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Flowering Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis var. utilis Tsen et Lee) is an important and extensively cultivated vegetable in south China, and its stalk development is mainly regulated by gibberellin (GA). DELLA proteins negatively regulate GA signal transduction and may play an important role in determining bolting and flowering. Nevertheless, no systematic study of the DELLA gene family has been undertaken in flowering Chinese cabbage. In the present study, we found that the two-true-leaf spraying of gibberellin A3 (GA3) did not promote bolting but did promote flowering, whereas the three-true-leaf spraying of GA3 promoted both bolting and flowering. In addition, we identified five DELLA genes in flowering Chinese cabbage. All five proteins contained DELLA, VHYNP, VHIID, and SAW conserved domains. Protein-protein interaction results showed that in the presence of GA3, all five DELLA proteins interacted with BcGID1b (GA-INSENSITIVE DWARF 1b) but not with BcGID1a (GA-INSENSITIVE DWARF 1a) or BcGID1c (GA-INSENSITIVE DWARF 1c). Their expression analysis showed that the DELLA genes exhibited tissue-specific expression, and their reversible expression profiles responded to exogenous GA3 depending on the treatment stage. We also found that the DELLA genes showed distinct expression patterns in the two varieties of flowering Chinese cabbage. BcRGL1 may play a major role in the early bud differentiation process of different varieties, affecting bolting and flowering. Taken together, these results provide a theoretical basis for further dissecting the DELLA regulatory mechanism in the bolting and flowering of flowering Chinese cabbage.  相似文献   

Flowering Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. Chinensis var. utilis Tsen et Lee) is an important and extensively cultivated vegetable in south China, whose major food product is the stalk. In the process of stalk formation, its initiation and development are regulated by a series of hormonal signals, such as cytokinin and gibberellin. In this study, we analyzed the effects of zeatin (ZT) and gibberellin A3 (GA3), and their interaction, on the bolting of flowering Chinese cabbage. The results indicated that the three-true-leaf spraying of ZT and GA synthesis inhibitor (PAC) inhibited plant height but increased stem diameter. Cytokinin (CTK) synthesis inhibitor (YZJ) and GA3 treatment increased plant height and decreased stem diameter. In addition, ZT and GA3 co-treated plants displayed antagonistic effect. Further, 19 type-B authentic response regulators (ARR-Bs), the positive regulators of cytokinin signal transduction were identified from flowering Chinese cabbage. Comprehensive analysis of phylogeny showed BcARR-Bs clustered into three subfamilies with 10 conserved motifs. Analysis of their expression patterns in different tissues and at various growth stage, and their response to hormone treatment suggest that ARR1-b localized in the nucleus displayed unique highest expression patterns in stem tips, are responsive both to ZT and GA, suggesting a significant role in mediating the crosstalk of ZT and GA in the bolting of flowering Chinese cabbage.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent anion channels (VDACs) are the most important proteins in mitochondria. They localize to the outer mitochondrial membrane and contribute to the metabolite transport between the mitochondria and cytoplasm, which aids plant growth regulation. Here, we report that Arabidopsis thaliana VDAC1 is involved in the floral transition, with the loss of AtVDAC1 function, resulting in an early-flowering phenotype. AtVDAC1 is expressed ubiquitously in Arabidopsis. To identify the flowering pathway integrators that may be responsible for AtVDAC1′s function during the floral transition, an RNA-seq analysis was performed. In total, 106 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified between wild-type and atvdac1-5 mutant seedlings. However, none were involved in flowering-related pathways. In contrast, AtVDAC1 physically associated with FLOWERING LOCUS T. Thus, in the floral transition, AtVDAC1 may function partly through the FLOWERING LOCUS T protein.  相似文献   

