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In this paper, we study the multichannel exposed terminal problem in multihop wireless networks. We propose a multichannel medium access control (MAC) protocol, called multichannel MAC protocol with hopping reservation (MMAC‐HR), to resolve the multichannel exposed terminal problem. MMAC‐HR uses two radio interfaces; one interface is fixed over the control channel, and the other interface switches dynamically between data channels. The fixed interface supports broadcast information and reserves a data channel for any data transmission. The switchable interface, on other hand, is for data exchanges and follows independent slow hopping without requiring clock synchronization. In addition, the proposed protocol is a distributed one. By using the ns‐2 simulator, extensive simulations are performed to demonstrate that MMAC‐HR can enhance the network throughput and delay compared with existing multichannel MAC protocol. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using directional antennas in wireless mobile ad hoc networks can greatly improve the transmission range as well as the spatial reuse. However, it will also cause some problems such as deafness problem and hidden terminal problem, which greatly impair the network performance. This paper first proposes a MAC protocol called Selectively Directional MAC (SDMAC) that can effectively address these problems and significantly improve the network throughput. Then two improvements on SDMAC are proposed. The first one is to improve the network throughput by scheduling the packets in the queue (a scheme called Q-SDMAC), thus the head-of-line (HOL) blocking problem can be addressed. The second one is to relax the assumption that each node knows the relative directions of its neighboring nodes and use caches to buffer those relative directions (a scheme named Q-SDMAC using cache). Extensive simulations show that: (1) SDMAC can achieve much better performance than the existing MAC protocols using directional antennas; (2) The network throughput can be significantly improved by scheduling the packets in the queue; (3) Using caches can still achieve high network throughput when nodes are moving; and (4) Network throughput decreases when directional antennas have side lobe gain.
Yuguang Fang (Corresponding author)Email:

Wireless mobile ad hoc networks consist of mobile nodes interconnected by wireless multi‐hop communication paths. Unlike conventional wireless networks, ad hoc networks have no fixed network infrastructure or administrative support. The topology of such networks changes dynamically as mobile nodes join or depart the network or radio links between nodes become unusable. Supporting appropriate quality of service for mobile ad hoc networks is a complex and difficult issue because of the dynamic nature of the network topology and generally imprecise network state information, and has become an intensely active area of research in the last few years. This paper
  • 1 This article, except for some minor changes, is essentially the same as one that appears in 103 . The latter is a revised and updated version of 51
  • presents the basic concepts of quality of service support in ad hoc networks for unicast communication, reviews the major areas of current research and results, and addresses some new issues. The principal focus is on routing and security issues associated with quality of service support. The paper concludes with some observations on the open areas for further investigation. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    Medium Access Control protocols for ad hoc wireless networks: A survey   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
    Sunil  Vineet S.  Jing 《Ad hoc Networks》2006,4(3):326-358

    Cooperative diversity is proposed to combat the detrimental effects of channel fading. In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of cooperative diversity in interference limited ad hoc networks. The negative effects due to relay blocking on the network throughput are investigated. We show that the relay blocking problem is mainly dependent on the relay selection criterion. To overcome this problem, we propose a new cooperative diversity technique based on a modified IEEE 802.11 Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol. The throughput performance of the proposed MAC protocol is analyzed using a random structured network where nodes are assumed to be equipped with multiple antennas. In our simulations, we consider both single‐ and multiple‐relay scenarios over fading channels. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    通过实验与分析揭示了基于IEEE 802.11 MAC的无线自组网与Internet互连时TCP流间的不公平性现象及其产生原因,并基于网关带宽占用对互连环境下TCP流间的公平性进行定义,提出了一种基于网关动态带宽控制的TCP流公平性解决方案TCP-GAFC。TCP-GAFC只在网关节点上进行实现,无需修改TCP协议和MAC协议,具有很好的适用性和可扩展性。仿真实验表明,TCP-GAFC显著地改进了互连环境下TCP流间的公平性,并能达到合理的总吞吐量。  相似文献   

