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张丽  于华伟 《核技术》2016,(3):44-49
为研究D-D源密度测量过程中俘获γ计数对密度测量的影响,本文首先分析D-D源密度测量的原理,其次研究D-D源与地层反应产生的γ射线类型,并采用蒙特卡罗模拟方法对比分析了D-D源和D-T源密度测量过程中次生γ强度高低。结果表明,D-D源密度测量过程中次生γ以俘获γ为主;尽管D-D源的中子产额远低于D-T源,但在源距大于50 cm后低孔隙地层中D-D源俘获γ计数高于D-T源非弹γ计数;此外,高孔隙地层中D-D源俘获γ计数也可以通过调整源距大小满足密度测量的要求。因此,使用D-D源测量的次生γ计数能够满足密度测量的统计精度要求。  相似文献   

可控源替代同位素中子源进行中子孔隙度测井是核测井发展的必然趋势。为了提高可控D-D源中子孔隙度测井的可行性及测量精度,本文对D-D源中子孔隙度测井中泥质影响进行分析。首先利用蒙特卡罗模拟,对比分析三种源(241Am-Be源、D-T源、D-D源)中子孔隙度测井过程中泥页岩响应;然后通过改变D-D源中子孔隙度测井中近、远源距位置,优选出D-D源的源距组合,重点分析通过改变源距的方式弱化泥页岩的影响。研究表明:D-D源和241Am-Be源的泥页岩响应规律比较接近,当D-D源的源距设计相比于241Am-Be源更近即采用25~45 cm的源距组合时,D-D源中子孔隙度测井中泥页岩影响与241Am-Be源接近程度最高。虽然源距组合的改变不能使D-D源与241Am-Be源的泥页岩响应完全一致或者彻底消除泥质影响,但这种较高程度趋近为D-D源中子孔隙度测井中泥页岩校正提供了思路,也为今后测井仪器中放射源的可兼容替代有一定的应用意义。  相似文献   

开展了90°伴随粒子法D-D中子产额测量中的修正因子理论计算方法研究,基于MATLAB软件平台,开发了用于修正因子计算的计算机程序.计算给出了厚靶条件下,入射氘能量在20-700 keV范围,90°伴随粒子法D-D中子产额测量各向异性修正因子Rthick、中子和质子产额比(Yd,n/Yd,p)thick及总修正因子RY,并与早先的研究结果进行了对比,分析了计算结果的不确定度,总修正因子计算数据的不确定度约为2%.  相似文献   

To investigate the applicability of the pulsed neutron source method using a pulsed spallation neutron source for an on-line subcriticality monitoring system of an accelerator-driven system, a subcritical experiment is conducted using the Kyoto University Critical Assembly in combination with the fixed-field alternating gradient accelerator. Reactivity values obtained from different traditional techniques, the area-ratio method and the α-fitting method, are discussed with respect to the applicability to on-line subcriticality monitoring. The results show that the area-ratio method robustly and accurately monitors subcriticality in shallow subcritical states with negative reactivity of up to a few dollars; however, this method faces problems with temporal fluctuations, spatial dispersion, and sensitivity to the proton-beam current with increasing depth of subcriticality. On the other hand, it is shown that the α-fitting method alleviates such problems in deep subcritical states. Moreover, a proposed fitting technique using the maximum-likelihood estimation method based on the Poisson distribution is robust enough to be applicable to on-line subcriticality monitoring for negative reactivity levels of up to roughly nine dollars.  相似文献   

The count-loss effect in determination of neutron decay constant by pulsed neutron source method was investigated. It was found that overestimation of neutron decay constant due to count-loss effect is seen while underestimation appears superiorly as the intensity of pulsed neutron source is getting higher. It was further demonstrated that the well-known count-loss correction procedures are not effective for overestimation although they suppress underestimation. Therefore, the pulsed neutron source method should be modified so as to have robustness against the count-loss effect.  相似文献   

