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A simple laboratory-constructed device has been developed for fast on-line protein digestion followed by peptide mapping by use of electrospray mass spectrometry. Taking advantage of its nonsolubility properties at near-neutral pH values, pepsin could be nonpermanently attached to the PEEK tube commonly employed as transfer capillary between the syringe and the electrospray ion source. After optimization of experimental conditions such as pH, solvent, and exposure time, efficient digestion of several model proteins of molecular weights between 14,000 and 66,000, some having disulfide bridges, was successfully carried out. This technique provided reliable and reproducible sequence information by means of C-terminal-specific cleavages of aromatic and hydrophobic residues. As an application, protein identification could be achieved using a protein database search software.  相似文献   

We describe an automated method for shotgun proteomics named multidimensional protein identification technology (MudPIT), which combines multidimensional liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. The multidimensional liquid chromatography method integrates a strong cation-exchange (SCX) resin and reversed-phase resin in a biphasic column. We detail the improvements over a system described by Link et al. (Link, A. J.; Eng, J.; Schieltz, D. M.; Carmack, E.; Mize, G. J.; Morris, D. R.; Garvik, B. M.; Yates, J. R., III. Nat. Biotechnol. 1999, 17, 676-682) that separates and acquires tandem mass spectra for thousands of peptides. Peptides elute off the SCX phase by increasing pI, and elution off the SCX material is evenly distributed across an analysis. In addition, we describe the chromatographic benchmarks of MudPIT. MudPIT was reproducible within 0.5% between two analyses. Furthermore, a dynamic range of 10000 to 1 between the most abundant and least abundant proteins/peptides in a complex peptide mixture has been demonstrated. By improving sample preparation along with separations, the method improves the overall analysis of proteomes by identifying proteins of all functional and physical classes.  相似文献   

Current nano-LC/MS systems require the use of an enrichment column, a separation column, a nanospray tip, and the fittings needed to connect these parts together. In this paper, we present a microfabricated approach to nano-LC, which integrates these components on a single LC chip, eliminating the need for conventional LC connections. The chip was fabricated by laminating polyimide films with laser-ablated channels, ports, and frit structures. The enrichment and separation columns were packed using conventional reversed-phase chromatography particles. A face-seal rotary valve provided a means for switching between sample loading and separation configurations with minimum dead and delay volumes while allowing high-pressure operation. The LC chip and valve assembly were mounted within a custom electrospray source on an ion-trap mass spectrometer. The overall system performance was demonstrated through reversed-phase gradient separations of tryptic protein digests at flow rates between 100 and 400 nL/min. Microfluidic integration of the nano-LC components enabled separations with subfemtomole detection sensitivity, minimal carryover, and robust and stable electrospray throughout the LC solvent gradient.  相似文献   

This article presents analysis and optimization of a microfluidic particle filter that uses acoustic radiation forces to remove particles larger than a selected size by adjusting the driving conditions of the piezoelectric transducer (PZT). Operationally, the acoustic filter concentrates microparticles to the center of the microchannel, minimizing undesirable particle adsorption to the microchannel walls. Finite element models predict the complex two-dimensional acoustic radiation force field perpendicular to the flow direction in microfluidic devices. We compare these results with experimental parametric studies including variations of the PZT driving frequencies and voltages as well as various particle sizes (0.5-5.0 microm in diameter). These results provide insight into the optimal operating conditions and show the efficacy of our device as a filter with an adjustable effective pore size. We demonstrate the separation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae from MS2 bacteriophage using our acoustic device. With optimized design of our microfluidic flow system, we achieved yields of greater than 90% for the MS2 with greater than 80% removal of the S. cerevisiae in this continuous-flow sample preparation device.  相似文献   

Dai Y  Whittal RM  Li L 《Analytical chemistry》1999,71(5):1087-1091
The analytical performance of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry for direct analysis of peptide and protein mixtures is strongly dependent on the sample and matrix preparation. A two-layer sample preparation method is demonstrated to be very effective for analyzing complex mixtures. In this method, the first layer on the MALDI probe is the densely packed matrix microcrystals formed by fast solvent evaporation of a matrix solution. A mixture solution containing both matrix and sample is then deposited onto the first layer to form uniform analyte/matrix micrococrystals. It is found that the addition of matrix to the second-layer sample solution proves to be critical in analyzing mixtures of peptides and proteins covering a broad mass range. The effect of solvent conditions for preparing the second-layer solution is discussed. The application of this method is demonstrated for the analysis of cow's milk where milk proteins as well as peptide fragments produced from proteins by indigenous proteinases are detected. Direct analyses of peptides and proteins from a bacteria extract and crude egg white are also illustrated.  相似文献   

