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Yeh WH  Li L  Mansuripur M 《Applied optics》1998,37(29):6983-6988
The track pitch of current optical disks is comparable with the wavelength of the laser source. In this domain of the pitch-to-wavelength ratio, the complex-diffraction amplitudes are different for different incident polarization states, and the validity of the scalar diffraction theory is questionable. Furthermore, the use of multilayer coatings and high-numerical-aperture beams in modern optical disk technology inevitably entails the excitation of surface waves, which can disturb the baseball pattern significantly. To describe the interaction of a focused beam with a grooved multilayer system fully, it is necessary to have a rigorous vector theory. We use a rigorous vector theory to model the diffraction of light at the optical disk. We present the simulation and the experimental results and demonstrate the ability of this approach to predict or model accurately all essential features of beam-disk interaction, including the polarization effects and the excitation of surface waves.  相似文献   

Bartlett CL  Kay D  Mansuripur M 《Applied optics》1997,36(32):8467-8473
We quantify the effects of disk tilt and objective lens tilt on the push-pull tracking error signal of an optical disk data storage system. For a grooved disk, such as a recordable compact disk that operates at a laser wavelength of lambda, it is found that disk tilt produces a tracking offset of 0.05lambda per degree of tilt, whereas objective lens tilt produces an offset of 0.012lambda per degree of tilt. The amplitude of the tracking error signal decreases by 2.5% at the disk tilt angle of 0.3 degrees and by 5% at the objective lens tilt of 0.3 degrees . We achieved these simulations with the computer program Diffract, which performs a combination of diffraction and ray-tracing calculations through the entire optical path, from the light source to the detectors.  相似文献   

An experimental comparison of the ring-lens and the astigmatic techniques of generating a focus-error signal (FES) in optical disk systems reveals that the ring lens generates a FES curve over two times steeper than that produced by the astigmat. Partly because of this large slope and partly because of its diffraction-limited behavior, the ring-lens scheme exhibits superior performance characteristics. In particular, the undesirable signal known as feedthrough (induced on the FES by track crossings during the seek operation) is substantially lower than that observed with the astigmatic method. The ring lens is easy to align and has reasonable tolerance for positioning errors.  相似文献   

Digital information in optical data storage systems can be encoded in the intensity, in the polarization state, or in the phase of a carrier laser beam. Intensity modulation is achieved at the surface of the storage medium either through destructive interference from surface-relief features (e.g., CD or DVD pits) or through reflectivity variations (e.g., alteration of optical constants of phase-change media). Magneto-optical materials make use of the polar magneto-optical Kerr effect to produce polarization modulations of the focused beam reflected from the storage medium. Both surface-relief structures and material-property variations can create, at the exit pupil of the objective lens of the optical pickup, a phase modulation (this, in addition to any intensity or polarization modulation or both). Current optical data storage systems do not make use of this phase information, whose recovery could potentially increase the strength of the readout signal. We show how all three mechanisms can be exploited in a scanning optical microscope to reconstruct the recorded (or embedded) data patterns on various types of optical disk.  相似文献   

Gerber RE  Mansuripur M 《Applied optics》1996,35(35):7000-7007
A servo system for the correction of disk tilt in optical disk data storage is proposed, and its basic concepts are demonstrated by the use of a static system in which the disk does not spin. Because disk tilt produces primarily coma in the beam focused onto the disk, the system uses a variable coma generator to produce an equal and opposite amount of coma as that caused by the tilted disk. The magnitude and direction of disk tilt are detected by the use of the light reflected from the front facet of the disk substrate.  相似文献   

Roberts JD  Ryley A  Jones DM  Burke D 《Applied optics》1996,35(20):3915-3924
The compact disk read-only memory (CD-ROM) is a mature storage medium with complex error control. It comprises four levels of Reed Solomon codes allied to a sequence of sophisticated interleaving strategies and 8:14 modulation coding. New storage media are being developed and introduced that place still further demands on signal processing for error correction. It is therefore appropriate to explore thoroughly the limit of existing strategies to assess future requirements. We describe a simulation of all stages of the CD-ROM coding, modulation, and decoding. The results of decoding the burst error of a prescribed number of modulation bits are discussed in detail. Measures of residual uncorrected error within a sector are displayed by C1, C2, P, and Q error counts and by the status of the final cyclic redundancy check (CRC). Where each data sector is encoded separately, it is shown that error-correction performance against burst errors depends critically on the position of the burst within a sector. The C1 error measures the burst length, whereas C2 errors reflect the burst position. The performance of Reed Solomon product codes is shown by the P and Q statistics. It is shown that synchronization loss is critical near the limits of error correction. An example is given of miscorrection that is identified by the CRC check.  相似文献   

We report certain diffraction effects that are pertinent to the operation of double-layer optical recording media. For simulating cross-talk effects for double layers, the diffraction of light from the out-of-focus layer and the resulting distribution on the in-focus layer are studied by use of computer simulations. The findings are then verified qualitatively by direct measurements. We also describe a technique for analyzing (by computer simulation) the focus-error signal (FES), taking into account the cross talk between two layers, in systems that use the astigmatic method in conjunction with the double-layer disk. The results of our computer simulations of the FES give us a 10% cross-talk contribution to the original signal. The results of the FES evaluation are compared with those measured in an actual disk drive; good agreement between computation and measurement is obtained.  相似文献   

