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Inputs of chemical parameters were calculated from estimated erosion and resuspension data and by using experimental measurements of chemical releases from both bluff samples and Lake Superior sediments in suspensions with Lake Superior water. The ability of suspended clay particles to remove manganese and copper ions from Lake Superior water was investigated. The loadings of easily leachable dissolved solids, phosphorus, nitrogen, chloride, silica, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, aluminum and heavy metals from shoreline erosion and resuspended sediment were small compared to Lake Superior tributary inputs. Suspended sediment particles have a large capacity to remove copper and manganese ions from Lake Superior water. Each kilogram of suspended sediment particles of clay size can remove 175 mg of copper and 11 mg of manganese in Lake Superior water spiked to contain 10 μg/L of each metal.  相似文献   

定量研究浅水湖泊动力扰动与沉积物再悬浮的关系,目前仍是湖泊研究中的难点之一。实验利用再悬浮发生装置,对太湖长兜港沉积物风浪扰动进行室内模拟,建立扰动强度与有效波高之间的关系,定量分析风浪对太湖水体中悬浮物的影响及固体悬浮物在水体中的垂向分布,初步得出风浪对太湖沉积物扰动深度一般在毫米级的结论。  相似文献   

A physico-chemical model of the fate of toxic substances in the Great Lakes is constructed from mass balance principles, incorporating principal mechanisms of paniculate sorption-desorption, sediment-water and atmosphere-water interactions, and chemical and biochemical decay. The steady state mass balance model of the suspended solids in the open lake water yields net solids loss rates from 0.02 mjdfor Saginaw Bay to 1.22 m/dfor Lake Ontario. Calibration of the toxic model is through comparison to plutonium-239 data collected in the 1970s using a 23-year time variable calculation. The results indicate that, in general, the sediments are interactive with the water column in the Great Lakes through resuspension and horizontal transport. Fifty percent response times of 239Pu following a cessation of load extend beyond 10 years with sediment resuspension. The calibrated model was also applied to polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) using a high and low estimate of contemporary external load and with and without volatilization. The lower load level (lake range 640 to 1,390 kg/yr) with volatilization (at an exchange rate of 0.1 m/d) appears to be more representative of observed surface sediment data for the open lake waters. Calculated water column concentrations for the lower load level with and without volatilization ranged from 0.25 to 0.90 ng/Lfor open lake waters. Fifty percent response times for PCB following cessation of load varied from less than 5 years when volatilization was included to 10 to 20 years without volatilization. Comparison of these response times to decline of concentrations of PCB in Lake Michigan bloaters indicates that, at least for that lake, volatilization is occurring at an exchange rate of about 0.1 m/d.  相似文献   

A mass balance approach was used to evaluate the fate of mirex in the Oswego River. The objectives of this research were 1) to assess the magnitude and extent of mirex contamination in the Oswego River, 2) to quantify the transport, fate, and distribution of mirex in the river, and 3) to estimate mirex export to Lake Ontario via the Oswego River. Field data collected as part of a 1990 Oswego River Mirex Study, in addition to other existing data, were used to develop a water quality model describing the transport and fate of chlorides, total suspended solids, and mirex in the Oswego River from Fulton to Lake Ontario. Long-term and short-term loading scenarios were evaluated to assess the possible magnitude of the initial mirex discharge to the Oswego River in 1965 as well as the subsequent export resulting from a given loading. Field data and model results suggest that a short-term mirex discharge occurring in the mid-1960s cannot account for the water column concentrations observed in 1990 or the mirex mass in Lake Ontario sediments attributable to the Oswego River. Similarly, field data and model results suggest that resuspension of the 1990 in-place mirex mass cannot account for the water column mirex concentrations observed in 1990. This suggests that there may be a continuing mirex source to the Oswego River. Based on the 1990 field data, the estimated Oswego River mirex inventory was 10 kg and export to Lake Ontario averaged 42 g/day.  相似文献   

In this study two models are integrated for the simulation of sediment distribution and quality in the Lake Ijsselmeer area. STRESS-2d, a two dimensional dynamic model for simulation of sediment transport due to resuspension, erosion, sedimentation and horizontal advection and dispersion is used to simulate the sediment transport dynamics for a period of one year. The model is calibrated on water level, suspended solids concentration and sedimentation flux measurements. The model has a high spatial and temporal resolution. The model DIASPORA, which is based on STRESS-2d results, simulates the effects of sediment transport on morphology and contaminant concentrations in the sediment for a period of decades. DIASPORA also simulates dilution by internally produced CaCO3 and consolidation of sediment layers. The models produce a reasonable reconstruction of suspended solids concentrations and long term accumulation of sediments in deep areas within the lake. Also the temporal and spatial variability in the contaminant concentration in sediments in Lake Ijsselmeer is reconstructed with sufficient quality. Model simulations show that internal redistribution of old deposits in the Usselmeer area and internal production of CaCO3 are diluting the contaminated solids supplied by the river Ijssel.  相似文献   

