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美国金属材料学科发展及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范拓源  褚洪  孙雍君  孙景宏 《材料导报》2007,21(11):115-117,124
基于金属材料学科的中心体系四要素及其结构关系,分析了美国金属材料学科发展的发展趋势,指出虽然金属材料学科的学生分散在不同院系进行培养,但集中在核心材料科学与工程系培养是主流,可以培养出基础宽、适应社会快速变迁的人才.美国金属材料学科发展的成就和问题对我国金属材料学科发展具有启示意义.  相似文献   

《金属材料与热处理》课程是中等职业学校机械类专业的一门专业基础课,是一门技术性、实用性很强的学科。根据课程的特点,对《金属材料与热处理》课程的教学总结出三种教学方法。  相似文献   

戚久琳 《材料保护》2021,54(2):162-163
人类社会的发展和文明的进步与金属材料的不断变革有着密切的关系.石器时代之后出现的铜器时代、铁器时代,这些时代发展中对于金属工具的铸造打磨,都可作为金属材料的实践应用,成为时代发展的重要表现.现代技术的不断创新,使得金属材料也有了越来越多的种类和表现形式,已成为人类社会发展的重要物质基础.金属材料在现代日常生活中得到越来越广泛的应用,其是以金属元素或以金属元素为主而构成的具有金属特性的材料的统称.金属材料学是研究金属材料的专业学科,是金属材料工程、金属热加工等学科重要的专业基础课之一.由袁志钟编著、化学工业出版社出版的《金属材料学》(第3版)一书,作为材料科学专业的课程教材,具体阐述了关于金属材料的历史发展历程,并对金属零部件的寿命和使用情况作简要介绍,并进一步介绍了各类钢铁材料的形成原理,创造性地对新型金属材料进行了概括总结.全书兼具理论性、应用性和综合性,在内容上凸显了当代材料科学领域理论发展的思辨性与强韧性,突出了材料科学与工程研究的核心方法论,既可作为高等院校材料工程专业的教学用书,也可供相关研究人员作为理论参考使用.  相似文献   

《金属材料科学》即将出版《金属材料科学》将由科学出版社出版,它是国家自然科学基金委员会邀请有关科学家、情报专家、科技管理专家组成的学科发展战略研究组的研究成果,是《自然科学学科发展战略调研报告》之一.金属材料是人类使用的最古老材料,近半个世纪以来,无...  相似文献   

介绍了国内外金属材料焊缝维氏硬度试验标准体系的最新进展,对比分析了我国现行金属材料焊缝维氏硬度试验标准体系中存在的不足.与国际标准相比,我国现行部分金属材料焊缝维氏硬度试验标准标龄较长,需加快修订.此外,要加强标准间相互引用,实现标准之间的方法统一.  相似文献   

辜璇  刘建明 《包装工程》2004,25(2):183-184
设计学作为一门专门的学科,它不是孤立存在的,它的起源和发展都与材料学科有着密切的关系,虽然设计学与材料学是两个不同的学科,但是他们有着共同的特性--求实、求真,并且他们是相互促进相互依赖的.  相似文献   

航空航天材料包括金属材料、无机非金属材料、高分子材料和先进复合材料四大类,按其使用功能又可分为结构材料和功能材料两大类.航空航天材料既是研制生产航空航天产品的物质保障,又是推动航空航天产品更新换代的技术基础.  相似文献   

航空金属材料的研究与应用离不开标准化的支撑。本文通过对国内外航空用金属材料行业的发展情况、材料的主要标准分类及标准体系建构等方面进行比较,发现我国航空用金属材料标准化发展中存在的一些问题,分析了造成此类问题的具体原因,提出了加快我国航空用金属材料标准化发展的有效对策,并寄予美好的展望。  相似文献   

系统讨论了材料信息学的学科理论体系.从材料信息学内在和外在的形成动因,谈到了学科的应用前景,从理论上分析了材料信息学的产生.从材料信息学的定义、研究对象、学科性质、研究内容等4方面论述了材料信息学的学科定位.阐述了材料信息学的学科结构,将学科结构分为基础理论、方法论、技术体系和工程应用体系4大部分.最后提出了利用现有研究基础,采取"分步实施,以点带面"的方针和思路进行材料信息学学科建设的建议.  相似文献   

