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We have explored methods for optimizing the timing resolution of an LSO-based detector module for a single-ring, "demonstration" time-of-flight PET camera. By maximizing the area that couples the scintillator to the PMT and minimizing the average path length that the scintillation photons travel, a single detector timing resolution of 218 ps fwhm is measured, which is considerably better than the ~385 ps fwhm obtained by commercial LSO or LYSO TOF detector modules. We explored different surface treatments (saw-cut, mechanically polished, and chemically etched) and reflector materials (Teflon tape, ESR, Lumirror, Melinex, white epoxy, and white paint), and found that for our geometry, a chemically etched surface had 5% better timing resolution than the saw-cut or mechanically polished surfaces, and while there was little dependence on the timing resolution between the various reflectors, white paint and white epoxy were a few percent better. Adding co-dopants to LSO shortened the decay time from 40 ns to ~30 ns but maintained the same or higher total light output. This increased the initial photoelectron rate and so improved the timing resolution by 15%. Using photomultiplier tubes with higher quantum efficiency (blue sensitivity index of 13.5 rather than 12) improved the timing resolution by an additional 5%. By choosing the optimum surface treatment (chemically etched), reflector (white paint), LSO composition (co-doped), and PMT (13.5 blue sensitivity index), the coincidence timing resolution of our detector module was reduced from 309 ps to 220 ps fwhm. 相似文献
The design parameters and operating characteristics of the detector used in the Brutus and Fannie heavy ion beam spectrometers at the SuperHILAC facility are described. The detector utilizes a 25 mm diameter microchannel plate array to obtain gains of 102 to 108 with a linear dynamic range of 103. It has had over three years of almost maintenance-free service, detecting ion beams from carbon to xenon with energies between 1.2 and 8.5 MeV per nucleon. 相似文献
HAMAMATSU的H8500型64路多阳极平板型光电倍增管以其非常优越的位置分辨被广泛地应用于各种小型探测装置和大型阵列探测装置,多信号的有效、快速和最为经济的简化电子学线路读出成为多阳极光电倍增管非常重要的研究内容.基于DPC电桥简化处理多阳极光电倍增管信号,在未采用铅准直的情况下测量137Csγ源最好位置分辨(FWHM)达到了2mm左右. 相似文献
通过基于Windows XP环境的VME数据获取系统,对MRPC束流实验中时间触发系统(T0)的光电倍增管(PMT)进行性能测试研究.从精确测试获取的PMT单光电子峰的角度出发,依据电荷谱的能量分辨率、峰谷比值、增益等条件确定PMT合适的工作高压.依据时间和幅度信息的匹配关系,对不同入射光子的数据进行挑选,进而改善测试数据的时间分辨. 相似文献
Plasma production experiments in helium at Uragan-2M have been performed to investigate the role of the hydrogen minority in helium. The experiments presented here were carried on with a controlled minority hydrogen concentration. The hydrogen minority allowed one to increase plasma density more than three times as compared with pure helium. The obtained plasma density is highest for whole time of Uragan-2M operation. The developed scenario allowed to decrease the neutral gas pressure at which the plasma production is possible. This is a requirement for achieving regimes of plasma production with full ionization. Although the initial gas mixture 14%H2?+?86%He can be treated as optimum, there is no sensitive dependence on hydrogen minority concentration, which makes the scenario robust. This study, together with initial LHD experiments, confirm the prospects of target plasma production by ICRF waves for stellarator type machines. 相似文献
A time-of-flight (TOF) detector has been used in the BESIII experiment to provide charged particle identification. In this paper, we present a novel high performance differential amplifier, which has been designed for amplifying the signals from the detectors. The preamplifier can amplify differential signals, which can help to eliminate the common mode pickup, and increase the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Bilinear gain is one of the features of this preamplifier, which greatly increases the dynamic range and avoids the dead time of the preamplifier. In order to describe the bilinear gain, a 4-parameter function is developed. And this 4-parameter function can also be used in the calibration of the time walk caused by the amplitude due to the bilinear gain. The preamplifier has a gain about 10V/V with a small signal and about 1.0V/V with a large signal. The rise time of the preamp is less than 2 ns. 相似文献