    The use of codes to schedule transmissions is an attractive technique able to guarantee a non-zero throughput medium access performance for the nodes of a wireless ad hoc or sensor network regardless of network topology variations. Some authors refer to this technique as topology-transparent scheduling. In this paper, we use the term MAC coding in order to emphasize the exclusive use of codes to achieve topology-transparency within the MAC sub-layer. We present a new upper bound expression on the guaranteed throughput achievable by any linear code used in a MAC coding context. This bound proves to be tighter than the one obtained when the minimum distance of the code is equal to its length. Additionally, we derive new and simple closed analytical expressions for the parameters of maximum distance separable codes that maximize the minimum, average, or joint minimum-average throughput of MAC coding. The optimization methods presented here are also applicable to other codes with available analytical expressions for their minimum distance and distance distribution. Finally, we present system-level simulation results of MAC coding on static and dynamic topologies with mobility and including wireless channel errors. Throughput simulation results are compared with their corresponding analytical expressions and to a random scheduling approach. The results show agreement with analysis and confirm the robustness of MAC coding in maintaining minimum levels of performance with good average performance and graceful degradation.  相似文献   

    A contention‐based wireless ad hoc medium access control (MAC) protocol, such as carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA), has excellent efficiency when the system is light loaded. The main drawback of such protocols is their inefficiency and unbounded delay when the system load is heavy. On the other hand, a contention‐free MAC protocol, such as token passing, has a better and fair throughput when the system is heavy loaded. The main drawback of such protocols is their inefficiency when only a small amount of users want to transmit. In this paper, we propose a new load awareness single‐hop wireless ad hoc MAC protocol (which is called the LA protocol) that exploits the benefits of both contention‐based and contention‐free protocols. A contention‐based MAC protocol is used when the system is light loaded and a contention‐free one is used otherwise. Our LA protocol, which operates in a distributed fashion and is fully compatible with the IEEE 802.11 wireless local area network (WLAN) standard, can switch smoothly between the contention‐based protocol and the contention‐free one. Simulation results show that our protocol indeed extracts the better part of two kinds of protocols. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    We consider ad hoc wireless networks and the topology control problem defined as minimizing the amount of power needed to maintain connectivity. The issue boils down to selecting the optimum transmission power level at each node based on the position information of reachable nodes. Local decisions regarding the transmission power level induce a subgraph of the maximum powered graph Gmax in which edges represent direct reachability at maximum power. We propose a new algorithm for constructing minimum‐energy path‐preserving subgraphs of Gmax, i.e. ones minimizing the energy consumption between node pairs. Our algorithm involves a modification to the medium access control (MAC) layer. Its superiority over previous solutions, up to 60% improvement in sparse networks, demonstrates once again that strict protocol layering in wireless networks tends to be detrimental to performance. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    Recently, there has been an increasing interest in mobile ad hoc networks. In a mobile ad hoc network, each mobile node can freely move around and the network is dynamically constructed by collections of mobile nodes without using any existing network infrastructure. Compared to static networks, it faces many problems such as the inefficiency of routing algorithms. Also, the number of control packets in any routing algorithm increases as the mobile speed or the number of mobile nodes increases. Most of the current routing protocols in ad hoc networks broadcast the control packets to the entire network. Therefore, by reducing the number of control packets, the efficiency of the network routing will be improved. If we know where the destination is, we can beam our search toward that direction. However, without using global positioning systems, how can we do this? Define the range nodes as the 1‐hop or 2‐hop neighbors of the destination node. In this paper, we propose using the range nodes to direct our searches for the destination. It can be combined with the existing routing protocols to reduce the control overhead. We show through simulations that AODV and DSR combined with the range node method outperforms the original AODV and DSR routing protocols in terms of control packets overhead. We also show that the delay introduced in find range nodes is insignificant. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    Future mobile ad hoc networks are expected to support voice traffic. The requirement for small delay and jitter of voice traffic poses a significant challenge for medium access control (MAC) in such networks. User mobility presents unique difficulties in this context due to the associated dynamic path attenuation. In this paper, a MAC scheme for mobile ad hoc networks supporting voice traffic is proposed. With the aid of a low‐power probe prior to DATA transmissions, resource reservation is achieved in a distributed manner, thus leading to small packet transmission delay and jitter. The proposed scheme can automatically adapt to dynamic path attenuation in a mobile environment. Statistical multiplexing of on/off voice traffic can also be achieved by partial resource reservation for off voice flows. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    Using directional antennas can be beneficial for wireless ad hoc networks consisting of a collection of wireless hosts. The most important benefit includes a reduction of the radio interference. Thus, it can significantly increase the spatial reuse, thereby improving the network throughput. To best utilize directional antennas, a suitable Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol must be designed. Current MAC protocols, such as the IEEE 802.11 standard, do not benefit when using directional antennas, because these protocols have been designed for omnidirectional antennas. In this paper, we present modified MAC protocols suitable for 802.11 based ad hoc networks using directional antennas. Our comprehensive simulation results demonstrate the performance improvement obtained with the proposed protocols. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    自组网路由协议综述   总被引:63,自引:0,他引:63  