Immunosubtraction is a powerful and resource-intensive laboratory medicine assay that reports both protein mobility and binding specificity. To expedite and automate this electrophoretic assay, we report on advances to the electrophoretic immunosubtraction assay by introducing a homogeneous, not heterogeneous, format with integrated sample preparation. To accomplish homogeneous immunosubtraction, a step-decrease in separation matrix pore-size at the head of a polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) separation channel enables "subtraction" of target analyte when capture antibody is present (as the large immune-complex is excluded from PAGE), but no subtraction when capture antibody is absent. Inclusion of sample preparation functionality via small pore size polyacrylamide membranes is also key to automated operation (i.e., sample enrichment, fluorescence sample labeling, and mixing of sample with free capture antibody). Homogeneous sample preparation and assay operation allows on-the-fly, integrated subtraction of one to multiple protein targets and reuse of each device. Optimization of the assay is detailed which allowed for ~95% subtraction of target with 20% non-specific extraction of large species at the optimal antibody-antigen ratio, providing conditions needed for selective target identification. We demonstrate the assay on putative markers of injury and inflammation in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), an emerging area of diagnostics research, by rapidly reporting protein mobility and binding specificity within the sample matrix. We simultaneously detect S100B and C-reactive protein, suspected biomarkers for traumatic brain injury (TBI), in ~2 min. Lastly, we demonstrate S100B detection (65 nM) in raw human CSF with an estimated lower limit of detection of 3.25 nM, within the clinically relevant concentration range for detecting TBI in CSF. Beyond the novel CSF assay introduced here, a fully automated immunosubtraction assay would impact a spectrum of routine but labor and time-intensive laboratory medicine assays.  相似文献   

Zhang N  Doucette A  Li L 《Analytical chemistry》2001,73(13):2968-2975
Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) is widely used in protein sample workup. However, many mass spectrometric methods cannot tolerate the presence of this strong surfactant in a protein sample. We present a practical and robust technique based on a two-layer matrix/sample deposition method for the analysis of protein and peptide samples containing SDS by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS). The two-layer method involves the deposition of a mixture of sample and matrix on top of a thin layer of matrix crystals. It was found that for SDS-containing samples, the intensity of the MALDI signals can be affected by the conditions of sample preparation: on-probe washing, choice of matrix, deposition method, solvent system, and protein-to-SDS ratio. However, we found that, under appropriate conditions, the two-layer method gave reliable MALDI signals for samples with levels of SDS up to approximately 1%. The applications of this method are demonstrated for MALDI analysis of hydrophobic membrane proteins as well as bacterial extracts. We envision that this two-layer method capable of handling impure samples including those containing SDS will play an important role in protein molecular weight analysis as well as in proteome identification by MALDI-MS and MS/MS.  相似文献   

For domestic and military security, an autonomous system capable of continuously monitoring for airborne biothreat agents is necessary. At present, no system meets the requirements for size, speed, sensitivity, and selectivity to warn against and lead to the prevention of infection in field settings. We present a fully automated system for the detection of aerosolized bacterial biothreat agents such as Bacillus subtilis (surrogate for Bacillus anthracis) based on protein profiling by chip gel electrophoresis coupled with a microfluidic sample preparation system. Protein profiling has previously been demonstrated to differentiate between bacterial organisms. With the goal of reducing response time, multiple microfluidic component modules, including aerosol collection via a commercially available collector, concentration, thermochemical lysis, size exclusion chromatography, fluorescent labeling, and chip gel electrophoresis were integrated together to create an autonomous collection/sample preparation/analysis system. The cycle time for sample preparation was approximately 5 min, while total cycle time, including chip gel electrophoresis, was approximately 10 min. Sensitivity of the coupled system for the detection of B. subtilis spores was 16 agent-containing particles per liter of air, based on samples that were prepared to simulate those collected by wetted cyclone aerosol collector of approximately 80% efficiency operating for 7 min.  相似文献   

We developed an on-line solid-phase extraction (SPE) method, coupled with isotope dilution high-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS/MS) and with automated sample preparation, to simultaneously quantify 16 phthalate metabolites in human urine. The method requires a silica-based monolithic column for the initial preconcentration of the phthalate metabolites from the urine and a silica-based conventional analytical column for the chromatographic separation of the analytes of interest. It uses small amounts of urine (100 microL), is sensitive (limits of detection range from 0.11 to 0.90 ng/mL), accurate (spiked recoveries are approximately 100%), and precise (the inter- and intraday coefficients of variation are <10%). The method is not labor intensive, and, because pretreatment of the urine samples was performed automatically using an HPLC autosampler, involves minimal sample handling, thus minimizing exposure to hazardous chemicals. The method was validated on spiked, pooled urine samples and on urine samples from 43 adults with no known exposure to phthalates. The high sensitivity and high throughput (HPLC run time, including the preconcentration step, is 27 min) of this analytical method combined with the ease of use and effective automated sample preparation procedure make it suitable for large epidemiological studies to evaluate the prevalence of human exposure to phthalates.  相似文献   

