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刘巍 《网友世界》2014,(20):55-55
新闻即是消息,是指通过各种媒体报道最新、最真实的新闻事件,是反映时代情况的一种文体,其特点是具有客观性、真实性。真实性的特点是新闻事件采访报道过程中的核心原则,是新闻报道的生命和灵魂。因此,如何能把握新闻事件的真实性是做好新闻采访和报道的重要因素,而新闻报道的真实性则取决于新闻事件采访过程中的客观性。随着近几年社会的快速发展及创和谐社会的理念,社会对于民生的关注度逐年提高,民生之本已上升为社会形态,民生新闻报道也逐渐成为新闻报道的主体形式,而客观性则是民生新闻报道的最高原则。本文就如何掌握民生新闻报道过程中的真实性及客观性展开谈论,从民生新闻报道中的客观性意义和掌握民生新闻报道客观性的方法两方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

正最近,央视一则路由器被劫持的新闻报道,引起了无数网民的关注。在该新闻中,很多不幸中招的朋友,纷纷表达了对这种新型威胁方式的忧虑和憎恨,那么,路由器劫持究竟是怎么一回事?作为普通用户,我们又该如何来防范呢?  相似文献   

随着网络的发展,互联网已经成为了最重要的新闻媒介。网络上的新闻报道能广泛传播,对社会有着深刻的影响。因此互联网新闻事件的监督和挖掘分析,对政府,企业有着巨大的价值。在进行新闻报道分析的时候,最为重要的任务之一就是把网络上类别杂乱,来源广泛的新闻进行识别和归类。新闻归类主要是基于通用的聚类的方法,其中一项基本的技术就是新闻报道相似度计算。根据需求不同,新闻聚类类别可以是一个事件,或者是一领域。本文针对事件的新闻报道聚类,提出了一种混合特征的相似度计算方法。采用了Tf-Idf和n-gram结合的向量空间模型来得到文本相似度,再通过规则识别出新闻文本中的时间,地点等关键信息,进行关键信息匹配度计算,最后再把两个相似度结合作为最终匹配度。实验表明,混合特征的方法明显提高了事件聚类的准召率。  相似文献   

随着科技和传播媒体的多样性发展,影视新闻的受众人群在不断增长,新闻从当初的报纸,刊物,更多地向电视,网路方面拓展。而有一些新闻报道因为新闻采访者无法立即到达现场拍摄影视资料,但又需要通过一些画面使观众更好地了解新闻事件的发展状况,所以运用动画手段重现虚拟现实在新闻传播中具有很重要的作用。  相似文献   

随着科技和传播媒体的多样性发展,影视新闻的受众人群在不断增长,新闻从当初的报纸,刊物,更多地向电视,网路方面拓展。而有一些新闻报道因为新闻采访者无法立即到达现场拍摄影视资料,但又需要通过一些画面使观众更好地了解新闻事件的发展状况,所以运用动画手段重现虚拟现实在新闻传播中具有很重要的作用。  相似文献   

庞宁  杨尔弘 《中文信息学报》2008,22(2):24-27,54
共指是突发事件新闻报道中的常见现象。良好的处理共指现象,是进行信息提取的基本必要过程。本文采用最大熵模型对汉语突发事件新闻报道中的共指现象进行消解,目的是提取出突发事件新闻报道中指向同一实体的名词、代词和名词短语。根据问题特点,算法选择了8类特征作为模型的特征,该模型在20万字的新闻语料上进行训练,在10万字规模的语料上进行测试,最终的测试得到系统的F值为64.5%。  相似文献   

黄艳 《网友世界》2014,(5):102-102
市场经济条件下,传媒的新闻报道和信息传达活动赋予各种新闻议题不同程度、不同角度的新闻品质,影响着人们对某一件事件或意见的具体看法。本文将从"广药王老吉与加多宝之争"中媒介报道的表现,分析媒介在报道市场竞争事件中道德伦理上的一些错误与不足,并为媒介报道的伦理规范提供一些建议。  相似文献   

