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The cellular neural network (CNN) architecture combines the best features from traditional fully-connected analog neural networks and digital cellular automata. The network can rapidly process continuous-valued (gray-scale) input signals (such as images) and perform many computation functions which traditionally were implemented in digital form. Here, we briefly introduce the the theory of CNN circuits, provide some examples of CNN applications to image processing, and discuss work toward a CNN implementation in custom CMOS VLSI. The role of analog computer-aided design (CAD) will be briefly presented as it relates to analog neural network implementation.This work is supported in part by the Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-89-J1402, and the National Science Foundation under grant MIP-8912639.  相似文献   

The corners and the middle points, which are extracted as features from the line approximation of a given pattern, are overlaid on a radial grid to form the input array for training a backpropagation network for classification. The proposed method is shown to be simple and robust by extensive testing of its performance on patterns both with and without noise  相似文献   

Application of neural networks to radar image classification   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A number of methods have been developed to classify ground terrain types from fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images, and these techniques are often grouped into supervised and unsupervised approaches. Supervised methods have yielded higher accuracy than unsupervised techniques, but suffer from the need for human interaction to determine classes and training regions. In contrast, unsupervised methods determine classes automatically, but generally show limited ability to accurately divide terrain into natural classes. In this paper, a new terrain classification technique is introduced to determine terrain classes in polarimetric SAR images, utilizing unsupervised neural networks to provide automatic classification, and employing an iterative algorithm to improve the performance. Several types of unsupervised neural networks are first applied to the classification of SAR images, and the results are compared to those of more conventional unsupervised methods. Results show that one neural network method-Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ)-outperforms the conventional unsupervised classifiers, but is still inferior to supervised methods. To overcome this poor accuracy, an iterative algorithm is proposed where the SAR image is reclassified using a maximum likelihood (ML) classifier. It is shown that this algorithm converges, and significantly improves classification accuracy  相似文献   

Ideal observer approximation using Bayesian classification neural networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is well understood that the optimal classification decision variable is the likelihood ratio or any monotonic transformation of the likelihood ratio. An automated classifier which maps from an input space to one of the likelihood ratio family of decision variables is an optimal classifier or "ideal observer." Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are frequently used as classifiers for many problems. In the limit of large training sample sizes, an ANN approximates a mapping function which is a monotonic transformation of the likelihood ratio, i.e., it estimates an ideal observer decision variable. A principal disadvantage of conventional ANNs is the potential over-parameterization of the mapping function which results in a poor approximation of an optimal mapping function for smaller training samples. Recently, Bayesian methods have been applied to ANNs in order to regularize training to improve the robustness of the classifier. The goal of training a Bayesian ANN with finite sample sizes is, as with unlimited data, to approximate the ideal observer. We have evaluated the accuracy of Bayesian ANN models of ideal observer decision variables as a function of the number of hidden units used, the signal-to-noise ratio of the data and the number of features or dimensionality of the data. We show that when enough training data are present, excess hidden units do not substantially degrade the accuracy of Bayesian ANNs. However, the minimum number of hidden units required to best model the optimal mapping function varies with the complexity of the data.  相似文献   

Two different neural network schemes for the classification of light detection and ranging (LIDAR) waveforms for the LARSEN 500 airborne system and for extraction of ocean information are proposed. The first method employs a single layer of linear neurons for classification of waveforms into various clusters. Both unsupervised and supervised learning algorithms have been employed to demonstrate the spatial distribution of milt in near-shore waters. In the second method, a new multistage multilayer feedforward architecture is used for the classification of the waveforms and for the extraction of various types of ocean information. The stage I networks work in a parallel fashion and map the input waveforms to a set of characteristics. The networks in stage II use these characteristics to assign a signature number to the waveform or extract other information. Both the schemes are used with real-world data collected by the LARSEN 500 system. The paper concludes with experimental results and comparisons  相似文献   

By comparison with constraint satisfaction networks, this paper presents an essential frame of the logical theory for continuous-state neural networks, and gives the quantitative analyzing method for contradiction. The analysis indicates that the basic reason for the alternation of the logical states of the neurons is the existence of superior contradiction inside the networks. The dynamic process for a neural network to find a solution corresponds to eliminating the superior contradiction.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of integrating omnidirectional view image analysis and a set of adaptive backpropagation networks to understand the outdoor road scene by a mobile robot. Both the road orientations used for robot heading and the road categories used for robot localization are determined by the integrated system, the road understanding neural networks (RUNN). Classification is performed before orientation estimation so that the system can deal with road images with different types effectively and efficiently. An omni-view image (OVI) sensor captures images with 360 degree view around the robot in real-time. The rotation-invariant image features are extracted by a series of image transformations, and serve as the inputs of a road classification network (RCN). Each road category has its own road orientation network (RON), and the classification result (the road category) activates the corresponding RON to estimate the road orientation of the input image. Several design issues, including the network model, the selection of input data, the number of the hidden units, and learning problems are studied. The internal representations of the networks are carefully analyzed. Experimental results with real scene images show that the method is fast and robust.  相似文献   

