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杨保军 《城市规划》2016,(12):113-117
针对中共中央国务院提出的《关于进一步加强城市规划建设管理工作的若干意见》中"新建住宅要推广街区制,原则上不再建设封闭住宅小区"这一提法,从开放街区的特点与意义、我国街区的发展脉络以及应对开放街区的举措三个方面对"开放街区"进行了讨论和梳理。指出"开放街区"的实质并不是"开放"或者"封闭",也不是拆不拆墙的问题,而是把街区尺度变"小"。街区变小给城市带来的影响将是深刻的、系统的,对城市面貌、城市体验都将带来很大改观。  相似文献   

The article points out that the urban homogenization and social atomization status may lead to corresponding social problems including isolation, segregation, and inequality, and critically reviews their intrinsic consistency with urban development stages and the correlation between mental health and urban diseases. Based on the review of ideas such as Socially Restorative Urbanism and Socially Restorative Urban Design Model, the authors summarize a Socially Restorative Urban Design Model with five planning strategies — group size reduction, place-making, nature-based restoration, walkable system construction, and responsive city establishment — to realize human-human, human-space, human-nature, human-mobility, and humandata connections through taking planning as a tool of empowerment. In addition, the article reflects on the urban problems caused by the past urbanization process in China which pursued quick achievements and examines cases that could guide the new stage of Urban Remediation and Ecological Restoration, giving the same weight to social restoration as physical space improvement and ecological restoration.  相似文献   

由于长期以来的户籍制度瓶颈,外来人口在我国城市中无法享受相应的公共福利。随着新型城镇化战略下"外来人口市民化"政策的实施,这一问题受到学术界的日益关注。本文以上海中心城边缘区为研究区域,选择外来和本地户籍人口相对集聚的社区作为研究对象,从"空间剥夺"的视角,借助六普人口数据和问卷调查及访谈数据,通过统计学分析方法对外来社区和本地社区的公共设施供应进行了打分,并通过方差分析法检验了设施供应和居民满意度的关系。文章最后,从缓解空间剥夺的角度,提出了完善外来人口集聚区公共服务设施规划管理的策略。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的发展,计算机信息网络Internet逐渐向商业化、全民化、企业化的趋势发展,21世纪信息网张注定将深地改变小们的生活、学习和工作的方式,推动社会的进步与发展,不可置疑,空间结构发展必然离不开信息网络Internet,本探讨了如何将Internet网络应用于空间结构行业中。  相似文献   

城市旅游的空间单元与空间结构   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
城市旅游是以城市为载体的观光游憩体验活动和商务会展活动,城市旅游的空间范围是建城区和郊区县,城市旅游的空间背景是区域,城市旅游基本空间单元是观光游憩点、游憩中心地、主题街、旅游通道、公园道路等,不同旅游空间单元数量与组合方式不同,旅游发展空间结构也不相同.  相似文献   

This article stresses the importance of positive image and perception of dynamic ecological processes for the implementation and care of areas which provide ecosystem services within the city. Those in turn secure the resilience of our urban environment. Aesthetic experience with emphasis on highlighting and revealing the presence of ecological dynamics, processes and cycles can increase the acceptance and interest for sustainable goals and projects within the city. Thus, several European cities are currently implementing strategies not only to enhance the capacity of their green networks for ecological services and resilience but most importantly to enhance the acceptance and active use of such areas. They are integrating the public in an open debate about implementing new attractive ecological amenities within a green network, and also stimulating landscape architects to find ways to design important ecological processes and functions in an eye-catching and spectacular way. The natural dynamics and cycles are thus brought to the attention of the people and present an important artistic and cultural component of resilience.  相似文献   

