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A great improvement in the high-speed characteristics for compressively strained multi-quantum-well (MQW) distributed-feedback (DFB) lasers with self-aligned constricted mesa structures is described. Negative wavelength detuning is an important factor in making possible the extraction of potential advantages for the compressively strained MQW DFB lasers. A 17-GHz bandwidth, which is the highest among the 1.5-μm MQW DFB lasers, is demonstrated. A wavelength chirp width of 0.42 nm at 10 Gb/s is obtained due to a reduced linewidth enhancement factor that has a magnitude of less than 2. Nonlinear damping K factor in a DFB laser with 45-nm negative detuning has drastically decreased to 0.13 ns, about half of that for unstrained MQW lasers. This is mainly due to an enhanced differential gain as large as 6.9×10 -12 m3/s. The estimated intrinsic maximum bandwidth is 68 GHz  相似文献   

A 1.3-μm continuous wave lasing operation is demonstrated, for the first time, in a GaInNAs quantum-well laser at room temperature. This lasing performance is achieved by increasing the nitrogen content (up to 1%) in GaInNAs quantum layer. It is thus confirmed that this type of laser is suitable for use as a light source for optical fiber communications  相似文献   

We have fabricated and analyzed strained GaInAs quantum-well diode lasers emitting at wavelengths above 2 μm, grown by metal-organic chemical vapor phase epitaxy on InP substrates. To study the effect of carrier confinement on laser performance, lasers grown with nearly lattice matched ternary GaInAs barriers and quaternary GaInAsP barriers were compared. The use of quaternary barriers improves the device performance in terms of output power, emission wavelength, characteristic temperature, differential quantum efficiency, and power efficiency. Internal losses and internal quantum efficiency remain unchanged. At a heat sink temperature of 330 K index guided diode lasers with GaInAsP-barriers emitting at 2.092 μm showed a continuous-wave (CW) output power of 42 mW/facet  相似文献   

Distributed-feedback emission from strained InGaAs-InGaAsP-InP quantum well lasers has been examined over a temperature range of 130 K to 300 K. Continuous single-mode output from 190 to 300 K with a side-mode-suppression ratio of about 10 dB was observed. The wavelength was 1.95 μm at 273 K and tuned at a rate of 0.13 nm/K. The current-tuning rate was 0.0043 nm/mA (-340 MHz/mA) at 273 and 283 K  相似文献   

Excellent lasing properties and temperature characteristic of a highly strained 1.17-μm GaInAs-GaAs double-quantum-well laser are reported. We show that a strained buffer layer, which is employed in the device, has no tradeoff on the device performance. For a 1500-μm-long laser with cleaved facets a threshold current density of 200 A/cm2 is achieved. A transparency current density of 180 A/cm2 is estimated for as cleaved devices. A record high characteristic temperature in this wavelength range of 150 K is achieved  相似文献   

We describe measurements of the threshold current Ith and spontaneous emission characteristics of InGaAs (P)-based 1.5-μm compressively strained multiple-quantum-well semiconductor lasers from 90 K to above room temperature. We show that below a break-point temperature, TB≈130 K, Ith and its temperature dependence are governed by the radiative current. Above this temperature, a thermally activated Auger recombination process becomes the dominant recombination mechanism responsible for both Ith and its temperature sensitivity. At room temperature nonradiative Auger recombination is found to account for approximately 80% of the threshold current in these devices  相似文献   

Strained InGaAsP multi-quantum-well (MQW) double-channel planar-buried-hetero (DC-PBH) laser diodes (LDs) were fabricated by selective metalorganic-vapor-phase epitaxy (MOVPE). In the laser fabrication process, both the strained MQW active layer and current blocking structure were directly formed by selective MOVPE without any semiconductor etching process. The LDs are called all-selective MOVPE-grown BH LDs. The laser fabrication process can achieve both a precisely controlled gain waveguide structure and an excellent current blocking configuration, realizing the optimized DC-PBH structure. These aspects are essential to the high-performance and low-cost LD, which is strongly demanded for optical access network systems or fiber-to-the-home networks. This paper will show the excellent high-temperature characteristics for 1.3-μm Fabry-Perot LDs which have a record threshold current of 18 mA with a low-operation current of 56 mA for 10 mW, and 74 mA for 15 mW at 100°C with extremely high uniformity. Furthermore, reliable long-term operation at high temperature (85°C) and high-output power of 15 mW has been demonstrated for the first time  相似文献   

