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In order to well understand the expression of mRNA for insulin-like growth factor I and II in normal and hyperplastic prostate, in situ hybridization were used to detect them in a total of 35 cases of prostate. Both the normal and the hyperplastic prostate expressed the mRNA for IGF-I/II. The mRNA for IGF-I was mainly expressed by the epithelial cells and the IGF-II was mainly expressed by the stromal cells. The hyperplastic tissues expressed higher levels of the mRNA for IGF-I and IGF-II. The results suggested that the IGF might play an important role in the regulation of prostate growth and the pathogenesis of benign prostatic hyperplasia.  相似文献   

Naturally produced methane shows different delta 13C-values with respect to its origin, e.g., geological or biological. Methane-production of ruminants is considered to be the dominant source from the animal kingdom. Isotopic values of rumen methane--given in literature--range between -80/1000 and -50/1000 and are related to feed composition and also sampling techniques. Keeping cows, camels and sheep under identical feed conditions and sampling rumen gases via implanted fistuale we compared delta PDB 13C-values of methane and CO2 between the species. Referring to mean values obtained from 4 or 5 samples at different times of 11 animals (n = 47) we calculated delta PDB 13C-medians resulting in small but not significant differences within and significant differences between the species for CO2 and methane. The delta PDB 13C-differences between methane and CO2 were statistically equal within and also between the species. Therefore a linear regression of methane values on CO2 is appropriate and leads to: delta PDB 13C(methane)/1000 = 1.57 * delta PDB 13C(CO2)/1000 - 47/1000 with a correlation coefficient of r = 0.87.  相似文献   

An 8 year old girl with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is described. Elevated serum antibody titers suggested recent Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. T2-weighted image of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) disclosed multiple lesions of high signal intensity in bilateral basal ganglia and thalami as well as in the white matter. Postcontrast T1-weighted image revealed an enhanced lesion in the deep white matter. She showed rapid clinical improvement in response to corticosteroid therapy. The lesions had disappeared completely on MRI performed 10 weeks after the onset. ADEM is believed to be a demyelinating disorder of probable autoimmune etiology. MRI findings in this case may support the hypothesis that the primary pathological event is vascular injury and demyelination occurs only as a secondary phenomenon.  相似文献   

The 94-kDa glucose-regulated protein (GRP94) is a member of the 90-kDa heat-shock protein (HSP90) family. In this study, we expressed the barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) GRP94 and the alpha isoform of human HSP90 (HSP90 alpha) in Escherichia coli and compared their dimer-forming abilities. Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that GRP94 (amino acids 69-809) and the full-length form of HSP90 alpha existed in the dimeric state. The C-terminal 326 amino acids of GRP94 or the C-terminal 200 amino acids of HSP90 alpha were sufficient for the dimerization. Limited proteolysis of the C-terminal half of GRP94 with thrombin revealed a 16-kDa fragment, which was derived from the C-terminus of GRP94 through the cleavage of either the Arg710-His711 or the Arg735-Leu736 bond. These cleavage sites were nearly, if not completely, equivalent to the proteolyzed region of HSP90 alpha. Their structural similarity prompted us to investigate, by use of a coexpression system, the possibility that the two proteins form a heterodimeric complex. A two-step affinity chromatography that specifically trapped only the complex revealed that the C-terminal 200 amino acids of HSP90 alpha and the C-terminal 326 amino acids of GRP94 associated with HSP90 alpha and GRP94, respectively. However, the C-terminal 326 amino acids of GRP94 failed to form a complex with HSP90 alpha. In conclusion, these results indicate the similarity of the general dimeric conformation of the two HSP90 family member proteins, but show that the similarity is not sufficient to allow heterodimer formation.  相似文献   

