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Inhibition of Na+/H+ exchange (NHE) subtypes has been investigated in a study of the mouse fibroblast L cell line (LAP1) transfected with human (h) NHE1, rabbit (rb) NHE2, rat (rt) or human (h) NHE3 as well as an opossum kidney cell line (OK) and porcine renal brush-border membrane vesicles (BBMV). S3226 ?3-[2-(3-guanidino-2-methyl-3-oxo-propenyl)-5-methyl-phenyl]-N-isopro pylidene-2-methyl-acrylamide dihydro-chloride? was the most potent and specific NHE3 inhibitor with an IC50 value of 0.02 micromol/l for the human isoform, whereas its IC50 value for hNHE1 and rbNHE2 was 3.6 and approximately = 80 micromol/l, respectively. In contrast, amiloride is a weak NHE3 inhibitor (IC50>100 micromol/l) with a higher affinity to hNHE1 and rbNHE2. Cariporide (4-isopropyl-3-methylsulphonyl-benzoyl-guanidine methane-sulphonate), which has an IC50 for NHE3 of approximately 1 mmol/l, is a highly selective NHE1 inhibitor (0.08 micromol/l). Therefore, S3226 is a novel tool with which to investigate the physiological and pathophysiological roles of NHE3 in animal models.  相似文献   

We have investigated interstitial deletions of chromosome 8 in 70 colorectal carcinomas and 11 colonic adenomas using 11 microsatellite markers, including eight spanning the centromeric region of chromosome 8p (p11.2-p12). Allelic loss or imbalance was observed in 38 (54%) cancers and four (36%) adenomas. Twenty-eight (40%) of the cancers had deletions of 8p11.2-p12. Two distinct and independent regions of interstitial loss were found within this region. Fluorescent in situ hybridization, using an alpha satellite repeat probe to the centromere of 8p and two probes to the P1 region, was performed in four tumours that demonstrated allelic imbalance. Localized heterozygous deletions were confirmed in all four tumours. Eleven (16%) cancers had localized deletion in the region ANK-1 to D8S255 (P1) and a further eleven (16%) cancers had a less well localized deletion in the region defined by the markers D8S87 to D8S259 (P2). Loss of both centromeric loci was identified in a further six (9%) tumours. A functional significance for these two deletion regions was sought by correlation with primary and secondary tumour characteristics. Isolated P2 deletion was associated with 'early' T1 cancers (2p=0.0002), and were also identified in 3/11 adenomas. Conversely, interstitial deletions of the P1 locus were more frequently seen in 'locally invasive' T3/4 cancers (2p=0.015), and isolated P1 deletions were also associated with the presence of liver metastases (2p=0.016). Our data provide evidence of at least two genes within the 8p11.2-p12 region, mutations in which may confer different and independent roles in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

The mapping of allelic loss on the short arm of chromosome 1 has been performed in non-small-cell lung cancer. We used a set of 11 microsatellite loci spanning 1p to examine the frequency of allelic imbalance in a panel of 58 tumours. Fifty-one of 58 (87.9%) cases have shown somatic allelic loss at one or more loci tested. The two shortest regions of the overlap (SRO) of the deletions have been identified: SRO 1 at 1p13.1 and SRO 2 at 1p32-pter. Allelic losses at these regions have been compared among adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma and no difference has been found. In contrast to SRO 1, deletions at SRO 2 significantly correlated with advanced stage of the disease as well as post-operative metastasizing and relapse. These data may suggest that SRO 1 and SRO 2 can harbour tumour-supressor genes (TSGs) involved in different stages of NSCLC development. SRO 2 is still quite large and its refined mapping should help attempts to clone and identify the putative TSG(s). Microsatellite instability (replication errors) affecting only 6 (10.3%) of 58 tumour samples is an infrequent genetic alteration at the loci tested.  相似文献   