上海流动人口聚居区类型及其特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以聚居区形成机制为切入点,将流动人口聚居区划分为自发聚居、简易安置、集中安置3个类型。通过现场察看以及对典型的流动人口聚居区调查数据的分析发现,流动人口自发聚居区居住环境恶劣、公共服务缺乏,聚居者之间沟通较少,社会矛盾突出;简易安置的流动人口聚居区,尽管物质条件简陋,但管理规范、配套有基本生活服务设施,居住群体之间有较强的认同感,聚居区治安状况、邻里融洽度均较好;而集中安置的聚居区居住环境较好,服务设施完善,且聚居人员文化背景趋同,较易形成认同感,该类聚居区已成为未来改善流动人口在城市居住状况的重要发展方向。  相似文献   

公共政策的空间性与城市空间政策体系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
空间是人类社会存在的基本形式,也是公共政策的基本属性之一。但由于过去学术界对社会空间的忽视和对劳动分工的强调,导致人类是以"条条"为主来改遭世界、认识世界和管理世界的,受此影响,有关空间的政策也被条条化、部门化了。20世纪以来,人类社会与空间的关系引起了西方哲学家、思想家和社会学家的广泛思考和研究,强化公共政策的空间研究和构建城市空间政策体系将是21世纪的一个必然趋势。本文从人类社会条条化和块块化的分析入手,重点分析了不同层次政策的空间性,阐述了构建城市空间政策体系的重要性,从横向、纵向和过程三个方面构建了以城市规划为主导的城市空间政策体系。  相似文献   

<正>设计理念综述(1)功能布局—室内空间—建筑造型一体化在建筑内部空间和外部造型设计上,以功能为基础、真实反映功能的设计原则,以求达到功能—空间—造型三位一体的完美融合。(2)体现机场特点作为大尺度的公共交通建筑,设计上力求简洁明快,突出空间和造型的最主要特点,形成机场特有的统一鲜明的建筑特色。内部空间设计流畅通透明亮、形成清晰的方向感,建筑材料安全耐用、易于维护,适应机场大人流、高强度的使用特点。  相似文献   

空间句法与空间认知   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文包括两部分,在第一部分,一个新的术语“情景感知固示”被提出,并且从根本上论述了如何将在空间句法理论与实践中使用的空间表示法(即轴线、凸空间、视域、边面隔断、可见性分析)理解为“情景感知图示”。这一对空间句法符式的重新定义可以被看作是将空间句法理论与空间认知研究结合起来的开端,第二部分则基于这一重新定义探讨更为宽泛的空间认知与空间组构之间的关系,并认为“可理解度”这一概念是二者之间链接。  相似文献   

国内外外来人口聚居区的特征与效应比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国新型城镇化建设和农业转移人口市民进程,对于城市异质型社区外来人口聚居区及其规划思路提出了重大挑战。文章从基本特征、形成原因、效应评价和治理策略等四个方面,对发达国家跨国移民聚居区、发展中国家乡村移民聚居区以及中国外来人口聚居区进行了比较分析和系统梳理。在此基础上,提出未来城市规划亟需重点解决的三大问题及应对策略:一是以原村民长远利益为出发点、以外来人口居住问题为诉求,构建外来人口聚居区的科学治理模式。二是以流动人口公共服务均等化为目标、考虑外来人口的独特需求,探索公共基础设施的合理配置策略。三是以农民意愿为基础、以市场化为导向,寻求农村土地资本化的新途径与新模式。  相似文献   

正吴唯佳(中国城市规划学会常务理事,清华大学城市规划系系主任,教授,本论坛主持人):先结合我们的工作情况,就组织这次论坛和计划讨论的议题,谈一些看法。2014年,习总书记提出"新常态"的论断,对新时期我国经济社会发展提出明确要求,必须是遵循经济规律的科学发展,遵循自然规律的可持续发展,遵循社会规律的包容性发展;对此还  相似文献   