A versatile, digital-alloy molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) technique is employed to grow lattice-matched and strained AlGaInAs multiple-quantum well (MQW) 1.58-μm laser diodes on InP. A threshold current density as low as 510 A/cm2 has been demonstrated for broad area lasers with 1% strained AlGaInAs MQWs, which is the best MBE result in this material system. A single facet pulsed power as high as 0.56 W is obtained. It is also found that the efficiency and internal loss of digital alloy AlGaInAs QW devices are comparable to lasers grown by conventional MBE  相似文献   

We have developed 1.3 μm n-type modulation-doped strained-layer quantum-well lasers. Modulation-doped lasers with long cavities (low threshold gain) exhibit much lower threshold current densities than conventional lasers with undoped barrier layers. The lowest threshold current density we obtained was 250 A/cm2 for 1500 μm long lasers with five quantum wells. The estimated threshold current density for an infinite cavity length was 38 A/m2/well. This is the lowest value for InGaAsP-InGaAsP and InGaAs-InGaAsP quantum well lasers to our knowledge  相似文献   

A multiquantum-well optical amplifier for 1.5-μm wavelength operation using alternating tensile and compressively strained wells in the active region is described. For each bias level measured, the polarization sensitivity of the amplifier gain is 1 dB or less averaged over the gain bandwidth. This amplifier is suitable for integration with other optical devices in photonic integrated circuits which require polarization-independent gain  相似文献   

Single-mode and high-power operation at temperatures up to 120°C has been achieved in 1.3-μm strained MQW gain-coupled DFB lasers. A stable lasing wavelength is maintained due to a large modal facet loss difference of the two Bragg modes, which is provided by the gain-coupling effect. A very low temperature dependence of the threshold current has been obtained by detuning the lasing wavelength to the long wavelength side of the material gain peak at room temperature, which effectively compensates the waveguide loss at higher temperatures. An infinite characteristic temperature To can be realized at certain ranges of temperature depending on the detuning value  相似文献   

We study the basic physical mechanisms determining the temperature dependence of the threshold current (Ith) of InP-based strained-layer (SL) quantum-well (QW) lasers emitting at a wavelength of 1.3 μm. We show that Ith exhibits a different temperature dependence above and below a critical temperature Tc. It is indicated that Tc is the maximum temperature below which the threshold gain exhibits a linear relationship with temperature. We demonstrate that below Tc the Auger recombination current dominates the temperature dependence of Ith. On the other hand, above Tc a significant increase in both the internal loss and radiative recombination current in the separate-confinement-heterostructure region, which is mainly due to electrostatic band-profile deformation, is found to play a major role in determining the temperature sensitivity of Ith. On the basis of the comparison between the theoretical analysis and the experimental results, we conclude that the temperature dependence of the threshold current in 1.3-μm InP-based SL-QW lasers is dominated by different mechanisms above and below Tc  相似文献   

In-plane polarization anisotropy of optical gain in compressively strained GaInAsP-InP quantum wire (Q-wire) lasers including elastic strain relaxation induced band mixing is studied. The interaction between two-dimensional (2-D) quantum confinement and elastic strain relaxation effects is found to be complex depending qualitatively also on the wire width. Additional valence band mixing due to strain relaxation has a strong influence on the polarization dependence of optical gain. In the absence of elastic strain relaxation, gain is the maximum for tranverse electric (TE) polarization with the electric field parallel to the wire axis (TE/sub /spl par//), in agreement with the existing theory. On the other hand, when strain relaxation is strong, contrary to the existing theory, valence band mixing causes the gain to be the maximum in TE polarization with the electric field normal to the wire axis (TE/sub /spl perp//). Moreover, Q-wire lasers without suppression of strain relaxation are more likely to exhibit ground-state lasing for TE/sub /spl perp// polarization. These results suggest that in the presence of strong strain relaxation, a laser cavity parallel to the wire axis would provide higher gain. Therefore, the appropriate orientation of the laser cavity in strained GaInAsP-InP Q-wire lasers should be decided after carefully studying the polarization dependence of gain. Our calculation also shows that strong strain relaxation causes in-plane polarization anisotropy to show complex, nonmonotonic dependence on the wire width. Consequently, in such structures, in-plane polarization anisotropy may not be regarded as a direct measure of 2-D confinement effects.  相似文献   