    史美林  英春 《通信学报》2001,22(11):93-103
    自组网路由协议用于监控网络拓扑结构变化,交换路由信息,定位目的节点位置,产生、维护和选择路由,并根据选择的路由转发数据。本文综述了自组网路由协议研究方面的一些最新工作,描述了设计自组网路由协议所面临的问题,并着重对该研究开展以来所提出的各种主要协议进行了对比、分析和分类阐述,为进一步的研究提出了新的课题。  相似文献   

    Although establishing correct and efficient routes is an important design issue in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), a more challenging goal is to provide energy efficient routes because mobile nodes' operation time is the most critical limiting factor. This article surveys and classifies the energy‐aware routing protocols proposed for MANETs. They minimize either the active communication energy required to transmit or receive packets or the inactive energy consumed when a mobile node stays idle but listens to the wireless medium for any possible communication requests from other nodes. Transmission power control approach and load distribution approach belong to the former category, and sleep/power‐down mode approach belongs to the latter category. While it is not clear whether any particular algorithm or a class of algorithms is the best for all scenarios, each protocol has definite advantages/disadvantages and is well suited for certain situations. The purpose of this paper is to facilitate the research efforts in combining the existing solutions to offer a more energy efficient routing mechanism. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    In emerging wireless networks, cooperative retransmission is employed to replace packet retransmission between a pair of sender and receiver with poor channel condition. A cooperative MAC protocol which utilizes such benefit is proposed in this paper to improve the network performance in mobile ad hoc networks. In the proposed protocol, relay nodes between sender and receiver are used if the sender cannot communicate with the receiver reliably. Furthermore, the receiver may also stop forwarding the received data frame if the frame is received by the next‐hop receiver on the route to the final destination node. Simulation results show that the proposed protocol outperforms previous works in terms of increased transmission reliability and reduced delay time. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    Energy use is a crucial design concern in wireless ad hoc networks since wireless terminals are typically battery-operated. The design objectives of energy-aware routing are two folds: Selecting energy-efficient paths and minimizing the protocol overhead incurred for acquiring such paths. To achieve these goals simultaneously, we present the design of several on-demand energy-aware routing protocols. The key idea behind our design is to adaptively select the subset of nodes that are required to involve in a route-searching process in order to acquire a high residual-energy path and/or the degree to which nodes are required to participate in the process of searching for a low-power path in networks wherein nodes have transmission power adjusting capability. Analytical and simulation results are given to demonstrate the high performance of the designed protocols in energy-efficient utilization as well as in reducing the protocol overhead incurred in acquiring energy-efficient routes. Baoxian Zhang received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Northern Jiaotong University, Beijing, China in 1994, 1997, and 2000, respectively. From January 2001 to August 2002, he was working with Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Queen’s University in Kingston as a postdoctoral fellow. He is currently a research scientist with the School of Information Technology and Engineering (SITE) of University of Ottawa in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He has published over 40 refereed technical papers in international journals and conference proceedings. His research interests include routing algorithm and protocol design, QoS management, wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, survivable optical networks, multicast communications, and performance evaluation. He is a member of the IEEE. Hussein Mouftah joined the School of Information Technology and Engineering (SITE) of the University of Ottawa in September 2002 as a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) Professor in Optical Networks. He has been with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Queen’s University (1979-2002), where he was prior to his departure a Full Professor and the Department Associate Head. He has three years of industrial experience mainly at Bell Northern Research of Ottawa, now Nortel Networks (1977-79). He has spent three sabbatical years also at Nortel Networks (1986-87, 1993-94, and 2000-01), always conducting research in the area of broadband packet switching networks, mobile wireless networks and quality of service over the optical Internet. He served as Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Communications Magazine (1995-97) and IEEE Communications Society Director of Magazines (1998-99) and Chair of the