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Heating green-wood prior to peeling is necessary to improve both peeling process and quality of veneer. This study investigates optimum heating temperatures by soaking of beech, birch and spruce. Experiments have studied the influence of heating temperatures from 20 to 80 °C on thickness deviations and veneer lathe checking using a pneumatic rugosimeter and image analysis of opening checks with the SMOF device (Système de Mesure de l’Ouverture des Fissures). Conclusions account for reduced heating temperatures compared to the temperatures currently in-use in the industry. Already at 50 °C, positive effects of heating ensure efficient peeling process. Low temperatures produce veneers with deeper and more spaced checks than high temperatures when checks are closer and less deep, becoming even unpredictable especially in case of spruce. These results establish the SMOF as an essential non-destructive control device to control the quality of the veneer produced at research level.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The main purpose of this study was to examine the technical efficiency of farms producing sunflower in Erzurum, Turkey and to identify factors that might be causing inefficiency. Stochastic frontier analysis was used to measure technical efficiency. One hundred and seventeen randomly selected farms were interviewed for farm‐level data in the 2004–2005 production period. RESULTS: Results revealed that the mean technical efficiency for the sunflower farms, estimated by the stochastic production frontier, is 64%. At full technical efficiency, on average, the farmers could reduce their inputs by around 56% without reducing their sunflower production, simply by improving technical efficiency. In the inefficiency model the parameter estimates showed that older farmers, higher level of farmer's education, more experienced farmers, larger farm size and higher information score resulted in lower technical inefficiency, while bigger family size and more credit usage resulted in higher technical inefficiency. CONCLUSION: This study proposes strategies such as providing better extension services and farmer‐training programmes, including more educated people in sunflower farming and also expanding the sunflower‐growing area through provision of adequate facilities in order to increase technical efficiency. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The current research has been done to identify and prioritize the Mudas of the production line of a natural fibre clothing manufacturing company; in this way, value stream mapping has been used to identify the Mudas, then analytical hierarchy method has been used to screen the Mudas. In the first step, necessary information to design value stream of production process has been obtained by observation, measurement and interview; afterward, according to the obtained information and by forming a focus group, Mudas in the production line have been identified and prioritized according to seven categories of Mudas. In order to prioritizing the Mudas by the usage of analytical hierarchy method, the Super Decision software has been applied. Then, according to the obtained priorities, suggested map of the future value system has been drawn and some suggestions have been presented to eliminate Mudas and move towards the lean manufacturing.  相似文献   

Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) model has been applied for the risk assessment of potato chips manufacturing. A tentative approach of FMEA application to the snacks industry was attempted in order to analyse the critical control points (CCPs) in the processing of potato chips. Preliminary hazard analysis was used to analyse and predict the occurring failure modes in a food chain system (potato processing and potato chips processing plant), based on the functions, characteristics and/or interactions of the ingredients or the processes, upon which the system depends. CCPs have been identified and implemented in the cause and effect diagram (also known as Ishikawa, tree diagram and fishbone diagram). Finally, Pareto diagrams were employed towards the optimisation potential of FMEA.  相似文献   

The Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) model has been applied for the risk assessment of corn curl manufacturing. A tentative approach of FMEA application to the snacks industry was attempted in an effort to exclude the presence of GMOs in the final product. This is of crucial importance both from the ethics and the legislation (Regulations EC 1829/2003; EC 1830/2003; Directive EC 18/2001) point of view. The Preliminary Hazard Analysis and the Fault Tree Analysis were used to analyze and predict the occurring failure modes in a food chain system (corn curls processing plant), based on the functions, characteristics, and/or interactions of the ingredients or the processes, upon which the system depends. Critical Control points have been identified and implemented in the cause and effect diagram (also known as Ishikawa, tree diagram, and the fishbone diagram). Finally, Pareto diagrams were employed towards the optimization of GMOs detection potential of FMEA.  相似文献   

The Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) model was applied for risk assessment of salmon manufacturing. A tentative approach of FMEA application to the salmon industry was attempted in conjunction with ISO 22000. Preliminary Hazard Analysis was used to analyze and predict the occurring failure modes in a food chain system (salmon processing plant), based on the functions, characteristics, and/or interactions of the ingredients or the processes, upon which the system depends. Critical Control points were identified and implemented in the cause and effect diagram (also known as Ishikawa, tree diagram and fishbone diagram). In this work, a comparison of ISO 22000 analysis with HACCP is carried out over salmon processing and packaging. However, the main emphasis was put on the quantification of risk assessment by determining the RPN per identified processing hazard. Fish receiving, casing/marking, blood removal, evisceration, filet-making cooling/freezing, and distribution were the processes identified as the ones with the highest RPN (252, 240, 210, 210, 210, 210, 200 respectively) and corrective actions were undertaken. After the application of corrective actions, a second calculation of RPN values was carried out resulting in substantially lower values (below the upper acceptable limit of 130). It is noteworthy that the application of Ishikawa (Cause and Effect or Tree diagram) led to converging results thus corroborating the validity of conclusions derived from risk assessment and FMEA. Therefore, the incorporation of FMEA analysis within the ISO 22000 system of a salmon processing industry is anticipated to prove advantageous to industrialists, state food inspectors, and consumers.  相似文献   

Dairy scientists specializing in the area of farm management are increasingly involved in analysis of farm investments in fixed assets. There have been instances where the wrong procedures were used to assess investments in fixed assets, leading to erroneous and possibly disastrous conclusions. A detailed case study of a dairy farm facing the decision of where best to invest an unexpected $120,000 windfall is used to illustrate the various facets of financial analysis. Indicators of profitability, liquidity, solvency, repayment capacity, and financial efficiency are explained and applied to the farm case to produce a detailed analysis of the current financial position of the firm. Long-range budgets of four alternate investment options and their impact on all financial indicators are presented. The four options are: 1) to pay down debt, 2) to purchase an additional 100 cows, 3) to install automatic milk yield recording in the parlor, and 4) to build new heifer facilities. All four investments are profitable. Therefore, an analysis limited to profitability indicators would conclude that any of the four options is a good investment. However, liquidity and financial efficiency issues showed that the option of purchasing 100 cows is far superior to the three others. We conclude that a complete and thorough financial analysis is required to evaluate the impact of long-run investments in fixed assets.  相似文献   

为探索适合贵州山区最佳生产效益的种植规模,以贵州某县187户烟农为对象,对其年龄结构、文化素质、烟叶生产收益进行了调查分析,并用DEA分析了最佳种植规模与效益。结果表明,烟农平均种烟规模2.82 hm2,平均年龄达47岁,不同农户生产水平差异较大,赢利水平变异较大。高中中专的烟农生产效益最高。0~1.33 hm2区间的规模收益递增,6.67 hm2以上区间的规模收益递减。4 hm2以上的烟农,无效投入较多,产出不足。1.33~4 hm2区间的烟农综合效率最佳,是适合贵州当地的最宜烟叶种植规模。建议:一要引导高中中专、20~40岁的农民加入到烟农队伍,使烟农的整体素质得以提升。二要严控大规模种植,提高小户(0~1.33 hm2)的种植面积,形成以种植1.33~4 hm2为主体的烤烟种植模式,以达到效益最优值。   相似文献   

European Journal of Wood and Wood Products - The indigenous hardwoods in German forests have a substantial ability to store carbon, and forestry reconstruction measures are anticipated to result in...  相似文献   

Among non-sensory characteristics, package labeling and music may influence beer consumers’ attitudes and behaviors. The present study sought to evaluate the influence of these characteristics on sensory acceptance and intent to purchase craft beer (Summer Ale) and industrial beer (American Lager), both produced in Brazil. Song 1 was from the acoustic pop rock genre and song 2 from the sertanejo universitário1 genre. Sessions were conducted with 74 consumers under the following conditions: blind test, test in the presence of the songs, test in the presence of the package and test in the presence of both non-sensory characteristics together. Under many studied conditions, industrial beer showed better evaluation scores than craft beer. Music positively influenced the beer ratings. The label positively influenced acceptance scores and intent to purchase craft beer, while for industrial beer it tended to cause a negative impact. The presence of either song, along with the label, positively influenced the acceptance and intent to purchase craft beer. This study demonstrates to the R&D sector of craft and industrial breweries that they can use the influence of these non-sensory characteristics in the elaboration of new labels, and to use the influence of songs on consumer acceptance so they can offer products with more added value to the market.  相似文献   

通过导入事件性促销的概念,对LAVIN for H&M的案例展开分析,结合案例探讨了事件性促销的整个流程及关键点,并对此流程中的技术性要点进行逐一分析,研究其流程和可借鉴性内容.  相似文献   