An accurate identification of Internet traffic of different applications is highly relevant for a broad range of network management and measurement tasks, including traffic engineering, service differentiation, performance monitoring, and security. Traditional traffic identification approaches have become increasingly inaccurate due to restrictions of port numbers, protocol signatures, traffic encryption, and etc. In this paper, a new traffic identification approach based on multifractal analysis of wavelet energy spectrum and classification of combined neural network models is proposed. The proposed approach is able to achieve the identification of different Internet application traffic by performing classification over the wavelet energy spectrum coefficients that were inferred from the original traffic. Without using any payload information, the proposed approach has more advantages over traditional methods. The experiment results illustrate that the proposed approach has satisfactory identification results.  相似文献   

This paper presents a dysphonic voice classification system using the wavelet packet transform and the best basis algorithm (BBA) as dimensionality reductor and 06 artificial neural networks (ANN) acting as specialist systems. Each ANN was a 03-layer multilayer perceptron with 64 input nodes, 01 output node and in the intermediary layer the number of neurons depends on the related training pathology group. The dysphonic voice database was separated in five pathology groups and one healthy control group. Each ANN was trained and associated with one of the 06 groups, and fed by the best base tree (BBT) nodes' entropy values, using the multiple cross validation (MCV) method and the leave-one-out (LOO) variation technique and success rates obtained were 87.5%, 95.31%, 87.5%, 100%, 96.87% and 89.06% for the groups 01 to 06, respectively.  相似文献   

基于邻接传感器及神经网络的车辆分类算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张伟  谭国真  丁男  商瑶 《通信学报》2008,29(11):139-144
为了提高车辆分类的性能,基于邻接传感器网络和BP神经网络提出一个有效的车辆分类算法MSVCA.在本算法中,使用成本相对低廉、灵敏度高的地磁传感器,采集车辆对地磁场的磁扰动特征信号,并根据邻接传感器网络本身的几何特性估计车辆长度,最后采用BP神经网络对车辆进行分类.神经网络的输入包括车辆长度、速度以及特征向量序列,输出为预定义的车辆类型.仿真及路面实验获得了93.61%的准确率.结果表明该算法提高了车辆分类的准确性,且具有较高的精度和顽健性.  相似文献   

The development of a neural-network-based classifier for classifying three distinct scenes (urban, park, and water) from several polarized SAR images of the San Francisco Bay area is discussed. The principal components (PC) scheme or Karhunen-Loeve transform is used to extract the salient features of the input data, and to reduce the dimensionality of the feature space prior to the application to the neural networks. Using the PC scheme along with the polarized images used in the present study led to substantial improvements in the classification rates when compared with previous studies. When a combined polarization architecture was used, the classification rate for water, urban, and park areas improved to 100%, 98.7%, and 96.1%, respectively  相似文献   

The task of multimodal sentiment classification aims to associate multimodal information, such as images and texts with appropriate sentiment polarities. There are various levels that can affect human sentiment in visual and textual modalities. However, most existing methods treat various levels of features independently without having effective method for feature fusion. In this paper, we propose a multi-level fusion classification (MFC) model to predict the sentiment polarity based on the fusing features from different levels by exploiting the dependency among them. The proposed architecture leverages convolutional neural networks ( CNNs) with multiple layers to extract levels of features in image and text modalities. Considering the dependencies within the low-level and high-level features, a bi-directional (Bi) recurrent neural network (RNN) is adopted to integrate the learned features from different layers in CNNs. In addition, a conflict detection module is incorporated to address the conflict between modalities. Experiments on the Flickr dataset demonstrate that the MFC method achieves comparable performance compared with strong baseline methods.  相似文献   

As currently planned, future Earth remote sensing platforms (i.e., Earth Observing System [EOS]) will be capable of generating data at a rate of over 50 Megabits per second. To address this issue the Intelligent Data Management (IDM) project at NASA/GSFC has prototyped an Intelligent Information Fusion System (IIFS) that uses backpropagation neural networks for the classification of remotely sensed imagery. This is part of the IDM strategy of providing archived data to a researcher through a variety of discipline-specific indices. In this paper we discuss classification accuracies of a backpropagation neural network and compare it with a maximum likelihood classifier (MLC) with multivariate normal class models. We have found that, because of its nonparametric nature, the neural network outperforms the MLC in this area. In addition, we discuss techniques for constructing optimal neural nets on parallel hardware like the MasPar MP-1 currently at NASA/GSFC. Other important discussions are centered around training and classification times of the two methods, and sensitivity to the training data. Finally we discuss future work in the area of classification and neural nets.  相似文献   

