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<正>John and Bobby joined a wholesale company together just after graduation from college the same year.Both worked very hard.After several years,however,the boss promoted1Bobby to the position2of manager but John remained an ordinary employee3.John could not take it any more,tendered4his resignation5to the boss and complained the boss did not know how to delegate6and did not value hard-working staff,but only promoted those who flattered7him.约翰和博比同年大学毕业后,被同一家批发公司录用。他们二人工作都很努力。然而,几  相似文献   

<正>Doctor Rabbit lived in the very biggest tree in the Big Green Woods. He looked after all the other rabbits when they were ill and he doctored quite a number of the other little creatures of the Big Woods too, when they did not feel well. He was so jolly and cheerful, always trying so hard to help others, that he had a great many friends.兔子医生住在绿色大森林里最大的那颗树上。当其它兔子生病时,它照看它们;  相似文献   

<正>In a forest, there lived a lion. He had grown old slowly and could not run fast anymore. As days went by, it became more and more difficult for him to hunt~1.在一片森林里面,住着一头狮子.它慢慢地变老,再也跑不快了.时间一天天过去,捕猎对于它来说越来越困难.  相似文献   

<正>1.One day,Hans is going to give a talk.He looks for his materials in his study.一天,汉斯要去做个演讲,在书房里寻找资料。2.He is worrying about the title when his son Roby runs into the study and asks him to play with him.他正在为演讲题目烦恼时,儿子罗比跑进书房,闹着要跟他玩。  相似文献   

<正>每个人都希望上帝能在自己人生低潮的时候帮助自己。在生活中,每个人都有自己的上帝,而且他们有一个共同的名字叫"父母"。One night a man had a dream.He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the God.Across the sky flashed1scenes from his life.Each scene,he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand;one belonging to him and the other to the God.一天夜里,有个人做了一个梦,他梦见自己在和上帝沿着沙滩漫步。他一生的经历在天空一幕幕地闪现出来。他注意到在每一幕中沙滩上都出现两排脚印;一排是他的,另一排是  相似文献   

<正>A rat looked through a crack~1 in the wall and saw the farmer and his wife opening a package.What food might it contain?He was shocked to discover that it was a rat trap.Returning to the farmyard,the rat warned,"There is a rat trap in the house,a rat trap in the house!"一只老鼠透过墙缝看到农夫和他的妻子打开了一个包裹。里面会是什么食物呢?老鼠心  相似文献   

Real estate industry is the product ofcommodity economy,It became one of themain component parts of national economyin many countries and regions around theworld long time ago and the profits from thereal estate industry has been one importantsource for national income.For many rea-sons,the real estate industry in our countryhas not been known to its people for over 30years.Now the issue has been brought forth  相似文献   

When Malthus published his famous essay on the Principle of Population in 1798,what concerned him was primarily the relation between population growth and food production in line with the law of supply and demand.He recognized the statement that"population must always be kept down to the level of the means of subsistence,"but inquired into the means by which this leveling of population is achieved.He justified the necessity of checks on population.  相似文献   

1 "Mountain Habitat" and the "Reclusive and Noble Mountain Habitat" It is interesting to recollect human's behavior on residence that our ancestor struggled with inclement mountain environment seeking for a more peaceful and convenient resident condition but meanwhile the instinct of regressing mountain was aroused from that moment.  相似文献   

UN-Habitat is embarking on an exciting programme to implement an often-overlooked part of its mandate-to promote city tourism around the world. The idea is that visitors to famous and not so famous towns and cities see how other people live, especially the poorest of the poor so that they can benefit from tourism as a source of income and enable them to meet their shelter needs. The Istanbul Declaration and Habitat Agenda gives UN-Habitat a mandate that takes in not just cities and towns per se, but the peri-urban zones that skirt them, and urban-rural linkages that can be of considerable benefit to countries proud to draw on the development potentials of tourism. Well-managed tourism can certainly help strengthen the positive links between urban and rural areas. This article gives some examples of traditional and newly developed tourism.  相似文献   

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