(2013.12~2014.1)我局根据《中华人民共和国计量法》第二十二条规定,对为社会提供公证数据的检测实验室进行了计量认证,现公告如下(详细项目与参数见所发证书):单位名称:上海同纳建设工程质量检测有限公司证书编号:2013090500R地址:上海市普陀区古浪路415弄6号楼邮编:200331电话:62847111×8051项目:水泥及其他胶凝材料27大类、混凝土和砂浆类材料91大类、金属材料及其制品49大类、紧固件和扣件10大类、墙体材料16大类、防水材料28大类、涂料14大类、胶黏剂8大类、混凝土结构加固用材料7大类、建筑物保温用材料及其系统36大类、石材3大类、电气材料2项、材料有害物质限量8大类、民用建筑工程室内环境5项、土工、路基路面用材料40大类、支座及伸缩装置11大类、无损探伤6大类、地基基础5大类、建筑结构9大类、桥梁工程4大类、隧道工程4大类、建筑节能14大类、住宅套内质量26大类、公共场所卫生11大类、饮用水29项.  相似文献   

Using VBA secondary development of Auto CAD,a kind of common engineering materials and heat treatment query system is designed,in which more than 400 kinds of commonly used materials were established based on the Access type of application and heat treatment database,recommend suitable material to designers to design and manufacture of a particular components. The system interface is concise,can be continuous,over and over again,no order query,can query to the characteristics of material usage and heat treatment process,as a CAD aided design software has positive design reference.  相似文献   

智能材料工艺与结构中的先进传感器的发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
建立复合材料成型过程的智能化在线监控系统,有效地调整生产工艺,科学设计和优化生产工艺,可以有效地提高生产质量,降低生产成本。除生产工艺智能化外,还需建立材料结构的智能化体系,从复合材料固化成型、材料生产到材料应用整个过程均实现智能化,将开辟材料科学研究的新途径。建立智能材料工艺与结构体系需要先进的性能优良的传感器,本文以智能材料体系为背景阐述了各种传感器技术性能及发展方向。  相似文献   

Demands on fastening bolts in mechanical engineering and automotive industry are discussed in this paper. The possibility of using microstructurally graded material for bolts is derived from this discussion. This material consists of a conventional coarse-grained core or main body and an ultra-fine-grained (UFG) layer surrounding it. Current research focuses on the manufacture of UFG layers by means of incremental metal forming. The examinations were carried out on an UFG material with elevated yield strength. An elasto-plastic model of an M6 bolt, made of aluminum alloy EN AW-6082, was set up and the bolt was loaded with tensile forces. The resulting distributions of stress and equivalent plastic deformation were analyzed. Result of this analysis is a recommendation for an optimum thickness of the ultra-fine-grained layer. Bolts from graded materials can withstand higher loads in the groove of the thread, which is the section with the highest load on the bolt. At the same time high toughness in the bolt’s core is obtained, which allows its use as a safety component.  相似文献   

钢丝捆扎箱研究综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨清桃  王雪  李晓刚 《包装工程》2014,35(1):148-153
目的为了探寻国外钢丝捆扎箱行业停滞不前,国内基本空白的原因。方法通过查阅文献、走访企业等形式,调查研究国内外钢丝捆扎箱的应用行业、市场占有量、研究开发及生产等现状。结果指出了钢丝捆扎箱在材料来源、检验检疫、设计制造成本以及回收利用等方面存在若干问题,并对原因进行了分析。结论结合目前存在的问题,提出了钢丝捆扎箱的四大未来发展趋势:人造板材广泛替代实木材料、箱体结构创新设计、计算机辅助优化设计系统开发以及钢丝捆扎箱配套制造设备及辅助工具的开发,并给出了一些具体的建议和策略,最后对钢丝捆扎箱未来发展前景做出了展望,指出必须解决关键问题,完善其他环节,钢丝捆扎箱行业才能越走越远。  相似文献   