Xu X  Pan X  Song J 《Applied optics》2012,51(5):621-625
The mechanism of fiber coil polarization properties' effect on the performance of a fiber optical gyroscope (FOG) is investigated with analysis of secondary wave trains' polarization evolution and interference in the fiber coil. Based on the optical model, the simulation demonstrates that the bias error varies nonlinearly with the fiber coil polarization crosstalk, and the experiment verifies the analysis and simulation result, so some measures are promoted to reduce the bias' dependence on the fiber coil's polarization properties, which is significant for improving environmental adaptability and long-term stability of the FOG.  相似文献   

The polarization phase shift (PPS) has emerged as an important analytical tool in optical metrology. The present study utilizes the concept of controlling the polarization phase in applications such as focal shift and automatic focusing. When elliptically polarized light, in general, is incident upon a circularly symmetric polarization mask consisting of circular and annular zones with each zone having a unique linear polarizability, the polarization-phase difference introduced between the polarization-masked zones is also circularly symmetric. With the mask at the lens aperture, the polarization phase introduced is multiplicative with the lens function and is shown to result in a shift of the Gaussian focus plane. Because the polarization phase can be controlled by variation of the polarization parameters, the effective focal length of the imaging system can be varied within a small range. A study of the point-spread functions at the shifted focal planes has shown that the quality of the focal patch in these planes is comparable with that produced by a diffraction-limited imaging system at Gaussian focus. The shift of focus can be achieved by control of the polarization of the input beam. It is anticipated that this technique may find application in areas for which dynamic focusing within a small range is required.  相似文献   

Kobayashi S 《Applied optics》2002,41(14):2679-2685
A point-spread function (PSF) is commonly used as a model of an optical disk readout channel. However, the model given by the PSF does not contain the quadratic distortion generated by the photo-detection process. We introduce a model for calculating an approximation of the quadratic component of a signal. We show that this model can be further simplified when a read-only-memory (ROM) disk is assumed. We introduce an edge-spread function by which a simple nonlinear model of an optical ROM disk readout channel is created.  相似文献   

Kiire T  Nakadate S  Shibuya M 《Applied optics》2008,47(21):3784-3788
We present a new type of phase-shifting interferometer, which utilizes a polarizing prism to form quadrature phase-shifted fringe patterns onto a single imaging sensor. By changing the direction of linear polarization of the incident light orthogonally, four phase-shifted fringe patterns in quadrature are obtained by taking images twice; thus it is possible to reduce phase errors caused by mechanical vibrations and air turbulence that occur in temporal phase-shifting interferometers. We present the principle of this interferometer with its theoretical analysis, using the Jones matrix, along with experimental results.  相似文献   

A simple method based on the interference of coherently excited modes is proposed for measuring the orientations of birefringence axes and determining the level of polarized mode excitation in single-mode birefringent fibers. The exact determination of these characteristics is achieved by introducing the dimensionless coefficients of modulation and transmission dependent on the analyzer rotation angle. The proposed technique, in contrast to the conventional methods, does not require the use of special excitation conditions at the fiber entrance.  相似文献   

Hung KM 《Applied optics》2000,39(8):1309-1314
The effects of a plastic objective lens's astigmatism on the push-pull tracking-error signal (TES) of an optical disk data storage system were investigated theoretically and experimentally. Astigmatism of plastic objective lenses arises commonly from the asymmetric deviation from their designed shape during the molding process. By carefully studying the aberration characteristics of the objective lens and including the astigmatism of the laser diode in the analysis, we can calculate the combined effects of astigmatism of these two components on the push-pull TES. It is found, from both the simulations and the experiments, that, by rotation of the objective lens about the optical axis, the peak-to-peak value of the push-pull TES varies with the lens's rotation angle, and a change as great as 340% in its value was observed in a given optical pickup.  相似文献   

Wei N  Gong M  Yan P  Zhang H 《Applied optics》2002,41(25):5334-5340
We have developed a new method to design aspheric lenses. The conventional technique is usually based on analytic definition of optical surfaces; in the new method discretely defined aspheres are used, and the final design is attained point by point with an iterative algorithm. Simulation results are compared with results obtained with conventional optical design software to prove that this new method is more effective and reliable for designing aspheric lenses, especially when the aspheric order is high.  相似文献   

We observed a spatial effect of the light entrainment at a wavelength of λ=0.63299 μm by an optical disk with a radius of R 0=0.06 m rotating at a frequency of ω=25 Hz. A relative shift of the interference pattern, monitored by the time of the interference band motion across the aperture of a photodetector for the disk rotating in the opposite directions, amounts to Δ=0.0094±0.0025 of the interference bandwidth.  相似文献   

Braat J 《Applied optics》1997,36(30):8056-8062
I consider the influence of different substrate thicknesses on the signal obtained from an optical disk. Two solutions are presented for the reading of different disk types. In one situation a substrate thickness change for disks with equal density is made inoffensive by introduction of a combined amplitude-phase mask in the pupil of the readout objective. In a second situation, where the different thickness is accompanied by a change in optical density, a specific selection in the far field of the detected radiation has proven to be adequate.  相似文献   

On the basis of the unified theory of coherence and polarization, we investigate the behavior of the state of polarization of a stochastic electromagnetic beam in a Gaussian cavity. Formulations both in terms of Stokes parameters and in terms of polarization ellipse are given. We show that the state of polarization stabilizes, except in the case of a lossless cavity, after several passages between the mirrors, exhibiting monotonic or oscillatory behavior depending on the parameters of the resonator. We also find that an initially (spatially) uniformly polarized beam remains nonuniformly polarized even for a large number of passages between the mirrors of the cavity.  相似文献   

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