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An effect of a standard heparin preparation on the interaction between blood platelets and collagen has been investigated. The experiments have shown, that the addition of heparin in the concentration of 0.3; 0.6 or 0.9 IU/mL did not change the interaction between blood platelets and collagen. Such interaction increased, when heparin concentration was 1,2 IU/mL, and remained unchanged despite the further increase in heparin concentration. The authors suggest that such a course of this interaction results from the stimulating action of heparin added in adequate concentration on protein release from platelet alpha granulations--which bound GP II b/III a complex with collagen.  相似文献   

Normal hemostasis proceeds through the assembly of coagulant complexes on a lipid surface derived from activated platelets. The activation complex assembly is governed by multiple factors including the binding constants (Kd) of the coagulant factors for the lipid surface. The formation of the tenase complex requires delivery of factor VIII (FVIII) to the activated lipid surface by von Willebrand factor (vWF). Using electrophoretic quasi-elastic light scattering (ELS), we have examined the interaction of FVIII in the presence and absence of vWF with both resting and activated gel-filtered human platelets. Resting platelets do not bind FVIII. Platelets activated by thrombin, epinephrine, or SFLLRN, but not ADP or collagen, bind unactivated FVIII if vWF is not present. In the absence of vWF, unactivated FVIII binds to activated platelets with a Kd of 10.4 nM. B-domain deleted FVIII binds to activated platelets with a Kd of 5.1 nM. Thrombin -activated FVIII (FVIIIa) binds to activated platelets with a Kd of 1.7 nM. The activation of FVIII while bound to the platelet surface can be monitored as a function of time. In the presence of vWF, binding of unactivated FVIII to activated platelets was inhibited, but not the binding of FVIIIa. Displacement of bound unactivated FVIII from the platelet surface occurs when vWF is added to the FVIII-platelet complex. The binding of FVIII to activated platelets is affected by the B-domain, the state of FVIII activation, and the presence of soluble vWF and proceeds as a multistep process. FVIII binding by activated platelets is not affected by platelet gpIIb/IIIa or by platelet vWF.  相似文献   

The effect of phospholipase C (EC on human blood platelets has been studied. Phospholipase C from Bacillus cereus was purified to homogeneity as judged by analytical and sodium dodecyl sulphate disc gel electrophoresis and by immunoelectrophoresis. Human platelets isolated from platelet-rich plasma by gel filtration or by centrifugation and washing were incubated with phospholipase C. A loss of 20-45% of the total platelet phospholipid was observed, whereas 88% was hydrolyzed when platelet homogenates were submitted to identical enzyme treatment. Intact platelets lost 50-75% phosphatidylethanolamine, 20-50% phosphatidylcholine, and 20-25% phosphatidylserine. Sphingomyelin was not a substrate for the enzyme under the conditions used. The platelets contained no detectable endogenous phospholipase C activity. The loss of phospholipid was not accompanied by aggregation of the platelets, nor did the platelets lose their ability to aggregate with ADP or thrombin. Total platelet factor 3 releasable by freezing and thawing was reduced. Measurements of releasable platelet factor 4 and the efflux of serotonin showed that no release reaction was triggered even when up to 45% of the total phospholipid in the platelets was hydrolyzed. When sphingomyelinase was added together with, before, or after phospholipase C, aggregation occurred. Sphingomyelinase alone gave no aggregation. The gel-filtered platelets also aggregated upon addition of purified phospholipase C from Clostridium perfringens. The distribution of phospholipids in the platelet membrane is discussed.  相似文献   

Factor VIII (FVIII) and factor V (FV) are homologous coagulation cofactors sharing a similar domain organization (A1-A2-B-A3-C1-C2) and are both extensively glycosylated within their B-domains. In mammalian cell expression systems, compared with FV, the FVIII primary translation product is inefficiently transported out of the endoplasmic reticulum. Here we show that FVIII is degraded within the cell by a lactacystin-inhibitable pathway, implicating the cytosolic 20 S proteasome machinery. Protein chaperones calnexin (CNX) and calreticulin (CRT) preferentially interact with glycoproteins containing monoglucosylated N-linked oligosaccharides and are proposed to traffic proteins through degradative and/or secretory pathways. Utilizing co-immunoprecipitation assays, intracellular FVIII was detected in association with CNX maximally within 30 min to 1 h following synthesis, whereas FV could not be detected in association with CNX. In contrast, both FVIII and FV displayed interaction with CRT during transit through the secretory pathway. B-domain deleted FVIII significantly reduced the CNX and CRT interaction, indicating the B-domain may represent a primary CNX and CRT interaction site. In the presence of inhibitors of glucose trimming, the interactions of FVIII with CNX, and of FVIII and FV with CRT, were significantly reduced whereas the secretion of FVIII, and not FV, was inhibited. In addition, transfection in a glucosidase I-deficient Chinese hamster ovary cell line (Lec23) demonstrated that both degradation and secretion of FVIII were inhibited, with little effect on the secretion of FV. These results support that CNX and CRT binding, mediated at least in part by the B-domain of FVIII, is required for efficient FVIII degradation and secretion. In contrast, FV does not require CNX interaction for efficient secretion. The results suggest a unique requirement for carbohydrate processing and molecular chaperone interactions that may limit the productive secretion of FVIII.  相似文献   

