14 cows and 2.9 ± 0.9 kg/d in UFM-7-21 cows. After cessation of UFM, milk production of the 4× udder halves decreased in both treatments, but UFM-7-21 cows produced 1.5 ± 0.6 kg/d more milk from the 4× side than the 2× side for the remainder of the lactation. In UFM-1-14 cows, the difference was 1.2 ± 0.7 kg/d, which was significant overall, but not at 270 d in milk. In both treatments, the full-lactation yield of the 4× udder half was greater than the 2× half. Moreover, the total milk yield response to UFM observed in the current study did not differ from that observed in a previous study in which cows were assigned to UFM from d 1 to 21 of lactation. We conclude that UFM for a 2-wk interval during early lactation elicited a persistent increase in milk production of the frequently milked udder half. In addition, the overall milk yield responses observed for UFM-1-14 or UFM-7-21 were not significantly different than that previously observed for UFM on d 1 to 21 of lactation.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(7):6595-6602
Milking cows once daily is a management tool that has been implemented to improve physical and financial results of seasonal pasture-based dairy farms. The Molly cow model integrates physiology and metabolism of dairy cattle; however, milk production during short-term changes in milking frequency (e.g., 1× milking) is not well represented. The model includes a representation of variable rates of cell quiescence and death. However, the rate constants governing cell death and the return of quiescent to active cells are not affected by milking frequency. An empirical assessment of the problem was conducted, and it was hypothesized that changing the current representation of the rate of cell death in response to short-term 1× milking would more accurately represent active and quiescent cells and improve predictions of milk production. An extra senescent cell flux was added to account for cell loss during periods of 1× milking. Additional changes included a gradual decline in the rate of 1× stimulated senescence during 1× milking, and a structural change in cell cycling between active and quiescent cells during and after short-term 1× milking. Data used for parameter estimation were obtained from 5 studies where 1× milking or different feeding strategies were tested. Parameter estimates of cell loss indicated that 1× milking would affect a small proportion of quiescent cells to cause extra cell death. This added cell senescence was influenced by the length of 1× milking such that cell senescence peaked on d 1 of 1× milking and decayed from that point. The new structure in the model includes a variable rate of cell death in response to 1× milking and a gradual rate of return of quiescent cells back to the active pool in response to switching to 2× milking after short-term 1× milking. Root mean square errors, mean bias, and slope bias declined by at least 50% for predictions of energy-corrected milk yield and fat percent. The model showed quantitative agreement with production data from short-term 1× milking. The accuracy of predictions was improved and the error was reduced by implementing modifications in the model in response to changes in milking frequency.  相似文献   

Increasing the milking interval decreases milk yield and modifies milk composition. To gain a clearer understanding of the regulation of milk yield and composition, a study was conducted to establish the response curves of nutrient extraction by the mammary gland and mammary epithelial permeability in response to increasing milking intervals. Four multiparous lactating dairy cows were milked at 8-, 12-, 16-, or 24-h intervals over a period of 7 d using a Latin square design. Between the 8- and 24-h milking intervals, milk yield and milk protein levels fell curvilinearly from 38.2 to 29.2 kg/d and from 1,086 to 827 g/d, respectively. Milk fat yield decreased linearly from 1,475 to 1,235 g/d. Indicators of the opening of tight junctions increased linearly with increasing milking intervals: milk BSA increased from 148 to 207 mg/L and plasma lactose increased from 22.9 to 32.0 mg/L. The mammary gland's ability to extract nutrients decreased with increasing milking intervals. Extraction rates of glucose, β-hydroxybutyrate, and total glycerol decreased significantly (from 27.2 to 23.3%, from 42.3 to 34.4%, from 36.6 to 30.8% between 8- and 24-h milking intervals, respectively), and not significantly for α-amino nitrogen (from 23.2 to 20.0%). The extraction rate of acetate remained constant. Moreover, the extraction of milk fat precursors appeared to be less regulated than those of the precursors of milk protein and lactose, which could partly explain why milk yield and milk protein yield decreased more than milk fat yield. The arteriovenous differences of β-hydroxybutyrate and total glycerol remained constant, whereas those of glucose decreased significantly from 0.98 to 0.87 ± 0.05 mmol/L and not significantly from 0.74 to 0.64 ± 0.12 mmol/L for α-amino nitrogen. As a result, the mammary gland's ability to extract nutrients appears to be downregulated explaining partly the decrease in daily milk yield observed in response to increased milking intervals.  相似文献   

