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魏朋  陈珺  王志国  刘飞 《化工学报》2022,73(7):3099-3108
在保证产品纯度的情况下,提出一种带额外色谱柱的双部分丢弃策略以提高模拟移动床的产率。通过将工艺点选取在纯提取产品和非纯提余产品区域以增大进料流量,并将由此导致的含较多杂质的提余产品暂时丢弃。丢弃的提余产品作为循环进料通入到一个额外色谱柱中以进一步分离,部分不能达到指定纯度的额外产品被永久丢弃。在模拟移动床和额外色谱柱处分别收集到的产品组成总产品。分析了工艺点的选取、提余产品的积分纯度阈值和额外产品的积分纯度阈值对总产品性能参数的影响。研究结果表明,所提策略能够以较高的回收率利用原料,且能够显著提高分离过程的产率,其分离效果优于传统的模拟移动床工艺和部分丢弃策略。  相似文献   

魏朋  陈珺  王志国  刘飞 《化工学报》1951,73(7):3099-3108
在保证产品纯度的情况下,提出一种带额外色谱柱的双部分丢弃策略以提高模拟移动床的产率。通过将工艺点选取在纯提取产品和非纯提余产品区域以增大进料流量,并将由此导致的含较多杂质的提余产品暂时丢弃。丢弃的提余产品作为循环进料通入到一个额外色谱柱中以进一步分离,部分不能达到指定纯度的额外产品被永久丢弃。在模拟移动床和额外色谱柱处分别收集到的产品组成总产品。分析了工艺点的选取、提余产品的积分纯度阈值和额外产品的积分纯度阈值对总产品性能参数的影响。研究结果表明,所提策略能够以较高的回收率利用原料,且能够显著提高分离过程的产率,其分离效果优于传统的模拟移动床工艺和部分丢弃策略。  相似文献   

模拟移动床色谱技术是一种高效的现代化分离技术。该技术具有分离能力强、设备体积小、投资成本低、环境污染少、便于实现自动控制等优点,特别有利于分离热敏性物质及难分离的物系,近年来,越来越受到工业界和研究者的关注,研究不断深人,应用领域也不断扩大。对模拟移动床色谱技术在石化、食品、制药三大领域的应用研究进展进行了详细的介绍,以期为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

模拟移动床技术进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王德华  王辉国 《化工进展》2004,23(6):609-614,640
综述了近年来模拟移动床技术多方面的进展。模拟移动床吸附分离已由石油化工领域逐步扩展到精细化工尤其是制药行业。模拟移动床模型和设计方法的研究更趋深入。模拟移动床反应器将反应和分离结合在一起,可以大大提高过程的效率,虽未进入实用但潜力很大。  相似文献   

赵宝健 《江苏化工》1999,27(4):30-32
采用多柱串联连续吸附流程,利用模拟移动床从混合二甲苯中分离间二甲苯。讨论了进料组成、吸附比、置换比、脱附比、温度、压力等因素对产品纯度的影响,产品质量分数达99.5%以上。  相似文献   

模拟移动床色谱(SMBC)是一种高效的分离手段,而SMBC模型的驻波设计(Standing Wave Design,SWD)针对目前广泛应用的低压分离系统,已经日益受到重视。对该设计的原理,在分离行为的研究及分离操作参数确定等方面的研究进展作了介绍,并报道了该模型设计在当前生化分离与手性拆分中的应用。  相似文献   

模拟移动床吸附分离间二甲苯   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用多柱串联连续吸附流程,利用模拟移动床从混合二甲苯中分离间二甲苯。讨论了进料组成、吸附比、置换比、脱附比、温度、压力等因素对产品纯度的影响,产品质量分数达99.5%以上  相似文献   

A rate model, which considers axial dispersion, external mass transfer, intraparticle diffusion and nonlinear isotherms, and ports periodic switching is adopted to simulate the simulated moving bed (SMB) process. The effects of flow rate in Sections 2 and 3 and switching time on the operating performance parameters: purity, recovery, productivity and dcsorbent consumption are studied. A simulation approach is applied to simulate the operation and performance of the SMB. The model predicts the performance of the transient and cyclic steady state behavior to a reasonably good extent, and provides guidance operation condition of the SMB process.  相似文献   

模拟移动床色谱分离替考拉宁条件研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
探讨了用模拟移动床色谱分离提纯替考拉宁的可行性 ,且优化出最佳分离条件为 ts=1 0min,υF=0 .0 8m L/min,υp=1 .5 m L/min,υD=0 .8m L/min,CF=8mg/m L。  相似文献   

模拟移动床技术在中药有效成分分离中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
林炳昌 《精细化工》2005,22(2):110-112
模拟移动床色谱(simulatedmovingbedchromatography)或简称模拟移动床(SMB)是连续色谱的一种,是模拟移动床技术和色谱技术的结合,是以模拟移动床的运转方式来实现色谱的连续分离。该文主要从模拟移动床的发展、结构、原理及其特点、难点和该项技术在中药有效成分分离中的应用等几个方面做一介绍。引用文献20篇。  相似文献   