Washed human platelets take up arachidonic acid from plasma and incorporate the fatty acid into the major classes of complex lipids. Thrombin impairs net incorporation. It activates endogenous phospholipases which liberate arachidonic acid from phospholipids. As a consequence of thrombin induced aggregation platelets release arachidonic acid intermediates formed by the action of platelet fatty acid cyclooxygenase and by platelet fatty acid lipoxygenase. Cyclooxygenase, but not lipoxygenase, is inhibited by aspirin and indomethicin. Analysis of the pathways of arachidonic acid metabolism may furnish new insight into platelet function and into disorders of primary hemostasis.  相似文献   

Interaction of tumor cells with platelets facilitates metastasis of tumor cells. It has been proposed that platelets protect tumor cells against the host's immune defense and enhance tumor-cell extravasation. In the present work we show that platelets increase the invasiveness of 3 mammalian cell lines (MCF-7, ZR-51 and MDA-MB231) through extracellular matrix, and propose this as an additional mechanism by which platelets facilitate metastasis. Since gelatinase and urokinase have both been implicated in degradation of the extracellular matrix and cell migration, and therefore in tumor invasion, we have also analyzed whether the interaction of platelets with tumor cells can modify the secretion of these proteases by tumor cells. MDA-MB231, which was the most invasive cell line among the 3 tested and was the most potent in inducing platelet aggregation, secreted the highest level of urokinase and was the only one in which gelatinase was detected. While platelets had no significant effect on the urokinase activity expressed by these cells, they induced in MDA-MB231 an important increase in the secretion of gelatinase, which can be reproduced by both platelet membrane and platelet releasate of activated platelets. This increase in gelatinase could be responsible, at least in part, for the increased invasiveness of these cells, since added TIMP-1 significantly reduced the number of cells which traversed matrigel.  相似文献   

Increased detection thresholds for pure tones were observed in a large cohort of children exposed to lead environmentally while smaller studies in lead-exposed workers have reported conflicting results on assessments of auditory function. Pure tone detection thresholds were determined in a group of monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) dosed with 2 mg/kg/day of lead from birth through testing at 13 years of age. Blood lead concentrations were stable at about 30 micrograms/dl until monkeys were 10-11 years of age at which time they increased to between 50 and 70 micrograms/dl. Five age- and rearing-matched monkeys served as controls. Detection thresholds were determined at six frequencies between 0.125 and 31.5 kHz. Ear phones were fit over both ears, and thresholds were determined for each ear separately. The monkey signaled detection of the tone by breaking contact with a stainless steel bar. Three lead-exposed monkeys exhibited normal pure tone detection functions. Three monkeys had thresholds outside of the control range at some frequencies; there was a tendency for higher frequencies to be differentially more affected. These findings are consistent with reports of elevated pure tone thresholds in humans exposed to lead developmentally, although the effect is smaller than might have been predicted given the concurrent blood lead concentrations of these monkeys.  相似文献   

The effect of methylmercury (CH3HgCl) on the production of endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) by cultured human umbilical vascular endothelial cells (HUVECs) based on its anti-aggregatory effect on human platelets was examined. HUVECs were harvested from umbilical veins by collagenase treatment. The platelet aggregation test was performed with cuvettes lined with HUVECs. Platelet aggregation induced by 0.05 units thrombin/ml was inhibited in the presence of HUVECs. This HUVEC-dependent anti-platelet aggregatory effect was enhanced by the addition of bradykinin (10 nmol/L), which stimulates the production of EDRF. Indomethacin (IND, 1 mumol/L) reduced the HUVEC-dependent anti-platelet aggregatory effect. The effect of NG-monomethyl-L-arginine L-NMMA, 100 mumol/L), an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in endothelial cells, on HUVECs pretreated with IND showed almost complete platelet aggregation similar to results without HUVECs. The anti-platelet aggregatory effect of HUVECs pretreated with IND seemed to depend mainly on EDRF. Methylmercury (MeHg) (20-50 mumol/L) induced dose-dependent platelet aggregation in cuvettes, without HUVECs. Methylmercury (30 mumol/L) induced less platelet aggregation in the presence of HUVECs than in their absence. The degree of inhibitory effect by HUVECs on MeHg-induced platelet aggregation was reduced dose-dependently (30-50 mumol/L MeHg). Methylmercury-induced platelet aggregation at 50 mumol/L MeHg with or without HUVECs was similar. These findings suggest that this simple new experimental system is useful for assessing the production of EDRF by HUVECs, and show that MeHg inhibits the production of EDRF by HUVECs, which may be involved in the etiology of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and arteriosclerosis.  相似文献   

