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无腺棉籽仁经低温直接溶剂浸出,真空水蒸汽脱溶法制得了食用棉籽蛋白粉。并得到优质棉籽油。对产品进行了成分分析。  相似文献   

介绍了一次浸出法制备无腺体棉籽蛋白粉的试验结果 ,优化后得到的工艺条件为 :温度 5 0℃ ,料液比 1∶6 ,水分 7% ,时间 12 0min。试验结果为 :残油率 0 93% ,残留溶剂 17 6× 10 -6,粗蛋白含量 6 2 2 5 % (比大豆蛋白粉高 10 % )。产品的氨基酸齐全平衡 ,具有较高的营养价值 ,完全可作为食用蛋白粉  相似文献   

通过时无腺体棉籽蛋白进行化学改性,使棉籽蛋白的功能特性得到了较大的改善,特别表现在持水性、持油性、乳化性及乳化稳定性、凝胶组织等方面。  相似文献   

Ground beef with or without 3% added glandless cottonseed flour (GCF) was over-wrapped with polyvinyl chloride film and displayed up to 6 days in a retail case. Aerobic plate counts were slightly higher (P < 0.05) for ground beef with GCF at day 0, with no difference (P > 0.05) found at days 3 and 6. At day 6, a combination of Pseudomonas and heterofermentative Lactobacillus spp. made up a major part of the microflora of ground beef without GCF whereas heterofermentative Lactobacillus spp. constituted a dominant part of the microflora of ground beef with GCF. Discoloration and lipid oxidation in ground beef during display were markedly reduced by addition of 3% GCF.  相似文献   

Light colored protein isolates could be produced from aqueous protein extract (at pH 9.0) of defatted cottonseed flour by filtering through an ultrafiltration membrane with 100,000 MWCO (molecular weight cut off) pore size and then spray-drying the retentate. The yield of this protein fraction was approximately 68% of the extracted solid. About 15% of the extracted solid was recovered with the low molecular fraction (50,000 daltons) when the permeate of 100,000 MWCO was applied to 50,000 MWCO membrane. Most of the color-causing pigments were associated with the low molecular fraction.  相似文献   

本项研究建立了低酚棉籽蛋白乳化容量的测定模型,并探讨了蛋白酶水解作用对两类低酚棉籽蛋白的影响。在10,000r/min的高度搅拌下,向低酚棉籽蛋白的食盐溶液中不断添加油脂,所形成的乳浊液的导电率逐渐下降并最终突跃降至零。在观察到导电率突跃降至零时立即停止加油。按照此方法对不同量的蛋白质分别测定其耗油量,发现耗油量与蛋白质量的线性相关,回归系数的值即为低酚棉籽蛋白质的乳化容量。可溶于水的低酚棉籽非贮存蛋白经酶水解后乳化容量呈下降趋势。随着水解程度的提高,不溶于水的低酚棉籽贮存蛋白在水中的溶解度显著增加,溶出的蛋白质的乳化容量先下降而后又趋上升。  相似文献   

In sequentially extracting proteins from defatted glandless cottonseed flour with water, salt (5% NaCl) and alkali (0.2% NaOH) solutions, high concentrations of yellow pigments resulted in watersoluble isolate (WSI), while much of the dark-brown pigments and phosphorus were found in alkali-soluble isolate (ASI) and small amounts of pigments in salt-soluble isolate (SSI). The major protein fractions of WSI and SSI contained small amounts of sugar and pigments and no phosphorus, while that of ASI contained high levels of bound sugar, dark-brown pigments and phosphorus. Yellow pigments were preferentially bound to small molecular weight proteins, but dark-brown pigments were bound to large protein molecules.  相似文献   

无腺体棉籽蛋白产品的研制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
研究了各种无腺体棉籽蛋白产品的制备,并借助计算机对部分蛋白制备工艺进行了优化;通过成分及氨基酸分析证明,棉籽蛋白同样可以用于食用目的。  相似文献   

Salt (NaCl) was added to raw ground beef at levels of 0, 0.5, 1, 2 or 3% of the weight of the meat and defatted glandless cottonseed flour (GCF) was added at 0 or 3% levels. Patties were made with these mixes and stored for 3 or 6 days at 4°C or for 30 or 60 days at –20°C. Lipid oxidation (TBA values) in samples stored at 4° and –20°C and discoloration in samples stored at 4°C were determined. In samples made with salt only, TBA values within each storage period for each storage temperature increased with increasing salt levels up to 2%; increasing salt from 2 to 3% decreased TBA values. GCF markedly reduced TBA values at each salt level. Discoloration of samples stored at 4°C was also decreased by GCF.  相似文献   

Pork shoulders were restructured into nuggets with 0.5% NaCl, 0.25% polyphosphate and 3.0% water or with the three additives plus 1.5% defatted glandless cottonseed flour (GCF). Restructured nuggets were batter-breaded with either commercial coating ingredients or commercial ingredients plus GCF. The coated nuggets were prefried in vegetable oil and stored at 4°C for 0 or 9 days before reheating when needed. Thiobarbituric acid values and sensory warmed-over flavor scores of products showed that oxidative flavor deterioration in batter-breaded pork nuggets can be minimized by incorporating GCF into either the meat or the coating system. The GCF additions did not have adverse effects on coating pick-up and palatability.  相似文献   