Multiple tumor suppressor genes are implicated in the oncogenesis and progression of invasive carcinoma of the breast. To investigate the chronology of genetic changes we studied loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 17 in ductal carcinoma in situ, a preinvasive breast cancer. A microdissection technique was used to separate tumor from normal stromal cells prior to DNA extraction and loss of heterozygosity was assayed mainly using simple sequence repeat polymorphism markers and the polymerase chain reaction. Loss of heterozygosity on 17p was observed in 8 of 28 tumors (29%) when compared with normal control DNA, whereas no loss was seen on 17q, suggesting that at least one locus on 17p is involved early in the development of breast cancer.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was performed in 17 myeloid leukemia patients and seven lymphoid leukemia/ lymphoma patients who exhibited chromosomal abnormalities on the short arm of chromosome 17, in order to detect a commonly deleted region on chromosome band 17p13. Twenty-four leukemia/lymphoma patients studied cytogenetically at our institution over a period of 10 years had detectable 17p abnormalities such as translocation (six patients), addition (11 patients) and deletion of 17p13 (seven patients). A 17p abnormality was the only abnormality present in three patients. Most of the patients had additional complex cytogenetic abnormalities. The diagnosis was acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in 10 patients, two each with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and the remaining three with malignant lymphoma (ML). Seven cosmid probes (D17S34, cCI17-624, cCI17-453, D17S379, cCI17-636, cCI17-732 and TP53) which mapped on 17p13 were used to analyze the allelic deletion. Eighty percent (19 out of 24) of the informative leukemia patients exhibited allelic loss in 17p13.3 at cC17-624. The smallest region of an overlapping deletion was observed on chromosome band 17p13.3 between cCI17-624 and cCI17-453. Patients with translocation involving 17p also showed deletion at cCI17-624 and cCI17-453. We hypothesize that this region contains a novel tumor suppressor gene(s) that is involved in leukemogenesis.  相似文献   

India has one of the world's highest incidences of oral cancer. It is believed that the widespread habit of betel quid chewing is an important risk factor as it exposes the oral mucosa to known carcinogens. It also induces physical abrasions, which may create mitogenic environments during wound healing as gateways for infections. A recent study from our laboratories identified human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA, mostly of the high-risk types HPV-16 and HPV-18, in 67 of 91 oral cancer lesions from a cohort of Indian patients consisting mostly of betel quid users. This suggested a viral etiology of some lesions but tumorigenesis in the absence of viruses in other lesions. Here, we examined whether the p53 gene, whose function is abrogated by the product of the HPV gene E6, would be mutated in those oral cancers that were free of HPV DNA, and we found point mutations at known hot spots for mutational alteration of p53 in 4 of 23 lesions. We also considered the possibility that p21, a target of regulation by the p53 protein, may be mutationally altered in tumors with a functional p53 gene. While we did not identify mutations in the p21 gene, 6 of 11 lesions contained a polymorphism that may be associated with cancer. Interestingly, 3 of 23 lesions had mutations in the p16 gene, a third regulator of the cell cycle which is frequently mutated in melanoma but rarely in other cancers, with 1 lesion even having a mutation in the p53 as well as in the p16 gene. Our data point to p53 and p16 as gene targets of oral carcinogenesis, with chemicals in the betel quid possibly functioning in these tumors as carcinogens.  相似文献   

The short arm of chromosome 17 is one of the most frequently affected chromosomal regions in lung cancers, while there is solid evidence that the p53 gene at 17p13.1 is a target for frequent 17p deletions. In the present study, we re-evaluated 17p deletions in lung cancers by conducting a detailed analysis of the minimum deleted region(s) on 17p with reference to the p53 gene status in each 100 primary lung cancer cases. In addition to the p53 locus at 17p13.1, the presence of an independent, commonly deleted region(s) at 17p13.3 was identified. Furthermore, loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at 17p13.3 was shown to be even more frequent than that at 17p13.1 and it appeared to occur in the absence of p53 mutation and/or 17p13.1 deletion. These results suggest that in addition to the p53 gene at 17p13.1, an as yet unidentified tumor suppressor gene(s) residing at 17p13.3 might play a role in lung carcinogenesis possibly in an earlier phase than the p53 gene. This would warrant future studies to identify the putative tumor suppressor gene at 17p13.3 in order to gain a better understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of this fatal disease.  相似文献   

Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) classically occurs as recurrent focal neuropathy. We report the first known instance of HNPP manifesting, over a 15-year period, as a recurrent sensorimotor polyneuropathy and confirmed by the presence of the PMP-22 gene deletion. We suggest that the molecular study of the 17p11.2 region could be an effective non invasive investigative tool in cases of chronic recurrent polyneuropathy associated with episodes of nerve palsy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Little is known about the molecular genetic events that contribute to the pathogenesis of squamous cell carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract. Previous molecular genetic studies have been limited to the identification of mutations of the p53 (also known as TP53) tumor suppressor gene, activation of a limited set of oncogenes, allelic loss at 3p and other locations, and occasional association with human papillomavirus infection. PURPOSE: Our purpose was to screen tumor tissue and blood from patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract for loss of heterozygosity at polymorphic loci corresponding to each of the autosomal chromosomes and to identify the locations of additional putative tumor suppressor genes, other than RB (also known as RB1) and p53, that may contribute to the pathogenesis of this disease. METHODS: Tumor tissue and blood were obtained from 68 consecutive patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract. In all cases, tumor tissue was obtained from the center of the surgical specimen. The relative absence of non-neoplastic tissue was confirmed by frozen-section histologic examination of immediately adjacent tissue. Initially, 30 paired tissue and blood samples were tested for loss of heterozygosity by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify 43 different highly polymorphic sequences containing small oligonucleotide repeats. After PCR amplification, with unique oligonucleotides flanking the repeat, visualization and sizing of the alleles on DNA sequencing gels were performed. Specific loss of heterozygosity was distinguished from random genetic loss due to generalized chromosomal instability if it occurred in more than 20% of specimens tested for a particular marker. RESULTS: Significant loss of heterozygosity (> 20%) occurred at alleles at chromosome bands 3p21 (32%), 3p25-26 (56%), 8pter-21.1 (31%), 13q14 (27%), and 17p12 (45%). Loss of heterozygosity at more than two loci was significant with a poor prognosis (P = .039). CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate that squamous cell carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract exhibits genetic alterations at multiple loci and that allelic loss at more than two locations is indicative of a poor prognosis (the likelihood of the patient dying of disease). IMPLICATIONS: While tumor suppressor genes at 3p (VHL), 13q (RB), and 17p (p53) have been identified, altered genes at other loci on 3p and on 8p have not yet been characterized. Furthermore, the genotype at these loci for squamous cell carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract has prognostic importance and may identify the patients who should receive the most aggressive treatment.  相似文献   

The pressure broadening, pressure shift coefficients, and absolute intensities have been obtained for the J = 6 <-- 5 and the J = 5 <-- 4 absorption lines of acetonitrile CH3CN at 110 and 92 GHz, respectively. The absorption line shapes have been directly recorded modulating the radiation beam by an optical chopper. In addition to the self-effects, the foreign-broadening coefficients have also been measured for N2, O2, and Ar. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.  相似文献   

For the organism, adaptation corresponds to a physiological response to a problem raised by a modification in the internal medium and/or the environment while preserving homeostasis. Adaptations to muscle exercise can involve changes in metabolic, respiratory, or nutritional, or nutritional functions or any other modifications whose endpoint is the production more ATP for further muscle exercise. Adaptations occur at all the levels of the oxygen transport chain. We will thus focus successively on the notions of VO2max, ventilatory adaptations, thresholds, respiratory exchange, cardiac and vascular adaptations and peripheral adaptations.  相似文献   

Most colorectal tumors are characterized, among other genetic alterations, by allele loss of the genes located on the short arm of chromosome 17 (17p13.1), including the p53 suppressor gene. In ovarian and mammary-gland tumors, deletions of another candidate tumor-suppressor gene, located in the 17p13.3 chromosome region, were observed. We analyzed allele losses in the loci of the short arm of chromosome 17 (YNZ22, MCT35.1, and the p53 gene) in colorectal-cancer patients from the former Soviet Union. Tumors with cytogenetic alterations in 17p and/or with a detected loss of heterozygosity at the YNZ22 (D17S30) locus were examined for allele losses in the p53 gene using two polymorphic sites. Different methods revealed alterations on 17p in 24 (48%) out of 50 patients with colorectal carcinomas. In all tumors with an allele loss of the YNZ22 marker (15 out of 44 informative cases), which was detected by means of PCR, allele loss of the p53 gene was found (12 out of 15 informative cases). In 5 out of 13 tumors with cytogenetic alterations in 17p, allele loss of the p53 gene was found, with the YNZ22 marker being unaffected. In one of these tumors, the i(17q) marker was found, and in the remaining four tumors, 17p translocations were detected. In 4 out of 5 tumors with translocations affecting 17p, the t(17;20)(q21;p12) translocation was detected. The informativeness of the screening for 17p translocations, using PCR for the YNZ22 locus, and the reasons for discrepancy between the data of PCR and cytogenetic analyses are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to elucidate the vasodilatory mechanism due to Cu2+ by assessing nitric oxide (NO) production as determined by NOx (NO, NO2-, and NO3-) that is released from human pulmonary arterial endothelial cell (HPAEC) monolayers using a NO chemiluminescence analyzer, and also to assess Ca2+ movement using 45Ca and fura 2 in HPAEC. Cu2+ (10(-6)-10(-4) M) significantly increased NO production in a dose-dependent manner when extracellular Ca2+ was present. 45Ca influx into the adherent cells was dose-dependently enhanced by Cu(2+) (10(-6)-10(-4) M), but not by Mn(2+), Zn(2+) or Fe(2+). [Ca2+]i, measured by monitoring the fluorescence changes of fura 2, was significantly elevated in the presence of Cu2+. The increase in [Ca2+]i induced by Cu2+ was inhibited by either diethyldithiocarbamate (DDC) or the depletion of extracellular Ca2+. The dihydropyridine receptor agonist, BayK8644, significantly attenuated the Cu2+-induced increase in [Ca2+]i in a dose dependent manner and nitrendipine or nifedipine, the dihydropyridine receptor antagonists, dose-dependently inhibited a Cu2+-induced increase in [Ca2+]i. These results suggest that Cu2+ activates eNOS through the mechanism of [Ca2+]i elevation due to Ca2+ influx into HPAEC and that the Cu2+-induced [Ca2+]i elevation in HPAEC is likely due to activation of the dihydropyridine-like receptors.  相似文献   