介绍了用于大亚湾中微子实验的PMT触发判选电路的一种设计方案.从PMT触发判选电路的设计要求谈起,着重讨论了如何采用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)来实现判选过程及数据暂存,介绍了采用来自GPS的高精度时间信息对事例数据进行时间标记的具体方法. 相似文献
采用光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)传感器作为荷载监测的应变传感器,建立实时、在位荷载识别的有效算法.基于一种图形化编程语言Labview 8.0在动态光纤光栅解调仪(sm130-700, MOI)软件平台上开发了在线荷载监测系统,并应用于翼型悬臂板的荷载监测实验.结果表明,该在线荷载监测系统能够高精度地识别荷载的位置和荷载大小,且有较好的容错性. 相似文献
根据对光电倍增管工作原理的分析,介绍了目前提高光电倍增管线性电流的方法,分析了不同类型的非线性效应.基于数字化示波器的应用和数据处理技术,提出了利用实验数据,通过数值校正的方法扩展光电倍增管的线性电流.利用线性电流大的光电管与光电倍增管进行比较,对光电倍增管通过校正,可以使光电倍增管的最大线性电流扩展5倍以上. 相似文献
大型高海拔空气簇射观测站(LHAASO)计划中的各种探测器将使用几万只光电倍增管测量探测器收集到的光子数,光电倍增管阴极位置响应的均匀性是影响探测器能量分辨的重要因素之一.为此搭建了由步进电机驱动的二维扫描平台控制LED光源,逐毫米扫描光电倍增管光阴极,测量光源照射光阴极不同位置时的阳极输出信号.实验中对多种候选光电倍... 相似文献
介绍了RIBLL终端LASCAR上PMT阵列电源高压控制系统。该系统以当今工程控制中常用的微型计算机作为核心器件,采用合适的外围电路达到了对PMT阵列稳定、可靠的控制,在现场测试中取得了良好的效果。 相似文献
Present investigation deals with appraising heat transfer enhancement of single phase microchannel heat sink (MCHS) by ultra fine Cu particle incorporation in base coolant fluid. The particle diameter is of nanometer size and base fluid in combination of nanoparticles is called nanofluid. Governing equations for fluid flow and heat transfer are based on well established “porous medium model” and accordingly, modified Darcy equation and two-equation model are employed. Appropriate equations for both fluid flow and heat transfer are derived and cast into dimensionless form. Velocity profile is obtained analytically and in order to solve conjugate heat transfer problem a combined analytical–numerical approach is employed. For heat transfer analysis, thermal dispersion model is adopted and latest proposed model for effective thermal conductivity – which considers the salient effect of interfacial shells between particles and base fluid – is integrated into model. The effects of dispersed particles concentration, thermal dispersion coefficient and Reynolds number are investigated on thermal fields and on thermal performance of MCHS. Additionally, the impact of turbulent heat transfer on heat transfer enhancement is considered. 相似文献
本工作采用LYSO晶体阵列和平板型位置灵敏光电倍增管H8500对TOF-PET探测器进行了初步设计,能分辨3.2mm×3.2mm的晶体阵列。与BaF 2探测器组成时间谱仪,测量正电子湮没射线的瞬发时间谱,得到379ps的符合时间分辨率。根据已测量的BaF 2探测器时间分辨率(159ps),可计算得到所设计的TOF-PET探测器时间分辨率为344ps。预计与此相同的两个TOF-PET探测器对正电子湮没射线的符合时间分辨率可达486ps左右,为新型PET的研究提供了有利条件。 相似文献
在兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环将要建设的外靶实验终端上,中子墙探测装置是用来开展放射性束物理以及利用放射性束开展非对称核物质性质研究的一个重要的实验设备。本文对应用于该实验装置上的光电倍增管分压系统进行了研究,给出了适合时间性能探测的时间型分压器设计参数以及测试结果。 相似文献
Neutron energy spectrometry diagnosis plays an important role in magnetic con- finement fusion. A new neutron time-of-flight (TOF) spectrometer with double scintillators is designed and optimized for the EAST toknmak. A set of optimM parameters is obtained by Monte Carlo simulation, based on the GEANT4 and ROOT codes. The electronic setup of the measurement system is designed. The count rate capability is increased by introducing a flash ADC. The designed spectrometer with high resolution and efficiency is capable of being applied to fusion neutron diagnostics. Applications in mixed-energy and continuous energy neutron fields can also be considered. 相似文献
Neutron energy spectrometry diagnosis plays an important role in magnetic con-finement fusion.A new neutron time-of-flight (TOF) spectrometer with double scintillators is designed and optimized for the EAST tokamak.A set of optimal parameters is obtained by Monte Carlo simulation,based on the GEANT4 and ROOT codes.The electronic setup of the measurement system is designed.The count rate capability is increased by introducing a flash ADC.The designed spectrometer with high resolution and efficiency is capable of being applied to fusion neutron diagnostics.Applications in mixed-energy and continuous energy neutron fields can also be considered. 相似文献
PET的系统响应矩阵代表了系统对系统视场(Field of View,以下简称FOV)中各点的探测灵敏度.它由PET探测器的几何结构和PET数据采集中的各种物理因素决定.如果忽略物理因素的影响,仅考虑探测器几何结构,此时系统响应矩阵被称为几何灵敏度矩阵,特定的探测器几何结构对应唯一的几何灵敏度矩阵.研究获取了内径相同、... 相似文献
本文叙述了对使用在快中子飞行时间谱仪中的光电倍增管分压器电路(ORTEC269)管座的改进,改进后的时间探头的脉冲幅度、脉冲形状甄别和时间分辨的性能有了很大的改善。 相似文献
Some improvements of the gas-filled time-of-flight detector system were achieved. The thickness of the entrance window is decreased to 0.5 micron. A larger area surface barrier detector with the diameter of 40 mm was used to enlarge the detection efficiency. The detection efficiency is higher than 70%. 相似文献