“30.60”双碳目标的提出,风电行业迎来新的发展机遇。随着中国风电进入平价时代,风电机组通过不断增加单机容量来降低度电成本,由此也对风电叶片长度提出了不断增加的要求。风电叶片面临着“大型化、轻量化与低成本”的矛盾,新材料和新工艺是推动叶片走向风电平价时代的重要手段。本文评述了风电叶片行业的发展与趋势,指出影响叶片性能和成本的关键原材料,系统性地分析了增强纤维、夹芯材料、基体树脂和结构胶4种材料在叶片上的应用现状和发展趋势;探讨了高质量和绿色环保条件下叶片大型化对工艺发展的新要求,新工艺中的预浸料和拉挤技术是未来大叶片应用发展的主要趋势。最后,文章对新材料和新工艺在叶片上的创新应用提出了一些思考与建议,为平价时代风电叶片的大型化发展提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

In the manufacture of metal cans tinplate is a major cost item and when the scale of output of cans, say, in the food industry, is considered, it is obvious that efficient utilization of material is a factor of considerable economic importance.

The first part of this paper analyses in some detail the parameters which determine the optimal H/D ratio when trim losses are taken into account and makes a comparison with actual can dimensions used in the food industry. Having stated the optimal dimensions for an individual can, this study first attempts to estimate the sensitivity of these optimal conditions, that is to say what material wastage is expected to occur if deviations from optimal dimensions; are considered. Secondly it was felt that the optimal solutions should be subjected to consumer tests so that some indication might be given as to customers' preferences, and to whether these are compatible with the theoretical optimal dimensions. Thirdly a solution is suggested for a multi-can programme in which a series of cans have a common diameter, and the implications of such a system on material utilization are discussed.

For a cylindrical can it can be shown by simple calculus that optimal use of tin plate is achieved when the height of the can is equal to its diameter. This, however, ignores trim losses in punching out end caps from a metal strip, which if accounted for may effect the HjD ratio quite appreciably.  相似文献   

The coordination of production and inventory decisions for raw materials, intermediate products and finished goods is important. We compare some decision rules for a ‘firm that uses a single raw material to manufacture n different parts which are then assembled into the final product. Demand for the final product is probabilistic and there are costs of holding inventory and of ordering, manufacture and assembly. These characteristics are an idealization of the problem faced by a manufacturer of scaffolds in which the major processes are the manufacture of different sheet metal parts and their assembly.

We develop production rules that use system-wide information. We use simulation to evaluate the performance of these rules and compare system behaviour to that under production rules that are derived separately for each item and use only local information about that item's status.  相似文献   

《Technology in Society》1999,21(3):307-322
Recent discussions about technological development and innovation have omitted some important issues: innovation development in so-called low-technology industries; the important role played by material technology not only in high-technology industries, but in the adaptation processes in most industries. These discussions often lack a historical perspective. Many contemporary issues, such as integrated product development and networking, have been central to industrial production for more than one hundred years. Each of these is discussed in this study of the emergence and development of the metal packaging industry over the last two hundred years. An important research question is the influence of material development on the development of strategies, dominant designs, and the overall adaptability of the industry. Against this background we cannot speak of one single successful strategy. In Denmark's can manufacturing industry a non-innovative strategy, characterized by volume and rationalization and based on licensing from the U.S., was developed. In tube production, however, a strategy of incremental innovation for solving problems related to the use of existing materials emerged based on the industry's own innovation resources, financed by world-wide licensing. Thus licensing played an important role for the technological adaptability of the industry.  相似文献   

The influence of university-industry collaboration on research performance and the moderating effect of social capital were empirically examined using a dataset of 804 engineering academics of Harbin institute of technology, with social capital in terms of network ties and tie strength. It was found that the intensity of university-industry collaboration had a negative effect on academics’ research performance (h-index), and tie strength had its positive moderation effect, which did not support the moderation effect of network ties. It is therefore concluded that university administrators should not make policies to encourage researchers to seek collaborations with industry without due consideration of research performance, while researchers with high strength of relationships should be encouraged to participate in university-industry collaboration.  相似文献   

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