We examined the expression of several genes that regulate different steps of metastasis in surgical specimens of human colon carcinomas. The expression of epidermal growth factor receptor (growth), basic fibroblast growth factor [(bFGF), angiogenesis], type IV collagenase (invasion), E-cadherin (adhesion), and multidrug-resistant (mdr)-1 (drug resistance) mRNA was examined using an in situ mRNA hybridization (ISH) technique and Northern blot analysis. Dukes' stage C and D tumors exhibited a higher level of expression (P <0.05) for bFGF, type IV collagenase, and mdr-1 mRNA than Dukes' stage B tumors. The expression level of epidermal growth factor receptor and E-cadherin did not correlate with the stage of the disease. The ISH technique revealed intertumoral heterogeneity for expression of several genes among Dukes' stage B neoplasms. In some Dukes' stage B tumors, we also found intratumoral heterogeneous staining for bFGF and type IV collagenase, with the highest expression level at their invasive edge. In Dukes' stage C and D tumors, the expression of these genes was more uniform. These results recommend the suitability of the multiparametric ISH analysis for metastasis-related genes to identify individual colon cancers with metastatic potential.  相似文献   

We report here an efficient and rapid method for the specific detection of calcitonin in tumor C-cells of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC). This occasionally aggressive tumor arises from the endocrine thyroid C-cells. Its principal marker is calcitonin, the predominant C-cell secretion, which is detected in patients and in our animal model by radioimmunoassay of the plasma, as well as by immunohistochemistry of thyroid tissues. Although calcitonin is easily detectable in normal C-cells, its content is greatly reduced in tumor cells owing to the disappearance of the secretory granules that store the mature peptide. This finding suggests cell dedifferentiation correlated with an increasing aggressivity of the tumor. We therefore developed a rapid detection of calcitonin mRNA by in situ hybridization on routine paraffin sections, using a synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotide probe labeled with digoxigenin-dUTP. The reaction was detected with an anti-digoxigenin antibody conjugated with alkaline phosphatase, and the enzyme catalyzed the appearance of a dark blue color. The signal was exclusively restricted to the normal, hyperplastic, and tumor C-cells. It was specific, as increasing concentrations of the unlabeled oligonucleotide led to progressive disappearance of the reaction. Its sensitivity was slightly diminished as compared with corresponding frozen sections, but the intensity of the signal was quite acceptable. High levels of calcitonin mRNA were found in all normal and hyperplastic C-cells. They were increased in most of the tumor MTC cells, which did not correlate with the amount of intracellular peptide stores but explained the abnormally high basal levels of circulating calcitonin of the tumor-bearing rats. ISH is therefore of greater value than ICC for an early anatomopathological detection of this tumor. Our data show that the tumor cells are not "dedifferentiated." They only lack the granular compartment storing the mature peptide before exocytosis, but CT biosynthesis and the rest of the secretory process seem to be complete. Our results suggest that factors expressed in malignant C-cells affect basic cell mechanisms involved in the storage of the mature calcitonin, rather than the expression of the CALC gene.  相似文献   

