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Sunflower flours and protein concentrates have potential food uses because of their high protein content, white color, bland flavor, and absence of antinutritive factors. Procedures have been developed for removal of chlorogenic acid which forms green and brown colors under alkaline pH, and selection for low chlorogenic acid cultivars is underway in plant breeding programs. Further research is needed on dehulling techniques and possible problems associated with high levels of sugars in sunflower flour. Sunflower flours and concentrates have excellent fat absorption, oil emulsification, and whipping properties. Wieners supplemented with sunflower products showed low shrinkage during the smokehouse treatment and low cooking losses due to high fat and water absorptions. Sunflower-supplemented wieners did score poorly in peelability and organoleptic tests. Sunflower proteins had an excellent amino acid balance except for low lysine content and, in feeding trials with rats, showed high protein efficiency ratios when blended with legume or meat proteins.  相似文献   

Enzymatic hydrolysis pretreatment for mechanical expelling of soybeans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mechanical expelling of soybeans with enzymatic hydrolysis as pretreatment was investigated, and the process parameters were optimized by means of response surface methodology. Enzyme pretreatment enhanced both the amount of extractable oil in soybeans and oil extractability. A second-order response surface model was developed to predict the expelled oil as a function of the six process parameters investigated. The optimum was found at: Moisture content during hydrolysis, 23.00% wet basis (w.b.); enzyme concentration, 11.84% vol/wt; incubation period, 13.24 h; moisture content during pressing, 9.36% w.b.; pressing pressure, 75 MPa; and pressing time, 5.36 min. The parameters had no interactive effects on expelled oil. Pressing pressures above 75 MPa caused extrusion. Under the optimal conditions, oil expelled from dehulled cracked soybeans by static pressing at room temperature (18°C) was 63.5% of the total extractable oil. Much higher oil recovery would be expected in actual screw expellers due to dynamic pressing and higher operating temperature. Oil recovery could be further increased by adding one or more conventional pretreatments to the enzymatic hydrolysis pretreatment investigated in this study.  相似文献   

Limited hydrolysis (4% degree of hydrolysis) of extruded-expelled soy flour protein (protein dispersibility index=21) that was poor in solubility and other functional properties was evaluated at pilot-plant scale (5 kg of flour) with two endopeptidases and one exopeptidase. Some hydrolysates were merely spray-dried whereas others were jet-cooked at 104°C for 19 s before spray-drying. Solubility, emulsification capacity and stability, foaming capacity and stability, apparent viscosity, and sensory attributes were then characterized. The type of protease used and hydrothermal cooking affected functional and sensory properties. Protein solubility modestly increased with hydrolysis and jet cooking, but emulsification capacity decreased on hydrolysis and was not restored with hydrothermal cooking. Emulsion stability improved in the endopeptidase hydrolysates, but not in the exopeptidase hydrolysates. The foaming capacities of the hydrolysates for both types of enzymes were better than for the unhydrolyzed control. Highly stable foams were obtained after hydrolyzing with exopeptidase and hydrothermal cooking. Ten percent protein hydrolysate dispersions showed large losses in consistency coefficient apparent viscosity, which increased significantly with hydrothermal cooking only for the unhydrolyzed control. Difference-from-control sensory evaluation indicated that both jet-cooked and non-jet-cooked enzyme hydrolysates were different from unhydrolyzed controls.  相似文献   

This review points out the good quality of well-processed soya products. Normal infants, children and adults are able to utilize the protein and other nutrients present in the soya, when fed these products in amounts that will cover their needs. Under nutritional stress, such as in infant malnutrition, soya products such as soya-milk have been shown to help in the children’s recovery. Clinical and biochemical data show that their recovery is similar to that obtained with cow’s milk. Milk- or lactose-intolerant children and adults, who present a public health problem in some developing countries, could benefit from the high nutritive value and low cost of soy milk. Soya products have been shown to decrease cholesterol and other levels of blood lipids. Considering the availability of the several soya products in the market, this possibility has to be further explored. The utilization of soya products in preparing liquid formulas for oral or tube-feeding opens new fields for the treatment of several diseases, insuring at the same time adequate nutrition for the patients. From a practical point of view, in spite of all that is known about soybeans and soybean products, its use as human food, even in countries where it is produced in large quantities, is very low. It seems that local governments are not aware of the importance of soya for the solution to their serious food and nutrition problems. What is known on the subject has to leave the laboratories, research centers and universities and be transferred as food for the mouths of the needy populations. This has to be understood as an urgent duty of national governments. There is no doubt that soya is the cheapest and one of the best-quality foods available to help solve the present hunger problem of the world today.  相似文献   

