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The intensification of biomass utilization as a fuel and raw material is increasingly leading to conflicts about the use of biomass, particularly in relation to safeguarding an adequate food supply. Therefore it is important to primarily use those biomass resources which are not suitable for direct food supply as efficiently as possible. Against this background the sector‐specific amount and the current recycling of residues from the food, semi‐luxury food and biotech industry were evaluated. There is a fundamentally great utilization potential for these biogenic residues for energy and bioproduct‐related purposes but it also has to be taken into account that the main proportion of this biogenic residue fraction is currently used in the feedstuff sector.  相似文献   

Concepts for Groundwater Purification Contamination of water‐bearing strata is, in contrast to the contamination of surface waters, for most people not noticeable. However this does not lead, at least in Germany, to reduced awareness about the problem, as drinking water and groundwater are closely connected in the public’s mind. The cleanup of contaminated groundwater is generally aimed at a negligibly low or tolerable remaining risk for the subjects of the protection. The goals of the cleanup should always be considered in the light of the appropriateness of the time and effort involved and the environmental balance of cleanup measures. Otherwise there is the danger that technical environmental protection however well meant is directed against the environment, because the associated use of resources is greater than that for the protection or regeneration at which it is targeted. Different cleanup concepts are represented in the order of decreasing intensity of the technical measures.  相似文献   

During thermochemical conversion of biological material in a fluidized bed reactor the nutrients are remaining as dust in the product gas. Hot gas filtration represents a possibility to recover these minerals. The characteristics of this gas add up new technical tasks. The following article gives an account of long lasting experience of operation and optimization in a pilot plant.  相似文献   

Potentiality of Solid Regenerative Fuels and the Necessity of the Characterization of Combustion Processes Apart from coal, solid regenerative fuels will obtain increasing importance in overlapping fuel markets. The combustion process depends on the properties of the fuel and fuels can be characterized using standard analytical tests. These standard test methods are simplified and only valid for the specific fuel type. The transfer to other fuel types can not be made without further analytical tests. The development of new highly informative analytical methods is necessary to compare the different reactions of a combustion process by using fuels of different origin. A new analytical principle fulfils these demands. The main difference to common techniques is that it uses large fuel particles. This leads to a better statistical validation of the analytical results and information about the fragmentation behavior of large fuel particles can be gained. The definition of characteristic parameters enables the practical use of the analytical data.  相似文献   

VOC Adsorption Technology – State of the Art This review gives a general overview of the state of the art in VOC adsorption technology. An analysis of 247 plants built between 1986 and 2003 shows that only five combinations of desorption process and adsorber design are widely used in industry. Besides non‐regenerated fixed‐bed‐adsorbers these are PSA‐fixed‐bed‐, TSA‐fixed‐bed‐ (steam), TSA‐fixed‐bed‐ (purge gas) and TSA‐rotating‐disc‐adsorbers. Moving‐bed adsorbers can be found only in specific niches. In the second part of the article advantages as well as disadvantages of each technology are discussed based on typical examples from industry. These properties lead to specific limitations of each technology in industrial applications, which are visualized in a matrix plot.  相似文献   

Use of laser Raman processes in combustion engineering. The utility of various laser Raman processes is surveyed. The author presents a general consideration of applicability, focussing mainly on linear Raman scattering and the nonlinear CARS effect, and making fundamental observations on the measuring procedures and the possibilities they offer for local and time-based high-resolution acquisition of temperature and concentration data in combustion processed. Results are reported. The scope for obtaining not only pointwise but also linearly and fieldwise distributed information with high time-resolution is discussed.  相似文献   

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