Inhibitory antibodies directed against factor VIII develop in a substantial number of patients with hemophilia A as a consequence of factor VIII replacement therapy. These antibodies usually recognize discrete epitopes within the A2 and/or the C2 domains of factor VIII. Here, we have characterized the antibodies present in the plasma of a patient affected by severe hemophilia A. The antibodies reacted readily with the metabolically labeled factor VIII light chain and fragments thereof when analyzed by immunoprecipitation. The inhibitory activity could be neutralized by the complete light chain, whereas only slight neutralization occurred with a fragment comprising the isolated C2 domain. Binding of the majority of antibodies to in vitro synthesized factor VIII fragments was dependent on the presence of amino acid residues Gln1778-Met1823, a region known to contain a factor IXa binding site. Functional characterization showed that purified IgG from the patient's serum inhibited binding of factor IXa to immobilized factor VIII light chain in a dose-dependent manner. These data indicate that human alloantibodies may inhibit factor VIII activity by interfering with factor IXa-factor VIIIa complex assembly.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF beta) is a growth and differentiation factor which can be released from many cell types. In previous studies, platelets were identified as a rich source of TGF beta. Here we present a rapid and convenient method for TGF beta purification from human platelets which includes acid-ethanol extraction and gelfiltration, cation exchange and reversed phase chromatography. All purification steps are performed under acidic conditions to prevent adsorption of TGF beta to the vial walls. In addition, volatile solvents and buffers were used which allowed easy removal of solvent and salt by lyophilization. Using this method pure TGF beta can be easily obtained in high yield (370 micrograms) from 20 units of platelet concentrate.  相似文献   

The effects of ascorbic acid on interferon production and on the antiviral effect of interferon in cultures of human cells were investigated. Ascorbic acid enhanced the interferon levels produced by human embryo skin and human embryo lung fibroblasts, induced by Newcastle disease virus and by polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid. The same concentrations of ascorbic acid had no effect on interferon production in two lymphoblastoid cell lines induced by Sendai virus. Leucocyte interferon assayed in lung fibroblasts titrated 0.2-0.3 log10 units higher in the presence of 5 mug ascorbic acid than in the absence of the latter.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that hypothalamic luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) and thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) are two hypophysiotropic factors which modulate the immune response. The aim of the present study was to determine the in vivo effects of an intravenous bolus of LHRH and TRH on plasma interferon (IFN)-gamma production in five normoprolactinemic women with irregular menstrual cycles. We also determined prolactin (PRL), thyrotropin (TSH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels before and after intravenous administration of LHRH and TRH. The results demonstrate that intravenous bolus of LHRH/TRH increases plasma IFN-gamma levels, with the maximum response 45 min after in vivo administration of hypothalamic peptides and after peak levels of adenohypophyseal hormones (PRL: 15 min; TSH: 30 min; FSH: 30 min; LH: 30 min). In order to investigate a possible direct action of hypothalamic hormones on immune cells, we also evaluated, in the same subjects, the influence of LHRH and TRH on IFN-gamma production by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), collected before the intravenous administration of the peptides and stimulated in vitro with bacterial superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) and concanavalin A (Con A). LHRH and TRH, separately and together, significantly enhanced in vitro IFN-gamma production by SEA- and ConA-activated PBMCs. The present results suggest that hypothalamic peptides (LHRH and TRH) directly, and/or indirectly pituitary hormones (PRL, TSH, FSH, and LH) or IL-2, have stimulatory effect on IFN-gamma producing cells and are further evidence of interactions between the neuroendocrine and immune systems.  相似文献   