王金岩  何淑华 《城市规划》2012,36(10):68-74
公共交通导向(TOD)的村镇社区空间发展模式,是基于东部沿海平原省份城乡公路与道路网络较为发达的地域特性,通过选择性地建设设置公交站点的"城镇型社区",形成网络化互动连接的城乡公交体系及公共服务设施体系,进而触发城乡要素流动、优化公共服务,改变传统发展动力自上而下的树形结构模式。通过对德州市临邑县村镇体系规划的实践研究,发现TOD村镇社区空间发展模式能够在依托地域需求、服务政府决策、优化规划模式和改善功能结构等方面为我国的新农村规划建设提供参考。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This article develops the concept of shoestring democracy as a way to characterize the resulting social relations of private governance structures embedded in two types of collective housing schemes found in New York City and the adjoining suburbs: gated condominium communities (gated condominiums) and market‐rate cooperative apartment complexes (co‐ops). Drawing from ethnographies of gated condominiums and co‐ops in New York City and neighboring Nassau County, New York, we compare these two forms of collective home ownership regarding the impact of private governance structures on residents and their sense of representation and participation in ongoing community life. “Shoestring democracy” encompasses a broad range of behaviors utilized to insulate residents from local conflicts and disagreements, and limits rather than promotes political participation. The greatest differences between the co‐ops and gated condominiums were found in discussions of safety and security, in that condominium residents have developed an elaborate discourse of the fear of crime and others, especially racialized others, to explain why they moved to their secured communities. Co‐op interviewees, on the other hand, generally felt a sense of safety in their buildings, often due to the gatekeeper effect of the co‐op board and doormen. In gated communities, covenants, contracts, and deed restrictions (CC&Rs) guarantee that most problems are resolved before they start. While the same can be said for co‐ops, interviewees find that these rules and regulations seem to mystify everyday governing practices for the average co‐op resident. Moral minimalism and a lack of structural and procedural knowledge may insulate residents from local conflicts and disagreement, but also may discourage civic participation. Exploring the apathy residents expressed about participation and a lack of representation suggests that although the Rochdale principles of cooperation that are the legal and social basis for co‐ops may have been important at one time, current practices of private governing boards do more to restrict participatory democratic practices than encourage them. The policy implications are outlined with suggestions of how to make homeowners associations and co‐op boards more accountable and encourage greater adherence to the original co‐op mandate.  相似文献   

Hailed as a major conceptual advance, Gerald Sullies' notion of nested communities of sentiment and interaction has rarely been tested in empirical research and never in studies of suburban-dwellers. This paper attempts to redress that gap. Using data on voting turnout in the election districts of one suburban New Jersey community, the paper offers an ecological analysis of the social bases for participation in elections of leaders for different symbolic communities. The analysis yields support for a set of propositions derived from Suttles' scheme, thus demonstrating its generality beyond the big-city context in which it was originally formulated.  相似文献   

正王富海(中国城市规划学会理事,学会学术工作委员会副主任委员,深圳市蕾奥城市规划设计咨询有限公司董事长,教授级高级城市规划师,本论坛主持人):多年来,我国城乡规划的创新与改革一直在进行当中。"新常态"形势的到来令其由过去的"量变积累"走到了"质变突破"的关口,为此,业界围绕变革已经进行了多角度、多路径的探讨。党的十八届三中全会提出了"建立空间规划  相似文献   

丁志刚  石楠  周岚  王富海  陆铭  尹稚  伍江  赵燕菁 《城市规划》2022,46(2):12-19,24
<正>新发展阶段城市空间治理面临着复杂的议题,我主要从空间需求变化、空间供给改革和规划设计从业者应对这3个方面谈谈看法。首先,新发展阶段的空间需求存在五大变化。第一,从经济发展的视角来看,土地对经济增长的基础性决定作用有所改变,新发展阶段经济增长的新动能更多源自人才获取、营商环境优化、空间支撑、产权保障等综合要素集成改善,需要能够适应不同人群需要、功能更加丰富、体验更加多样、环境更加美好的多元空间。第二,从绿色低碳的视角来看,大量建设、大量消耗、大量排放的城市建设方式必须转型,要重视城市职住平衡、短距离通勤等空间结构合理性,  相似文献   

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