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Semantics connected to some information based metaphor are well-known in logic literature: a paradigmatic example is Kripke semantic for Intuitionistic Logic. In this paper we start from the concrete problem of providing suitable logic-algebraic models for the calculus of attribute dependencies in Formal Contexts with information gaps and we obtain an intuitive model based on the notion of passage of information showing that Kleene algebras, semi-simple Nelson algebras, three-valued ukasiewicz algebras and Post algebras of order three are, in a sense, naturally and directly connected to partially defined information systems. In this way wecan provide for these logic-algebraic structures a raison dêetre different from the original motivations concerning, for instance, computability theory.  相似文献   

The temporal property to-always has been proposed for specifying progress properties of concurrent programs. Although the to-always properties are a subset of the leads-to properties for a given program, to-always has more convenient proof rules and in some cases more accurately describes the desired system behavior. In this paper, we give a predicate transformerwta, derive some of its properties, and use it to define to-always. Proof rules for to-always are derived from the properties ofwta. We conclude by briefly describing two application areas, nondeterministic data flow networks and self-stabilizing systems where to-always properties are useful.  相似文献   

The rendezvous search problem asks how two blind searchers in a known search region, having maximum speed one, can minimize the expected time needed to meet. Suppose that two players are placed an arc-distance x [ 0,1/2] apart on a circle of circumference 1, and faced in random directions. If x has a continuous density function h which is either decreasing and satisfies ht( 1/2) h(0)/2,or increasing, we determine an optimal rendezvous strategy. Furthermore if h is strictly monotone, this strategy (which depends in a simple manner on h) is uniquely optimal. This work extends that of J. V. Howard, who showed for the uniform density h(x) = 2 that search and wait is optimal , with expected search time 1/2. We also show that the uniform density is the only counterexample on the circle to S. Gal's conjecture (which he proved for the line) on the nonoptimality of search and wait.  相似文献   

In this paper we use free fall approach to develop a high level control/command strategy for a bipedal robot called BIPMAN, based on a multi-chain mechanical model with a general control architecture. The strategy is composed of three levels: the Legs and arms level, the Coordinator level and the Supervisor level. The Coordinator level is devoted to controlling leg movements and to ensure the stability of the whole biped. Actually perturbation effects threaten the equilibrium of the human robot and can only be compensated using a dynamic control strategy. This one is based on dynamic stability studies with a center of mass acceleration control and a force distribution on each leg and arm. Free fall in the gravity field is assumed to be deeply involved in the human locomotor control. According to studies of this specific motion through a direct dynamic model,the notion of equilibrium classes is introduced. They allow one to define time intervals in which the biped is able to maintain its posture. This notion is used for the definition of a reconfigurable high level control of the robot.  相似文献   

Résumé Nous étudions certaines propriétés des générateurs algébriques et linéaires. Nous montrons que le langage algébrique E engendré par la grammaire: S aSbSc + d domine tous les langages algébriques par applications séquentielles fidèles. Nous en déduisons que pour tout langage algébrique L et tout générateur algébrique L, il existe une transduction rationnelle fonctionnelle et fidèle telle que L=(L). Ce résultat, qui n'est pas vérifié pour la famille, Lin, des langages algébriques linéaires, nous permet de montrer qu'aucun générateur algébrique n'appartient à la famille EDTOL. Enfin, nous établissons que si L est un générateur linéaire, L # est un générateur séquentiel pour Lin.
Algebraic and linear generators
Summary We study some properties of algebraic and linear generators. We show that the algebraic language E generated by the grammar: S aSbSc + d dominates every algebraic language by faithful sequential mappings. We deduce that, for every algebraic language L and every algebraic generator L, there exists a faithful rational function such that L=(L). This result, which does not hold for the family of linear languages, permits us to show that no algebraic generator belongs to the family EDTOL. Also, we prove if L is a linear generator then L # is a sequential generator for Lin.

