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Twenty issues of the Journal of Engineering Education from 1993 through 1997 were analyzed. The most common keywords used were teaching, design, and computers. An average of 10.4 percent of the articles require discipline specific knowledge for complete understanding. Approximately 60 percent of the articles included a teaching component, and most of these articles included an assessment. Only 13.4 percent of the articles used an educational theory. Women comprised 22 percent of all authors, but only 15.3 percent of authors who had a degree in engineering, computer science or engineering technology were women. The average number of usable references per article was 15.2. The mean number of times a source was cited is one. Only 20 sources were cited five or more times. Twenty-four authors or organizations were cited 10 or more times. Of the most-cited authors 48 percent do not have a degree in engineering, computer science or engineering technology. The keyword and citation analyses showed that the Journal has great breadth of both content and sources for references. The mean number of times articles published in the Journal during 1993 and 1994 were later cited in the Journal was zero. The content of the Journal has become more professional and the quality has improved in the five years studied.  相似文献   

The analysis of the Journal of Engineering Education (JEE) is extended to the ten year period from 1993 through 2002. The most common keywords remain teaching, computers and design although “assessment” and “ABET” became popular from 1998 to 2002. The most cited reference and author are ABET Criterion 2000 and Richard Felder, respectively. The median number of JEE citations of articles published in JEE during 1993 and 1994 is one. The number of papers with financial support increased by over 80 percent. NSF is the dominant source of support. Comparing the second five‐year period to the first five‐year period, there were increases in the percentages of papers reporting data, doing assessment, and using educational or learning theories. These results are consistent with a journal that is becoming more research oriented.  相似文献   

本科阶段加强学生工程意识培养重要而紧迫,分析了现代工程意识和能力培养的主要内容,以工程图学课程为切入点探究了课程教学内容与工程意识的密切联系,基于工程意识培养的可行方案,针对不同教学环节的培养方法进行创新设计,并配套设计了工程意识实验环节,使得教学手段更为立体、方法更为多样,为培养理论基础扎实的现代工程创新人才提供了有效途径。  相似文献   

现代包装工业发展迅速,亟需一大批高素质包装专业人才,但包装专业人才,特别是创新型人才,十分缺乏。江南大学包装工程专业在现代包装工程创新型人才培养方面进行了研究与实践,具体采取了以下措施:明确培养目标,拓展学科内涵;面向行业,调整培养方案及专业方向设置;理顺关系,打造良好学科生态;构筑平台,优化培养体系。  相似文献   

In addition to providing technical expertise in their respective fields, engineers are increasingly assuming leadership roles in academia, industry, government, and even non-profit organizations. We draw from lessons learned in our decade-long study of the National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center program to provide both a theoretical framework, the Organized Innovation Model for Education, and tangible recommendations to educators, engineering managers, and anyone else interested in developing highly skilled engineers who are also excellent leaders. The model addresses a long-lamented need for systematic ways to integrate leadership development into technical curriculum and skill-building programs.  相似文献   

This paper describes a course on technology‐based entrepreneurship. Brown University's Division of Engineering has created a two‐semester course sequence designed to introduce students to entrepreneurship through a unique merger of classroom learning and industry participation. The course is open to advanced undergraduates from all engineering disciplines, and emphasis is placed upon recruiting almost half of the student participants from outside of engineering in order to develop “team building” skills. Local “parent companies” provide seed ideas or concepts to student groups who use skills learned in the classroom (both in this course as well as other courses) to develop and refine the parent company's idea and turn it into a viable simulated spin‐off business or new start‐up. Managers from the parent companies serve in an evolving role over the two‐semester sequence beginning as a “board of directors” for the spin‐off and eventually evolving into a potential source of start‐up capital (or possibly a customer for the products of the company). The faculty carefully manage the student‐company interface. Deliverables at the end of the two‐semester sequence include a business plan and a prototype product.  相似文献   

Global competition has imposed severe competitive pressures on the nation's employers and drastically changed their management processes. These developments require equally drastic changes in the process of educating engineers. Schools that improve their graduates' preparation for today's engineering environment—through total quality management, continuous process improvement and other management methods—will continue to rank as vital national resources. Adoption of these methods, however, will require fundamental changes in the curricula, advisory boards and other pillars of traditional academe. Industry is prepared to help.  相似文献   