Awards Committee (2002-2003). He is a Distinguished Speaker of the IEEE Communications Society since 2000. Dr. Mouftah is the author or coauthor of five books, 22 book chapters and more than 700 technical papers and 8 patents in this area. He is the recipient of the 1989 Engineering Medal for Research and Development of the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO), and the Ontario Distinguished Researcher Award of the Ontario Innovation Trust. He is the joint holder of the Best Paper Award for a paper presented at SPECTS’2002, and the Outstanding Paper Award for papers presented at the IEEE HPSR’2002 and the IEEE ISMVL’1985. Also he is the joint holder of a Honorable Mention for the Frederick W. Ellersick Price Paper Award for Best Paper in the IEEE Communications Magazine in 1993. He is the recipient of the IEEE Canada (Region 7) Outstanding Service Award (1995). Also he is the recipient of the 2004 IEEE Communications Society Edwin Howard Armstrong Achievement Award, and the 2004 George S. Glinski Award for Excellence in Research of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Ottawa. Dr. Mouftah is a Fellow of the IEEE (1990) and Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (2003).  相似文献   

    Congestion control is a key problem in mobile ad hoc networks. The standard congestion control mechanism of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is not able to handle the special properties of a shared wireless multi‐hop channel well. In particular, the frequent changes of the network topology and the shared nature of the wireless channel pose significant challenges. Many approaches have been proposed to overcome these difficulties. In this paper, we give an overview over existing proposals, explain their key ideas and show their interrelations. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    In this paper, we design a localized power‐aware alternate routing (LPAR) protocol for dynamic wireless ad hoc networks. The design objective is to prolong the lifetime of wireless ad hoc networks wherein nodes can adaptively adjust their transmission power based on communication ranges. LPAR achieves this goal via two phases. In the first phase, energy draining balancing is achieved by identifying end‐to‐end paths with high residual energy. The second phase is designed to effectively reduce the power consumed for packet forwarding. This is achieved by iteratively performing adaptive localized power‐aware alternate rerouting to bypass each (potentially) high‐power link along the end‐to‐end path identified in the first phase. Further, the design of LPAR enables nodes to collect their neighborhood information ‘on‐demand’, which can effectively reduce the overhead for gathering such information. LPAR is suitable for both homogeneous and non‐homogeneous networks. Simulation results demonstrate that LPAR achieves improved performance in reducing protocol overhead and also in prolonging network lifetime as compared with existing work. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    With the prevalence of mobile devices, it is of much interest to study the properties of mobile ad hoc networks. In this paper, we extend the concept of diameter from static ad hoc network to mobile ad hoc network, which is the expected number of rounds for one node to transmit a message to all other nodes in the network, reflecting the worst end‐to‐end delay between any two node. Specifically, we investigate the diameter of identically and independently mobility model in cell‐partitioned network and random walk mobility model in two‐dimensional torus network, achieving the boundary , when (k=Ω(n)), and O(k log2k), respectively, where n is the number of nodes and k is the number of cells of network and especially under random walk mobility model . A comparison is made among the diameter of mobile ad hoc networks under identically and independently mobility model, random walk mobility model and static ad hoc network, showing that mobility dramatically decreases the diameter of the network and speed is an essential and decisive factor of diameter. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    The basic philosophy of personal communication services is to provide user‐to‐user, location independent communication services. The emerging group communication wireless applications, such as multipoint data dissemination and multiparty conferencing tools have made the design and development of efficient multicast techniques in mobile ad‐hoc networking environments a necessity and not just a desire. Multicast protocols in mobile ad‐hoc networks have been an area of active research for the past couple of years. This paper summarizes the activities and recent advances in this work‐in‐progress area by identifying the main issues and challenges that multicast protocols are facing in mobile ad‐hoc networking environments, and by surveying several existing multicasting protocols. This article presents a classification of the current multicast protocols, discusses the functionality of the individual existing protocols, and provides a qualitative comparison of their characteristics according to several distinct features and performance parameters. Furthermore, since many of the additional issues and constraints associated with the mobile ad‐hoc networks are due, to a large extent, to the attribute of user mobility, we also present an overview of research and development efforts in the area of group mobility modeling in mobile ad‐hoc networks. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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