The first case of cutaneous lymphatic sporotrichosis from Nagaland and a case of cutaneous sporotrichosis from Kerala who had acquired infection from Assam are reported. The diagnosis in both cases were established by isolating Sporothrix schenckii from multiple cutaneous lesions. The dimorphic nature of fungus was established in vitro by demonstrating the mycelial phase at 25-30 degrees C and yeast phase at 37 degrees C and pathogenicity to white mice. Both the patients were successfully treated with oral administration of potassium iodide for 3 months.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of the different concentrations of recombinant human epidermal growth factor (rhEGF) on the expansion of human skin in vitro. Pieces of skin about 2 mm2 in area were placed in 24-cell wells and rhEGF in different concentrations was added. The wells were incubated at 37 degrees C in 5% CO2 for 4 d. The expanded area of each piece of skin was measured. The results indicated that rhEGF possessed a regulating effect on the expansion of skin pieces, and the expanded area was parabolically related with the concentrations of rhEGF. When the rhEGF concentration reached 5 micrograms/L, the maximal area expansion (7.08 +/- 2.40 mm2) was found, which was as twice as the area in control group (3.63 +/- 1.98 mm2). It was suggested that rhEGF had a potential therapeutic effect in wound healing.  相似文献   

Thrombin can activate factor XI in the presence of dextran sulfate or sulfatides. However, a physiological cofactor for thrombin activation of factor XI has not been identified. We examined this question in a cell-based, tissue factor-initiated model system. In the absence of factor XII, factor XI enhanced thrombin generation in this model. The effect on thrombin generation was reproduced by 2 to 5 pmol/L factor XIa. A specific inhibitor of factor XIIa did not diminish the effect of factor XI. Thus, factor XI can be activated in a model system that does not contain factor XIIa or nonphysiological cofactors. Preincubation of factor XI with activated platelets and thrombin or factor Xa enhanced subsequent thrombin generation in the model system. Preincubation of factor XI with thrombin or factor Xa, but without platelets, did not enhance thrombin generation, suggesting that these proteases might activate factor XI on platelet surfaces. Thrombin and factor Xa were then directly tested for their ability to activate factor XI. In the presence of dextran sulfate, thrombin or factor Xa activated factor XI. Thrombin, but not factor Xa, also cleaved detectable amounts of factor XI in the presence of activated platelets. Thus, thrombin activates enough factor XI to enhance subsequent thrombin generation in a model system. Platelet surfaces might provide the site for thrombin activation of functionally significant amounts of factor XI in vivo.  相似文献   

CD1a+ dendritic cells (DC) differentiate from a major population of nonadherent CD13(hi)lin- cells that appear when human cord blood CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor cells are cultured with stem-cell factor, granulocyte/macrophage (MA) colony-stimulating factor, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) for 5 days. CD13hilin- cells, which also comprise MA and granulocyte precursors, are CD4+ and can thus be targets of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Low replication was noted when these day 5 cells were infected with lymphotropic HIV-1LA1 (p24: < or = 4 ng/mL on day 8 postinfection [PI]), while high virus production occurred with MA-tropic HIV-1Ba-L, HIV-1Ada, or HIV-1-m-n. (p24: 50 to > or = 1,000 ng/mL). Strong cytopathicity (CPE) was then observed in nonadherent cells as in adherent MA. However, FACS analysis on day 7 PI showed that HIV did not affect differentiation of DC that survived CPE: apart from CD4 downmodulation related to HIV production, overall expression of CD40, CD80, and CD86 costimulatory molecules, and of HLA-DR, was unchanged relative to controls. At that time, the capacity of DC from HIV-infected cultures to stimulate the mixed leukocyte reaction was only altered less than 10-fold. Immunocytochemistry on day 7 PI showed that most HIV-infected cells were included in syncytia that were stained by anti-CD1a, anti-S100, and anti-CD14 antibodies, indicating that syncytia consisted of DC and cells of the MA lineage. Polymerase chain reaction analysis of FACS-sorted CD1a+ cells confirmed that they harbored then HIV DNA. Viral DNA was also detected in CD1a+ DC from noninfected cultures that had been exposed to HIV only after sorting. Therefore, we examined whether in infected cultures DC precursors were infected at the onset or if virus spread later from other infected cells to differentiated DC. This was answered by showing that, 24 hours postexposure to HIV, viral DNA was preferentially detected in day 5 sorted CD13hilin- versus CD13hilin- cells, and that it was found in the CD1a+ progeny of CD13(hi)lin- cells 48 hours later. In addition, HIV replication did not affect myeloid clonogenic progenitors in day 0 to day 7 PI cultures, although viral DNA was detected in colony-forming unit-granulocyte/macrophage (CFU-GM)/CFU-M colonies derived from day 3 and 7 PI cultures. Thus, precursors of DC and their progeny are susceptible to HIV in vitro, but, apart from CPE, the effect of virus production on DC differentiation or function is limited.  相似文献   

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