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ABSTRACT: Literature on China's urban development discusses the nature and role of the local state. A set of concepts have been proposed, such as the “entrepreneurial state” (ES) and “local developmental state,” and an ongoing debate attempts to ascertain whether the state is “entrepreneurial” in nature. This article uses a newly emerged urban phenomenon, chuangyi chanye jiju qu (CCJQs) or “creative industry clusters,” in which the central government is not involved, to explore the nature of local governments, their role in urban development, and the ways in which they perform this role. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods are used. The findings of this research reveal a strong revenue‐oriented nature of local governments, highlighting the “entrepreneurial state” as an important dimension in their character: they transform spontaneously emerged urban cultural spaces into a new mechanism generating revenues for both urban growth and their own economic benefit. Local governments promote CCJQ development with place promotion strategies, and they are directly involved in CCJQ‐related businesses as market players rather than as independent bodies that effectively control and regulate the CCJQ market through policies and regulations. Further, this article reveals a “public–public” coalition as an important mechanism for local state participation.  相似文献   

From a panoramic and comparative perspective, the article aims at reviewing the framework of regional and national planning in Brasília and Venezuela's Ciudad Guayana, while exploring their relationship with political and economic goals in the heyday of Latin America's modernism and desarrollismo (developmentalism). Although these projects have often been addressed in terms of their architectural value and urban design, this article's approach stresses their relationship, on the one hand, with national processes of industrialization and urbanization, and on the other, with regional models of development, already tested on the continent. Such an approach requires, firstly, the contextualization of Latin America's growing corporate states after the Second World War, while exploring the relationship with national apparatuses of North American-orientated planeamiento that progressively replaced the urbanismo fostered by European traditions since the 1920s. The case of Brasília is explained through the image of its original sin, in the sense that the city did not result from proper regional planning, a shortcoming that eventually reduced its capacity for adapting new functions and settlements to the original Pilot Plan. Ciudad Guayana's main hindrance was instead its feet of clay; in addition to the weakness of the industrial activity in the long term, both Puerto Ordaz and San Félix were remotely planned, without much attention paid to their integration and the absorption of the informal population.  相似文献   


China has had a long and distinctive urban experience, the existence of towns dating back to 2600 BC. This paper describes the characteristics and historical development of Chinese urban morphology. The central location of political and administrative buildings, a grid‐iron street pattern, symmetrical layout and axiality are the most important characteristics of Chinese traditional cities, reflecting the distinctive political and economic systems and cultural traditions of China. Political forces have played a key role in shaping this urban pattern. The historical development of Chinese urban morphology experienced four phases: the walled city (770 BC‐AD 906), the open city (618–1840), the colonial city (1840–1949), and the socialist city (1949–1985). The four phases provide a historical frame to analyse the development of China's urban form; each phase has its distinct characteristics and different town building philosophies, reflecting the nature of national political and economic development.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This article addresses the linkages and barriers between civic participation and political participation in urban communities, through a qualitative case study of the attitudes of community activists in a small urban community. Robert Putnam's theoretical model of civic and political involvement suggests a strong linkage between civic engagement and political engagement, while Nina Eliasoph's model suggests substantial barriers between participation in the local civic realm and participation in the local political realm. These competing models are given a preliminary test utilizing in depth interviews with a cross section of persons who are actively involved in the civic and/or the political realms. The data confirm Putnam's assertion of the strong linkage between the two, but they suggest that the two arenas are viewed as distinct by activists and that the rewards derived from civic engagement are quite different from those of political engagement. The analysis also suggests that community activists have strongly negative views of those who do not participate and that their suggestions for involving others have limited utility. This barrier may be the strongest of all in preventing both civic and political engagement in the urban community.  相似文献   

As the oldest city of the New World, Santo Domingo has undergone major institutional, political, economic and urban restructuring in five centuries of urban history. This city profile article investigates first the historical urban development of the city and then scrutinizes contemporary urban policies and projects that respond to challenges of rapid growth, inequality, and vulnerability to climate change. The article highlights how centralized policies initiated by divergent political regimes have resulted in a segregated city where Presidents used urban space to leave their legacies without adhering to planning mechanisms. The article also uncovers how rapid growth and absence of urban planning have produced two city making approaches, the “formal” and the “informal” cities converging parallel to each other. Furthermore, as the capital city of a Small Island Developing State, Santo Domingo's recent urban policies are embedded in global frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement; in this line, inequality and climate change vulnerabilities continue to be the city's main challenges in the 21rst century.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This article supplements and enriches Judd's and Sapotichne, Jones, and Wolfe's controversial diagnosis of a disjuncture between “mainstream” political science and the study of urban politics in the United States by suggesting that Canadian urban political science scholarship is equally isolated. Yet for the most part, the underlying causes of this predicament differ greatly from the U.S. experience. We offer three interpretations—one institutional, one epistemological, and one ontological—to explain the marginality of Canadian urban political science in relation to both mainstream Canadian political science and American urban politics. First, the growth of Canadian urban political science has been inhibited not because there are too few interested scholars, but rather because interested faculty are so thinly dispersed across the country's academic institutions. Second, unlike the American experience, the historical development of Canadian political science as a discipline has led it to focus on national‐level issues at the expense of local and urban politics. Finally, Canadian cities have developed differently from American cities in important respects, again leading Canadian scholars to privilege the national over the local.  相似文献   

