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《Food chemistry》2005,89(2):283-293
The ability of different lactic acid bacteria to influence the physicochemical characteristics (content, viscosity and molecular weight) of dietary fibre in β-glucan-rich barley and oat concentrates was investigated. The cultures used were Lactobacillus acidophilus and the exopolysaccharide producing strain Pediococcus damnosus 2.6, together with the yoghurt culture, V2 (a mixture (1:1) of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus). Two methodologies, one including filtration and another centrifugation-dialysis, to quantify the dietary fibre, were compared. The centrifugation-dialysis method generally gave significantly (P<0.05) higher values than the filtration method (for example, 79.8 g/100 g DW versus 59.6 g/100 g DW for the total fibre in the native barley fibre concentrate) with the exception of soluble barley fibres. The insoluble fibre content was found to decrease after fermentation (58.8 g/100 g DW to 39.0/37.0 g/100 g DW in barley and 26.0 g/100 g DW to 4.5/3.0 g/100 g DW in oats as analysed by the centrifugation-dialysis method). The soluble fibre in the barley fibre concentrate was apparently not affected by fermentation, while contents and maximum viscosities of the soluble fibre in oat fibre concentrates decreased after fermentation. However, the molecular weight was apparently not affected.  相似文献   

二氧化碳浸渍法及其在红葡萄酒酿造中的应用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
1概述由于我国经济的迅速发展和对外经济技术交流的增加,近年来,我国的葡萄酿酒技术得到了很大的发展。不仅象法国、意大利、西班牙等传统葡萄酒酿酒国家的酿酒技术和工艺得以传入我国,而且象澳大利亚、智利、阿根廷等新兴的葡萄酒国家的酿酒技术也引入我国。二氧化碳浸渍法酿造红葡萄酒技术就是由法国人发明的一项很有特色的酿酒技术,以下本人结合自己的生产实践经验,从理论和实践上对该方法酿酒的特点作一下简单的介绍。根据国际葡萄与葡萄酒局 (OIV)1996年英法双语版《国际葡萄与葡萄酒实用工艺法规》中的定义,二氧化碳浸渍法…  相似文献   

酶法生产橄榄混浊汁   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
确定了酶法生产橄榄混浊汁的最佳工艺条件,研究了果胶酶对橄榄果汁的产量和提取率的影响。当果胶酶的含量大于0.01%时,果汁的提取率提高但产量下降,果汁颜色不理想;温度30“C时。产率最高;酶解时间1h,产率和提取效率都最好。由于橄榄中含有大量的果胶,果胶酶的加入,使果汁的产率提高了20%~30%,提取率提高了5%~7%,改善了果汁的颜色。  相似文献   

Vegetable concentrates and powders can be used in the process of pasta production as natural colouring components. The aim of the work was to investigate the effect of the addition of different vegetable components (powders and concentrates) on the colour, chemical composition, cooking and sensory quality of pasta. Tagliatelle was made from durum semolina substituted with 0%, 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% of beet powder (BP), beet concentrate (BC), carrot powder (CP), carrot concentrate (CC) and kale powder (KP). The addition of concentrates caused a greater change in the colour of the pasta (ΔE: 12.45–48.01) than the analogous addition of the powders (ΔE: 6.24–45.31); however, the colour of the products was unstable and less resistant to cooking. The incorporation of the vegetable powders induced a greater increase in the content of ash and total dietary fibre in the pasta than the addition of the concentrates.  相似文献   

Gelatinized barley starch was hydrolysed using porcine pancreatic α-amylase for various time intervals and the hydrolysate fractionated according to molecular weight distribution (low, medium and high) by gel permeation chromatography. The effects of hydrolysed starch fractions (2.5%, w/w) on the solution viscosity of low- (∼50%, w/w) and high- (∼88%, w/w) purity barley β-glucan (0.75%, w/w,) at different temperatures (20 and 37 °C) were determined and compared to that of a control. The results indicated that none of the hydrolysed starch fractions significantly influenced the solution viscosity of high purity β-glucan. However, addition of the medium molecular weight fraction to low purity β-glucan significantly increased its viscosity when determined at low shear rates (1.29–12.9 s−1). Marginal changes in viscosity were observed at shear rates exceeding 12.9 s−1. This study suggested that a non-β-glucan component in the low purity β-glucan concentrate probably influences the solution viscosity of “β-glucan–hydrolysed starch” blends.  相似文献   