时政新闻在新闻节目中始终占据着重要地位,时政新闻节目质量的高低在一定程度上代表着一家媒体的核心竞争力。但长期以来,时政新闻报道的程式化模式饱受诟病。因此,在人们接受信息日益多元化的今天,创新和改进时政新闻报道,增强新闻报道的感染力和吸引力,成为时政新闻记者必须思考的重要课题。本文中,笔者结合十多年的时政新闻报道经验,分析了时政报道的现状与瓶颈,并结合工作实际,运用丰富的事例,着重对时政报道的创新与突破提出建议。  相似文献   

话题探测与跟踪旨在基于事件,对信息进行组织和利用,同时也是为了应对信息过载问题而提出的一项应用研究。根据新闻报道的时间特性和结构特点,提出了综合新闻中的标题、正文加权策略,采用特征向量模型对新闻话题探测,实现对新闻话题的动态追踪与识别。  相似文献   

为了帮助读者从大量新闻报道信息中迅速地把握其主要内容,本文分析了事件要素对新闻主要内容的影响,结合新闻报道的基本原则和要求,提出了一种基于混合模型的事件要素提取方法.该方法首先对新闻数据中识别的实体进行加权,然后使用依存句法树分析实体在新闻事件中扮演的角色,并对关于要素的指代现象进行消解,最终融合频率及角色关系对实体加权的方法进行改进,有效地提取出新闻事件关联性较为重要的要素.实验结果表明,本文所述方法能够准确地提取出与新闻事件关联性较强的事件要素,提高了读者快速筛选新闻事件要素的效率.  相似文献   

Recent events indicate that sharing news in social media has become a phenomenon of increasing social, economic and political importance because individuals can now participate in news production and diffusion in large global virtual communities. Yet, knowledge about factors influencing news sharing in social media remains limited. Drawing from the uses and gratifications (U&G) and social cognitive theories (SCT), this study explored the influences of information seeking, socializing, entertainment, status seeking and prior social media sharing experience on news sharing intention. A survey was designed and administered to 203 students in a large local university. Results from structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis revealed that respondents who were driven by gratifications of information seeking, socializing, and status seeking were more likely to share news in social media platforms. Prior experience with social media was also a significant determinant of news sharing intention. Implications and directions for future work are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents cross‐national research on news readership diversification. We compare written news (print and free newspapers, online and mobile news services) audiences in the 5 most populous and industrialized European countries (Italy, France, Spain, the UK and Germany). Outlining a sociodemographic portrait of these different news users is important in order to understand the changes undergone inside the world of written news. We draw on a telephone survey carried out in 2009, using a representative population sample (N=7,255). The survey considers sociodemographic variables, including a range of social activities and attitudinal variables, television, computer, and mobile phone ownership, and Internet access and use. Findings show a rich, but volatile relationship between written news, audience behaviors, and community participation.  相似文献   

The widespread fake news in social networks is posing threats to social stability, economic development, and political democracy, etc. Numerous studies have explored the effective detection approaches of online fake news, while few works study the intrinsic propagation and cognition mechanisms of fake news. Since the development of cognitive science paves a promising way for the prevention of fake news, we present a new research area called Cognition Security (CogSec), which studies the potential impacts of fake news on human cognition, ranging from misperception, untrusted knowledge acquisition, targeted opinion/attitude formation, to biased decision making, and investigates the effective ways for fake news debunking. CogSec is a multidisciplinary research field that leverages the knowledge from social science, psychology, cognition science, neuroscience, AI and computer science. We first propose related definitions to characterize CogSec and review the literature history. We further investigate the key research challenges and techniques of CogSec, including humancontent cognition mechanism, social influence and opinion diffusion, fake news detection, and malicious bot detection. Finally, we summarize the open issues and future research directions, such as the cognition mechanism of fake news, influence maximization of fact-checking information, early detection of fake news, fast refutation of fake news, and so on.  相似文献   


The development of digital media, the increasing use of social networks, the easier access to modern technological devices, is perturbing thousands of people in their public and private lives. People love posting their personal news without consider the risks involved. Privacy has never been more important. Privacy enhancing technologies research have attracted considerable international attention after the recent news against users personal data protection in social media websites like Facebook. It has been demonstrated that even when using an anonymous communication system, it is possible to reveal user’s identities through intersection attacks or traffic analysis attacks. Combining a traffic analysis attack with Analysis Social Networks (SNA) techniques, an adversary can be able to obtain important data from the whole network, topological network structure, subset of social data, revealing communities and its interactions. The aim of this work is to demonstrate how intersection attacks can disclose structural properties and significant details from an anonymous social network composed of a university community.