A simulated moving bed (SMB) technology was applied to the separation of homoharringtonine (HHT) and harringtonine (HT), which were known to have the potentiality of being used as anti‐cancer agents. First, a series of pulse injection experiments were performed for estimation of the adsorption isotherm and mass‐transfer parameters of HHT and HT. The estimated parameters were utilised in the SMB optimisation tool based on the standing wave design method. From the optimisation tool prepared, the SMB operating parameters (zone flow rates and step time) that led to the highest throughput were obtained under the constraints of product purities (=99.0%) and pressure drop (≤1000 psi). Such an optimisation work was then extended to determine an optimal size of the adsorbent particle for the SMB of interest. The results showed that a particle size of 29 µm was the optimal one for maximising the SMB throughput under the conditions that the column configuration was 2–2–2–2 and the length of each column was 25 cm. If the SMB had the particle size other than 29 µm, its throughput was limited by either the maximum operating pressure or the mass‐transfer efficiency. Finally, an efficient procedure of removing a mobile‐phase additive (ammonium formate) from the product stream of the aforementioned SMB system was developed using a liquid–liquid extraction (LLE) technique. From the results of this study, it was confirmed that the SMB process coupled with a LLE procedure could be highly effective in separating HHT and HT with high throughout and high purity.  相似文献   

A systematic algorithm for simulated moving bed (SMB) chromatography process development that utilizes dynamic optimization, transient experimental data, and parameter estimation to arrive at optimal operating conditions is described. These operating conditions ensure both high purity constraints and optimal productivity are satisfied. This algorithm proceeds until the SMB process is optimized without manual tuning. In a case study, it has been shown with a linear isotherm system that the optimal operating conditions can be reached in only two changes of operating conditions following the proposed algorithm. Another case study with a linear isotherm system has shown that the algorithm is robust to optimize the SMB even if there is significant model mismatch at first. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 736–746, 2013  相似文献   

以C18为固定相、甲醇/水=70/30(体积比)为流动相,利用三区带模拟移动床分离了两种生物碱,吴茱萸碱和吴茱萸次碱。通过前沿分析法测定了两种生物碱的吸附等温线,在实验浓度范围内符合线性吸附等温线,吴茱萸碱和吴茱萸次碱的亨利系数分别为3.11和5.25。利用经验公式估算了轴向扩散系数和有效传质系数。分别利用三角形理论和基于模型的优化方法对三区带模拟移动床的操作条件进行设计,在优化的条件下,最大进料流量为0.55 ml?min-1,两种产品纯度均大于99%。通过异步切换策略,在不增加设备投资及保证产品纯度大于99%的前提下,将进料流量提高至0.62 ml?min-1。  相似文献   

The binaphthol enantiomers separation process using simulation moving bed technology is simulated with the true moving bed approach (TMB). In order to systematically optimize the process with multiple productive objectives, this article develops a variant of tissue P system (TPS). Inspired by general tissue P systems, the special TPS has a tissue-like structure with several membranes. The key rules of each membrane are the communication rule and mutation rule. These characteristics contribute to the diversity of the population, the conquest of the multimodal of objective function, and the convergence of algorithm. The results of comparison with a popular algorithm——the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm 2(NSGA-2) illustrate that the new algorithm has satisfactory performance. Using the algorithm, this study maximizes synchronously several conflicting objectives, purities of different products, and productivity.  相似文献   

The size fractionation of magnetic nanoparticles is a technical problem, which until today can only be solved with great effort. Nevertheless, there is an important demand for nanoparticles with sharp size distributions, for example for medical technology or sensor technology. Using magnetic chromatography, we show a promising method for fractionation of magnetic nanoparticles with respect to their size and/or magnetic properties. This was achieved by passing magnetic nanoparticles through a packed bed of fine steel spheres with which they interact magnetically because single domain ferro-/ferrimagnetic nanoparticles show a spontaneous magnetization. Since the strength of this interaction is related to particle size, the principle is suitable for size fractionation. This concept was transferred into a continuous process in this work using a so-called simulated moving bed chromatography. Applying a suspension of magnetic nanoparticles within a size range from 20 to 120 nm, the process showed a separation sharpness of up to 0.52 with recovery rates of 100%. The continuous feed stream of magnetic nanoparticles could be fractionated with a space-time-yield of up to 5 mg/(L∙min). Due to the easy scalability of continuous chromatography, the process is a promising approach for the efficient fractionation of industrially relevant amounts of magnetic nanoparticles.  相似文献   

Carrousel型模拟移动床在红霉素提取中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为将模拟移动床技术推广到红霉素提取中,采取了以下步骤:首先通过固定床的吸附穿透和洗脱实验,确定树脂的基本吸附和洗脱参数;其次结合移动床设备指标,确定移动床循环工艺和运行参数;最终利用30柱Carrousel型模拟移动床,使用Amberlite XAD-16大孔吸附树脂,从实际的工业红霉素发酵液中提取红霉素。在树脂体积仅为2 700 mL,循环时间405 min,进料流速125 mL/min,进料液效价大约2 700 U/mL时,可连续提取得到效价高于45 000 U/mL的红霉素产品,同时产品收率在98%以上。该系统操作方便,运行成本低,环保压力轻,经计算其工业规模设备可替代红霉素提取工艺中的传统固定床系统。  相似文献   

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