Events can bring important impetus to urban development. In addition to hardware investments, such as infrastructure, events also have important potential in the development of knowledge cities. Nanjing is a typical city where China's knowledge industry is rapidly growing. Since the end of the last century, Nanjing has been promoting new district development on the city's periphery and has hosted a series of events, including the 10th National Games in 2005 and the 2nd Youth Olympic Games in 2014. In this process, the city government also hopes to explore the potential of the knowledge economy and is committed to providing a new direction for urban development.This work reviews the history of Nanjing's knowledge city development from two different dimensions (land development and knowledge development) and summarises the related achievements and lessons in different periods. The authors aim to identify the diverse effects of events in urban social and economic development based on the analysis of the differences in governance structure between land development and knowledge development. This work contributes to the literature on events and provides insights into the potential uses of events as a mechanism for knowledge-driven urban development.  相似文献   

由于学科背景的差异,国内学者对于城市战略规划的认识存在诸多分歧。城市战略规划是"地方的事",要准确理解城市战略规划的起源、作用及其核心理论和方法论必须从地方政府行为特征入手。改革开放以后,随着国内外社会经济形势的变迁,我国地方政府已经经历了"企业经营型政府"和"城市经营型政府"两个阶段。与之相适应,我国城市战略规划也经历了产业主导和空间主导两个阶段。在当前经济社会面临重大转型和城市政府正在朝着"治理型政府"演进的时代背景下,我国的城市战略规划要以治理理论作为核心理论,积极推进城市战略规划从"政府主导"向"多元协调"转型、从"重结果"向"重过程"转型、从"宏伟叙事"向"嘘寒问暖"转型,使战略规划不仅真正成为凝聚社会各界的共同愿景,更要成为政府实现"善治"的政策平台和重要工具。  相似文献   

低碳生态城市是当前城市建设的主要方向,也已成为城市的主要规划模式。但目前我国生态城市建设仍处于起步阶段,并没有一套完整的方法与策略可以全面指导生态城市的建设。本文结合悦来生态城规划模式,从复合利用、集约高效的角度探索山地型复合生态城规划策略,力求探索出一些符合山地城市特点、适应山地条件、在城市开发中具有一定推广价值的规划策略。  相似文献   

工业与民用建筑工程质量的好坏与人们密切相关。尽管我国当前建筑工程行业已经有了很大进步,但是工民建工程在施工中仍然存在一些不足之处,其中最为突出的就是工民建工程的防水防渗。本文以此为研究内容,对工民建防水防渗施工技术进行分析探讨,希望能够提高我国工民建施工质量。  相似文献   

Drawing upon a panel dataset on China's state-owned construction land supply at the prefecture level, this paper adopts the spatial panel data model to investigate the existence of spatial dependence in the mechanisms behind China's urban land expansion from 2004 to 2014. The empirical results show that China's urban land expansion has been mainly influenced by a quadruple process of urbanization, industrialization, globalization and decentralization. The strong existence of spatial dependence in China's urban land expansion can be reflected by the significant coefficient estimates of the spatial lags of both the dependent variable and independent variables.  相似文献   

In the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early part of the twentieth, various attempts were made to ‘modernize’ the city of Málaga (southern Spain) in terms of structural and built environment. These efforts originated from different groups at different times and with varying degrees of success but they had, as their principal motive, a shared desire to advance the image of the city against a background of political unrest and significant economic decline from mid-nineteenth century prosperity. With this objective in mind, there was a shared perspective that the visual appearance of the city and its morphological structure had to be modernized. However, in detail, the specific schemes proposed reflected the diverse ideologies and objectives of their chief protagonists although the generic term Málaga Moderna came to be applied to a wide range of different proposals. This article will examine the development of these key actor groups and their varying impact on the city's urban form.  相似文献   

People around the world have shaped societies and urban spaces around water for millennia. They have transformed natural water structures and patterns to serve their diverse needs. The ways in which historical decisions affect contemporary water systems and influence future planning of urban systems still need to be fully recognized. This paper explores the multiple roles of water systems in Chang'an during the Western Han Dynasty. Chang’an, one of the ancient names for the city of Xi’an, was a typical capital city of China and East Asia in early ancient times. This study explores everyday practices pertaining to water as well as its role in defense, gardening, politics and culture.Drawing upon three historical theories, this study presents findings that water was embedded in the design of traditional Chinese capitals. The siting and construction of capital cities was first based on the Theory of Choosing the Center (3rd century BCE) and the Theory of Conforming to Nature (5th–3rd century BCE). However, the final maturation of this urban morphology, including the water system, was closely related to the Theory of Symbolizing and Modeling Heaven and Earth (4th–3rd century BCE), in a way that manifested the imperial power's organization and control of space and time.Through close analysis of historical documents, archaeological reports and modern investigations, the paper aims to clarify, analyze and summarize the historical context and evolution, functional and structural characteristics, as well as the economic, political, cultural and military connotations of water systems in Chang'an. It argues that the coordination of urban construction and the water environment was a key foundation for capital city development. It proposes that people shaped urban water supply in many ways, including daily life, waterway transportation, agricultural irrigation, aquaculture promotion, military defense and fire prevention.The water system in Chang'an also provided an important place for royalty and nobility to go fishing, to hunt and to engage in leisure and naval training. The landscape with this water system as the core, including Taiye Lake and Kunming Lake, had also inspired Chinese gardening history, and had a profound impact on future generations. More importantly, the capital's urban morphology design was a miniature of the world recognized by the monarch, as well as the symbolic image of the supreme rulers' political and cultural desire to control and possess Tianxia, which essentially means the whole world. In conclusion, the paper calls for a closer study of water-based design as a foundation for urban planning.  相似文献   