In January and March, 1998, a series of intense, northerly wind-driven storms suspended sediment over the entire coastline of the southern basin of Lake Michigan. The effect of large scale resuspension on organic contaminant cycling was investigated using a two-pronged sample collection strategy that included analysis of settling sediment trap material and discrete air and water samples collected before and after a major resuspension event. It was found that major resuspension events result in a large flux of contaminants. For example, 6.2 ng/cm2 ΣPCB (sum of 89 congener peaks) and 175 ng/cm2 ΣPAHs (sum of 31 compounds) fell through the water column in the southern basin between November and May but almost half of that occurred in the month of March after a series of intense storms induced a largescale resuspension event in that month. Assuming the concentration of contaminants in settling sediments is similar throughout the basin, the March event brought ∼400 kg of ΣPCBs and ∼13,000 kg ΣPAHs into the water column. Furthermore, the data indicate that concentrations of dissolved phase ΣPCB and ΣPAHs declined significantly (α = 0.05) after the event and after resuspended sediment had settled from the surface waters. As a result of the depressed dissolved concentrations at the surface, the potential for gas-phase input to the lake increases on the southwestern coastal region near Chicago, IL and Gary, IN. The potential input of gas-phase contaminants was 8 kg for ΣPCBs and 2,200 kg for ΣPAHs over the 40-day lifetime of the near-shore event.  相似文献   

Ten chlorobenzenes, hexachlorobutadiene, and PCBs were measured in Niagara River water and suspended solids, and in western Lake Ontario sediments and benthic fauna. High levels of these contaminants were found on all fractions of the river suspended solids, but the larger particles contained much higher concentrations than the smaller particles. A portion of the CBs, HCBD, and PCBs present in the lake sediments was available to benthic organisms. A trend toward greater bioaccumulation for compounds having higher octanol-water partition coefficients was observed at all trophic levels.  相似文献   

Oxygen depletion in Lake Erie's central basin hypolimnion is ultimately sustained by the respiration rate of organisms using organic matter which is produced in the trophogenic zone. Although other transformations are certainly important, they are nevertheless driven by the decomposition of organic carbon both in the water column and in the sediments. Rates of transport of particulate organic carbon to the hypolimnion and sediments were estimated using sediment traps. Corrections for sediment resuspension were necessary even during the summer period when the lake is stratified. Particulate organic carbon concentrations in the hypolimnion were partially independent of short-term variations in chlorophyll concentration. The net downflux of carbon to the hypolimnion appeared less than that required to support the observed oxygen depletion. Sediment resuspension accounted for much of the particulate material caught by the sediment traps in the central basin. It is concluded that organic material stored in the surficial sediments is made available to the water column through frequent resuspension. Of total phosphorus in the trap samples, an average of 42% was potentially bioavailable (NaOH extraction).  相似文献   

During the construction of a New Bridge over the Tagus estuary 2.5 million tons of sediments were dredged, part of this quantity being contaminated material. The extension and intensity of the water turbidity associated with dredging operating varied with the tidal conditions but the resuspended material collected near the bucket dredger did not present a concnetration increment in metals and PCB, when compared to the estuarine suspended sediments. The calculated distribution coefficients suggest that some contaminants in solids near the dredger were not in equilibrium with the water. A 24-hour laboratory experiment demonstrated the complexity and quickness of anoxic sediments oxidation. In such a short period of time metals in the solids change their fractionation. A second laboratory simulation showed that mussels accumulate metals and PCB congeners when placed in turbid aerated water.  相似文献   

The physical resuspension of bottom sediment during periods of high winds is thought to be important for nutrient recycling in large shallow lakes. In order to study resuspension, prototype instrumentation designed to collect gram quantities of suspended sediment at 38.1-cm intervals in the water column was deployed in 4.2 m of water in the shallow southern basin of Lake Manitoba for 1-month periods in 1978 and 1981. At about 2.7 m depth a sharp discontinuity was observed in the vertical distribution of total mass of suspended sediment collected. The mean current speed varied linearly with depth above the discontinuity but was more uniform near bottom. Although the water column was not thermally stratified, drogues frequently displayed a two-layer structure in the currents with a high skew in direction between layers. The particle size distributions were similarly discontinuous in the vertical, with large quantities of sand in the upper layer samples and a high silt load in the lower. The unusual particle size distribution, which was explained in terms of the origin of resuspended sediments and subsequent transport by lake currents, suggests a decoupling of lake turbulence between the two layers during high winds.  相似文献   