Limited specific hydrolysis of casein byStaphylococcus aureus V8 protease was used to produce 2% and 6.7% hydrolysates (2 and 6.7% of the peptide bonds hydrolyzed), each containing five polypeptides (by gel filtration) ranging in size from ∼ 16,000 to ∼1,000 daltons. The mixtures of polypeptides had substantially increased solubilities at pH 4.0–4.5, near the isoelectric point of casein. In general, the emulsifying activity index was less for the hydrolysates than for casein; the emulsion stability was higher for the 2% hydrolysate than was the emulsion from casein. Phosphorylation of zein markedly increased the water solubility of zein above and below pH 4. When the free amino acids tryptophan and/or lysine were added to zein in the presence of POC13, some amino acids were covalently bound to zein, in addition to covalent attachment of phosphate groups. Threonine did not become incorporated into zein by this method. These derivatives were much more soluble than zein above and below pH 4, the minimum solubility point. A derivative containing 0.98 mol P/mol of zein, along with 1.05% tryptophan and 0.24% lysine, had a relative growth effect onTetrahymena thermophili of 49% that of casein, in comparison to 4.5% for unmodified zein. All the modified zeins had improved emulsifying activity indices.  相似文献   

The available commercial soy protein concentrates and soy protein isolates afford the food processor concentrated sources of protein with some interesting and varied functional properties. Each class of products is mild to bland in flavor and light in color. The concentrates contain at least 70% protein and the isolates 90%. The nutritional quality of the proteins is fair to good and can be excellent either by supplementation with 1.5% methionine or by appropriate blending with other sources of proteins. The concentrates provide the food manufacturer with products where a high protein content for unit of volume or wt is needed. The isolates are available for uses where the functional properties reside solely in the protein and the nonprotein components may interfere. The adaptability of the proteins to modification by controlled processing conditions has made it possible for the manufacturers to produce a diversity of products that should be of interest to practically all food formulators.  相似文献   

Enzymatic hydrolysis of oat and soy lecithins and its effects on the functional properties of lecithins were investigated. The phospholipase used was most efficient at low enzyme and substrate concentrations. More fatty acids were released from soy lecithin than from oat lecithin. The maximum degree of hydrolysis was 760 μmol free fatty acids per gram soy lecithin and 170 μmol free fatty acids per gram oat lecithin. On the basis of the total carbohydrate and phosphorus contents in the polar fractions of the lecithins, oat lecithin contained more glycolipids and less phospholipids than soy lecithin. With regard to functional properties, the stability of oil-in-water emulsions was enhanced by hydrolyzed soy lecithin and by crude and hydrolyzed oat lecithins, but only hydrolyzed soy lecithin prevented the recrystallization of barley starch. The dissociation enthalpy of amylose-lipid-complex (AML-complex) was significantly higher when hydrolyzed soy lecithin was present. Hydrolyzed oat lecithin slightly affected the dissociation enthalpy of AML-complex. The other lecithins had no effect on recrystallization or dissociation enthalpies in the barley-starch matrix.  相似文献   

