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Patulin is a mycotoxin produced primarily by Penicillium expansum, a mold responsible for rot in apples and other fruits. The growth of this fungus and the production of patulin are common in fruit that has been damaged. However, patulin can be detected in visibly sound fruit. The purpose of this project was to determine how apple quality, storage, and washing treatments affect patulin levels in apple cider. Patulin was not detected in cider pressed from fresh tree-picked apples (seven cultivars) but was found at levels of 40.2 to 374 microg/liter in cider pressed from four cultivars of fresh ground-harvested (dropped) apples. Patulin was not detected in cider pressed from culled tree-picked apples stored for 4 to 6 weeks at 0 to 2 degrees C but was found at levels of 0.97 to 64.0 microg/liter in cider pressed from unculled fruit stored under the same conditions. Cider from controlled-atmosphere-stored apples that were culled before pressing contained 0 to 15.1 microg of patulin per liter, while cider made from unculled fruit contained 59.9 to 120.5 microg of patulin per liter. The washing of ground-harvested apples before pressing reduced patulin levels in cider by 10 to 100%, depending on the initial patulin levels and the type of wash solution used. These results indicate that patulin is a good indicator of the quality of the apples used to manufacture cider. The avoidance of ground-harvested apples and the careful culling of apples before pressing are good methods for reducing patulin levels in cider.  相似文献   

采收成熟度对红色甜椒贮藏品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究不同采收成熟度对红色甜椒贮藏品质的影响,以\  相似文献   

The effect of different irrigation strategies on the fruit quality at harvest and during storage at 1 °C of 'Búlida' apricots (Prunus armeniaca L.) was studied. Irrigation treatments consisted of a control irrigated at 100% of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) throughout the season, and two deficit irrigation treatments consisting of continuous irrigation at 50% of control, and regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) at 100% of ETc during the critical periods (second rapid fruit growth and early post‐harvest) and at 25% during the rest of the season. Fruits at harvest from both deficit irrigation treatments showed higher values of total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity and hue angle (h°) than control fruits, whereas their diameter, fresh weight, firmness and maturity index values were similar to those in the control. During the first 10 days of the 30‐day chilling storage period, higher TSS and h° values were found in deficit irrigated fruits, whilst the other parameters were similar for all treatments. Weight loss and fungal attacks (mainly Rhizopus sp. and Monilinia sp.) during a subsequent retail sale period of 4 days at 13 °C were the lowest in RDI. Deficit irrigation was demonstrated to be commercially advantageous for keeping fruit quality, saving considerable amounts of water. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The effects of harvest date and cold storage period on ethylene production, fruit firmness and quality of ‘Cripps Pink’ apple were investigated. Fruit were harvested from Perth Hills and Donnybrook (Western Australia) at commercial maturity (CM), 2, 4 and 6 weeks after CM prior to 0, 45, 90 and 135 days cold storage in 2003 and 2004. Delayed harvest significantly increased ethylene production, CIE values a* and C* at both locations in 2 years. Delayed harvest and extended cold storage period increased the internal ethylene production and reduced fruit firmness, soluble solids concentration: titratable acidity (SSC:TA) ratio and reduced CIE values L*, b*, h° during both years and locations. Fruit harvested 2 weeks after CM can be cold‐stored for 90 days with acceptable fruit quality. If the fruit is intended to be sold fresh immediately in local markets, the harvest can be delayed up to 6 weeks after CM to harness substantially improved fruit colour with acceptable fruit quality.  相似文献   

本实验以杏梅果实为供试材料,采用不同贮藏温度(0、2、4、6℃),以杏梅果实腐烂率、失重率、可溶性固形物含量、可滴定酸含量等为参考指标,研究贮藏温度对杏梅果实采后贮藏期间品质的影响。结果表明:不同贮藏温度对杏梅贮藏品质的影响效果不同。与4℃和6℃贮藏相比,0℃和2℃可以显著降低杏梅果实贮藏期间腐烂率和失重率,同时较好地维持杏梅果实贮藏期间的硬度、可溶性固形物含量(TSS)、可滴定酸含量(TA),也有效抑制了杏梅果肉总酚含量和VC含量的下降,使其抗氧化活性保持在较高水平。   相似文献   