Suspended solids concentrations and turbidity were monitored on the regulated River Blithe at two sites downstream of the reservoir for a period of 18 months. Changes in the suspended solids loads transported and the nature of the material in suspension are related to dam overspill and tributary flood events. A hysteretic relationship between suspended solids concentrations and discharge is characteristic of both sites, sediment supply being limited within the regulated river. Downstream of the dam, rapid bank erosion occurred on meander bends but the suspended solids loads transported by the regulated river relate more to the resuspension and transport of tributary injected sediments and scouring of a dense periphyton. Close to the dam, fine biogenic matter dominated the seston, which scanning electron microscopy revealed to contain algal fragments and inorganic diatom frustules, but downstream, tributary-derived minerogenic particles were dominant.  相似文献   

Bed sediment resuspension is a potential source of faecal microorganisms in the water column of estuaries. As such, it is important to identify the survival of faecal microorganisms in these bed sediments and understand how bed sediment resuspension impacts the quality of estuarine waters. This study explores the effect of bed sediment resuspension on Escherichia coli concentrations in the water column and the persistence of Ecoli in the water column and bed sediments of the Yarra River estuary in South‐Eastern Australia. Using sediment cores, we identified that the resuspension of both surficial sediments (e.g., by tidal movements) and deeper bed sediments (e.g., by large storm events) can increase Ecoli concentrations in the water column by up to 20 times in estuaries in oceanic climates. Bed sediment resuspension can result in increased Ecoli concentrations in the water column even up to 24 days after Ecoli first enters the estuarine water. This study demonstrates that faecal microorganisms, such as Ecoli, can persist for extended periods in estuarine bed sediments, which may then be re‐entrained into the water column via recreational activities, high flow events, or tidal fluctuations. If the survival and resuspension processes observed here hold true for pathogenic microorganisms, the resuspension of bed sediments may indeed represent an increased public health risk.  相似文献   

In 2007/08, a study was undertaken on sediment dynamics in shallow Lake Markermeer, The Netherlands. Firstly, the sediment characteristics median grain size, mud content and loss on ignition showed a spatial as well as water depth related pattern indicating wind-induced sediment transport. Sediment dynamics were investigated in a sediment trap field survey at two stations. Sediment yields, virtually all coming from sediment resuspension, were significantly correlated with wind speeds. Resuspension rates for Lake Markermeer were very high, viz. ca. 1,000 g/m(2)day as an annual average, leading to high suspended solids (SS) contents, due to the large lake area and its shallowness (high 'Dynamic Ratio'). Sediment resuspension behaviour was further investigated in preliminary laboratory experiments using a 'micro-flume', applying increasing water currents onto five Lake Markermeer sediments. Resuspension showed a clear exponential behaviour. Finally, a 3-D model was set up for water quality and SS contents in Lake Markermeer; first results showed a good agreement between modelled and actual SS contents. Construction of artificial islands and dams will reduce wind fetches and may be expected to cause a substantial decrease in lake water turbidity.  相似文献   

Rainwater tanks are being introduced into urban areas in Australia to supplement centralised potable supply systems. A pilot scale tank study and a full-scale field tank study found that heavy metal concentrations in water samples taken from the tank's supply point can, in some cases, exceed levels recommended by guidelines. Both studies also found very high concentrations of heavy metals in the sediments accumulated at the base of rainwater tanks. Laboratory experiments are underway to investigate sediment transport processes within a full-scale tank. Preliminary results demonstrate the effect of sediment resuspension on the quality of water released from the tank outlet. Improved tank designs that reduce sediment resuspension and mitigate impacts on water quality are the focus of future work.  相似文献   

In 1989 a submarine outfall was brought into service in the coastal area of Zarautz, in the Basque Country (north of Spain). The outfall discharge point is located at −35 m depth and −1 km offshore. This work deals with the sediment dispersion and distribution patterns in the vicinity of an outfall. The methodological field procedures included bathimetric surveys and sediment sampling for grain size characterization and analysis of organic matter content and heavy metal concentrations. Sediment resuspension and transport paths were estimated. Small-sized sediments have been only deposited in the proximity of the outfall discharge point. Heavy metal distribution in the sediments shows only minor influence of the outfall. Only under storm weather conditions sediments will get into suspension. Sediment transport studies suggest a net transport from the outfall discharge point to the N-NW. It can be established that sediments discharged by the outfall will not be transported coastwards; thus, water quality in this area will not be affected.  相似文献   

Remote sensing signatures are developed for using Landsat data in identification of four types of particulate contaminants in Lake Superior. The criteria are based on the residual Landsat signal intensities and signal ratios. The signatures work well in differentiation of river runoff from high background turbidity due to erosion and resuspension. The threshold concentrations for identification of suspended solids in lakes range on the order of 1 mg/L for clear lakes such as Lake Superior and 5 mg/L for light absorbing water characteristic of the Duluth-Superior Harbor.  相似文献   

