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今年,全球领先的数字办公解决方案和文档管理服务提供商——理光连续第十年入选了富时社会责任指数(FTSE4Good Index Series)。该项结果是由英国(伦敦)伦理投资研究组织EIRIS进行评估后得出的。理光因在环境管理、人权和劳工权、供应链劳工标准、企业治理和反贿赂等领域的卓越表现而得到  相似文献   

世界著名的FFSE4Good Index Series富时社会责任指数是当今全球最受认可的社会责任投资指数之一。今年,理光集团继续凭借其企业战略连续第八年荣获富时社会责任指数的认可。理光的“环境经营”也同时被评选为“最佳实践”奖。  相似文献   

正全球领先的数字办公设备和先进文档管理解决方案和服务提供商理光公司今日宣布,公司连续第八年荣登全球可持续发展企业百强榜单。由加拿大Corporate Knights公司授予的此项荣誉,体现了理光对商业利益和环境发展的兼顾。同时,也是该榜单自2005年推出以来每年都入选的少数企业之一。作为当今最广泛深入的、基于数  相似文献   

正全球领先的数字办公设备和先进文档管理解决方案和服务提供商理光公司近日宣布,公司连续第八年荣登"全球可持续发展企业百强"榜单。同时,理光公司也是该榜单自2005年推出以来每年都入选的少数企业之一。作为"当今最广泛深入的、基于数据的企业可持续发展评估项目",  相似文献   

理光亚洲太平洋有限公司一举摘得2014年第六届全球企业社会责任奖之“产品卓越奖”,该奖是亚洲地区最富盛名的企业责任奖。颁奖仪式在印度尼西亚巴厘岛举行。  相似文献   

12月27日下午,由中国互联网协会主办的2021年(第八届)中国互联网企业社会责任论坛在北京召开。论坛围绕"合规经营,责任引领"主题,旨在探索互联网行业社会责任建设的新途径、新方法,交流行业经验,推动互联网行业健康有序发展。工业和信息化部信息通信管理局一级巡视员钟志红、中国互联协会副理事长黄澄清出席论坛并发表致辞。  相似文献   

Traditionally, Christian pastoral care has always been given face-to-face. However, since the Internet made e-mail a common form of correspondence, people have been e-mailing friends to discuss problems and other matters. More formal pastoral care, involving a pastoral minister, has generally remained a face-to-face occurrence. This article explores the possibility of e-mail being used for Christian pastoral care and evaluates one such system being operated in the United Kingdom. The results show that with an empathic and positive response to the e-mails by the pastoral minister, e-mail pastoral care can increase positive emotion, and hence well-being, in the person seeking care. In addition, the religious aspect of Christian pastoral care seems to be important in initialising the minister-person relationship.  相似文献   

针对日益突出的老人监护需求,设计并实现了基于安卓智能手机的老人关爱系统,系统围绕老人的位置信息采集、传送、处理生成服务三个核心问题,并探讨了基于极光推送的老人救助模式.通过手机自带GPS定位功能实现了位置信息采集,自定义Json数据传送格式、调用百度API处理显示服务,实现了老人实时位置显示、历史轨迹回放、一键报警功能,系统服务端结合极光推送,可以将老人的求助信息快速推送到相关人员手机上,实现了周边救助模式,初步应用表明,该系统具有实时性强,用户参与度高,经济便捷等特点,为老人关爱领域提供了模型参考.  相似文献   

Older adult care in Ireland is a mix of public, private, voluntary and family provision. This model is characterised by deficient funding and support structures for both care recipients and carers, leading ultimately to fragmented service delivery, both in the community and in residential care. Against this backdrop, there has been a significant and rapid growth in the number of migrant registered nurses and care assistants providing care to Irish older people. With two potentially marginalised groups now at the centre of the caring relationship, questions arise regarding the sustainability of quality of care and quality of life for both providers and recipients of care. This research study draws on the perspectives of the older person, the migrant carer and the employer to develop an understanding of migrant worker care provision within the disadvantaged ageing sector in Ireland. The paper will frame migrant care workers’ experiences within the perspective of a marginalised sector, whose central consumers, older people, are not prioritised in policy or practice. Providing evidence of disadvantage for older adults and migrant carers, the research findings demonstrate that it is necessary to improve caring experiences and conditions for both groups if quality of care is to be enhanced.  相似文献   

Individuals who join the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) or renew their memberships for the year 2010 now have the option to subscribe to the RAS Society Digital Library (SDL) for US$40/year. This article also includes: ICRA 2009--Kobe, Japan. - IEEE, ICRA, and RAS Award Recipients. - IEEE Robotics and Automation Award. - RAS Society Awards. - RAS IEEE Transactions Best Paper Awards. - ICRA Awards. - Bylaws Change Regarding Election of Vice Presidents. - IEEE/IFR IERA Award. - RAS New Technical Committee and New Chapters. - and four Challenges.  相似文献   

Computer Society     
《Micro, IEEE》1987,7(1):2-2

ID Society     
策划、设计与技术的完美结合使得ID Society拥有了忠实的客户,同时他们也朝着网络的未来前进着,正如Mark Penfold所说:“所有的一切归根结底都是关系问题。”[编者按]  相似文献   

Computer Society     

Computer Society     

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