X-linked ichthyosis results from steroid sulfatase (STS) deficiency; 90% of affected patients have a complete deletion of the entire 146 kb STS gene on the distal X chromosome short arm (Xp22.3). In these families prenatal diagnosis and carrier testing can be completed in 2 days by hybridizing simultaneously 2 different cosmid probes labeled with fluorescein or Texas red and counterstaining interphase nuclear DNA with DAPI. An STS gene probe labeled with Texas red hybridizes specifically to the steroid sulfatase gene on the X chromosome. A second flanking probe labeled with fluorescein hybridizes to both the normal Y chromosome and normal and STS deleted X chromosomes. In this fashion the interphase nuclei of normal males, affected males, normal females, and carrier females can be distinguished unambiguously. Because normal males and carrier females each show two yellow-green fluorescein spots and one Texas red STS spot, use of this test prenatally requires determining fetal sex independently with repetitive X and Y chromosome-specific probes. This procedure can be used with lymphocytes, direct and cultured chorionic villus cells, direct and cultured amniocytes, and fibroblasts. Similar methods are anticipated to be useful for rapid diagnostic assessment of other aneuploid gene disorders.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization (ISH) of somatostatin (SOM) mRNA was carried out on sections of rat brain using an alkaline phosphatase (AP) coupled oligonucleotide probe. Different hybridization and AP development conditions were tested for qualitative and quantitative detection of target mRNA on sections of unfixed tissue. Hybridization signal intensities after 24 h of hybridization were high. Comparison with adjacent formaldehyde-fixed tissue sections and hybridization for various lengths of time (2-42 h) indicated that in unfixed tissue retention of SOM mRNA was at least as high as after fixation, and that the mRNA was not degraded during hybridization. The use of tetranitroblue instead of nitroblue tetrazolium chloride in the AP detection medium provided a superior signal-to-noise ratio, and medium stability was improved for quantitative studies on unfixed sections by adding 10% polyvinyl alcohol at pH 8.5. Microphotometric measurements of mean optical densities (MOD) of the formazan reaction product in a defined area within individual neurons of the lateral central amygdaloid nucleus showed a linear increase over the first 23 h of AP reaction time. The mean MOD values per neuron were comparably high in various equally thick sections of the nucleus and increased with section thickness in a linear manner. The findings indicate that the ISH and detection reagents penetrate the entire section and that there is a linear relationship between the amount of AP reaction product measured and the amount of mRNA present in the measured area. Thus, ISH using an AP-coupled oligonucleotide on sections of unfixed tissue appears suitable for quantitative mRNA detection.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: At present quality of life has a significant place within health care and scientific research work. This interest is stimulated by the fact that people want to live, not just to survive. The problem of quality of life in persons whose lives could not be preserved, opens discussions concerning artificial subsistence of life, euthanasia etc. This is not a new topic. What is new is development of official ways to measure quality of life and their routine application. CONCEPT OF QUALITY OF LIFE: In general, quality of life can be defined as the level of well-being. It cannot be identified with health, but probably primarily with ability to conduct an economically and socially productive life. Quality of life refers to physical, psychological and social domains of health, being influenced by one's experience, beliefs, expectations and perceptions. There is no consensus concerning the concept of quality of life and according to the same authors it includes functional ability, level and quality of social interactions, physical welfare, somatic sensations and life satisfaction. Generally speaking concepts include numerous dimensions and possibilities occurring during life, to death itself (Table 1). Although objective dimension of health is important in assessment of patient's health, subjective estimation and expectations make, what is found to be an objective situation, experienced quality of life (Graph. 1). MEASURING QUALITY OF LIFE: The most difficult task is to present various segments of health into quantitative values. All data can be measured at nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio scales. The nominal scale uses numbers and other symbols in classification of characteristics. Categories cannot be classified according to volume and are mutually exclusive. Ordinal scales are used when measuring a limited number of categories classified according to quality. Interval scales measure an unlimited number of categories with equal intervals and they are without a real zero point. Ratio scales have all the characteristics of interval scales, but they have real zero points. CHOICE OF MEASURING INSTRUMENTS: There are different instruments to assess quality of life such as generic instruments, battery scales and modular instruments index methods and instruments. The measuring instruments should be reliable, valid, responsive and sensitive. QUALITY OF LIFE EVALUATION: Three design studies are most frequently used: cross-sectional or nonrandomized longitudinal studies, randomized studies of clinical interventions and cost-effective and cost benefit analyses.  相似文献   