LM2-Mercury, a mercury mass balance model, was developed to simulate and evaluate the transport, fate, and biogeochemical transformations of mercury in Lake Michigan. The model simulates total suspended and resuspendable solids (TSRS), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and total, elemental, divalent, and methylmercury as state variables. Simplified processes among the mercury state variables including net methylation, net reduction of divalent mercury, and reductive demethylation are incorporated in the model. Volatilization of elemental mercury as a kinetic (phase transfer) process and partitioning of total, divalent, and methylmercury as a set of instantaneous equilibrium processes were also simulated. The model was calibrated to data collected in 1994 and 1995 and corroborated by comparing model output generated from a long-term model hindcast to total mercury measured in high quality sediment profiles. Model hindcast predictions of total mercury in the water column were within estimates of total mercury calculated from observed lake trout bioaccumulation factors. Using the model, a mass budget assessment of mercury cycling in the lake was conducted. Atmospheric deposition, including wet and dry (particle) deposition and absorption of gaseous divalent mercury, was the dominant source of total mercury to the lake, followed by sediment resuspension, and then tributary loads. The major loss mechanism of total mercury from the water was associated with the settling of solids, followed by net volatilization. Methylmercury loading associated with wet deposition was the dominant source to the lake, followed by tributary loadings, and in situ net methylation.  相似文献   

The release of previously deposited substances from sediments may represent a significant source of contaminants to the overlying water. Of special concern is the partitioning between aqueous- and sediment-phase heavy metals in response to resuspension events induced by hydrodynamic forces. In this paper results from a set of field experiments are reported in which sediment cores from three stations in the Trenton Channel of the Detroit River were artificially resuspended. Statistical analysis of the data indicated that the concentrations of the dissolved metals Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn in the overlying water varied inversely with pH (p<.05) and directly with time when the pH was below 7.5. In addition, dissolved metals were consistently lower at the higher frequency of mixing. Only Zn showed a direct correlation between total and dissolved concentrations although all other metals revealed an increased positive correlation at the higher mixing rate. These results are interpreted in terms of surface sorption reactions, particle size distributions, and mass transfer controls on metal-sediment reaction rates.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured in the water column of Lake Superior during the summers of 1978 to 1980. The total PCB water concentrations were relatively uniform areally and vertically within any one year: 1978, 1.3 ± 1.3 ng/L; 1979, 3.8 ±1.9 ng/L; 1980, 0.9 ±0.4 ng/L. The volume-weighted abiotic PCB burden in the water column fluctuated with climatic conditions between ~10,000 and 40,000 kg, but would be in the range of 10,000 to 20,000 kg most of the time. Analysis of 24 large volume, filtered samples from 1980 showed that 27±12% of the PCBs were in the paniculate phase. The distribution coefficient for PCBs, defined by use of a glass-fiber filter, ranged from 104 to 107 L/kg, exhibiting a strong, inverse log relationship to the suspended solids concentration. This behavior is partially attributed to the differences in the organic carbon content of the sampled particles in different regions of the lake and to artifacts of the filtration process. The elevated total PCB concentrations in the summer of 1979 in conjunction with the previous winter's severe weather conditions are evidence of seasonal fluctuations of PCBs in the water column resulting mostly from sediment resuspension.  相似文献   

Lake Malawi, in south-eastern Africa, is subject to increasing loading of suspended solids caused by land use pressure in its watershed. Whether this load is transported into the lake as overflow, interflow or deep underflow determines to a large extent its effect on the lake ecosystem. In this paper, vertical distributions of suspended solids in the Linthipe River delta region of the lake are described from multiple surveys during two rainy seasons. These data are supplemented by data from a single survey near four northern rivers also tributary to the lake. Profiles of temperature, conductance, and suspended solids concentrations (SSC, estimated from optical backscatter and beam transmission) are used to identify fluvial intrusions into the water column. Most inflow plunged to the seasonal metalimnion where it spread along high density gradients as interflow. While SSC in surface plumes rarely exceeded 10 g m−3, and in intrusions in the lower metalimnion was rarely greater than 1 g m−3, concentrations up to 420 g m−3 were recorded in interflow near the thermocline. Although storm runoff density often exceeded 100 m depth-equivalence in the lake, underflow density was reduced to metalimnion-equivalence (30–50 m depth) within a few 100s of meters of the river mouth. We attribute bottom-attached turbid layers, and the few unattached turbid layers in the lower metalimnion, all with positive conductance anomalies, to sediment resuspension and not to runoff. We conclude that the upper metalimnion is the prevailing pathway carrying watershed runoff horizontally throughout Lake Malawi.  相似文献   

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