The tremendous backlog of unanalyzed satellite data necessitates the development of improved methods for data cataloging and analysis. Ford Aerospace has developed an image analysis system, Satellite Image Analysis using Neural Networks (SIANN), that integrates the technologies necessary to satisfy NASA's science data analysis requirements for the next generation of satellites. SIANN will enable scientists to train a neural network to recognize image data containing scenes of interest and then rapidly search data archives for all such images. The approach combines conventional image processing technology with recent advances in neural networks to provide improved classification capabilities. SIANN allows users to proceed through a four-step process of image classification: filtering and enhancement, creation of neural network training data via application of feature extraction algorithms, configuring and training a neural network model, and classification of images by application of the trained neural network. A prototype experimentation testbed has been completed and applied to climatological data.  相似文献   

Cellular neural networks (CNNs) are dynamical systems, described by a large set of coupled nonlinear differential equations. The equilibrium-point analysis is an important step for understanding the global dynamics and for providing design rules. We yield a set of sufficient conditions (and a simple algorithm for checking them) ensuring the existence of at least one stable equilibrium point. Such conditions give rise to simple constraints, that extend the class of CNNs, for which the existence of a stable equilibrium point is rigorously proved. In addition, they are suitable for design and easy to check, because they are directly expressed in term of the template elements.  相似文献   

赵杰  贺光美  张肖帅 《电视技术》2015,39(11):23-26
针对传统的轮廓波变换图像去噪时引入边缘混叠现象,提出了复轮廓波变换(Complex Contourlet Transform,CCT)和最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)的图像去噪方法.该方法充分利用了复轮廓变换的平移不变性、多方向性以及LS-SVM的小样本学习能力,应用训练好的LS-SVM模型将含噪图像的CCT系数分为含噪点和非含噪点,进行去噪处理.仿真结果表明该算法有效保护图像边缘纹理信息,其峰值信噪比明显高于其他算法,并且具有良好的视觉效果.  相似文献   

A method for segmentation and classification of Baltic Sea ice synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images, based on pulse-coupled neural networks (PCNNs), is presented. Also, automated training, which is based on decomposing the total pixel value distribution into a mixture of class distributions, is presented and discussed. The algorithms have been trained and tested using logarithmic scale Radarsat-1 ScanSAR Wide mode images over the Baltic Sea ice. Before the decomposition into mixture of class distributions, an incidence angle correction, specifically designed for these Baltic Sea ice SAR images, is applied. Because the data distributions in the uniform areas of these images are very close to Gaussian distributions, the data are decomposed into a mixture of Gaussian distributions, using the Expectation-Maximazation algorithm. Only uniform image areas are used in the decomposition phase. The mixture of distributions is compared to the distributions of the Baltic Sea ice classes, based on earlier scatterometer measurements and visual video interpretations of the sea ice classes. The parameter values for the PCNN segmentation are defined based on this mixture of distributions. The PCNN segmentation results are also compared to the operational sea ice information of digitized ice charts and to visual interpretation of the sea ice class.  相似文献   

Spectrum sensing is one of the major challenges for commercial development of cognitive radio systems, since the detection of the presence of a primary user is a complex task that requires high reliability. This work proposes a signal classifier capable of detecting and identifying a primary user signal on a given channel of the radio spectrum. The proposed approach combines eigen-decomposition techniques and neural networks not only to decide about the presence of a primary user, but also to identify the primary user signal type, a feature that is not encountered in the current approaches proposed in literature. Besides the advantage of identifying the primary user type, the proposed method also considerably reduces the computational cost of the detection process. The proposed classification method has been applied to the development of five primary user signal Classification Modules, which includes wireless microphone, orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing and Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial signals. The results show that the proposed classifier correctly detects and identifies the primary users, even under low signal to noise ratio and multipath scenarios.  相似文献   

为了研究Elman神经网络和标准BPNN中何种网络类型更适合于解决模式分类问题,分别构建了基于Elman神经网络的分类模型和基于标准BPNN的分类模型。以平面上二维向量模式的分类为例,对2种分类模型进行训练和泛化能力测试。仿真结果表明,在训练样本数量相等且中小规模网络的条件下,Elman网络模型比BP网络模型具有更高的分类精度,更快的收敛速度,更适合于解决模式分类问题。  相似文献   

为解决航舵故障诊断的复杂非线性模式分类问题,提出一种基于自组织特征映射(SOM)神经网络的航舵故障诊断方法,构造一个2层SOM神经网络,训练后多个权值向量位于输入向量聚类中心,实现快速有效的自适应分类.仿真结果表明:SOM网络经过100次训练即可实现聚类,对有限故障测试样本分类准确率可达90%,对航舵故障诊断具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

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