HDM: A Client/Server/Engine Architecture for Real-Time Web Usage Mining   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The behavior of the users of a website may change so quickly that it becomes a real challenge to attempt to make predictions according to the frequent patterns coming from the analysis of an access log file. In order to reduce the obsolescence of behavioral patterns as much as possible, the ideal method would provide frequent patterns in real time, making the result immediately available. In this paper, we propose a method for finding frequent behavioral patterns in real time, whatever the number of connected users. Considering how fast frequent behavior patterns may have changed since the time the access log file was analyzed, this result thus provides completely appropriate navigation schemata for predicting user behavior. Based on a distributed heuristic, our method also tackles and provides answers to several problems within the framework of data mining: the discovery of interesting zones (a large number of frequent patterns concentrated over a period of time, or super-frequent patterns), discovering very long sequential patterns and interactive data mining (on-the-fly modification of the minimum support).  相似文献   

Examples in the history of Automated Theorem Proving are given, in order to show that even a seemingly mechanical activity, such as deductive inference drawing, involves special cultural features and tacit knowledge. Mechanisation of reasoning is thus regarded as a complex undertaking in cultural pruning of human-oriented reasoning. Sociological counterparts of this passage from human- to machine-oriented reasoning are discussed, by focusing on problems of man-machine interaction in the area of computer-assisted proof processing.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper we study the generative capacity of EOL forms from two different points of view. On the one hand, we consider the generative capacity of special EOL forms which one could call linear like and context free like, establishing the existence of a rich variety of non-regular sub-EOL language families. On the other hand, we propose the notion of a generator L of a language family We mean by this that any synchronized EOL system generating L generates — if understood as an EOL form — all languages of . We characterize the generators of the family of regular languages, and prove that other well known language families do not have generators.Partially supported under NSE Research Council of Canada, grant No. A-7700  相似文献   

Horst  Steven 《Minds and Machines》1999,9(3):347-381
Over the past several decades, the philosophical community has witnessed the emergence of an important new paradigm for understanding the mind.1 The paradigm is that of machine computation, and its influence has been felt not only in philosophy, but also in all of the empirical disciplines devoted to the study of cognition. Of the several strategies for applying the resources provided by computer and cognitive science to the philosophy of mind, the one that has gained the most attention from philosophers has been the Computational Theory of Mind (CTM). CTM was first articulated by Hilary Putnam (1960, 1961), but finds perhaps its most consistent and enduring advocate in Jerry Fodor (1975, 1980, 1981, 1987, 1990, 1994). It is this theory, and not any broader interpretations of what it would be for the mind to be a computer, that I wish to address in this paper. What I shall argue here is that the notion of symbolic representation employed by CTM is fundamentally unsuited to providing an explanation of the intentionality of mental states (a major goal of CTM), and that this result undercuts a second major goal of CTM, sometimes refered to as the vindication of intentional psychology. This line of argument is related to the discussions of derived intentionality by Searle (1980, 1983, 1984) and Sayre (1986, 1987). But whereas those discussions seem to be concerned with the causal dependence of familiar sorts of symbolic representation upon meaning-bestowing acts, my claim is rather that there is not one but several notions of meaning to be had, and that the notions that are applicable to symbols are conceptually dependent upon the notion that is applicable to mental states in the fashion that Aristotle refered to as paronymy. That is, an analysis of the notions of meaning applicable to symbols reveals that they contain presuppositions about meaningful mental states, much as Aristotle's analysis of the sense of healthy that is applied to foods reveals that it means conducive to having a healthy body, and hence any attempt to explain mental semantics in terms of the semantics of symbols is doomed to circularity and regress. I shall argue, however, that this does not have the consequence that computationalism is bankrupt as a paradigm for cognitive science, as it is possible to reconstruct CTM in a fashion that avoids these difficulties and makes it a viable research framework for psychology, albeit at the cost of losing its claims to explain intentionality and to vindicate intentional psychology. I have argued elsewhere (Horst, 1996) that local special sciences such as psychology do not require vindication in the form of demonstrating their reducibility to more fundamental theories, and hence failure to make good on these philosophical promises need not compromise the broad range of work in empirical cognitive science motivated by the computer paradigm in ways that do not depend on these problematic treatments of symbols.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors address the problem of edge-perception for its applications to vision-feedback control in robotic systems.In natural vision, the recognition of objects takes place through the process consisting of eye system, neural networks and cognition. The cognitive process, in turn yields a phenomenon known as perception. This is the phenomenon of perception of physical attributes, such as edges, color and texture, etc., which is responsible for the recognition of objects through the natural vision processes.In this paper, we make an attempt to postulate the theory of perception for gray-level images. The gray-level images, when going through the cognitive and perception processes, are contaminated by the uncertainty; here we call it cognitive uncertainty.The studies in this paper are confined to the phenomenon of edge-perception for two-dimensional gray-level images, however, these studies can be extended to other types of visual attributes both in two-dimensional and three-dimensional spaces. Indeed, the perception of these attributes, which attempts to emulate the human vision system, may help in the design of a truly robust computer vision-feedback control system for robotic applications.  相似文献   

