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图像质量评价是近几年图像处理领域比较热门的研究课题。目前,许多学者已经提出了各种各样的无参考质量评价方法。对无参考方法进行综述,详细介绍BIQI,BLIINDS-Ⅱ,BRISQUE,DESIQUE,DIIVINE,NIQE,SSEQ等无参考质量评价方法,并在LIVE和TID2008数据库上进行实验分析,最后根据分析的结果探讨图像质量评价的发展方向。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the resolution properties of those algorithms where a filtering step is applied after every iteration. As concrete examples we take filtered preconditioned gradient descent algorithms for the Poisson log likelihood for PET emission data. For nonlinear estimators, resolution can be characterized in terms of the linearized local impulse response (LLIR). We provide analytic approximations for the LLIR for the class of algorithms mentioned above. Our expressions clearly show that when interiteration filtering (with linear filters) is used, the resolution properties are, in most cases, spatially varying, object dependent and asymmetric. These nonuniformities are solely due to the interaction between the filtering step and the Poisson noise model. This situation is similar to penalized likelihood reconstructions as studied previously in the literature. In contrast, nonregularized and postfiltered maximum-likelihood expectation maximization (MLEM) produce images with nearly "perfect" uniform resolution when convergence is reached. We use the analytic expressions for the LLIR to propose three different approaches to obtain nearly object independent and uniform resolution. Two of them are based on calculating filter coefficients on a pixel basis, whereas the third one chooses an appropriate preconditioner. These three approaches are tested on simulated data for the filtered MLEM algorithm or the filtered separable paraboloidal surrogates algorithm. The evaluation confirms that images obtained using our proposed regularization methods have nearly object independent and uniform resolution.  相似文献   

基于图像相关性和结构信息的无参考图像质量评价   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
分析了非下采样Contourlet变换(NSCT)方向子带亲 戚系数 间和父子系数间的强相关性及其包含的结构信息,并基于图像发生失真会 影响这些系数间的强相关性和结构信息的假设,提出了一种新的无参考图像质量评价(NR-I QA)方法。首先,分别计算 NSCT方向子带亲戚系数间和父子系数间的互信息(MI),以此作为描述这些系数 间相关性的统计特征;其次, 分别计算NSCT方向子带亲戚系数间和父子系数间的结构相似度(SSIM),以此作为描述 图像结构信息的统计特征; 进而,结合这些系数间的MI和SSIM等统计特征,构造了相应的NR-I QA模型和图像 失真类型识别模型;最后,在LIVE及LIVE Multiply Distorted图像质量评价数据库上进行 了大量的实验仿 真。结果表明,本文评价模型的评价结果与人类主观评价具有非常高的相关性,LIVE图 像质量评价数据 库上的斯皮尔曼等级相关系数和皮尔逊线性相关系数均在0.931以上 。无论总体评价效果还是各失真类型 评价效果,与当今主流评价算法相比非常具有竞争性;而且,失真类型识别模型的识别精度 可以达到92.31%,明显高于这些主流算法。  相似文献   

基于亮度均值减损对比归一化(MSCN) 系数统计特性及其8方 向邻域系数间的相关性,提出了一种通用无参考图像质量评价方法.首先,分别利用非 对称广义高斯分布(AGGD)模型拟合MSCN系数及其8方 向邻域系数,并估计 相应AGGD 模型参数作为亮度统计特征;其次,计算8方向邻域MSCN系数间的互信息(MI),作为描述方向相 关性的统计特征;进而,分别利用支持向量回归机(SVR)和支 持向量分类机(SVC)构建无参考图像质量评价模型和图像失真类型识别模型; 最后, 在LIVE 等图像质量 评价数据库上进行了算法与DMOS的相关性、失真类型识别、模型 鲁棒性及计算复杂性等方面的实验。实 验结果表明,本文方法的评价结果与人类主观评价具有高度的一致性,在LIVE图像质量评 价数据库上的斯 皮尔曼等级相关系数(SROCC)和皮尔逊线性相关系数 (PLCC)均在0.945以上;而且,图像失真 类型识别模型的识别准确率也高达到92.95%,明显高于 当今主流无参考图像质量评价方法。  相似文献   

针对显示器图像颜色复现问题,提出了一种基于图像质量评价和图像分割-融合策略的色域映射算法。详细分析了各类色域映射算法的特点并选取4种算法作为基本色域映射算法。提出了一种色域映射图像质量评价算法,并选用SLIC超像素算法对源图像分割。使用基本色域映射算法对源图像进行映射处理,并计算每个分块内各映射图像与源图像的相似度。根据每个图像分块的相似度,对基本色域映射图像进行选择综合处理并融合成最终图像。最后以LED显示屏和LCD显示器为例,对本文提出的算法和其他基本色域映射算法进行主观评价对比实验。实验结果证明本文算法在图像颜色保真效果上要明显优于其他算法,但是在计算速度上仍有待优化。  相似文献   