即将建成的中国散裂中子源(China Spallation Neutron Source,CSNS)反角白光中子束线可为核数据测量提供高注量率的脉冲白光中子束流,填补我国核数据测量用白光中子源的空白,提高我国核数据测量水平,满足核能、核技术及基础核物理研究对核数据的需求。该束线建成后,其中子能谱及注量率的精确测量将是开展其它物理实验的基础,快裂变电离室因其独特优点被选为中子能谱和注量率测量探测器。通过实验研究了快裂变电离室的粒子分辨性能、时间分辨性能;确定阴、阳极的合理间距为10 mm,据此测得电离室的时间分辨约15 ns;利用235U样品量计算的探测效率与利用伴随粒子法给出的探测效率在不确定度范围内符合,因此可以标定快裂变室的探测效率。通过这些工作,完成了满足反角白光中子束能谱及注量率测量需求的快裂变室的物理设计。  相似文献   

It was pointed out in the previous paper that the neutron decay constant determined by the pulsed neutron source method that employs the neutron detection system operated in the pulse mode is expected to be biased owing to the count-loss effect even when the intensity of pulsed neutron source is not high. To avoid this difficulty, by paying attention to the current mode that is inherently free from the count-loss process, the pulsed neutron source method with neutron detection system operated in the current mode was proposed. Using this method, not only the neutron decay constant but also the absolute value of subcriticality are obtained when a proper time constant of neutron detection system is selected.  相似文献   

~(115)In是一种重要的活化材料,准确测量它的中子非弹性散射截面数据对中子注量监测具有重要意义。在四川大学原子核科学技术研究所2.5 MV静电质子加速器上,利用核反应D(d,n)~3He产生的单能中子,以~(197)Au作为标准,采用活化法测量了2.95 Me V、3.94 Me V、5.24 Me V能点的~(115)In中子非弹性散射截面。用Monte Carlo程序MCNPX(Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended)对靶头材料、冷却水层和样品的包层材料等引起的多次散射效应及注量率衰减效应等进行了修正计算,得到最终结果与Loevestam的计算值符合较好,并且实验中可通过减小靶管、靶底衬、水层及样品的包层材料等厚度来减小多次散射效应和自屏蔽效应的影响。  相似文献   


To estimate the subcriticality in dollar units for an arbitrary state-change, the time-domain decomposition-based integral method (TDDI) is proposed using the point kinetics theory based on the fundamental mode approximation. In a general transient subcritical system, reactivity, neutron source intensity, and point kinetics parameters can vary simultaneously. Furthermore, the state-change may not necessarily be a stepwise change. For such a transient, the TDDI method can estimate the subcriticality after the transient using only the time variation of the neutron count rate. Therefore, the proposed method is useful to approximately estimate the subcriticality in a system where a detailed core configuration is unknown. To investigate the applicability of the TDDI method, transient experiments with simultaneous reactivity and source changes or to two successive safety rods dropping were performed at the Kindai University Training and Research Reactor (UTR-KINKI). By comparing with reference values using excess reactivity and control rod worth, it was validated that the subcriticality values obtained by the TDDI method better agree with the reference values than the previous integral method.  相似文献   

Recently, Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources (CANSs) are attracting attention. In CANSs, a simple thermal neutron moderator such as polyethylene is often used from the viewpoints of cost, simplicity and maintainability. In most cases, the temperature of such a moderator has not been controlled although it is natural that the moderator temperature and the neutron spectrum will change with accelerator-operation. Thus, we simultaneously measured neutron spectra and the temperature of a polyethylene moderator at the Hokkaido University Neutron Source (HUNS) driven by a compact electron accelerator to observe the effect of any temperature change on the reliability of spectroscopic transmission measurement. The ratio of the neutron effective temperature and the moderator temperature was constant in HUNS case, although both increased by 4–5 K within one hour after the start of accelerator-operation. This indicated that the neutron effective temperature was well estimated by the moderator temperature. The effect of the temperature change can be easily avoided by excluding data collection before the moderator warms up. These results suggested that the monitoring of moderator temperature is recommended in compact electron accelerator-driven neutron sources with a thermal neutron moderator to guarantee reliability of spectroscopic transmission measurement without sacrifices of cost, simplicity and maintainability.  相似文献   