Within AI and the cognitively related disciplines, there exist a multiplicity of uses of belief. On the face of it, these differing uses reflect differing views about the nature of an objective phenomenon called belief. In this paper I distinguish six distinct ways in which belief is used in AI. I shall argue that not all these uses reflect a difference of opinion about an objective feature of reality. Rather, in some cases, the differing uses reflect differing concerns with special AI applications. In other cases, however, genuine differences exist about the nature of what we pre-theoretically call belief. To an extent the multiplicity of opinions about, and uses of belief, echoes the discrepant motivations of AI researchers. The relevance of this discussion for cognitive scientists and philosophers arises from the fact that (a) many regard theoretical research within AI as a branch of cognitive science, and (b) even if theoretical AI is not cognitive science, trends within AI influence theories developed within cognitive science. It should be beneficial, therefore, to unravel the distinct uses and motivations surrounding belief, in order to discover which usages merely reflect differing pragmatic concerns, and which usages genuinely reflect divergent views about reality.  相似文献   

The consistency problem of both mean field and variational Bayes estimators in the context of linear state space models is investigated. We prove that the mean field approximation is asymptotically consistent when the variances of the noise variables in the system are sufficiently small, but neither the mean field estimator nor the variational Bayes estimator is always asymptotically consistent as the sample size becomes large. The gap between the estimators and the true values is roughly estimated.  相似文献   

I argue that psychologists interested in human causal judgment should understand and adopt a representation of causal mechanisms by directed graphs that encode conditional independence (screening off) relations. I illustrate the benefits of that representation, now widely used in computer science and increasingly in statistics, by (i) showing that a dispute in psychology between mechanist and associationist psychological theories of causation rests on a false and confused dichotomy; (ii) showing that a recent, much-cited experiment, purporting to show that human subjects, incorrectly let large causes overshadow small causes, misrepresents the most likely, and warranted, causal explanation available to the subjects, in the light of which their responses were normative; (iii) showing how a recent psychological theory (due to P. Cheng) of human judgment of causal power can be considerably generalized: and (iv) suggesting a range of possible experiments comparing human and computer abilities to extract causal information from associations.  相似文献   

This paper presents generated enhancements for robust two and three-quarter dimensional meshing, including: (1) automated interval assignment by integer programming for submapped surfaces and volumes, (2) surface submapping, and (3) volume submapping. An introduction to the simplex method, an optimization technique of integer programming, is presented. Simplification of complex geometry is required for the formulation of the integer programming problem. A method of i-j unfolding is defined which explains how irregular geometry can be realigned into a simplified form that is suitable for submap interval assignment solutions. Also presented is the processes by which submapping eliminates the decomposition of surface geometry, through a pseudodecomposition process, producing suitable mapped meshes. The process of submapping involves the creation of interpolated virtual edges, user defined vertex types and i-j-k space traversals. The creation of interpolated virtual edges is the method by which submapping automatically subdivides surface geometry. The interpolated virtual edge is formulated according to an interpolation scheme using the node discretization of curves on the surface. User defined vertex types allow direct user control of surface decomposition and interval assignment by modifying i-j-k space traversals. Volume submapping takes the geometry decomposition to a higher level by using mapped virtual surfaces to eliminate decomposition of complex volumes.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 explored the impact of physically touching a virtual object on how realistic the virtual environment (VE) seemed to the user. Subjects in a no touch group picked up a 3D virtual image of a kitchen plate in a VE, using a traditional 3D wand. See and touch subjects physically picked up a virtual plate possessing solidity and weight, using a technique called tactile augmentation. Afterwards, subjects made predictions about the properties of other virtual objects they saw but did not interact with in the VE. See and touch subjects predicted these objects would be more solid, heavier, and more likely to obey gravity than the no touch group. In Experiment 2 (a pilot study), subjects physically bit a chocolate bar in one condition, and imagined biting a chocolate bar in another condition. Subjects rated the event more fun and realistic when allowed to physically bite the chocolate bar. Results of the two experiments converge with a growing literature showing the value of adding physical qualities to virtual objects. This study is the first to empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of tactile augmentation as a simple, safe, inexpensive technique with large freedom of motion for adding physical texture, force feedback cues, smell and taste to virtual objects. Examples of practical applications are discussed.Based in part on Physically touching virtual objects using tactile augmentation enhances the realism of virtual environments' by Hunter Hoffman which appeared in the Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium '98, Atlanta GA, pp 59–63. ¢ 1998 IEEE.  相似文献   

