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In this study mixed convection heat transfer in a homogeneous porous duct of square cross section in a horizontal orientation is examined. Results from a generalized Forchheimer model are compared with that from the Darcy model. The heat transfer rate and the flow behavior depend on the following parameters: Grashof number, Gr = Q'gβKa/kv2, an axial flow pressure drop parameter, ζ = (aK/vμ)dp'/dz', an inertial parameter ξ = mK/a, appearing in the Forccheimer model and the Prandtl number, Pr = Cpμ/k. In the Darcy limit, ξ → 0, the role of the axial flow parameter, λ is reduced to a mere scale factor and the flow behavior is determined by a single parameter, λ = Gr · Pr. Both the Darcy and the Forchheimer models exhibit dual solutions and a hysteresis behavior over a certain range of Gr. Such parametric dependence can be used as an additional tool along with carefully designed experiments to determine the importance of inertial and Prandtl number effects on convective heat transfer in porous media.  相似文献   

The thermal entry region heat transfer due to turbulent forced convection of a Newtonian fluid inside a parallel-plate duct maintained at constant uniform temperature is solved analytically and the local Nusselt numbers are determined with a high degree of accuracy up to the region very close to the inlet. The calculated local Nusselt numbers are compared with those obtained from a recently proposed empirical correlation.  相似文献   

The nature of heat transfer in circulating fluidized beds (CFBs) by particle convection was revealed from the experimental results of the particle flux in the lateral direction. As particles contact and rebound from the heat transfer surface because of their lateral motion, they establish a large local temperature gradient. Heat from particles is then transferred primarily through the gas to the heat transfer surface. The data of the lateral particle flux provide a basis to establish a model of heat transfer in CFBs.  相似文献   

低熔点熔盐圆管内强迫对流换热   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
熔融盐具有使用温度高、热稳定性和传热性能好等优点,被认为是太阳能热发电系统中最有前途的传热、蓄热介质之一。通过搭建槽式太阳能熔盐集热传热实验台,进行了低熔点熔盐管内受迫对流换热实验,获得了不同熔盐流速下套管式熔盐-水传热单元的总传热系数;通过最小二乘法获得了低熔点熔盐管内充分发展紊流段对流换热Nusselt数随Reynolds数的变化曲线和实验关联式,并与经典关联式进行了对比,结果表明,实验数据和Dittus-Boelter方程、Colburn方程、Seider-Tate方程以及Gnielinski方程最大偏差分别为+23%、+13%、-10%和-20%,实验数据和经典公式符合较好。  相似文献   

蒸发器是一种根据热法脱盐原理,利用稠油热采地面系统废热驱动,实现污水脱盐软化,进而回用锅炉实现水资源循环利用的装置。但是,由于油田污水水质的特殊性,使得其极易在蒸发器表面发生结垢行为。通过对污水水质分析,得出其结垢类型主要为碳酸钙垢。建立了碳酸钙垢在强制对流传热和过冷流动沸腾情况下于换热表面结垢的传热传质模型,计算了污水在蒸发过程中析晶污垢形成的数量,得出了与实验数据符合较好的计算模型。对稠油污水在蒸发器中的结垢情况可以进行较好的预测,并对安全生产和设备高效利用有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

The article presents a mathematical model of drying that describes the kinetics of combined microwave‐convective drying for the process as a whole. Based on this model, the drying curves and the temperature evolutions of the drying body were constructed by a number of computer‐simulated drying programs, which were chosen to follow the respective experimental processes carried out on a cylindrical sample made of kaolin. The experimental data allowed both the estimate of material coefficients arising in the model and the validation of the theory. A very satisfactory correlation of the theoretical predictions with the experimental data is found. The main novelty of this article is the mathematically complete drying model that describes all periods of the microwave‐convective drying process. Application of such a complete model is necessary if we want to optimize drying processes with respect to drying time and consumption of energy via computer simulations. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2009  相似文献   