散裂中子源靶站和中子散射谱仪的概念设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文介绍了可应用于多学科应用的散裂中子源(CSNS)靶站和中子散射谱仪概念设计的进展。CSNS靶站将由重水冷却多片钨靶,铍/铁反射体和铁/重混凝土生物屏蔽体组成。采用三个WING型慢化器:水(室温),液体甲烷(100K)和液体氢(20K),设有18个水平中子孔道。MonteCarlo模拟显示优化的靶截面高宽比为1:2.5左右。额定的100kW核功率的质子束轰击后,慢化器处钨靶溢出的脉冲中子通量约为2.4×1016cm?2·s?1。有限元方法计算表明,钨靶体内的总发热量是47kJ/s。即使使用截面较小的钨靶,在通常的水冷速率下,靶体温度也仅略高于90°C。靶体的热应力形变最大不超过0.2mm。根据经济实用原则选择建造粉末衍射仪、小角散射仪、反射仪及直接几何非弹性散射仪等四类有代表性的中子散射谱仪,就能覆盖>80%的中子散射研究领域。  相似文献   

微焦点X辐射密度解析成像方法及非线性校正   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出了一种利用不同能量的X射线束所获得的图像来实现分离物体内部不同密度成像图像的方法。从本质上对这种算法进行了探讨,证明了这种算法的可行性;讨论了产生误差的原因,给出了对误差进行非线性校正的数学模型;并以两种成分的图像分离为例进行了实验,给出了实验结果。  相似文献   

Advances in high-current linear-accelerator technology since the design of the Fusion Materials Irradiation Test (FMIT) Facility have increased the attractiveness of a deuteriumlithium neutron source for fusion materials and technology testing. This paper discusses the conceptual design of such a source that is aimed at meeting the near-term requirements of a high-flux high-energy International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF). The concept employs multiple accelerator modules providing deuteron beams to two liquid-lithium jet targets oriented at right angles. This beam/target geometry provides much larger test volumes than can be attained with a single beam and target and produces significant regions of low neutron-flux gradient. A preliminary beam-dynamics design has been obtained for a 250-mA reference accelerator module. Neutron-flux levels and irradiation volumes were calculated for a neutron source incorporating two such modules, and interaction of the beam with the lithium jet was studied using a thermal-hydraulic computer simulation. Approximate cost estimates are provided for a range of beam currents and a possible facility staging sequence is suggested.This work was supported by Los Alamos National Laboratory Program Development Funds under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy.Supported in part by an appointment to the U.S. DOE Fusion Energy Postdoctoral Research Program administered by Oak Ridge Associated Universities.  相似文献   

The dense Z-pinch (DZP) is one of the earliest and simplest plasma heating and confinement schemes. Recent experimental advances based on plasma initiation from hair-like (10s m in radius) solid hydrogen filaments have so far not encountered the usually devastating MHD instabilities that plagued early DZP experimenters. These encouraging results along with the debut of a number of proof-of principle, high-current (1–2 MA in 10–100 ns) experiments have prompted consideration of the DZP as a pulsed source of DT fusion neutrons of sufficient strength (S N 1019 n/s) to provide uncollided neutron fluxes in excess ofI w = 5–10 MW/m2 over test volumes of 10–30 liters or greater. While this neutron source would be pulsed (100s ns pulse widths, 10–100 Hz pulse rate), giving flux time compressions in the range 105–106, its simplicity, near-term feasibility, low cost, high-Q operation, and relevance to fusion systems thatmay provide a pulsed commercial end-product, e.g., inertial confinement or the DZP itself, together create the impetus for preliminary consideration as a neutron source for fusion nuclear technology and materials testings. The results of a preliminary parametric systems study (focusing primarily on physics issues), conceptual design, and cost vs. performance analyses are presented. The DZP promises an inexpensive and efficient means to provide pulsed DT neutrons at an average rate in excess of 1019 n/s, with neutron currents Iw10 MW/m2 over volumes Vexp 30 liter using single-pulse technologies that differ little from those being used in present-day experiments.Work supported by U.S. DOE.  相似文献   

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