人眼的视觉显著性能够影响图像质量评价,结合平面显著性和中央偏移因子,提出基于视觉显著性的立体图像质量评价算法(VS-SSIM);同时考虑中央偏移因子的影响,提出基于中央偏移的结构相似度算法(CB-SSIM)。实验结果表明,中央偏移因子和视觉显著性均能提高立体图像质量评价算法;相比CB-SSIM,VS-SSIM算法与主观评价结果的相关性更高。  相似文献   

This letter proposes a new kind of image quality philosophy Modulate Quality based on Fixation Points (MQFP) based on Human Visual System (HVS) model. Dissimilar to the former HVS-based quality assessment, the new measure emphasizes particularly on modeling the jumping phenomenon of human sight instead of modeling the visual perception of human.In other words, to model the HVS using fixation points and stay-frequency instead of Contrast Sensitive Function (CSF) etc. which models the visual perception of HVS. The experiment on various frequency-distortion images indicates that the new measure is correlated with the subjective judgment more than the former HVS-based measure and is a robust measure.  相似文献   

No-reference assessment of blur and noise impacts on image quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The quality of images may be severely degraded in various situations such as imaging during motion, sensing through a diffusive medium, and low signal to noise. Often in such cases, the ideal un-degraded image is not available (no reference exists). This paper overviews past methods that dealt with no-reference (NR) image quality assessment, and then proposes a new NR method for the identification of image distortions and quantification of their impacts on image quality. The proposed method considers both noise and blur distortion types that may exist in the image. The same methodology employed in the spatial frequency domain is used to evaluate both distortion impacts on image quality, while noise power is further independently estimated in the spatial domain. Specific distortions addressed here include additive white noise, Gaussian blur and de-focus blur. Estimation results are compared to the true distortion quantities, over a set of 75 different images.  相似文献   

Image quality assessment (IQA) is an indispensable technique in computer vision and pattern recognition Existing deep IQA methods have achieved remarkable performance. As far as we know, these deep learning-based IQA algorithms lack an adaptive features extraction mechanism toward input images with varying sizes and the stability in avoiding disturbance from data noises and model deviation. To solve these problems, we propose a non-reference IQA method by designing a novel unsupervised deep clustering framework, where a 13-layer network structure is proposed that upgrades the fully-connected layers to produce high-level features with adaptive sizes. Moreover, we add a contracted regular term with a contracted autoencoder into the clustering loss function to form a quality model reflecting the clustering structure. Compared to the other IQA algorithms, our model with simple structure exhibits more stable and robust performance by the initial configuration of network parameters during end-to-end training. The experimental results on the LIVE and CSIP databases have shown that our method not only performs better than the state-of-the-art IQA algorithms, but also has a simpler structure and better adaptability.  相似文献   

The aim of research on the no-reference image quality assessment problem is to design models that can predict the quality of distorted images consistently with human visual perception. Due to the little prior knowledge of the images, it is still a difficult problem. This paper proposes a computational algorithm based on hybrid model to automatically extract vision perception features from raw image patches. Convolutional neural network (CNN) and support vector regression (SVR) are combined for this purpose. In the hybrid model, the CNN is trained as an efficient feature extractor, and the SVR performs as the regression operator. Extensive experiments demonstrate very competitive quality prediction performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

We describe a generic methodology for evaluating the labeling performance of feature detectors. We describe a method for generating a test set and apply the methodology to the performance assessment of the three well-known corner detectors of L. Kitchen and A. Rosenfeld (1982), of K. Paler et al. (1984), and of C. Harris and M. Stephens (1988). The labeling deficiencies of each of these detectors is related to their discrimination ability between corners and various of the features which comprise the class of noncorners.  相似文献   

We develop an efficient general-purpose no-reference (NR) image quality assessment (IQA) model that utilizes local spatial and spectral entropy features on distorted images. Using a 2-stage framework of distortion classification followed by quality assessment, we utilize a support vector machine (SVM) to train an image distortion and quality prediction engine. The resulting algorithm, dubbed Spatial–Spectral Entropy-based Quality (SSEQ) index, is capable of assessing the quality of a distorted image across multiple distortion categories. We explain the entropy features used and their relevance to perception and thoroughly evaluate the algorithm on the LIVE IQA database. We find that SSEQ matches well with human subjective opinions of image quality, and is statistically superior to the full-reference (FR) IQA algorithm SSIM and several top-performing NR IQA methods: BIQI, DIIVINE, and BLIINDS-II. SSEQ has a considerably low complexity. We also tested SSEQ on the TID2008 database to ascertain whether it has performance that is database independent.  相似文献   