Zhang W  Chait BT 《Analytical chemistry》2000,72(11):2482-2489
We describe the protein search engine "ProFound", which employs a Bayesian algorithm to identify proteins from protein databases using mass spectrometric peptide mapping data. The algorithm ranks protein candidates by taking into account individual properties of each protein in the database as well as other information relevant to the peptide mapping experiment. The program consistently identifies the correct protein(s) even when the data quality is relatively low or when the sample consists of a simple mixture of proteins. Illustrative examples of protein identifications are provided.  相似文献   

A new, fast, and automated sample pretreatment technique for determination of lipophilic organic compounds in aqueous samples has been developed and applied to the determination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in environmental river water. It is based on miniaturized microporous membrane liquid-liquid extraction coupled on-line to gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detection. The heart of the system that simultaneously connects the sample pretreatment step to the final GC analysis has been named the extracting syringe (ESy). The ESy carries a miniaturized membrane extraction card attached to an electrically and mechanically designed installment and is mounted directly over a GC injector for fully automated injection of the extract. A method was developed to extract 10 PCB congeners from 1-mL water samples (after addition of 40% acetonitrile) with an extraction time of 10 min. The optimized methodology showed good linearity (in the dynamic concentration range of 5 ng L(-)(1)-1 microg L(-)(1)), enrichment factors of 33-40 times, repeatable extractions (RSD 2-5%, n = 4), and low detection limits (2-3 ng L(-)(1)). Acetonitrile had to be added to the samples in order to overcome the influence of PCB adsorption on the repeatability of extraction and enrichment and to minimize the overall memory effect (OME). OME and carryover depended not only on the concentration of the organic solvent added to the sample and that used in the washing procedure but also on whether the extracting card was changed or not. When an optimized washing procedure was applied, the OME was approximately 0.2% at high concentrations (i.e., 1 microg L(-)(1)). When each extraction took place in a new extraction card, no OME was detected. Additionally, no significant adsorption onto glass surfaces or a matrix effect on extraction was noticed. The main features of this methodology are good extraction repeatability, low detection limits at short extraction time, and the unsurpassed characteristic of no detectable OME in the entire system when each sample is processed in a new card. The total consumption of organic (nonchlorinated) solvents is less than 5 mL per sample.  相似文献   

An automated sample preparation module, based upon sequential injection analysis (SIA), has been developed for use within an autonomous pathogen detection system. The SIA system interfaced aerosol sampling with multiplexed microsphere immunoassay-flow cytometric detection. Metering and sequestering of microspheres using SIA was found to be reproducible and reliable, over 24-h periods of autonomous operation. Four inbuilt immunoassay controls showed excellent immunoassay and system stability over five days of unattended continuous operation. Titration curves for two biological warfare agents, Bacillus anthracis and Yersinia pestis, obtained using the automated SIA procedure were shown to be similar to those generated using a manual microtiter plate procedure.  相似文献   

This paper describes the optimization of sample preparation for MALDI 193-nm photofragment ion time-of-flight mass spectrometry to sequence small to medium-sized peptides from peptide mixtures. We show that matrix additives, such as fructose and phenylbutyric acid have a dramatic effect on the abundance of fragment ions observed in the post-source decay spectra. A dried-droplet MALDI matrix consisting of 1:1 alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid/fructose proves to be an excellent matrix for photodissociation because [M + H]+ ions are formed with low internal energies, and the photofragment ion spectrum contains high abundances of sequence-informative ions. The addition of fructose appears to improve overall sample homogeneity and durability, as compared to conventional alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid dried-droplet preparations. MALDI-TOF photodissociation is then used to selectively sequence the peptides bradykinin (RPPGFSPFR), des-Arg9 bradykinin (RPPGFSPF), and substance P-amide (RPKPQQFFGLM-NH2) from a mixture of five peptides.  相似文献   

An integrated database and expert system has been developed for identifying the failure mechanism of mechanical components. The system comprises six major modules: database and management system, case maintenance; knowledge acquisition and editing; expert system; explanation and test-recommendation facilities; and user interface. Part I of a two-part paper details the knowledge acquisition and editing module, as presented here. Part II describes the remaining modules and also gives test results [9]. The method used for automated knowledge acquisition is an inductive learning algorithm, which was modified from PRISM [2] to handle noisy and missing data. Using the algorithm, a total of 48 rules were induced from 477 training examples gathered for the identification of 15 different failure mechanisms such as brittle fracture, fatigue, and stress corrosion cracking. Fifty-nine attributes were used to distinguish one failure mechanism from the others. They include pitted, beach marks, microvoids, etc. The knowledge editing function is provided to allow the verification of induced rules by the human expert.  相似文献   

