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<正>“每每踏上旅途,他便得以更客观地审视自己的生活。他总能在旅途中保持清醒,并做出平时无法做出的决断。”——保罗·鲍尔斯,《遮蔽的天空》"Whenever he was en route from one place to another,he was able to look at his life with a little more objectivity than usual.It was often on trips that he thought most clearly,and made the decisions that he could not reach when he was stationary."-Paul Bowles,The Sheltering Sky  相似文献   

Graves and Le CorbusierMichael Graves graviated towards Le Corbusier as a person. He probobly found greatsimilarities in Corbusier:the early-shown talent in painting, and a strong-willed motherwho shaped their future.Both had an elder brother who seemed to meet the expectations of the family better than each of them did at their early age. In Graves case, itwas his mother's request to choose a profession where he could use his talent in drawing. He was given two choices:engineer and architect. It was when his mother described "engineer" that he decided to be an architect(1).f  相似文献   

<正>A crow lived in the forest and was absolutely satisfied with his life.But one day he saw a swan2."This swan is so white,"he thought,"and I am so black.This swan must be the happiest bird in the world."一只乌鸦住在森林里,对生活相当满意。但是有一天,他看到了一只天鹅。"天鹅真洁白。"乌鸦想,"我却是一身黑。天鹅肯定是世界上最快乐的鸟儿。"He told his thoughts to the swan."Actually,"the swan replied,"I was feeling that I was the  相似文献   

<正>Hans Christian Andersen was the most famous writer in Denmark.His stories have attracted many young readers around the world and many of his works are still popular today.汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生是丹麦最著名的作家,他的童话故事吸引了世界上许多小读者,他的许多作品至今仍脍炙人口。Hans Christian Andersen was born in Odense,Denmark in 1805.His family was poor and he had a hard childhood.His father was a poor shoe-maker and his mother washed clothes for others for a living.  相似文献   

<正>One day in 1965,when I was a librarian at View Ridge School in Seattle,a fourthgrade teacher came up to me.She had a student who finished his work before all the others and needed a challenge."Could he help in the library?"she asked.I said,"Send him along."1965年,我在西雅图维尤里奇学校当图书馆员时,一天,一个四年级老师来找到我说,她有个学生总是最先完成功课,他需要做点对他有挑战性的工作。"他可以来图书馆帮帮忙吗?"她问。"带他来吧!"我说。  相似文献   

<正>Andrew lay shivering in his bed. The sky was alive with booming sounds and brilliant flashes just outside his window.安德鲁颤抖着躺在床上。天空中传来轰隆声,耀眼的闪电就在他的窗外。Fifteen minutes ago he asked,"Mom, will the storm last long?"十五分钟前,他问道:"妈妈,风暴会持续很久吗?"  相似文献   

<正>The time period of 1879 to 1900 is known as the Edison age as those were the years when Edison made most of his important inventions.1879年到1900年被认为是"爱迪生时代",因为那是爱迪生完成大部分重要发明的年代。Wonders by a Mother母亲的奇迹Edison had only 3 months of formal public education.Thereafter he was homeschooled by his mother who also taught him reading,arithmetic1and writing.She often read to him the great works of writers such as,Shakespeare,Edward Gibbon and Charles Dickens.爱迪生只受过三个月的正规公立教育,  相似文献   

<正>每个人都希望上帝能在自己人生低潮的时候帮助自己。在生活中,每个人都有自己的上帝,而且他们有一个共同的名字叫"父母"。One night a man had a dream.He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the God.Across the sky flashed1scenes from his life.Each scene,he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand;one belonging to him and the other to the God.一天夜里,有个人做了一个梦,他梦见自己在和上帝沿着沙滩漫步。他一生的经历在天空一幕幕地闪现出来。他注意到在每一幕中沙滩上都出现两排脚印;一排是他的,另一排是  相似文献   

<正>John Sullivan has based the story of his picture book, Kitten and the Night Watchman, on real events from his life. This sweet narrative follows a kind night watchman who waves goodbye to his family as the sun sets and heads to a construction site to work alone under deep blue skies. But he has a friend at the work site—a small homeless kitten to whom he carefully tends~1.约翰·沙利文的图书《小猫和守夜人》中的故事,基于他生活中的真实事件。这个甜蜜的  相似文献   

<正>Doctor Rabbit lived in the very biggest tree in the Big Green Woods. He looked after all the other rabbits when they were ill and he doctored quite a number of the other little creatures of the Big Woods too, when they did not feel well. He was so jolly and cheerful, always trying so hard to help others, that he had a great many friends.兔子医生住在绿色大森林里最大的那颗树上。当其它兔子生病时,它照看它们;  相似文献   

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