随着经济社会发展进入新常态,中国城镇化速度从"高速"进入"中高速",城镇规划从"简单增量"进入"优化存量",城镇建设从"生存空间"进入"复合空间"的阶段。以建筑学与城市设计为基础的物质规划典型传统教学体系培养的城市规划专业人才已不适应经济社会的新发展。文章以重庆师范大学城乡规划专业近十年办学历程为例,综合国内众多院校城乡规划专业的教学改革情况,分析该校城乡规划专业教学中存在的问题,针对国内整体办学规模趋于饱和、毕业生就业优势逐步减弱的情况,提出构建科学的学科体系、营造地方专业特色和实施有效的教学改革等专业建设思路。  相似文献   

我国行政规划现实法制分散不统一,涉及规划类型众多。以城市轨道交通建设为例,纵向经历线网规划和建设规划,横向涉及国民经济和社会发展规划、城市规划、土地利用规划和环境保护规划。不同规划衔接不畅导致程序层面的规划冲突,公权力控制与私权利保障不足导致实体层面的规划冲突。对此,我国行政规划法制的完善思路包括:一是明确专业性规划的法律地位;二是短期明确行政机关职权、提高公众参与程度;三是长远建构针对专业性规划的规划确定裁决程序。  相似文献   

针对上海全球城市的目标定位,提出奥运会的举办可作为衡量其世界大都市综合功能的一项重要指标。通过奥运会的举办,也可进一步推动大都市的综合发展。着重从社会管理能力和城市运行效率、比赛设施条件、城市服务设施配套和基础设施支撑、建设实力等方面分析了上海举办奥运会的可能性,并考察了奥运会场地选址与建设的可行性,比较了两种可选择的场址方案设想。  相似文献   

山水城市、公园城市是当前城市规划和风景园林领域的热词,在中国几千年的园林与城市发展历史上,却并不是个全新事物,山、水、城、园的融合始终是中国城市建设的基本原则和理想目标。山水城市建设是一个持续发展、没有完形的动态过程。在近现代历史上,无锡曾经在城市山水资源开发和园林建设方面,有过2次系统的创新实践,这些探索上承历史、下启当代,与今天的山水城市建设理论与实践具有很高耦合度。对此开展梳理和分析,既还原了无锡山水城市建设的历史过程和真相,也为推进当代山水城市建设提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This article pursues the thesis that ethics matter in urban policymaking. Interviews with 95 elected officials in 12 cities revealed the officials' support for—and opposition to—many principles of political morality and political justice. Officials regarded their ethical principles as almost as important as economic constraints on their policy decisions, and much more important than political, legal, jurisdictional, and cultural considerations. The role of ethics in the resolution of 93 issues that arose in their communities varied from minimal to decisive. On some occasions ethical considerations served mainly as justifications for policy decisions made primarily on other grounds. But more often, significant numbers of officials drew largely, and even primarily, on their own moral judgments when casting their votes on community issues. And some policies were driven by consensual moral understandings.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In November 2002 the voters of Los Angeles soundly rejected Proposition F which, if approved, would have authorized the secession of the San Fernando Valley in order to constitute a city independent of Los Angeles. This article attempts to delineate the interplay of social, economic, and political conditions related to support for secession by examining the results of a Los Angeles Times survey conducted one week prior to the vote. Because an exit poll was not taken following the vote, these data provide the most proximate evidence for the views of voters shortly before casting their ballots. The analysis of the data identifies distinctive social bases of support for secession in the San Fernando Valley that contrast with those outside the region. The results are interpreted in the context of Sonenshein's discussion of the role of coalition formation in urban politics.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This article examines the Slow Food and Slow City movement as an alternative approach to urban development that focuses on local resources, economic and cultural strengths, and the unique historical context of a town. Following recent discussions about the politics of alternative economic development, the study examines the Slow City movement as a strategy to address the interdependencies between goals for economic, environmental, and equitable urban development. In particular, we draw on the examples of two Slow Cities in Germany—Waldkirch and Hersbruck, and show how these towns are retooling their urban policies. The study is placed in the context of alternative urban development agendas as opposed to corporate‐centered development. We conclude the article by offering some remarks about the institutional and political attributes of successful Slow Cities and the transferability of the concept.  相似文献   

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