Concentration gradients of dry matter, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium across median transverse slices were measured on a fresh matter basis at intervals during the storage of Spartan apples in either air or 2% oxygen (<1% carbon dioxide) at 1°C. Proportions of calcium declined in the core and increased, during the first 4 months of storage, in the cortex where calcium rapidly became less extractable with 75% ethanol. Proportions of potassium increased in the inner cortex while those of phosphorus increased in the inner cortex and, during the first 2 months of storage, in the core. Proportions of magnesium declined steadily in the peel and outer cortex with corresponding increases towards the fruit centre. These changes were mainly independent of storage conditions and differences in dry matter concentrations. Calcium and magnesium moved to the core region when core browning developed, especially in the air-stored samples, towards the end of the storage period.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The quality of melon fruit depends upon many factors that can be affected by growing conditions and post-harvest management. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of nitrogen fertilisation levels on the fruit quality at harvest time and during storage. Experiments were performed in an open field using melon plants (Cucumis melo L. Var. Reticulatus cv. Prodigio). The nitrogen (N) was applied through fertigation using four fertilisation levels: 0, 55, 110 and 165 kg ha−1. After harvest the fruits were stored at 10 °C for 8 days. At harvest time the yield, flesh firmness, skin and pulp colours, content of carotenoids, total phenols, ascorbic acid (AsA) and ethylene production were measured on fruits differently fertilised. RESULTS: The total marketable fruit yield and fruit nitrogen content linearly increased with N levels. Antioxidant compounds decreased after storage but were not affected by N fertilisation levels. However, total carotenoids, total phenols, and AsA declined during storage. CONCLUSION: All the quality parameters did not appear to be affected by N level at either harvest time or after storage. Therefore it is advisable to reduce nitrogen input for cultivation without compromising quality and yields. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations require processors of apple cider sold wholesale to use processing steps that ensure a 5-log reduction in numbers of the pertinent pathogen, generally considered to be Escherichia coli O157:H7. Current widely used validated pathogen-reduction steps are thermal pasteurization and UV light treatment. These techniques may be unaffordable or undesirable for some processors. This study investigated the cran-cider process, which is the addition of cranberry juice at a 15% (vol/vol) level, followed by warm hold (45 degrees C for 2 h) and freeze-thaw steps (-20 degrees C for 24 h, 5 degrees C for 24 h). When enumeration procedures did not include injury repair, the cran-cider process achieved a > or = 5-log reduction in numbers of E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella serovars, and Listeria monocytogenes. However, an injury-repair step was included in the pathogen enumeration procedure in confirmatory trials, and the resulting E. coli O157:H7 reductions of 3.5 to 4.2 log did not meet the FDA requirement. Consumer evaluation of apple cider subjected to the cran-cider process was favorable with a mean (n = 197) score of 5.8 on a seven-point hedonic scale (where 6 equals "like moderately") and 89% of panelists giving the product a positive score of 5, 6, or 7. The cran-cider process provides a novel way to improve microbial safety of unpasteurized apple cider, but it does not meet FDA-mandated pathogen reductions for wholesalers. However, cider makers selling apple cider only at retail could use the process to improve the safety of their product, provided containers were labeled with the FDA-mandated consumer warning.  相似文献   

以浓缩苹果汁为原料,利用单因素实验和正交实验对全汁型苹果干酒的发酵条件进行了优化.同时研究了不同发酵条件下,苹果汁中的糖、酸、酒精度的变化趋势.结果表明:利用浓缩苹果汁酿制苹果干酒的最佳工艺条件为:温度20℃、酸度pH3.6、糖度23%、酵母菌种为活性干酵母.在此条件下发酵得到的产品,其感官评定平均分数达到92.5分.  相似文献   

以浓缩苹果汁为原料,利用单因素实验和正交实验对全汁型苹果干酒的发酵条件进行了优化。同时研究了不同发酵条件下,苹果汁中的糖、酸、酒精度的变化趋势。结果表明:利用浓缩苹果汁酿制苹果干酒的最佳工艺条件为:温度20℃、酸度pH3.6、糖度23%、酵母菌种为活性干酵母。在此条件下发酵得到的产品,其感官评定平均分数达到92.5分。   相似文献   