Cancer stemness evinces interest owing to the resulting malignancy and poor prognosis. We previously demonstrated that hepatic stem cell-like hepatocellular carcinoma (HpSC-HCC) is associated with high vascular invasion and poor prognosis. Dickkopf-1 (DKK-1), a Wnt signaling regulator, is highly expressed in HpSC-HCC. Here, we assessed the diagnostic and prognostic potential of serum DKK-1. Its levels were significantly higher in 391 patients with HCC compared with 205 patients with chronic liver disease. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis revealed the optimal cutoff value of DKK-1 to diagnose HCC and predict the 3-year survival as 262.2 and 365.9 pg/mL, respectively. HCC patients with high-serum DKK-1 levels showed poor prognosis. We evaluated the effects of anti-DKK-1 antibody treatment on tumor growth in vivo and of recombinant DKK-1 on cell proliferation, invasion, and angiogenesis in vitro. DKK-1 knockdown decreased cancer cell proliferation, migration, and invasion. DKK-1 supplementation promoted angiogenesis in vitro; this effect was abolished by an anti-DKK-1 antibody. Co-injection of the anti-DKK-1 antibody with Huh7 cells inhibited their growth in NOD/SCID mice. Thus, DKK-1 promotes proliferation, migration, and invasion of HCC cells and activates angiogenesis in vascular endothelial cells. DKK-1 is a prognostic biomarker for HCC and a functional molecule for targeted therapy.  相似文献   

苦豆子总碱对菜青虫的防效及对青菜品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董频  周青  吴传万  钱新民  杜小凤 《农药》2005,44(9):418-419
为了探讨苦豆子总碱对菜青虫的防效及其对蔬菜品质的影响,2004年通过田间试验进行了初步研究。结果表明:喷施苦豆子总碱200mg/L后对菜青虫的防效达81.1%;喷药各处理均未检出苦豆子总碱的残留;叶绿素含量平均提高到对照的1.6倍;植株内亚硝酸盐含量明显下降;维生素C含量呈现先下降后提升的变化趋势。  相似文献   

In order to understand the effects of low nitrogen (LN) stress on the growth and development in different genotypes of Chinese cabbage, the L40 genotype with high nitrogen utilization and the L14 genotype with LN utilization were selected as experimental materials. Field experiments and indoor hydroponic methods were used to study the different responses of two Chinese cabbage genotypes to low nitrogen levels. In this study, we also analyzed the genome-wide gene expression profiles of L40 and L14 in response to LN stress by high-throughput RNA sequencing technology. The results reveal that the L40 root system responds better to LN compared with L14. After LN stress, L40 can effectively absorb and transport NO3 and store it in the ground. It is precisely because of this characteristic of the L40 genotype that LN treatment did not have a significant effect on the chlorophyll (Chl) content and net photosynthetic rate (Pn) of the L40 Chinese cabbage compared with the L14 Chinese cabbage. These two different Chinese cabbage genotypes were shown to have differently expressed genes related to nitrate transport, auxin synthesis, and glutamate dehydrogenase synthesis. These genes function in the nitrogen pathway, which are important candidates for understanding the molecular host-response mechanisms to LN stress.  相似文献   

丁中  刘跃  徐志荣  王金生  张学君 《农药》2000,39(8):25-27
经工业化生产制得的微生物农药丰宁B1浓缩菌粉是防治大白菜软腐病的活菌制剂。根据1994~1995年的田间试验,菜丰宁B1菌剂的防病效果可达51.8%~80%,且具有显著的促生作用,增产比对照提高14.6%。  相似文献   

张爱红  杨菲  董世强  李希望  苗洪芹  邸垫平  董灵迪 《农药》2021,60(3):223-225,234
[目的]筛选适于防治秋白菜田鳞翅目害虫的生物杀虫剂,并建立秋白菜全生育期防治鳞翅目害虫减药增效防治技术.[方法]试验选用4种化学农药和6种生物源杀虫剂,评价不同处理在田间对3种主要鳞翅目害虫的防治效果.[结果]筛选出7种药剂,药后10 d对鳞翅目害虫平均防效为64.55%~90.54%,防效由高到低依次为2.4%甲维·...  相似文献   

赖传碧 《农药》1999,38(10):40-41
赛丹对茶树小绿叶蝉 特效。在若虫高峰期,用35%,乳油1125-1500ml/hm^2,对水1125kg喷雾,药后1天药效达97.6%以上,53天内药效维持在72%-95%,具有速效和持效期长的特点。  相似文献   