Milk leakage (ML), or milk observed dripping or flowing from one or more teats between milkings, has been associated with increased risk of udder infections and mastitis in dairy cows. Preliminary observations indicate that ML might occur more often in automatic milking systems (AMS) than in conventional milking systems (CMS), but comparative data on the incidence of ML in AMS or in CMS are not available. Therefore, the occurrence of ML at various observation periods was studied in one AMS with cows housed in a free-stall barn in comparison to CMS with cows housed either in a free-stall barn or a tie-stall barn and milked at regular intervals in a herringbone milking parlor. Relationships between ML and other cow and management factors were also examined. In each of 2 yr, all cows (n = 230 total; 46 cows present both years) were observed at 2-h intervals during six 24-h periods. At least one ML occurred in 39.0 (AMS) vs. 11.2% (CMS) of individual cows and in 16.2 (AMS) vs. 2.9% (CMS) of 24-h cow days studied. Milk leakage was not related to milk production, parity, stage of lactation, or estrous status. However, in the AMS, 62% of primiparous and 28% of multiparous cows leaked milk at least once. Milk leakage occurred more often in rear than in forequarters. Cows were usually lying down when ML was observed, but intervals from previous milking varied, especially in AMS. In AMS, about one-fifth of the ML observations occurred < or = 4 h after milking, and half of those were associated with disturbances at the previous milking. Milk flow rate was higher in quarters leaking milk than in other quarters. Strategies to reduce milk leakage in AMS may be important to minimize potential risks of udder disease.  相似文献   

Increasing the milking intervals reduces milk yield. The aims of this study were to determine whether the reduction in milk yield could be explained by a decrease in mammary uptake of the nutrients or a decrease in the efficiency of the mammary gland in using the milk precursors to synthesize milk components, or both. In a Latin square design with 5 periods, 4 multiparous lactating dairy cows in midlactation were milked at 8-, 12-, 16-, or 24-h intervals over a period of 7 d. The cows were surgically prepared to estimate the net mammary balance of nutrient precursors of milk components (glucose, α-amino nitrogen, acetate, β-hydroxybutyrate, and total glycerol). The efficiency of the mammary gland in synthesizing milk components was estimated by the mammary uptake:milk output ratio. After 7 d of treatment, the decrease in milk yield of 6.1 kg/d between 8- and 24-h milking intervals was associated with a reduction in the uptake of nutrients by the mammary gland, whereas the efficiency of the mammary gland in synthesizing milk components remained relatively unchanged. The mammary uptake decreased by 26% for glucose, 32% for α-amino nitrogen, 18% for acetate, 24% for total glycerol, and 24% for β-hydroxybutyrate, respectively. These reductions in nutrient uptake were due to a decrease in the mammary blood flow (1.23 ± 0.24 L/min). For milk fat precursors (acetate, β-hydroxybutyrate, and total glycerol), the decrease in mammary blood flow explained the entire reduction in the mammary uptake. For glucose and the milk protein precursors, the reduction in the mammary blood flow explained 60% of the decrease in the mammary uptake, with the other 40% being accounted for by a reduction in the mammary extraction of nutrients. The nutrient uptake was altered as milk yield decreased. These decreases began with the 16-h milking interval and were higher at the 24-h milking interval.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of milking frequency on the phagocytosis and respiratory burst activity of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) and monocytes of primiparous and multiparous cows under 2 nutritional management regimens during early lactation. At calving, 12 primiparous and 12 multiparous cows were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments, in which animals were milked once (OAD) or twice a day at a high or low nutritional level. Blood samples were taken 1 to 7 d before calving (prepartum) and 1 to 7, 14 to 21, and 42 to 49 d postpartum. Phagocytic and oxidative burst activity of PMN and monocytes were determined in whole blood and analyzed separately by flow cytometry. Once-a-day milking reduced significantly the percentage of phagocytic PMN and tended to decrease the number of bacteria ingested by these cells. The percentage of oxidative burst positive cells and overall respiratory burst activity of monocytes also tended to be reduced by OAD milking. The reduction of oxidative burst activity of monocytes was more pronounced 1 to 7 d postpartum compared with the prepartum sample and other postpartum samples. Oxidative burst activity of PMN and monocytes of multiparous cows was impaired compared with primiparous cows. The percentage of oxidative burst positive monocytes from multiparous cows was reduced prepartum and also 1 to 7 d postpartum. Once-a-day milking reduced the mean respiratory burst activity of PMN from primiparous cows to levels similar to that of multiparous cows. Therefore, an OAD milking regimen reduces phagocytic activity of PMN and monocytes and would be detrimental for the immune system in high-yielding dairy cows during early lactation.  相似文献   