The production of ochratoxin A by Aspergillus ochraceus and of ochratoxin A and citrinin by Penicillium viridicatum growing on previously sterilised barley for 200 days at 5, 10 and 20°C and a water activity of 0.85 is reported. A. ochraceus did not grow at 5°C, multiplied slowly at 10°C but did not produce toxin. At 20°C the organism multiplied more quickly and produced ochratoxin after 19 days, which slowly disappeared over the next 150 days. P. viridicatum grew slowly at 5°C but did not produce any toxin. It multiplied at 10°C and produced ochratoxin A which was only detectable during the period from 100 to 150 days. At 20°C both ochratoxin A and citrinin were produced. Ochratoxin A was detected after 10 days and was still present after 240 days, whereas citrinin was produced in large quantities between 118 and 129 days and then rapidly disappeared.  相似文献   

对MC法酿造佳美葡萄酒工艺的研究表明,在CO2浸渍天数为13d,浸渍温度为26~28℃,原料含糖量为23%的条件下,采用适量SO2处理原料并用皂土澄清原酒,所得佳美葡萄酒品质较好。   相似文献   

<正> 2009年春季,全球金融海啸继续蔓延,实体经济所受冲击逐渐显现。聚焦我国的啤酒产业链条,特别是以啤酒大麦、麦芽、啤酒花为主的啤酒原料的生产与市场,也出现了近三十年来最为严重的负面情况。其中啤酒大麦和麦芽市场的问题主要表现为:麦芽企业出现大量的闭门停产,开工生产的企业中许多是在亏损中运行;麦芽市场疲软,一年内价格下跌40%左右,且销售量较往年同期大幅减少;进口啤酒大麦价格回落至七、八年前的水平,国产啤酒大麦的严重滞销,或因在不正常低价位水平上而无利润或负利润销售,导致2009年春播面积将大幅度减少。  相似文献   

S. Chillo  D.V. Ranawana  C.J.K. Henry 《LWT》2011,44(4):940-948
The in vitro glycaemic impact and cooking quality of functional spaghetti made with semolina plus the addition of one of either two types β-glucan barley concentrates, Glucagel® (GG) and Barley Balance™ (BB) was investigated. For each β-glucan type, five spaghetti samples containing different percentages of β-glucan (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 g/100 g) were developed and compared to a control (0 g/100 g of β-glucan). The glycaemic potency of the samples was measured in vitro as the release of glucose during pancreatic digestion. Further tests were carried out on the spaghetti samples to determine optimal cooking time (OCT), cooking losses (CL), dry matter, swelling index, colour, hardness and adhesiveness. Barley Balance, but not GG, significantly reduced the susceptibility of spaghetti to pancreatic digestion in vitro compared to the control at all concentrations. Results indicated moreover that the spaghetti added with GG and BB (all the treatments) did not have different colour and hardness properties compared to spaghetti without β-glucan. Except for the spaghetti with 2 g/100 g BB, all the other treatments demonstrated significantly higher CL and adhesiveness values compared to the control.Cooking losses (CL) and adhesiveness are important parameters and they were significantly different for samples with added barley β-glucan concentrates. BB appears to be a better treatment for reducing the glycaemic potency of spaghetti and justifies further in vivo study.  相似文献   