以阿克苏红富士苹果为试材,对三个采收期果实进行1-MCP熏蒸处理,通过测定贮藏过程中果实硬度、可滴定酸含量、VC含量、可溶性固形物含量、失重率等指标,研究1-MCP处理对不同采收期果实低温贮藏下果实品质与生理变化的影响。结果表明:使用1.0μL/L的1-MCP在常温下处理富士苹果24 h,在低温贮藏期间果实呼吸高峰的出现推迟了30 d;至贮藏结束,不同采收期的果实处理组失重率平均低于对照组10%,处理组硬度平均高于对照组0.33 kg·cm-2,处理组可滴定酸含量平均高于对照组0.16%。1-MCP处理对不同采收期果实在贮藏期间品质的影响差异显著,根据贮藏过程中果实品质的变化情况,中期采摘果实(本文为11月1日)1-MCP处理效果较好,贮藏150 d后果实硬度≥8.66kg·cm-2,可溶性固形物含量≥14.79%。   相似文献   

全汁干型苹果酒的生产工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过研究不同的发酵工艺对成品酒的得率,酒的风味及酒的稳定性的影响,认为澄清汁发酵工艺适宜于酿制全汁干型苹果酒;通过对不同酵母进行发酵工艺对比研究,选定低温纯酵母发酵工艺,很好地保存了果香,酒体细致;通过采用高新生物技术--复合果胶酶澄清工艺及硅藻土-纸板-膜过滤技术,解决了国内同类酒中普遍存在的稳定性欠佳的问题。此外还通过天然色素调色试验选出了适宜于干红酒着色的葡萄紫色素,解决了红酒色泽过淡的问题  相似文献   

研究了60%和80%2种采收成熟度对不同后熟条件下(自然成熟、促进成熟和抑制成熟)台农芒果贮藏品质的影响。结果表明:与对照(自然成熟)相比,使用乙烯利处理台农芒果果实,加速了2种成熟度果实的成熟进程,而使用热处理结合乙烯吸收剂处理则具有明显的延缓病害发生和果实软化,抑制可溶性糖积累、有机酸和Vc降解的作用。在同一种后熟条件下(自然成熟、促进成熟和抑制成熟的任何一种),60%成熟度的果实其品质变化慢于80%成熟度的果实,但其风味品质却差于80%成熟度的果实。  相似文献   

苹果汁、酵母对苹果酒酿造的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丁燕  王伟  朱传合  孙建霞 《酿酒》2004,31(1):52-55
以红富士苹果和浓缩果汁为原料酿造苹果酒。以亚硫酸的形式将SO2(120mg/L)加入苹果汁中,24h后90%以上的游离SO2变为结合态,此后波动不大。研究显示:1.5‰的皂土澄清效果最好;鲜汁的产酒率明显高于浓缩汁,酒液中可溶性固形物和还原糖少。与其它菌种相比,菌种1的产酒率最高,残糖最少,挥发酸最少,而且滴定酸,pH的变化幅度较少。与浓度果汁相比,鲜果汁酿造的酒中含有的香气成份如活性戊醇 异戊醇、正戊醇、正己醇、苯乙酸乙酯较多。  相似文献   

目的:提高水果品质分选的质量和效率,降低人力成本。方法:设计一种能够对水果多种品质进行检测并分选的水果品质分选机,选用STC8A8K64S4A12单片机作为下位机,选用Jetson Xavier NX工控机作为上位机,利用人工智能的方法实现对水果损伤和糖度等品质的检测与分选。结果:该分选机对水果损伤检测准确率、糖度检测分辨率和速度分别为99%、0.1%和7 200个/h。结论:试验设备不仅可以避免因机械设备导致的水果损伤和掉果,而且操作简单、界面友好,能够满足实际水果品质分选的需要。  相似文献   

The effects of freezing and frozen storage on bioactive compounds in fruit products have not been completely elucidated, and the outcomes are often contradictory. Given the wide range of results, the aim of this review is to explore the effects of freezing, thawing, and storage conditions on the physicochemical quality of fruit products, including the phytochemical content. We also discuss how growing and environmental conditions can affect the freezing process and product quality. Studies show that cultivar selection, preharvest factors, and ripening stage are important factors that contribute to the freezing performance and the quality of fruit products.  相似文献   

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