Real-time spatial referencing is an important alternative to tracking for designing spatially aware ophthalmic instrumentation for procedures such as laser photocoagulation and perimetry. It requires independent, fast registration of each image frame from a digital video stream (1024 x 1024 pixels) to a spatial map of the retina. Recently, we have introduced a spatial referencing algorithm that works in three primary steps: 1) tracing the retinal vasculature to extract image feature (landmarks); 2) invariant indexing to generate hypothesized landmark correspondences and initial transformations; and 3) alignment and verification steps to robustly estimate a 12-parameter quadratic spatial transformation between the image frame and the map. The goal of this paper is to introduce techniques to minimize the amount of computation for successful spatial referencing. The fundamental driving idea is to make feature extraction subservient to registration and, therefore, only produce the information needed for verified, accurate transformations. To this end, the image is analyzed along one-dimensional, vertical and horizontal grid lines to produce a regular sampling of the vasculature, needed for step 3) and to initiate step 1). Tracing of the vascular is then prioritized hierarchically to quickly extract landmarks and groups (constellations) of landmarks for indexing. Finally, the tracing and spatial referencing computations are integrated so that landmark constellations found by tracing are tested immediately. The resulting implementation is an order-of-magnitude faster with the same success rate. The average total computation time is 31.2 ms per image on a 2.2-GHz Pentium Xeon processor.  相似文献   

为确保识别的准确性,提出一种改进的虹膜图像质量评价算法。根据图像总体清晰度和可见度的粗评估,可以快速而有效地剔除质量较差的图像,并利用虹膜纹理清晰度和可见度精评估来量化评价指标。实验结果表明,该方法可准确地判断虹膜图像的质量,提高系统的工作效率,其评价结果和人眼主观评价相吻合,具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

郭迎春  于洋  师硕  于明 《光电子.激光》2016,27(11):1228-1237
提出一种融合显著图(SM)和保真图(FM)的全参考图 像质量 评价算法,用于评价质降图像的失真度。利用亮度和色度的相似度提取质降图像相对于 参考图像的FM;对参考图像进行区域划分、全局显著性提取和纹理边缘补充得到SM,将SM与 质降图像的FM融合得到基 于感知的显著保真图(PSM),计算质降图像的客观评价得分。在标准数据库上的实验结果表 明,本文方法与主观评价能够很好保持一致,并对LIVE图像库中的5种失真图像均有很好的 表现。  相似文献   

立体图像质量评价是评价立体视频系统性能的有 效途径,而如何利用人类视觉特性对立体图像质量 进行有效评价是目前的研究难点。本文提出了一种基于视差空间图(DSI) 的立体图像质量客观评价方法。首先, 分别构造原始立体图像和失真立体图像的DSI图;然后,通过三维离散余弦变换(3D-DCT)提取出反映图像质量 和深度感知的特征信息,并采用主成分分析(PCA)进行特征降维,形成立体图像特征信息; 最后,通过支持向量 回归(SVR)建立立体图像特征与主观评价值的关系,从而预测得到立体图像质量的客观评价 值。实验表明, 对于对称立体图像库,Pearson线性相关系数(PLCC)和Spe arman等级相关系数(SROCC)值均达到0.94以上;对于非 对称立体图像库,PLCC和SROCC值分别达到0.94以上。结果表明,本文方法能够很好地预测人眼对立体图像的主观感 知。  相似文献   

基于图像质量评价参数的FDST域图像融合   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了提升多源图像融合精度,提出了一种基于图像 质量评价参数的有限离散剪切波变换(FDST)域图像自适应融合方法。利用FDST对源图像进行 多尺度、多方向分解,低频子带图像采用结构相似度与空间频率两种图像评价参数作为系数 权值,高频子带图像应用区域空间频率取大的融合策略。应用有限离散剪切波逆变换(FDSIT )重 构图像。采用多组多源图像进行融合实验,并对融合结果进行了客观评价。实验结果表明, 本文提出的融合方法在主观和客观评价上均优于其他多尺度融合方法,具有更好的融合效果 。  相似文献   

图像拼接质量评价方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在现有图像质量评价方法相关原理基础上,提出了一种基于图像边缘信息的拼接质量评价新方法。该方法针对图像拼接结果的特点,先对待评价图像进行边缘提取,然后利用拼接前后图像的边缘轮廓信息,综合图像像素误差信息和结构信息,根据其均值和方差等统计信息与影响图像拼接质量的主要因素(拼接错位和亮度突变)之间的关系,对拼接图像进行评价。该评价方法得出的评价结果更加符合人眼视觉对图像拼接质量的主观评价感受,较准确地反映了拼接图像的真实质量和所使用图像拼接算法的性能。  相似文献   

目前互联网应用与多媒体通信已成为信息世界的主流,数字图像在获取、压缩编码、存储或传输过程中存在不同程度的退化而影响视觉效果,因此图像质量的评价具有重要的理论和实际意义.梳理了目前国内外图像质量评价的最新研究成果,并对其进行归类、分析、研究与评述.在此基础上,提出图像质量评价的发展方向与研究展望.  相似文献   

Image quality assessment algorithms aim to evaluate the perceptual quality of an image by assigning an evaluation score. By comparing the scores, the perceptual similarity or difference between two images can be assessed. In this paper, we present a new full-reference image quality metric method which was developed by combining Sobel magnitude and chrominance information in the YIQ color space. But differing from existing methods, our model incorporates color intensity adaptation to extract and enhance perceptually significant image features. The proposed metrics are tested on three well-known databases available in the literature (TID2013, TID2008, and CSIQ). Experimental results presented to confirm that the proposed metric is an effective and have low computational complexity.  相似文献   

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