渐扩渐缩波纹通道内脉动流的传热强化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用曲线坐标系下压力与速度耦合的SIMPLER算法, 数值研究了周期性渐扩渐缩波纹通道内脉动流动与换热情况,流动Re数的范围为10~1000,Pr数为0.7.计算考察了不同Re数、脉动频率以及振幅对通道内强化传热和压力损失的影响.研究结果表明,稳态下Re数大于40以后,流动出现分离,Re数大于600以后,流动显得复杂和混乱;受入口脉动流的影响,通道内的旋涡发生周期性的脱落、增长和迁移,从而增强了流体之间的扰动和掺混,强化了传热;传热的强化效果随着流动Re数、脉动频率以及振幅的增大而增强;另外,流动阻力随着无量纲时间呈正弦规律变化,但与脉动频率无关.  相似文献   

从管内传热与流动的特点出发,基于热力学第一、第二定律和非平衡热力学理论,对壁面恒热流工况下,管内充分发展段对流换热的火用传递过程进行了研究,定义了对流换热传火用系数、火用流密度、传火用Nusselt数和对流换热火用传递方程,并导出相应的计算式;讨论了Reynolds数、量纲1热通量和不同截面位置等参数对对流换热火用传递过程的影响;最后将传火用和传热的结果进行了比较.  相似文献   

Steady-state and transient heat transfer coefficients were determined in coiled, stirred-tank systems with single-tank and two-tanks-in-series arrangements, using flat-blade turbine impellers and water. Flowrates, hot water temperature and agitator speed were varied for Re between 19,000 and 77,000 for the agitated side, covering the Re = 20,000–40,000 range for which published data are not available.  相似文献   

通过对间歇釜传热过程的分析,推导出间歇釜传热时间和传热面积的计算公式。附有说明计算方法的实例。  相似文献   

烧结床层的热质分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
刘斌  冯妍卉  姜泽毅  张欣欣 《化工学报》2012,63(5):1344-1353
基于烧结生产的复杂物理化学过程,建立了烧结床层传热、传质和流动的二维非稳态数学模型,考虑了孔隙率、物料颗粒当量直径等床层结构影响参数的变化,并对气固传热系数进行了修正。通过数值计算,获得了烧结床层的温度场、结构变化和烟气的流场、温度场、浓度场等。烟气出口温度、床层总压降与生产实测值吻合较好,验证了数学模型的正确性。进一步分析了燃料配比、风量和给料温度等操作参数对烧结过程的影响。研究结果表明:燃烧带的厚度、最高温度随着烧结过程的进行而逐渐增加。床层孔隙率、颗粒当量直径的变化主要发生在燃烧带的熔融、冷凝阶段。料层压损最大的是燃烧熔融层,其次是混合料带,最小的是烧结矿层。增加焦粉含量、提高烧结混合料的初温,有利于提高成矿质量;风量过大时,会造成成矿质量下降、生产成本提高。  相似文献   

纳米流体在芯片微通道中的流动与换热特性   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
吴信宇  吴慧英  屈健  郑平 《化工学报》2008,59(9):2181-2187
对去离子水及体积分数分别为0.15%和0.26%的水基γ-Al2O3纳米流体在当量直径为194.5 μm的硅基梯形芯片微通道内的层流流动和换热特性进行了实验研究。考察了Reynolds数、Prandtl数以及体积分数对流动换热的影响。结果发现,使用纳米流体后,压降无明显增加,纳米流体的流动阻力特性与去离子水基本相同;对流换热Nusselt数较去离子水有明显提高,且随着体积分数的增加而增加;相同泵功下换热热阻显著下降。实验还发现纳米流体的强化传热效果在较高温度时更加明显。根据实验数据得到了梯形硅微通道内低浓度纳米流体的层流对流换热关联式。研究结果对于集成高效芯片散热系统设计具有重要意义。  相似文献   

