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The single-server queuing system with finite buffer was considered. The customers may arrive one-by-one or in batches. Arrivals of single customers and their batches obey the Markov input processes. The customers from a batch taken for servicing come one at a time at the exponentially distributed time intervals. The numbers of customers in batches are distributed geometrically. The time of customer servicing has a phase-type distribution. The numbers of batches and single customers that may be simultaneously accepted by the system are controllable parameters. The joint distribution of the number of batches and the number of customers in system, loss probabilities, distribution of the time of batch sojourn, and problems of optimization were analyzed.  相似文献   

We consider a multiline queueing system with joint or single queries. The number of queries in a connection is random and is not known when the connection is established. Queries arriving during each connection are described by the phase type input steam. Accepting a connection in the system is restricted by tokens. Connections arriving when no free tokens are present are refused. Single queries arrive without tokens. If the number of free slots in the system is not enough, the system is blocked.  相似文献   

Given a graph with a source and a sink node, the NP-hard maximum k-splittable s,t-flow (M k SF) problem is to find a flow of maximum value from s to t with a flow decomposition using at most k paths. The multicommodity variant of this problem is a natural generalization of disjoint paths and unsplittable flow problems. Constructing a k-splittable flow requires two interdepending decisions. One has to decide on k paths (routing) and on the flow values for the paths (packing). We give efficient algorithms for computing exact and approximate solutions by decoupling the two decisions into a first packing step and a second routing step. Usually the routing is considered before the packing. Our main contributions are as follows: (i) We show that for constant k a polynomial number of packing alternatives containing at least one packing used by an optimal M k SF solution can be constructed in polynomial time. If k is part of the input, we obtain a slightly weaker result. In this case we can guarantee that, for any fixed ε>0, the computed set of alternatives contains a packing used by a (1−ε)-approximate solution. The latter result is based on the observation that (1−ε)-approximate flows only require constantly many different flow values. We believe that this observation is of interest in its own right. (ii) Based on (i), we prove that, for constant k, the M k SF problem can be solved in polynomial time on graphs of bounded treewidth. If k is part of the input, this problem is still NP-hard and we present a polynomial time approximation scheme for it.  相似文献   

This paper enlarges the scope of fuzzy-payoff game to n-person form from the previous two-person form. Based on credibility theory, three credibilistic approaches are introduced to model the behaviors of players in different decision situations. Accordingly, three new definitions of Nash equilibrium are proposed for n-person credibilistic strategic game. Moreover, existence theorems are proved for further research into credibilistic equilibrium strategies. Finally, two numerical examples are given to illustrate the significance of credibilistic equilibria in practical strategic games.  相似文献   

The question of the contemporary relevance of Heidegger’s reflections on technology to today’s advanced technology is here explored with reference to the notion of “entanglement” towards a review of Heidegger’s understanding of technology and media, including the entertainment industry and modern digital life. Heidegger’s reflections on Gelassenheit have been connected with the aesthetics of the tea ceremony, disputing the material aesthetics of porcelain versus plastic. Here by approaching the art of wabi-sabi as the art of Verfallenheit, I argue that Gelassenheit may be understood in these terms.  相似文献   

One of the most important problems in the field of the iterative learning control (ILC) is to design algorithms, in order to achieve a desired convergence rate. In this paper a new type of the ILC algorithm is introduced, which is called N-parametric type ILC with optimal gains. The convergence of the proposed algorithm is analyzed and an optimal design method is presented to determine its gains. The effect of the number of the parameters on the convergence rate of the presented ILC is investigated. It is shown that N parametric type of this ILC has a better performance than the N-1 one. Illustrative simulation examples are given to verify the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

In this paper, a steganographic scheme adopting the concept of the generalized K d -distance N-dimensional pixel matching is proposed. The generalized pixel matching embeds a B-ary digit (B is a function of K and N) into a cover vector of length N, where the order-d Minkowski distance-measured embedding distortion is no larger than K. In contrast to other pixel matching-based schemes, a N-dimensional reference table is used. By choosing d, K, and N adaptively, an embedding strategy which is suitable for arbitrary relative capacity can be developed. Additionally, an optimization algorithm, namely successive iteration algorithm (SIA), is proposed to optimize the codeword assignment in the reference table. Benefited from the high dimensional embedding and the optimization algorithm, nearly maximal embedding efficiency is achieved. Compared with other content-free steganographic schemes, the proposed scheme provides better image quality and statistical security. Moreover, the proposed scheme performs comparable to state-of-the-art content-based approaches after combining with image models.  相似文献   