This paper studies Fool's models of combinatory logic, and relates them to Hindley's D-completeness problem. A fool's model is a family of sets of formulas, closed under condensed detachment. Alternatively, it is a model ofCL in naive set theory. We examine Resolution; and the P-W problem. A sequel shows T is D-complete; also, its extensions. We close with an implementation FMO of these ideas.  相似文献   

Summary The author's inquiry [1] on learning systems is generalized in the following respects: The process of learning, instead of coming to an end when the learning goal has been reached, is supposed to last for ever, so that the above definitive learning as well as phenomena such as forgetting, re-learning, changing the goal etc. become describable.We take over the notion of semi-uniform solvability of a set of learning problems (2.2), but now (trivial cases excluded) the whole capacity of a learning system is never s. u. solvable. Finite such sets are. The notion of a solving-basis of some is introduced and we can state necessary conditions that possess such a basis (2.14), so that examples of sets without a basis can be provided. On the other hand, any s. u. solvable has as basis. The notion of uniform solvability (3.1) reinforces that of s. u. solvability, and there are given sufficient conditions for to be uniformly solvable (3.6). In some finite cases, s. u. solvability, existence of a basis and uniform solvability coincide (3.7–3.9). At last we give the construction for the weakest learning system solving a uniformly solvable problem set (3.12–3.19).Eine deutsche Fassung wurde am 30. Mai 1972 eingereicht.  相似文献   

Adam Drozdek 《AI & Society》1998,12(4):315-321
The Turing Test (TT) is criticised for various reasons, one being that it is limited to testing only human-like intelligence. We can read, for example, that TT is testing humanity, not intelligence, (Fostel, 1993), that TT is a test for human intelligence, not intelligence in general, (French, 1990), or that a perspective assumed by TT is parochial, arrogant and, generally, massively anthropocentric (Hayes and Ford, 1996). This limitation presumably causes a basic inadequacy of TT, namely that it misses a wide range of intelligence by focusing on one possibility only, namely on human intelligence. The spirit of TT enforces making explanations of possible machine intelligence in terms of what is known about intelligence in humans, thus possible specificity of the computer intelligence is ruled out from the oælset.This approach causes ire in some interpreters of the test and leads them to desire to create a theory of intelligence in general, thereby overcoming the limitations imposed by merely human intelligence. At times it is an emotion-laden discussion that does not hesitate to impute chauvinism in those limiting themselves to human-type intelligence.1 This discussion is, by the way, not unlike the rhetoric used by some defenders of animal rights, who insist that an expression of superiority of men over animals is a token of speciesism, and speciesism is just a moral mistake of the same sort as racism and sexism.  相似文献   

In this paper, an objective conception of contexts based loosely upon situation theory is developed and formalized. Unlike subjective conceptions, which take contexts to be something like sets of beliefs, contexts on the objective conception are taken to be complex, structured pieces of the world that (in general) contain individuals, other contexts, and propositions about them. An extended first-order language for this account is developed. The language contains complex terms for propositions, and the standard predicate ist that expresses the relation that holds between a context and a proposition just in case the latter is true in the former. The logic for the objective conception features a global classical predicate calculus, a local logic for reasoning within contexts, and axioms for propositions. The specter of paradox is banished from the logic by allowing ist to be nonbivalent in problematic cases: it is not in general the case, for any context c and proposition p, that either ist(c,p) or ist(c, ¬ p). An important representational capability of the logic is illustrated by proving an appropriately modified version of an illustrative theorem from McCarthy's classic Blocks World example.  相似文献   

Logical Comparison of Inconsistent Perspectives using Scoring Functions   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The language for describing inconsistency is underdeveloped. If a database (a set of formulae) is inconsistent, there is usually no qualification of that inconsistency. Yet, it would seem useful to be able to say how inconsistent a database is, or to say whether one database is more inconsistent than another database. In this paper, we provide a more general characterization of inconsistency in terms of a scoring function for each database . A scoring function S is from the power set of into the natural numbers defined so that S() gives the number of minimally inconsistent subsets of that would be eliminated if the subset was removed from . This characterization offers an expressive and succinct means for articulating, in general terms, the nature of inconsistency in a set of formulae. We then compare databases using their scoring functions. This gives an intuitive ordering relation over databases that we can describe as more inconsistent than. These techniques are potentially useful in a wide range of problems including monitoring progress in negotiations between a number of participants, and in comparing heterogeneous sources of information.  相似文献   

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