利用CO2浸渍法和保糖发酵技术酿造自然甜红葡萄酒,最大限度地减少单宁含量,突出甜红葡萄酒鲜艳亮丽的色泽,优雅明快的香气,爽净舒适的口感.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The object of this study was to macerate melon fruit (Cucumis melo, L.) in melon distillate to produce a liqueur that would possess the sensory attributes of the fruit. Chemical and sensory analysis was performed on the different spirits. RESULTS: Spirits macerated with melon pieces, seeds and placenta showed double the sugar concentration compared to spirits macerated with seeds and placenta only. Concentrations of esters and higher alcohols were also higher in the first macerated. Neither n‐butanol nor ethyl butyrate were detected in any of the batches. The sensory analysis results (rank‐order tests) did not disclose any significant differences among the spirit batches although maceration with seeds and placenta conferred a golden colour to the spirit that is popular in commercial products. All the batches can be grouped close together in the greenish yellow quadrant, though in the region closer to yellow. Liqueurs contained higher quantities of ethyl acetate than the macerated spirits. CONCLUSIONS: Macerated spirit with seeds and placenta was the most adequate for production on account of its deeper colour, its suitability for filtration, and its typical melon aroma, as well as its lower production costs. The acceptability of melon liqueur was similar to other spirits tasted. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The application of pulsed electric fields (PEF) to apple mash as an alternative to enzymatic mash maceration (EM) was investigated on a pilot plant scale. Chemical composition of the juices obtained by different processes was similar, except for phenolic content and antioxidative capacity, thus proving substantial equivalence of the juices. However, PEF led to an enhanced release of nutritionally valuable phenolics into the juice. Sensory properties of the juices did not significantly differ when PEF pre-treatment was applied. Total juice yield amounting to approx. 85% was not increased by PEF treatment and was irrespective of the different mash pre-treatments, however, juice release was delayed after PEF application (W = 10 kJ/kg), whereas EM enhanced the de-juicing process. In contrast to EM, genuine pectin quality was retained by PEF processing, which allows sustainable pomace utilisation and additional commercial benefit through its commercialisation. Within a storage time of 40 weeks juice composition remained unchanged.  相似文献   

Barley was inoculated with conidia of Aspergillus parasiticus NRRL 2999, and at 0°C was left to equilibrate at three moisture levels: 17, 20 and 25%. Gamma irradiation at five doses, 0, 50, 100, 200 and 400 krad, was applied to the grain either soon after moisture equilibration (3 days after inoculation) or 10 days later (13 days after inoculation). Increasing the radiation dose resulted in decreasing aflatoxin formation, with one exception: 200 krad applied 13 days after inoculation on barley stored at a moisture level of 25% (100% relative humidity) and 25°C led to higher aflatoxin production than at 100 or 50 krad. For the control of aflatoxin contamination in barley, storage at low moisture content appears to be more practical and effective than irradiation.  相似文献   

Different hydration methods have been considered and their effect on the drying characteristics of corn and amaranth grains have been studied at different drying temperatures and the results compared with those for the fresh materials. The effect of hydration on drying was found to depend on the type of grain. In general, for corn hydrated grain particles the moisture content was found to be in a looser condition than it was in the fresh grains, and hence, smaller effective diffusion coefficients where found for the latter. Such differences were found to increase with increasing drying temperature. Also a first-order irreversible kinetic model was applied to the drying data for hydrated and fresh corn and a reduction on the drying activation energy was observed by the humidification process. In contrast, for the relatively small amaranth grains, both hydrated and fresh particles showed similar drying characteristics. The results suggest that drying kinetics and transport properties obtained for rehydrated grains can overestimate drying rates for the corresponding freshly harvested material, especially at relatively high moisture contents and for relatively large grain particles like corn.  相似文献   

<正> 一、目前我国啤酒大麦与麦芽生产及市场的热点问题我国的啤酒与啤酒原料行业,虽然在整个国民经济这块大蛋糕中占很小的比重,但也涉及到500余家啤酒工厂、120余家麦芽厂、30余家科研单位、经营1200佘万亩的广大啤酒大麦生产者和众多的啤酒大麦经销商。本行业中的大多数企业都亲身经历了至今尚未完全落幕的  相似文献   

CO2浸渍发酵法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘晶  王华  李华  米思 《食品工业科技》2012,33(3):369-372
作为一种特殊的酿酒工艺,CO2浸渍法为酿制新型葡萄酒提供了新的思路。综述了CO2浸渍过程中化学成分和微生物群落的变化以及影响因素,并对CO2浸渍法的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

The effect of maceration on increasing and improving aroma intensity in a melon (Cucumis melo L.) spirit was studied. A first distilled spirit (23.5% alcohol v/v) was macerated before undergoing a second distillation, and compared with a double-distilled spirit (56% alcohol v/v). A double-distilled spirit (final spirit) was also macerated. Two different parts of the fruit (sliced melon flesh and seeds+placenta) were used for maceration, for differing maceration times. The volatile content of the macerated spirits was determined using GC-MS, the colour attributes were measured, and the influence of maceration was evaluated by sensory analysis. The results indicated that there were differences between the control (unmacerated) and the macerated spirits and that the double-distilled spirit macerated in contact with the seeds+placenta exhibited the best sensory characteristics.  相似文献   

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