In most of the auction systems the values of bids are known to the auctioneer. This allows him to manipulate the outcome of the auction. Hence, one might be interested in hiding these values. Some cryptographically secure protocols for electronic auctions have been presented in the last decade. Our work extends these protocols in several ways. On the basis of garbled circuits, i.e., encrypted circuits, we present protocols for sealed-bid auctions that fulfill the following requirements: 1) protocols are information-theoretically t-private for honest but curious parties; 2) the number of bits that can be learned by malicious adversaries is bounded by the output length of the auction; 3) the computational requirements for participating parties are very low: only random bit choices and bitwise computation of the XOR-function are necessary. Note that one can distinguish between the protocol that generates a garbled circuit for an auction and the protocol to evaluate the auction. In this paper we address both problems. We will present a t-private protocol for the construction of a garbled circuit that reaches the lower bound of 2t + 1 parties, and Finally, we address the problem of bid changes in an auction. a more randomness efficient protocol for (t + 1)^2 parties  相似文献   

We propose a non-iterative solution to the PnP problem—the estimation of the pose of a calibrated camera from n 3D-to-2D point correspondences—whose computational complexity grows linearly with n. This is in contrast to state-of-the-art methods that are O(n 5) or even O(n 8), without being more accurate. Our method is applicable for all n≥4 and handles properly both planar and non-planar configurations. Our central idea is to express the n 3D points as a weighted sum of four virtual control points. The problem then reduces to estimating the coordinates of these control points in the camera referential, which can be done in O(n) time by expressing these coordinates as weighted sum of the eigenvectors of a 12×12 matrix and solving a small constant number of quadratic equations to pick the right weights. Furthermore, if maximal precision is required, the output of the closed-form solution can be used to initialize a Gauss-Newton scheme, which improves accuracy with negligible amount of additional time. The advantages of our method are demonstrated by thorough testing on both synthetic and real-data.  相似文献   

Differential Games of N players defined by stochastic systems with controlled diffusion terms are considered. Necessary conditions of equilibrium strategy are obtained. These conditions are specified for the linear quadratic differential game of N players in terms of differential Riccati equation for program and positional equilibrium situations.  相似文献   

The corepresentation of a Sylow p-subgroup of a symmetric group in the form of generating relations is investigated, and a Sylow subgroup of a group , i.e., an n-fold wreath product of regular cyclic groups of prime order, that is isomorphic to the group of automorphisms of a spherically homogeneous root tree is also studied. Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 1, pp. 27–41, January–February 2009.  相似文献   

The paper considers retrial queueing system M /M /1/ 0 with combined service discipline, namely, a customer from the orbit is serviced in its turn, but in case of a free channel an arrival from the original flow is serviced immediately. The author obtains the expressions for state probabilities as well as ergodicity conditions. The system is compared with the Lakatos-type system.  相似文献   

The concept of intuitionistic fuzzy subhyperquasigroups in a hyperquasigroup with respect to an s-norm and a t-norm on intuitionistic fuzzy sets is introduced and their properties of such hyperquasigroups are studied. Intuitionistic (S, T)-fuzzy relations on a hyperquasigroup G are discussed. In particular, we investigate connections hyperquasigroups with binary quasigroups.  相似文献   

In spite of significant improvements in video data retrieval, a system has not yet been developed that can adequately respond to a user’s query. Typically, the user has to refine the query many times and view query results until eventually the expected videos are retrieved from the database. The complexity of video data and questionable query structuring by the user aggravates the retrieval process. Most previous research in this area has focused on retrieval based on low-level features. Managing imprecise queries using semantic (high-level) content is no easier than queries based on low-level features due to the absence of a proper continuous distance function. We provide a method to help users search for clips and videos of interest in video databases. The video clips are classified as interesting and uninteresting based on user browsing. The attribute values of clips are classified by commonality, presence, and frequency within each of the two groups to be used in computing the relevance of each clip to the user’s query. In this paper, we provide an intelligent query structuring system, called I-Quest, to rank clips based on user browsing feedback, where a template generation from the set of interesting and uninteresting sets is impossible or yields poor results.
Ramazan Savaş Aygün (Corresponding author)Email:

A particular class of incomplete factorizations is proposed as preconditioners for the linear system Ax = b where A is a symmetric, large and sparse matrix. The ILDL T< (p) factorization (p = 1,2,3, …) determines the density of the lower triangular matrix L selecting the p largest off-diagonal entries of each column during the Gaussian elimination process. This selection may be computationally expensive, but the effectiveness of the preconditioner allows us to choose very low-density factors to reduce both work time and storage requirements. This incomplete factorization can be performed reliably on H-matrices. When A is a positive definite matrix, but not an H-matrix, one can perform an incomplete factorization if positive off-diagonal entries are removed or reduced and diagonally compensated. Numerical results for a variety of problems and comparisons with other incomplete factorizations are presented. Received: August 2002 / Accepted: December 2002 RID="*" ID="*"This work was supported by the Spanish grant BFM 2001-2641.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with improved stability criteria for uncertain T-S fuzzy systems with interval time-varying delay by means of a new (m,N)-delay-partitioning approach. Based on an appropriate augmented LKF established in the framework of state vector augmentation, some tighter bounding inequalities (Seuret-Wirtinger’s integral inequality, Peng-Park’s integral inequality and the reciprocally convex approach) have been employed to deal with (time-varying) delay-dependent integral items of the derivative of LKF, therefore, less conservative delaydependent stability criteria can be obtained on account of none of any useful time-varying items are arbitrarily ignored. It’s worth mentioning that, when the delay-partitioning number m is fixed, less conservatism can be achieved by increase of another delay-partitioning number N, but without increasing any computing burden. Finally, one numerical example is provided to show that the proposed conditions are less conservative than existing ones.  相似文献   

The theory of finite pseudo-random binary sequences was built by C. Mauduit and A. Sárközy and later extended to sequences of k symbols (or k-ary sequences). Certain constructions of pseudo-random sequences of k symbols were presented over finite fields in the literature. In this paper, two families of sequences of k symbols are constructed by using the integers modulo pq for distinct odd primes p and q. The upper bounds on the well-distribution measure and the correlation measure of the families sequences are presented in terms of certain character sums over modulo pq residue class rings. And low bounds on the linear complexity profile are also estimated.  相似文献   

We study two topological properties of the 3-ary n-cube Q n 3. Given two arbitrary distinct nodes x and y in Q n 3, we prove that there exists an xy path of every length ranging from d(x,y) to 3 n −1, where d(x,y) is the length of a shortest path between x and y. Based on this result, we prove that Q n 3 is edge-pancyclic by showing that every edge in Q n 3 lies on a cycle of every length ranging from 3 to 3 n .
Hui-Ling HuangEmail:

A new approach to domain-specific reasoning is presented that is based on a type-theoretic logical framework(LF) but does not require the user to be an expert in type theory. The concepts of the domain and its related reasoning systems are formalized in LF, but the user works with the system through a syntax and interface appropriate to his/her work. A middle layer provides translation between the user syntax and LF, and allows additional support for reasoning(e.g., model checking). Thus, the complexity of the logical framework is hidden but the benefits of using type theory and its related tools are retained, such as precision and machine-checkable proofs. This approach is investigated through a number of case studies: here, the authors consider the verification of properties of concurrency. The authors have formalized a specification language (CCS) and logic (μ-calculus) in LF, together with useful lemmas, and a user-oriented syntax has been designed. The authors demonstrate the approach with simple examples. However, applying lemmas to objects introduced by the user may result in framework-level objects which cannot be translated back to the user level. The authors discuss this problem, define a notion of adequacy, and prove that in this case study, translation can always be reversed.  相似文献   

For the interval system of equations defined by [x] = [A][x] + [b] we derive necessary and sufficient criteria for the existence of solutions [x]. Furthermore we give necessary and sufficient criteria for the convergence of powers of [A]. In contrast to former results we treat complex interval arithmetics.  相似文献   

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