臧徐忠  石尔  傅俊萍  余涛 《化工进展》2019,38(12):5410-5419
磁性纳米流体在实现能量高效和可控传递领域极具发展潜力。本文综述了磁场作用下磁性纳米流体对流换热及沸腾换热的最新进展,主要包括强制对流换热、混合对流换热、自然对流换热、池沸腾换热及管内沸腾换热等方面的实验研究,分析了磁场类型、强度、梯度、频率、方向及磁铁位置等对磁性纳米流体流动和热传输特性的影响,指出可通过改变外加磁场来实现对磁性纳米流体流动和传热的控制,并探讨了磁性纳米流体流-磁耦合作用下的传热机理以及目前所面临的挑战。在此基础上,提出了未来磁场调控磁性纳米流体对流换热和沸腾换热的主要发展方向:制备稳定的磁性纳米流体,建立系统有效的流动和传热理论模型,并从微介观尺度诠释热-流-磁耦合协同换热机理。  相似文献   

强爱红  许春建  周明 《化学工程》2007,35(11):74-78
将纳米颗粒加入到传统换热介质中形成的纳米流体是一种新型的强化传热介质。它不仅具有较高的单相对流传热系数,而且分散稳定,不容易磨损和堵塞管道。文中综述了纳米流体在对流条件下强化传热的实验研究进展及强化传热模型,并对实验结果和强化传热的机理及模型进行了简要分析。发现:纳米流体强化对流传热的效果与颗粒和基液的属性等有关;强化传热主要是由于导热系数的增加和纳米颗粒的运动及重新分布引起的物性变化等影响。同时提出了纳米流体对流传热研究中存在及有待改进的一些问题。  相似文献   

设计了一种新型插入扰流元件管式换热器,并依据相关文献的模拟数据将其与波纹管、光管在不同流速下的管内壁面平均传热系数、换热量、平均Nusselt数以及摩擦阻力的变化特性进行了分析比较。结果表明:插入扰流元件换热管在强化换热能力的同时其压力损失也会很大,所以在实际应用过程中选取插入扰流元件换热管时一定要考虑其经济性;在泵功率消耗一定时,插入扰流元件换热管的热效率与波纹管的热效率很接近。但插入扰流元件换热管在制造工艺上具有加工方便、固定灵活等优点,比较适合对现有换热器的改造。所以,该种热管同样具有广泛的应用价值。  相似文献   

郭修智 《耐火材料》2012,46(1):59-61
介绍了利用MathCAD进行耐火内衬各个界面、外壁温度的计算,说明MathCAD是工程设计在选择耐火材料和耐火衬厚准确、快捷的工具。  相似文献   

多尺度特征对纳米多孔材料辐射特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
任登凤  宣益民  韩玉阁 《化工学报》2012,63(Z1):219-224
基于辐射等效介质理论,建立了纳米多孔材料的光学和辐射特性参数理论模型,计算了纳米多孔材料的有效热辐射特性参数。基于非灰体各向异性的Rosseland近似,建立了纳米多孔材料辐射换热模型,计算了纳米多孔材料的辐射热导率,分析了含不同遮光剂纳米多孔材料的辐射热导率与颗粒体积份额、颗粒平均直径的关系,揭示了纳米多孔材料内部辐射换热与多尺度结构特征和材料属性间的本构关系,为纳米多孔材料结构参数优化设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

酯化反应釜夹套的传热计算   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
马欣 《聚酯工业》2001,14(3):24-26
通过计算液相热媒夹套和气相热媒冷凝夹套的给热系数 ,进行定量的比较。指出应用气相热媒冷凝夹套的优点 ,并对它的设计进行了讨论  相似文献   

The influence of surface radiative transfer in parallel flow microheat exchanger is numerically studied for its importance at high temperatures and for small flow dimensions. For these heat exchangers, the role of radiation is beneficial when the convective heat transfer to the annulus flow exceeds the convective heat transfer from the core flow. For this case, radiation improves the heat exchanger performance by decreasing the logarithmic mean temperature difference and by increasing the capacity, effectiveness, and volumetric heat transfer coefficient. Additional surface area is made available for convection to the annulus flow, thereby increasing the specific heat transfer surface for fixed geometry. Therefore, a high emissivity layer over the surfaces of microheat exchanger can improve the heat exchange performance. The active heat transfer area weighted by the convective heat flow rates is introduced as the true measure of heat exchanger compactness. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2011  相似文献   

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