Asian sea bass bio-calcium (ASBC) can be fortified in low calcium food product such as mayonnaise. To ensure the smoothness of fortified products, the particle size and fishy compounds of ASBC must be reduced. Ultrasonicated ASBC (U-ASBC) was applied for different times (5–15 min) in the presence of hexane. ASBC and U-ASBC had mean particle size (D43) of 21.87 ± 19.54 and 7.83 ± 7.10 μm, respectively. U-ASBC had lowered volatile compounds. Mayonnaise fortified with ASBC had the augmented firmness, consistency and cohesiveness with increasing ASBC levels (0%–10%) (p < 0.05). ASBC raised lightness (L*) and total color difference (ΔE*), but decreased a* and b*-values of mayonnaise in a dose dependent manner (p < 0.05). Higher G′, G″, viscosity and shear stress value were observed in mayonnaise sample added with ASBC. However, lower acceptability was attained when mayonnaise was added with ASBC at level higher than 2.5% due to fishy odor and grittiness perceived by panelists. The lower droplet size with higher zeta potential of mayonnaise added with ASBC or U-ASBC was related with the lower creaming index. Mayonnaise added with 7.5% U-ASBC (M-UBC-7.5) had higher viscosity with lower creaming and thermal creaming index (p < 0.05) than control and that containing 2.5% ASBC (M-BC-2.5). Denser and smaller droplet sizes were observed for M-BC-2.5 and M-UBC-7.5 than control. Lowest moisture, fat and carbohydrate contents were attained for M-UBC-7.5 with the higher protein, ash and calcium content (p < 0.05). Fortification of mayonnaise with ASBC at 2.5% or U-ASBC at 7.5% increased calcium content by 54 or 174 times, respectively, without sensorial changes.  相似文献   

Glycinin is one of the predominant storage proteins of soybean.To improve its functional properties (heat-induced gelationand emulsification) and/or nutritional value, the A1aB1b proglycininsubunit was modified on the basis of genetically variable domainssuggested from the comparison of amino acid sequences of glycinin-typeglobulins from various legumes and nonlegumes and the relationshipsbetween the structure and the functional properties of glycinin.Thus, nucleotide sequences corresponding to each of the variabledomains were deleted from the cDN A encoding the A1aB1b proglycinin,and a synthetic DNA encoding four continuous methionines wasinserted into the cDNA region corresponding to each of the variabledomains. Expression plasmids carrying the modified cDNAs wereconstructed and expressed in Escherichia coli strain JM105.Some of the modified proteins were accumulated as soluble proteinsin the cells at a high level and self-assembled. They exhibitedfunctional properties superior to those of the native glycininfrom soybean, which establishes the possibility of creatingtheoretically designed novel glycinins with high food qualities.  相似文献   

Anthropologic, survey, dietary recall and anthropometric techniques were used to study the correlates of nutritional status of preschool children under five years of age in Gualaceo Ecuador. A widespread stunting was found among the children. Nutritional status was worst among infants comprised between 12 and 23 months old but it improved between April and August, thus suggesting seasonality changes of nutritional status. The correlates of nutritional status (expressed as Z score of weight-for-age) were dietary diversity, birth-spacing, fertility, migration, household income, material goods owned, and parental education. A regression model with these variables predicted 63% of the variability in weight-for-age. The prediction of height-for-age was similar, but only predicted 43% of the variability in height-for-age. Correlates of dietary diversity, birth-spacing, fertility, and migration were child age, maternal age and arm circumference, parental education, use of birth control, household food expenditure, material goods owned, and the raising of animals. Parental education was a correlate of dietary diversity, fertility and migration. Parental education was related to change in weight-for-age in the longitudinal subset. Pre-harvest time and a pathway of illness leading to decreased dietary diversity and to decreased nutritional status in April, were suggested as important to preschool child nutritional status. Hot-cold ideology--resulting in food withdrawal during illness and restriction of high-protein and high-calorie foods--appears to be an important mechanism determining preschool child nutritional status. Breast-feeding, sanitary, higienic, birth control, and drinking (alcohol) practices were suggested as areas that could be improved, in order to improve preschool child nutritional status. Communication between parents and western health care providers was also suggested as an area for improvement.  相似文献   