白菜黑斑病发生与药剂防治试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈申宽  武迎红 《农药》1999,38(10):36-37
选用5种药剂做防治白菜黑斑病的田间试验,以75%百菌清600倍,64%杀毒矾M8500倍和50%代森锰锌500倍防效较好,防效分别为71.2%,70.1%和61.7%防治后较对照增产12.04%、7.55%和16.3%。  相似文献   

Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis) is an important leafy vegetable crop cultivated worldwide. Drought is one of the most important limiting factors for the growth, production and quality of Chinese cabbage due to its weak drought tolerance. In order to deepen the understanding of drought stress response in Chinese cabbage, metabolomics studies were conducted in drought−tolerant (DT) and drought−susceptible (DS) genotypes of Chinese cabbage under water deficit−simulated mild and severe drought stress conditions. A total of 777 metabolites were detected, wherein 90 of them were proposed as the drought−responsive metabolites in Chinese cabbage, with abscisic acid (ABA), serine, choline alfoscerate, and sphingosine as potential representative drought stress biomarkers. We also found that drought−tolerant and drought−susceptible genotypes showed differential metabolic accumulation patterns with contrasting drought response mechanisms. Notably, constitutively high levels of ABA and glutathione were detected in drought−tolerant genotype in all tested and control conditions. In addition, proline, sucrose, γ−aminobutyric acid, and glutathione were also found to be highly correlated to drought tolerance. This study is the first metabolomic study on how Chinese cabbage responds to drought stress, and could provide insights on how to develop and cultivate new drought−resistant varieties.  相似文献   

Previous studies have showed that the VQ motif–containing proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa play an important role in plant growth, development, and stress responses. However, little is known about the functions of the VQ genes in Brassica rapa (Chinese cabbage). In this study, we performed genome-wide identification, characterization, and expression analysis of the VQ genes in Chinese cabbage, especially under adverse environment. We identified 57 VQ genes and classified them into seven subgroups (I–VII), which were dispersedly distributed on chromosomes 1 to 10. The expansion of these genes mainly contributed to segmental and tandem duplication. Fifty-four VQ genes contained no introns and 50 VQ proteins were less than 300 amino acids in length. Quantitative real-time PCR showed that the VQ genes were differentially expressed in various tissues and during different abiotic stresses and plant hormone treatments. This study provides a comprehensive overview of Chinese cabbage VQ genes and will benefit the molecular breeding for resistance to stresses and disease, as well as further studies on the biological functions of the VQ proteins.  相似文献   

通过小区田间试验,研究了腐植酸对土壤肥力、小白菜产量及其品质的影响。结果表明,施用腐植酸复混肥不仅可以改善土壤肥力,而且可以提高作物的产量和品质。其中,小麦产量提高38.1%、VC含量提高32.4%、水溶性糖含量提高28.7%、N素利用率提高19.3%,土壤有机质含量提高16.1%。  相似文献   

The nucleotide-binding site–leucine-rich repeat (NBS–LRR) gene family is the largest group of plant disease resistance (R) genes widespread in response to viruses, bacteria, and fungi usually involved in effector triggered immunity (ETI). Forty members of the Chinese cabbage CC type NBS–LRR family were investigated in this study. Gene and protein characteristics, such as distributed locations on chromosomes and gene structures, were explored through comprehensive analysis. CC–NBS–LRR proteins were classified according to their conserved domains, and the phylogenetic relationships of CC–NBS–LRR proteins in Brassica rapa, Arabidopsis thaliana, and Oryza sativa were compared. Moreover, the roles of BrCC–NBS–LRR genes involved in pathogenesis-related defense were studied and analyzed. First, the expression profiles of BrCC–NBS–LRR genes were detected by inoculating with downy mildew and black rot pathogens. Second, sensitive and resistant Chinese cabbage inbred lines were screened by downy mildew and black rot. Finally, the differential expression levels of BrCC–NBS–LRR genes were monitored at 0, 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 h for short and 0, 3, 5, 7, 10 and 14 days for long inoculation time. Our study provides information on BrCC–NBS–LRR genes for the investigation of the functions and mechanisms of CC-NBS-LRR genes in Chinese cabbage.  相似文献   

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