通过对“乙醇一己烷混合溶剂浸出工艺”生产的棉仁蛋白粉化学成份分析表明,棉仁蛋白粉是一种高蛋白(50.2%)、低纤维(5.0%)、低毒性(388ppmFG)的蛋白质原料,富含Phe(3.1%)、Arg(6.1%)、Met+Cys(2.1%),Lys为第一限制性氨基酸,ALys(有效赖氨酸)仅为总Lys的70%,棉仁蛋白粉低Ca(0.17%)、高P(1.04%)、低Mn(15ppm),富含Fe(264ppm)、Zn(89ppm)、Cu(30ppm)。采用Sibbald法评定其生物学价值。TAA表观消化率为75%,CP、TAA真消化率为80%、82%,TME、AME分别为11.88MJ/Kg、9.27MJ/kg。可见,CKPF的生物学价值较高。  相似文献   

棉籽储存的特性主要表现在散落性、导热性、透气性,抗压性.脱绒后的光棉籽,部分籽粒破碎,籽仁裸露在外.吸湿性增强,湿热不易扩散,不耐高温,杂质增多,棉籽易受虫害和发热霉变.  相似文献   

依据GB15193.1~15193.21—2003《食品安全性毒理学评价程序和方法》对棉仁蛋白进行安全性毒理学研究。结果表明,雌、雄大鼠的急性经口毒性试验(MTD)均大于10g/kgBW,属实际无毒物,相当于约人体推荐量的200倍;小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核试验、小鼠精子畸形试验(受试物剂量分别为2.5、5.0、10.0g/kgBW),Ames试验(受试物分别为0.032、0.16、0.8、4.0、20.0mg/皿)结果均为阴性,无致突变作用;90d喂养试验各剂量组雄性大鼠每日实际摄入样品量分别相当于2.33、4.74、8.73g/kgBW,雌性大鼠每日实际摄入样品量分别相当于2.79、5.65、10.09g/kgBW。各剂量组大鼠生长情况良好,各剂量组大鼠各周体重均高于对照组,差异大都无统计学意义;主要脏器绝对重量、脏体比、血常规检查、生化检查均在正常值范围内;高剂量组肝、脾、肾、胃、十二指肠、睾丸、卵巢与对照组比较均未见与受试物作用有关的组织病理学改变;传统致畸试验对胎鼠未见致畸作用。  相似文献   

This study indicates that defatted glandless cottonseed flour (GCF) 01 sunflower seed protein isolate (SI) incorporated in the batter/breading system can impart their antioxidant effect to the meat of fried beef patties. Coarsely ground lean beef patties were coated consecutively with dry ingredient (wheat flour for control and 1:1 mixture of wheat flour-GCF or wheat flour-SI for experimental samples), batter made of 1 part of dry ingredient and 2 parts of water, and finally dry ingredient. Ground beef and dry ingredients each contained 1% salt. Use of GCF or SI in the coating mixes greatly reduced the thiobarbituric acid values of the meat when the coated patties were fried and stored at 4°C for 5 days.  相似文献   

Succinylated cottonseed protein isolates (40% and 54% modification of amino groups of control isolate) were prepared under pilot scale processing conditions. Partial succinylation of cottonseed flour increased the yield of protein isolate in isoelectric precipitation (pH 4.5). The succinylated isolates were more water soluble, less heat-coagulable in water, and lighter in color as compared to conventional isolates. They also showed improved functional properties including higher oil absorption, emulsion capacity, gel strength, water hydration, water retention, and viscosity. Bulk density was decreased and resulted in fluffy isolates.  相似文献   

面粉厂小麦储藏技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小麦是我国主要粮食之一,年产量仅次于稻谷。小麦能制作出多种多样的食品,深受人们喜爱,我国小麦口粮消费占小麦消费总量的95%以上。新收获的小麦经过一段时间储藏后,其种用品质、食用品质和工艺品质都会得到改善。小麦具有较好的耐储性,是一种重要的储备粮。  相似文献   

Soy hull flour (SHF) was added to a soy protein solution (100 mg/.50 mL D.W.) to determine the effects of the SHF on the characteristics of the soy protein emulsion. A greater amount of oil was emulsified in the presence of SHF at pHs above 4.5. The amount of oil emulsified increased sharply with addition of up to 5g SHF. Emulsion capacity of total protein in the system decreased with addition of SHF. Viscosity increased drastically at alkaline pH at constant level of SHF. Stability increased slowly up to 5g addition then decreased rapidly. Stability was improved with the inclusion of SHF at pHs above 4.5.  相似文献   

Defatted flours and protein concentrates and isolates produced from glandless cottonseed, peanut, and soybean were used in rehydrated state (1:2 dry material/water) to replace 10% of the meat in ground beef patties. Fat content of both all-beef and extended patties was adjusted to 20%. Patties were baked on racks to varying final internal temperatures. Extended patties were compared with all-beef patties for rancidity development, cooking properties, and sensory quality. All the oilseed protein ingredients retarded oxidative rancidity development in cooked refrigerated patties, with the highest antioxidant potential shown by the cottonseed protein ingredients. Extended patties had higher cooked yields than all-beef patties, contamed less fat, and were not significantly different from all-beef patties in sensory quality.  相似文献   

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