This study describes maternal practices and beliefs on children feeding and their relationship with nutritional status of Afro-Colombian children aged 6 to 18 months. We combined ethnographic and epidemiological data. We collected information using a food frequency questionnaire. Nine focus groups and 5 deep interviews to mothers of children less than 2 years of age were performed. Our data showed a prevalence of wasting of 2.6% (< -2 SD weight-for-length) and prevalence of stunting of 9.8% (< -2 SD height-for-age). These practices are characterized by a universal onset of breastfeeding, that lasted 10 months in average, and an early introduction of complementary food (mean: 3 months). Breastfeeding is a cultural norm. Weaning is related to new pregnancy, to low milk production and to negative effects of breast process on mothers' health. Early complementary feeding and bottle-feeding are highly valued due to their positive effect on nutritional status and adaptation of children to adult-type diets. The introduction of complementary food after 4 months, the quality of the first food introduced and the diversity of complementary food predicted better nutritional status (p < 0.05). We conclude that nutritional illiteracy and mothers' erroneous beliefs result in 50% of the mothers having inadequate feeding practices. We suggest focused interventions on those beliefs limiting good practices.  相似文献   

白炭黑高官能化改性及其填充SBR性能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用偶联剂KH-570对白炭黑进行高官能化改性,并对其填充SBR胶料的性能进行研究。结果表明,以甲苯为溶剂在回流状态下对白炭黑进行改性,偶联剂水解用去离子水与偶联剂KH-570的用量比为0.35,水解时间为143min,且偶联剂用量为8份,所得产物官能化程度最高,接枝率达到16.3%。改性白炭黑填充SBR中的填料分散性明显提高,胶料的硫化时间缩短,综合物理性能提高。  相似文献   

Summary The effects of γ-irradiation on poly(vinyl chloride) blended with fillers (plasticizer, lead stabilizer and mica) are presented. Mechanical and electrical investigations were carried out on samples that received doses of maximum 160 kGy. The results on tensile strength, volume resistivity and loss factor prove that poly(vinyl chloride) may be used as electrical insulator after short γ-exposure. Because mica plays a role of absorbent for hydrochloric acid formed by PVC degradation, favorable properties are obtained for dose up to 120 kGy. The volume resistivity decreases constantly while tan δ remains unchanged for a large frequency range (102–105 cps). Mica content of 14% induces a decrease in unirradiated PVC of one order of magnitude. After irradiation at 160 kGy volume resistivity increases of about five times relative to 40 kGy irradiated samples. At 150 kGy tensile strength decreases only with 10%, and elongation at break presents a light modification in the selected dose range. The largest differences between the maximum current values obtained for applied doses are presented by PVC with the highest concentration of mica (14%). At 40 kGy, when the degradation becomes relevant, the dipoles are not efficiently trapped by mica and the current does not attend a steady state for a long period (more than half an hour). For higher doses the steady-state current is reached after only 1–3 minutes, due to crosslinking. Some considerations concerning the consequences of high energy exposure of poly(vinyl chloride) on electrical behaviour are presented.  相似文献   