The ability of brassicas to accumulate selenium is crucial for their positive effects on health. Selenium improves the immune system and the antioxidant defenses. Selenium biofortification of brassicas has therefore been explored to increase dietary selenium intake in humans. However, the effects of selenium biofortification on bioactive compounds, mainly phenolic compounds, are not clear. So, this systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to answer the question ‘What are effects of the biofortification of brassicas with selenium on total phenolic compounds?’ Ten studies, which assessed the effect of selenium biofortification on total phenolic compounds, were selected for qualitative synthesis and four studies were included in the meta-analysis after a thorough literature review of the PubMed, Science Direct, and Web of Knowledge databases. The quality of the evidence ranged from high to moderate. The meta-analysis results indicated that the total phenolic compound content was significantly higher (P = 0.002) in the supplemented group but the results showed considerable heterogeneity (P < 0.00001, I2 = 97%) between studies. This systematic review and meta-analysis summarizes the effect of Se biofortification on the increase in the content of total phenolic compounds and it suggests that several factors can affect this relationship. © 2023 Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

The impact of a recently closed old municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) on polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDD), polychlorodibenzofuran (PCDF), and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) levels in the surrounding environment and resident serum has been studied in a small rural area of France. Studied soils and eggs from chickens foraging on these soils were sampled in the vicinity of the MSWI underthe prevailing wind stream, while comparison samples were collected outside the assumed impact zone. PCB levels observed in soils and eggs did not differ statistically from comparison sites. This confirmed the low impact of MSWI PCB emission on environmental media, compared to other well-known sources. PCDD/PCDF levels in soils and eggs were significantly higher than in comparison samples, pointing out the impact of MSWI emission on the surrounding environment. The high dioxin concentrations in eggs set aside for private consumption would increase the dioxin intake for the studied population. Blood specimens of 10 nonoccupationally exposed volunteers who had lived within a 2 km radius of the incinerator for at least 25 years have been analyzed. When adjusted for age, PCB and PCDD/F blood levels were higher than general European populations and comparable to a similarly exposed Belgian population.  相似文献   

The physico-chemical and microstructural properties of fried rice crackers were studied as a function of spray-frying. Fried rice crackers were produced using the spray- and deep-frying techniques and their moisture content, oil uptake, color, texture (i.e., hardness, expansion ratio, and bulk density), and microstructure were compared. For spray-frying, the heat distribution inside the frying chamber, the effects of spraying rate of oil (0.3, 0.5, and 0.7 L/s), and spinning speed of the frying basket (60, 80, and 100 rpm) were evaluated. Although the average temperature varied at each depth of the fryer, it did not influence overall heat distribution. Results also revealed that higher spraying rate and spinning speed resulted in higher moisture loss, higher oil uptake, darker color, and less crispiness. Compared with deep-frying, the oil uptake of spray-fried samples was lower by 45.4%. The color of the spray-fried crackers was better than that of the deep-fried samples. SEM micrographs showed that the cellular structure and integrity of the cell wall of deep-fried rice crackers were more deformed. They also had larger pore diameter and deeper and larger cavities, leading to higher oil content and crispier texture than spray-fried samples. Rice crackers fried using a spraying rate of 0.7 L/s and spinning speed of 100 rpm resulted in the most desirable physico-chemical qualities. Although the texture properties of the resulting rice crackers could still be improved, spray-frying could be an alternative technique in producing high-quality rice crackers with very low oil content.  相似文献   

Two commercial promising probiotic strains (Propionibacterium jensenii and Propionibacterium freudenreichii) were studied to evaluate two basic probiotic requisites (adhesion and survival during the transit into the gut); two commercial starter cultures (Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus) were used as references. As an additional goal, the technological robustness was evaluated as growth as a function of pH, temperature and salt. Adhesion was studied as biofilm formation and hydrophobicity, whereas a simplified protocol was used to simulate the transit into the gut, along with the assessment of survival at pH 2.5 and in the presence of 0.3% bile salts. Propionibacteria were hydrophobic and form biofilm on glass slides, thus confirming the correlation of these properties and with the ability to adhere. None of the strains survived after the simulation of the transit into the gut, but this property could be induced in propionibacteria using a simple protocol of adaptive evolution. This paper suggests the possibility of using hydrophobicity as a screening tool to assess adhesion in propionibacteria and highlights the necessity of using a complete protocol of simulation of the gut to study the resistance to the conditions of stomach and intestine to avoid false‐positive results.  相似文献   

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