Experimental measurements of external differential efficiency on 0.7% compressively strained multiquantum-well (MQW) ridge waveguide lasers operating at 1.3 μm are presented. The lasers have the number of quantum wells (QW's) varying from 5 to 14 and cavity lengths ranging from 250 to 1000 μm and were measured over a temperature range of -50°C to 90°C. A phenomenological model is introduced which shows that over a range of design and operating conditions, the behavior of the external differential quantum efficiency can be entirely explained by intervalence band absorption (IVBA) It is also shown that outside this range IVBA alone is not sufficient to describe the behavior, indicating that current leakage becomes a significant factor. Ramifications of the IVBA contribution to the external differential quantum efficiency are investigated  相似文献   

1.3-μm AlGaInAs-AlGaInAs strained multiple-quantum-well (MQW) lasers with a p-AlInAs electron stopper layer have been fabricated. The electron stopper layer was inserted between the MQW and p-side separate confinement heterostructure (SCH) layers to suppress the electron overflow from the MQW to p-SCH. The characteristic temperatures of the threshold currents and slope efficiencies were improved in the lasers with the stopper layers, especially at higher temperatures. As a result, a maximum operating temperature of 155°C was achieved, which was 20°C higher than that without the stopper layer  相似文献   

In this paper, we studied the aging time dependence of the catastrophic optical damage (COD) failure of an Al-free uncoated 0.98-μm GaInAs-GaInP strained quantum-well laser with an injection current as a parameter. Based on the stress-strength model, we first investigated experimentally the dependence of the critical power level (CPL) at which COD would take place upon the aging time. Then applying a statistical treatment to this result, we found for the first time that CPL data at each aging time could be considered to distribute according to the Weibull statistics, and the decrease rate of the CPL with the aging time depended very strongly on the injection current. Finally, using the relationship between the decrease rate of the CPL with the aging time and the current, we predicted roughly the time of a COD failure occurrence for both large and small current cases. As a result, we clarified that for our Al-free uncoated 0.98-μm laser, a COD failure became a fatal problem in the case of a large-current (high-power) operation  相似文献   

Compressively strained 1.3-μm GaInAsP/InP multiple-quantum-well (MQW) ridge waveguide lasers were fabricated. Through optimizing the total well thickness, large bandwidth over 11 GHz was achieved, together with high quantum efficiency of about 0.48 W/A and high power output of 60 mW before rollover. The laser also showed less temperature sensitivity up to an elevated temperature of 85°C  相似文献   

This paper presents a guideline for designing an optimum low-threshold 1.55-μm graded-index (GRIN) separate confinement-heterostructure (SCH) strained InGaAsP single quantum-well (SQW) laser diode (LD). The guideline was formulated based on the results of numerical and experimental analysis. After calculating the sheet carrier density at the lasing threshold, the guideline was obtained by considering the tradeoff between carrier and optical confinements in the well: the GRIN layer energy gap should be varied parabolically from InP to InGaAsP having a band gap wavelength of 1.1 μm to inject a large number of carriers into the well, and the thickness of one side of the GRIN layer should be more than 300 nm to keep a strong optical confinement. The GRIN SQW LD designed using the guideline has a Jth as low as 98 A/cm2 at a cavity length of 5 mm, which proves the guideline is effective for designing low-threshold 1.55-μm GRIN SQW LDs  相似文献   

Room temperature continuous-wave operation of 2-μm single-mode InGaSb-AlGaAsSb distributed-feedback (DFB) lasers has been realized. The laser structure has been grown by solid source molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Single-mode DFB emission is obtained by first-order Cr-Bragg gratings on both sides of the laser ridge. For a cavity with 900 μm length and 4 μm width, the threshold currents are around 20 mA and the continuous-wave output power is 10 mW at a drive current of 200 mA at 20°C. Monomode emission with sidemode suppression ratios of 31 dB has been obtained  相似文献   

We have investigated the hole distribution in strained InGaAsP multiple-quantum-well (MQW) structures by direct hole transport measurements with time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy. The results show that the hole transport time over the MQW primarily depends on the hole confinement energy in the wells and increases sharply with the well depth. A simple thermionic emission model indicates that the heavy holes escape predominantly over the light-hole barrier edge for strain-compensated MQW structures. The results are corroborated with observed laser performance data  相似文献   

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