The functional characteristics which include protein solubility at different pH, emulsifying and foaming properties, degree of hydrolysis, molecular weight distribution, antioxidant and ACE inhibitory activity of sesame protein hydrolysates prepared with pepsin, papain and alcalase enzymes were evaluated. The rate of degree of hydrolysis was found to reach maximum (25–30%) within the first time fragment i.e 10 min but 80% of hydrolysis was obtained in 120 min with alcalase. SDS-PAGE of hydrolysates with papain, pepsin and alcalase evinced bands of low molecular weight protein of 14.3 kDa and even lower for alcalase treatment of 120 min. Hydrolysates so formed were of improved functional properties as evident from emulsifying and foaming property. Hydrolysis with different proteases enhanced the protein solubility significantly at pH 7.0. Antioxidative assay revealed radical scavenging activity of the hydrolysates with papain hydrolysates showing maximum antioxidative efficacy. The ultra-filtered peptide fractions which showed comparable ACE inhibitory activity were sequenced by MALDI-TOF and matched to that of previously identified ACE inhibitory peptides. The results corroborate the ACE inhibitory effect of the peptides. Hence, these highly bioactive protein hydrolysates produced from waste sesame meals can be successfully employed in various functional food formulations.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that high intake of trans fat is associated with increased risk of chronic diseases especially cardiovascular disease. The levels of trans fat in the American diet is of concern. Structured lipid is a lipid that has been modified from its native form either by biocatalysts or chemical catalysts. These modifications result in change in the triacylglycerol molecular species which further alters the physicochemical properties such as melting properties, solid fat content, and oxidative stability of lipids. The process allows the production of a wide range of functional and nutritional lipids that may meet consumer needs. Enzymatically synthesized structured lipids can be used as a substitute for conventional lipids in trans‐free margarine formulations. This article gives an overview of trans fatty acids and enzymatic modification of lipids for producing trans‐free margarine.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on cookies prepared by incorporating barley flour (10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%) into wheat flour. The cookies were evaluated for their physical, chemical, nutritional, textural and sensory characteristics. All the cookie samples showed high fiber, mineral and protein contents when compared to those from 100% wheat flour. Incorporation of barley flour improved the color of the cookies from pale cream to golden brown. The cookies became crispier as indicated by the reduction in the breaking strength value from 4.94 to 3.29 kg. Considering the color, taste, flavor, surface appearance of the cookies, 30% incorporation of barley flour was found to be optimum giving cookies containing 1.7% β-glucan, 36.6 ppm iron, 31.8 ppm calcium, 22.9 ppm zinc while the texture characteristics showed that 30% barley incorporated cookies had breaking strength of 4.021 kg lower than wheat cookies and also indicating that the product was nutritionally rich as compared to the 100% wheat flour cookies. The incorporation of barley flour increased the antioxidant properties and polyphenolic content and hence increased functional properties of the cookies compared to the control. The prepared product was safe microbiologically as well as chemically upto 6 months of storage in different packaging materials under varying temperature conditions. The cookie dough contained 30% barley flour and 100% wheat flour (control) was allowed to under go frozen storage and freeze-thaw cycles (freeze for 12 h and thaw for 4 h). After each freeze-thaw cycle, cookie dough was evaluated for its texture profile and also dough was baked to prepare cookie and assessed for its physical, textural and sensory characteristics. It was found that cookies prepared after freeze-thawing of dough were crisper than the normal ones.  相似文献   

Modern suturing materials are developed with a focus on the requirements of surgeons for the optimum mechanical characteristics; interchangeability; compatibility; safety; a lack of allergic, teratogenic, and cancerogenic action in vivo; and a lack of capillary action. Biologically active (BA) thread with a complex action that was prepared by impregnating polyamide or polyester thread-base with a modified composition based on the biopolymer chitosan and including the antibacterial preparation ciprofloxacin and the germanium-containing preparation Astragerm-C was selected for the studies. The goal was to study the effects of the selected modification method and the composition of the modifier on the functional properties of a new surgical suturing material. It was shown that the produced surgical suturing material had improved functional properties that comply with modern requirements.  相似文献   

陈智修 《聚氯乙烯》2004,(6):22-23,36
介绍了应用福建省东南电化股份有限公司主要产品——型材专用PVC树脂生产PVC型材的改性方法以及对型材性能的影响因素。  相似文献   

以丙交酯为原料、辛酸亚锡为催化剂、丁二酸酐为改性剂,采用梯度升温法,在150℃、0.098MPa条件下采用直接熔融缩聚法合成端羧基聚乳酸共聚物P(LA/SA),接着用2,2-(1,3-亚苯基)-二 唑啉(1,3-PBO)对其进行扩链,按n(丙交酯)/n(1,3-PBO)= 1/2.4加入1,3-PBO,反应1h制得聚酰胺酯(PEA),最后将高岭土与PEA在150℃、减压条件下熔融复合改性。采用GPC、FTIR、1H NMR、DSC、SEM等手段对聚合物的结构进行表征和性能测试,结果表明,与P(LA/SA) 相比,扩链产物PEA相对分子质量大幅度提高,重均相对分子质量高达24万,玻璃化转变温度Tg高于PLA和P(LA/SA),改性后复合材料的热稳定性能提高,结晶度降低。  相似文献   

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