Equipment has been developed to transport self supporting target films in vacuo at high speeds. The targets may be transferred over 3 m in less than 2 s and are gently accelerated and decelerated. In addition, the targets are accurately positioned at each end to within 25 μm. Non-magnetic materials are used throughout and wear is reduced so that 500 000 transfers should be possible without loss of accuracy or reliability. Such a system should have many applications for on-line experiments using short-lived isotopes. Prototype construction and testing are described.  相似文献   

An integrated 10-pump eight-channel LC/MS system has been developed for automated high-throughput analysis of intact proteins in recombinant protein purification processes. The key features of the system include (1) a compact 10-pump HPLC module that uses two pumps to generate a binary gradient and 8 pumps to deliver the mixed gradient to eight independent flow channels; (2) a TOF mass spectrometer with an eight-channel multiplexed ESI interface, which records separate data for all eight channels over each HPLC run cycle; and (3) highly automated data processing software that allows unattended calculation of protein molecular weight (in Da) from original mass spectral data (in m/z). This system was used in the routine screening of fractions from preparative scale chromatography to monitor the purification process with the required mass accuracy and throughput. As an example, the production and purification of an acylated protein with a molecular weight of 9 kDa is described. Using this off-line approach, it is practical to fully characterize protein-containing fractions from column chromatography with an overall analytical throughput of 1 min/protein sample with minimum operator involvement.  相似文献   

Human serum contains a complex array of proteolytically derived peptides (serum peptidome) that may provide a correlate of biological events occurring in the entire organism; for instance, as a diagnostic for solid tumors (Petricoin, E. F.; Ardekani, A. M.; Hitt, B. A.; Levine, P. J.; Fusaro, V. A.; Steinberg, S. M.; Mills, G. B.; Simone, C.; Fishman, D. A.; Kohn, E. C.; Liotta, L. Lancet 2002, 359, 572-577). Here, we describe a novel, automated technology platform for the simultaneous measurement of serum peptides that is simple, scalable, and generates highly reproducible patterns. Peptides are captured and concentrated using reversed-phase (RP) batch processing in a magnetic particle-based format, automated on a liquid handling robot, and followed by a MALDI TOF mass spectrometric readout. The protocol is based on a detailed investigation of serum handling, RP ligand and eluant selection, small-volume robotics design, an optimized spectral acquisition program, and consistent peak extraction plus binning across a study set. The improved sensitivity and resolution allowed detection of 400 polypeptides (0.8-15-kDa range) in a single droplet (approximately 50 microL) of serum, and almost 2000 unique peptides in larger sample sets, which can then be analyzed using common microarray data analysis software. A pilot study indicated that sera from brain tumor patients can be distinguished from controls based on a pattern of 274 peptide masses. This, in turn, served to create a learning algorithm that correctly predicted 96.4% of the samples as either normal or diseased.  相似文献   

Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (tandem) mass spectrometry (MALDI MS) is widely used in protein chemistry and proteomics research for the identification and characterization of proteins isolated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In an effort to minimize sample handling and increase sample throughput, we have developed a novel in-gel digestion protocol where sample preparation is performed directly on a MALDI probe with prestructured sample support. The protocol consists of few sample-handling steps and has minimal consumption of reagents, making the protocol sensitive, timesaving, and cost-efficient. Performance of the on-probe sample preparation protocol was demonstrated by analysis of a set of rat liver proteins obtained from a fluorescently stained (Cy3 and SyproRuby) two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel. The success rate of protein identification by on-probe tryptic digestion and MALDI peptide mass mapping was 89%. The on-probe in-gel digestion procedure provided superior sensitivity and peptide mass mapping performance as compared to our standard in-gel digestion protocol. The on-probe digestion technique resulted in significantly improved amino acid sequence coverage of proteins, mainly due to efficient recovery and detection of large (>1.5 kDa) hydrophobic peptides. These observations indicate that numerous tryptic peptides are lost when using the standard in-gel digestion methods and sample preparation techniques for MALDI MS. This study also demonstrates that the on-probe digestion protocol combined with MALDI tandem mass spectrometry provides a robust platform for proteomics research, including protein identification and determination of posttranslational modifications.  相似文献   

Cell control forms one level of a hierarchical approach to the control of automated manufacturing systems. This paper describes the application of the artificial intelligence techniques of blackboard and actor based systems for intelligent cell control in a framework termed Production Logistics and Timings Organizer (PLATO-Z). The blackboards required are described and the implementation is detailed. The implications of some practical considerations are also described.  相似文献   

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