程辉  邱筱  刘炳建  孙煦  李洋 《包装工程》2022,43(12):339-347
目的 理清国内文创设计方法研究进展,为读者提供了解研究现状的机会,为研究者提供文创设计方法发展动向资讯。方法 文章整理了发表于《包装工程》的1100余篇文创产品设计文献,根据文献引文完善了文创产品设计研究的论文网络,通过泛读与精读相结合的方式,对文献中的文创设计方法进行了分类,依照文创设计的基本流程范式(即撷取文化符号特色、形成设计概念定位、展开文创产品设计),形成了国内文创产品设计方法研究综述。结论 文章向读者提供了快速认识文创产品设计方法研究流派、脉络及范式的机会,有助于读者了解当前文创产品设计方法研究中的不足与潜在机会,也有助于相关研究者树立研究目标、明确研究方向。  相似文献   

New methods for inspecting the rough surfaces of stock before being machined for actual heavy engineering products are proposed and implemented.  相似文献   

It can be difficult for new faculty to get the information they need on issues such as teaching, advising, and setting up a research program. While some have excellent mentors, others have come to rely on trial and error or word of mouth. In 1996, the NSF Engineering Education Scholars Workshop began at Carnegie Mellon University to address the needs of new and future engineering faculty by:
  • ? providing professional teaching development;
  • ? offering guidance in supervising graduate students and conducting research;
  • ? discussing likely engineering education and research challenges in the 21st century; and
  • ? providing intellectual and social support with colleagues.
After three years, a significant amount of knowledge and experience has been gathered by the workshop co‐chairs. This paper details the structure of the workshop and discusses the underlying principles and implementation to provide guidance for those planning similar workshops.  相似文献   

根据作者的咨询经验和所咨询企业的成功实践,本文提出了系统地解决生产组装型企业常见的生产计划冲突问题的方法.企业生产决策系统应贯彻供应链的管理思想,编制动态的可叠加的~虹啦,对整个流程(接受定单(或预测市场需求)——设计——下达生产(采购)计划——车间作业——总装——交会用户)进行优化,才能快速响应客户的需要,形成企业强大的按市场需求进行运营管理的能力。  相似文献   

This article describes the methods and results of research conducted using a survey of cooperative education directors to statistically test conclusions drawn from previously conducted studies. The perspective of employers of engineering cooperative education students is examined. Benefits to employers and problems experienced by employers that support engineering cooperative education are identified and analyzed for their statistical significance. The problems experienced by employers is a new perspective that has not previously been discussed by other cooperative education studies.  相似文献   

本文根据《中国科技期刊引证报告(核心版)》近几年的数据,从国际期刊评价指标出发,对国内材料类中文核心期刊进行了初步评价,并对《材料科学与工程学报》在材料类核心期刊中所处的地位进行了讨论。分析了国内材料类核心期刊以及《材料科学与工程学报》的有关数据,指出了《材料科学与工程学报》面临的问题及发展方向。  相似文献   

We investigated the use of concept maps to assess “knowledge integration,” by developing a rubric to “score” maps using two samples of students. In 2000, a sample of sophomore, junior and senior industrial engineering students was asked to develop concept maps of that field. This exercise was repeated in 2002 with seniors, half of whom participated as sophomores. The maps were scored using “traditional” counting metrics proposed by other researchers and with a holistic approach developed for the study. The holistic approach indicated that students improved as they matriculated through the program, and also enabled faculty to identify programmatic weaknesses. Although the “traditional” methods provided quantifiable information, closer examination questioned whether that information was representative of students' true conceptual understanding. Consequently, a scoring rubric was developed and tested using attributes of the holistic approach.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a statistical analysis of literature published in three journals important to OR-oriented Industrial Engineers. Over 1500 journal articles, technical notes, and letters to the editor published during the five-year period 1969-1973 were scanned for specific elements of information by which OR research and literature could be characterized. Some of the factors examined were (1) the theory/application emphasis, (2) author affiliation, (3) source of any research funding, and (4) time interval between submission and publication. This analysis reveals the IE role in OR research and publications, pointing out the applications orientation of IE-contributed literature.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a statistical analysis of literature published in three journals important to OR-oriented Industrial Engineers. Over 1500 journal articles, technical notes, and letters to the editor published during the five-year period 1969-1973 were scanned for specific elements of information by which OR research and literature could be characterized. Some of the factors examined were (1) the theory/application emphasis, (2) author affiliation, (3) source of any research funding, and (4) time interval between submission and publication. This analysis reveals the IE role in OR research and publications, pointing out the applications orientation of IE-contributed literature.  相似文献   

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