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提出了一种基于FPGA+DSP结构的OFDM无线通信实现方法,给出了通信系统的工作原理、结构及软件流程,同时给出了基于FPGA+DSP结构的OFDM系统接收端定时同步和频率同步硬件实现方法。 相似文献
在TD-SCDMA无线通信系统中,对系统频偏进行快速和精确的估计是无线通信系统可以正常工作很重要的一个条件。没有准确的频偏估计作为前提,信道估计算法也不能对信道进行准确的估计,这样联合检测算法更发挥不了作用。充分考虑了TD-SCDMA无线通信系统中突发通信的特点以及帧格式,分析了利用导频信号和训练序列进行联合频偏估计算法的性能。仿真结果表明算法的复杂度不高,实用性强,频偏估计性能良好。 相似文献
提出一种基于数据依赖叠加训练序列的OFDM载波频偏估计方法。叠加训练序列的周期性使其DFT能量间隔分布在特定的频点上,为了减小信息序列对叠加训练序列的影响,引入数据依赖序列使信息序列DFT在这些特定频点上为零,利用这个特性可进行频偏估计,只有得到正确的频偏估计时,这些旋转后的信息序列在这些特定频点的能量才得到最小值。仿真表明,该方法在不降低传输速率的情况下,有着较好的频偏估计性能。 相似文献
由于多输入多输出-正交频分复用(MIMO-OFDM)系统对频偏很敏感,很小的频偏就能引起系统性能的大幅下降.为了提高MIMO-OFDM系统频偏估计的精度和频谱的利用率,采用一种基于新训练序列的小数倍频偏估计算法.该算法利用构造的新训练序列获得比传统算法更精准的频偏估计,可有效地对小数倍频偏进行估计,同时提出的算法减少训练序列的数量,提高系统频谱利用率.仿真结果表明,在加性高斯白噪声信道环境下,所提出的方法在载波频偏估计中能有很好的性能. 相似文献
由于多输入多输出-正交频分复用(MIMO-OFDM)系统对频偏很敏感,很小的频偏就能引起系统性能的大幅下降。为了提高MIMO-OFDM系统频偏估计的精度和频谱的利用率,采用一种基于新训练序列的小数倍频偏估计算法。该算法利用构造的新训练序列获得比传统算法更精准的频偏估计,可有效地对小数倍频偏进行估计,同时提出的算法减少训练序列的数量,提高系统频谱利用率。仿真结果表明,在加性高斯白噪声信道环境下,所提出的方法在载波频偏估计中能有很好的性能。 相似文献
在正交频分复用(OFDM)系统中,频率偏移会破坏子载波间的正交性,降低整个系统的性能。在研究传统频偏估计算法的基础上,利用简单的实数训练序列,进行OFDM系统的载波频偏估计,只需要一个训练序列,就可以有效地在时域内同时对小数倍和整数倍的频率偏移进行估计。仿真结果表明,基于实数训练序列的载波频偏估计算法不仅方法简单,易于实现,而且可提高频偏估计精度。 相似文献
面向CMMB接收机,本文分析了载波频率偏差对OFDM系统的影响,提出了一种OFDM频偏估计方法,实现了小数频偏和整数频偏估计。该算法在CMMB系统中的仿真结果表明,小数频偏估计方法具有较高的精度,整数频偏估计方法能够快速、准确地估计整数频偏。 相似文献
在MIMO频率选择性衰落信道下,使用级联训练序列是解决频偏估计中相位模糊问题的方法之一.级联训练序列由若干个短序列和若干个长序列组成.短序列是为了获得更大的估计范围而长序列是为了获得更高的估计精度.本文利用克拉美罗下界(Cramer-Rao Lower Bound,CRLB)作为衡量标准分析了级联训练序列的频偏估计性能,推导了级联训练序列的均方误差公式,得到了级联训练序列的性能渐进等于长序列的估计性能,并且证明了事实上最优的级联训练序列结构并不是目前广泛采用的级联结构,而是将整个序列全部分割成短序列.最后通过仿真验证了理论分析的结果。 相似文献
OFDM在对抗多径方面是一种有效的宽带数字通信技术,但是由于频率误差的存在,使得OFDM(正交频分复用)子载波之间的正交性遭到破坏,系统在频率选择性衰落信道中的传输能力大大下降。本文提出了一种精确的频率误差估计法,可以很好地恢复频率同步。该方法的主要特点是以FFT为界分别在时域和频域内进行频率误差估计,并在时域中进行频率误差校正。 相似文献
Li Jun Liao Guisheng Wu Yuntao 《电子科学学刊(英文版)》2006,23(1):121-123
Most of the blind Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO) estimators necessitate large number of samples to ensure the estimation accuracy. However, the number of samples can not be selected too large because of the carrier offset drift. In this letter, a new closed form algorithm for blind OFDM CFO estimation in frequency-selective channel is proposed. This method utilizes the propagator obtained from data matrix and the diagonal loading technique, thus it has better performance even only using one or two OFDM blocks. Furthermore, the range of the CFO estimation which can be handled is overall transmission spectral. Simulation results confirm its effectiveness. 相似文献
A pilot-aided Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) frequency offset estimator designed for satellite communication system is proposed in the paper. The estimator focuses on the acquisition of the integer part of carrier frequency offset and the acquisition range is as large as the whole signal bandwidth. Making full use of the phase difference between received pilot and local referential pilot, a fast estimation is obtained. Compared with existing method, our method can also work well even in SNR as low as 0dB. Simulations verify the good performance of our method. 相似文献
Carrier frequency offset (CFO) in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing(OFDM) systems, which can induce the loss of orthogonality among subcarriersand result in significant performance degradation, is critical to be estimatedand compensated for. In this paper, a suboptimal scheme is proposed to estimatethe CFO using subcarriers. In the proposed scheme, the CFO is dividedinto the fractional part and the integer part, with the fractional CFO estimatedfollowed by the integer CFO estimation. Compared with previous work using subcarriers and exhaustive search, the implementation complexity of theproposed scheme is significantly lower due to the fact that the main componentrequired is a simple correlator. Furthermore, with only one trainingOFDM symbol and proper subcarrier allocation, the estimation range ofthe proposed scheme can be the inverse of the sampling duration. In contrast,conventional schemes with the same estimation range and complexity require two OFDM symbols. To achieve good performance,it will be shown that the subcarrier allocation should be based uponsome specific binary sequences such as the proposed extended m-sequences. It willalso be shown by simulations that the same subcarrier allocation criterionshould be employed for optimal maximum-likelihood CFO estimation. 相似文献
提出了一种改进的基于训练符号的频偏估计方法.该方法通过综合利用训练符号和循环前缀的信息得到时域的细频偏估计,通过峰值检测得到频域的粗频偏估计.仿真结果表明,在多径衰落信道下,在频偏估计范围达到整个信号带宽的同时,本算法的估计精度也有了明显的提高,并且当信噪比达到12dB时,可以使剩余频偏限制在子载波间隔的2%以内. 相似文献
Particle filter with ant colony optimization for frequency offset estimation in OFDM systems with unknown noise distribution 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is sensitive to carrier frequency offset (CFO) that causes inter-carrier interference (ICI). In this paper, a particle filter (PF) method augmented with ant colony optimization (ACO) is developed to estimate the CFO. The ACO for continuous domains is incorporated into PF to optimize the sampling process. Unlike the standard PF, resampling is not required in the method. Moreover, it does not require the noise distribution. Simulation results show that the proposed method is effective when estimating the CFO and can effectively combat the effect of ICI in OFDM systems. 相似文献