To attract a cow into an automatic milking system (AMS), a certain amount of concentrate pellets is provided while the cow is being milked. If the milking frequency in an AMS is increased, the intake of concentrate pellets might increase accordingly. Replacing conventional starchy pellets with nonstarchy pellets increased milk yield, milk fat, and milk protein and decreased body weight. The hypothesis was that a nonroughage by-product rich in digestible neutral detergent fiber, such as soyhulls and gluten feed, could replace starchy grain in pellets fed in an AMS. Sixty cows were paired by age, milk yield, and days in milk, and were fed a basic mixture ad libitum [16.2 ± 0.35 (mean ± SE) kg of dry matter intake/d per cow] plus a pelleted additive (6 to 14 kg of dry matter/d per cow) that was consumed in the AMS and in a concentrate self-feeder, which could only be entered after passing through the AMS. The 2 feeding regimens differed only in the composition of the pelleted additives: the control group contained 52.9% starchy grain, whereas the experimental group contained 25% starchy grain, plus soyhulls and gluten feed as replacement for part of the grain. Wheat bran in the control ration, a source of fiber with low digestibility, was replaced with more digestible soyhulls and gluten. During the first 60 d in milk, a cow received 10 to 12 kg of concentrate pellets. After 60 DIM, concentrate feed was allocated by milk production: ≤25 kg/d of milk entitled a cow to 2 kg/d of concentrate feed; >25 kg/d of milk entitled a cow to receive 1 kg/d of additional concentrate feed per 5 kg/d of additional milk production, and >60 kg/d of milk entitled a cow to receive 9 kg of concentrate. The concentrate feed was split between the AMS and concentrate self-feeder. The 2 diets resulted in similar frequencies of voluntary milking (3.12 ± 0.03 to 2.65 ± 0.03 visits/d per cow vs. 3.16 ± 0.00 to 2.60 ± 0.01 visits/d per cow). Average milk yields were higher in the experimental group (42.7 ± 0.76 to 39.09 ± 0.33 kg/d per cow vs. 39.69 ± 0.68 to 37.54 ± 0.40 kg/d per cow) and percentages of milk protein (3.02 ± 0.06 to 3.12 ± 0.05% vs. 3.07 ± 0.04 to 3.20 ± 0.04%) and milk fat (3.42 ± 0.17 to 3.44 ± 0.08% vs. 3.38 ± 0.13 to 3.55 ± 0.06%) were similar in the 2 groups. The results suggest that the proposed pellets high in digestible neutral detergent fiber can be allocated via the AMS to selected high-yielding cows without a negative effect on appetite, milk yield, or milk composition while maintaining a high milking frequency.  相似文献   

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