Being aware of local community information is critical to maintaining civic engagement and participation. The use of online news and microblog content to create and disseminate community information has long been studied. However, interactions in the online spaces dedicated to local communities tend to only garner very limited usage, and people often do not consider microblog content as a meaningful source of local community information. Local News Chatter (LNC) was designed to address these challenges by augmenting local news feeds with microblog content and presenting them in a tag cloud that displays news topics of varying popularity with different tag sizes. Our study with 30 local residents highlights that LNC increases the visibility of hyperlocal community news information and successfully utilizes microblog as an additional information layer. LNC also increases one’s community awareness and shows the potential for leveraging community knowledge as a deliberation platform for local topics.  相似文献   

Research has recognized both selective and heterogeneous exposures on the Internet through online news and discussion. How online exposures through Internet news and discussion influence political diversity in individuals’ everyday lives needs to be addressed. The current research examines the extent to which Internet news use alters the effect of selective online interaction on political diversity in individuals’ social networks. Results show that while Internet news use has no direct relationship with political diversity in individuals’ social networks, it nevertheless moderates the negative effect of selective online interaction and indirectly contributes to political diversity. The social structural aspect of political diversity in social networks is discussed in comparison to political discussion networks.  相似文献   

Drawing from a multidisciplinary literature, we form a theoretical perspective of the social embeddedness of economic activity as interpersonal ties that are formed in relation to the institutions of an economy. From this perspective, we then seek to explain the emergence of networks of micro‐entrepreneurs that conduct their business on the Taobao Web platform in China, and we derive theoretical propositions about the social embeddedness of Web platform‐based economic activity. Two case studies of such networks show how Web platform tools and services create conditions of possibility for developing online business by micro‐entrepreneurs and for overcoming cultural reluctance of economic exchange with strangers. Our research suggests that economic activity on Web platforms is embedded in a mix of virtual and community‐based relations that are shaped by and alter the behavioural norms of a local culture. It also points to the government and the corporate Web platform service provider as important organisational actors enabling the creation of entrepreneurial networks.  相似文献   

Global Sydney is essentially a knowledge city. The global Sydney thesis has focused on Sydney’s performances in the knowledge-based economy, especially the advanced producer services, in an increasingly integrated world economy. Sydney’s emergence as a global city has been inseparable from its migrants from overseas and elsewhere in Australia. This study aims to bridge the theses of global Sydney and migration. The focus is on migrant knowledge workers employed in the knowledge-intensive industries and highly skilled occupations, which are the most reflective of Sydney’s knowledge capacity. Using data from the 2011 Australian Census and a community survey in the Sydney region, this study reveals new insights into the different patterns between international and internal migrant knowledge workers in terms of social–economic backgrounds, drivers for moving to Sydney, and employment before and in Sydney. The findings are useful to better understand migrant knowledge workers in global Sydney, and to contribute to the global city discourse and knowledge city research.  相似文献   

The ageing of populations has been a topic of discussion during the last few decades, but how is this subject represented in the media, and what images of old age are produced? In this article we present the results of a quantitative content analysis that investigates how the concept of population ageing has been represented in Swedish local and national daily news press between 1988 and 2009, and the old age positions that are offered in these representations. We also use discourse analysis in order to qualitatively examine the ways in which the concept of population ageing is articulated in these news press articles and the old age positions that are thereby constituted. The results show that the concept is constituted as a naturalised expert concept, and is primarily used in order to contextualise articles about future political and economical difficulties or even crises. By articulating population ageing with both political policies, political economy and older people??s (as a group) reported need for care and services, population ageing was constituted as a political economic concern rather than a problem for the aged individual.  相似文献   

针对新闻社区领域知识的特点,以新闻社区领域知识的网络应用为目的,根据新闻社区领域本体总体构建流程,采用半自动化构建本体的方法,以通用本体WordNet及ODP开放式目录中不同层次的新闻主题分类为基础,按照媒体流程展开本体概念结构,构建了面向新闻网站应用的新闻社区领域顶层和中层本体模型。利用本体构建工具Protégé4.1开发了新闻社区领域本体。  相似文献   

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