Epithelial ovarian tumors frequently display deletions on the short arm of chromosome 3 suggesting the existence of tumor suppressor genes within the deleted regions. We have recently established a primary tissue culture system as a model to investigate the genetic events associated with ovarian cancer. The frequencies of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at 16 loci representative of chromosome 3p in 33 tumor biopsies and 47 ovarian primary cultures derived from unselected ovarian cancers were examined. This repertoire also included benign and borderline tumors as well as malignant ovarian ascites. LOH was observed in 25 (31%) samples for at least one marker: 21 of 58 malignant, two of 12 borderline and two of 10 benign specimens. Chromosome 3p loss was not restricted to ovarian tumors of high grade and stage. LOH was observed in both cultured and non cultured tumors and ascites. A spontaneously immortalized cell line derived from a malignant ovarian ascites, OV-90, displayed LOH of the majority of markers suggesting loss of one homolog of chromosome 3p. The pattern of deletion displayed by these 25 samples enabled the determination of at least two distinct regions of overlapping deletions on chromosome 3p extending from D3S1270 to D3S1597 and from D3S1293 to D3S1283. In addition, a region proximal to D3S1300 was deleted in a subset of samples. Although loss of loci overlapping these three regions (Regions I, II and III) were observed in malignant and benign tumors, in borderline tumors loss was observed of markers representative of Region III only. While RARbeta is presently included in Region II, the minimal regions of deletion exclude VHL, TGFBR2, PTPase(gamma) and FHIT as candidate tumor suppressors in ovarian tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Correlation of chromosome 17p loss with clinical outcome in medulloblastoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Medulloblastomas are primitive neuroectodermal tumors that arise in the cerebella of children. Cytogenetic and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) studies have shown that deletions on the short arm of chromosome 17 occur in 25-50% of cases, suggesting that loss of a tumor suppressor gene located on 17p plays a role in the genesis or progression of medulloblastoma. We report here on an LOH analysis of 21 patients with medulloblastoma using markers for 15 polymorphic loci previously ordered on chromosome 17 by meiotic break point mapping. Although the frequency of LOH in our patients (48%) was consistent with previous reports, our maps showed much larger deletions, the smallest spanning a 38-cM genetic distance distal to marker UT49 (D17S731). Survival analysis did not show a significant association between LOH on 17p and survival, although the sample size was too small to rule out a difference of less than 10-fold. Clinical risk factors were better prognostic indicators than LOH, with significantly prolonged survival in patients free of craniospinal metastasis following gross total tumor resection.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To report an adverse side effect associated with topical latanoprost usage. METHOD: Case report. A 76-year-old woman with primary open-angle glaucoma developed an iris cyst 5 weeks after beginning treatment with latanoprost. Clinical examinations and slit-lamp photographs were performed. RESULTS: Latanoprost was discontinued. Periodic examinations disclosed that the iris cyst gradually diminished and finally disappeared within 3 weeks. CONCLUSION: The formation of an iris cyst is a possible complication of topical latanoprost therapy.  相似文献   

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