Double fluorescent in situ hybridization to zebrafish embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In the cockroach Diploptera punctata, sequencing of the cDNA for the insect myoinhibitory neuropeptide, leucomyosuppressin (LMS), has demonstrated that LMS is the only Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-amide (NH2) (FMRFamide)-related peptide to be encoded by this gene (Donly et al. [1996] Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol. 26:627-637). However, in the present study, high performance liquid chromatography analysis of brain extracts showed six discrete FMRFamide-like immunoreactive fractions, one of which co-eluted with LMS. This study compared the distribution of FMRFamide-related peptides visualized by immunohistochemistry with LMS mRNA expression demonstrated by in situ hybridization in D. punctata. Immunohistochemistry with a polyclonal antiserum generated against FMRFamide, but which recognizes extended RFamide peptides, demonstrated numerous RFamide-like immunoreactive cells and processes in both nervous and nonnervous tissues. RFamide-like immunoreactivity was found in cells and processes of the brain and optic lobes, the stomatogastric nervous system, including the frontal and ingluvial ganglia, and the suboesophageal ganglion. Immunoreactivity was also present in all ganglia of the ventral nerve cord and in the alimentary canal. Within the alimentary canal, positively stained processes were found in the crop, midgut, and hindgut, and immunoreactive endocrinelike cells were located in the midgut. In situ hybridization with a digoxigenin-labeled RNA probe spanning the entire LMS coding region showed cell bodies containing LMS mRNA in all ganglia studied, other than the ingluvial ganglion. Expression was most abundant in the brain and optic lobes and in the frontal and suboesophageal ganglia. LMS mRNA was also apparent, although less intensely, in all other ganglia of the ventral nerve cord. Within the alimentary canal, LMS mRNA-positive cells were only visible in the anterior portion of the midgut, in the endocrinelike cells. The appearance of LMS mRNA in the central nervous system, stomatogastric nervous system, and midgut suggests that LMS may play a central role in Diploptera and may be associated with feeding and digestion.  相似文献   

Presenilin-1 (PS-1) gene mutations are responsible for the majority of the early onset familial forms of Alzheimer disease (AD). Neither PS-1's anatomic distribution in brain nor expression in AD have been reported. Using in situ hybridization in the rat forebrain, we show that PS-1 mRNA expression is primarily in cortical and hippocampal neurons, with less expression in subcortical structures, in a regional pattern similar to APP695. Excitotoxic lesions lead to loss of PS-1 signal. A neuronal pattern of expression of PS-1 mRNA was also observed in the human hippocampal formation. AD and control levels did not differ. PS-1 is expressed in brain areas vulnerable to AD changes more so than in areas spared in AD; however, PS-1 expression is not sufficient to mark vulnerable regions. Collectively, these data suggest that the neuropathogenic process consequent to PS-1 mutations begins in neuronal cell populations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Immunoreactive insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) has recently been localized to vascular smooth muscle cells in coronary atherectomy plaques, but it remains unclear whether these cells are the source of this growth factor. We therefore investigated the gene expression of this factor, and the expression of the genes for its receptor and two types of collagen known to be regulated by IGF-I, in vascular tissue samples from patients with atherosclerosis or restenosis. METHODS: Gene expression and localization were investigated by in situ hybridization, using 35S-labelled complementary RNA probes specific for IGF-I, its type a receptor, collagen I, and collagen III. The cellular composition of the tissue samples was determined by immunohistochemistry using antibodies specific for smooth muscle cells and macrophages. RESULTS: IGF-I and collagen I messenger RNAs were found in areas containing smooth muscle cells and macrophages, but collagen III and type 1 IGF receptor gene expression could not be detected in any tissue samples. CONCLUSION: IGF-I appears to be involved in the progression of the atherosclerotic plaque, even at an advanced stage, but preliminary data from two restenotic plaques indicate that it may not be involved in the later stages of restenosis.  相似文献   

The techniques of in situ hybridization (ISH) are widely applied for analyzing the genetic make-up and RNA expression patterns of individual cells. This review focusses on a number of advances made over the last 5 years in the fluorescence ISH (FISH) field, i.e., Fiber-FISH, Multi-colour chromosome painting, Comparative Genomic Hybridization, Tyramide Signal Amplification and FISH with Polypeptide Nucleic Acid and Padlock probes.  相似文献   

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