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基于程序的控制流动信息和体系结构跳转代价模型,使用人工神经网络预测控制流边的执行概率,利用子结构分析技术开展基本块重排.程序的控制流边信息被选择作为神经网络的训练数据,这些信息包含了该边的静态特征和动态行为之间的联系.基于弹性反馈反向传播(RPROP)神经网络,在UniCore处理器上实现了采用子结构分析的基本块重排算法.评测结果表明,此算法可获得与利用剖视信息的优化算法相同的程序性能优化效果,不依赖于剖视信息的特性,可很好地扩展该基本块重排算法的应用范围.  相似文献   

根据钢样中内部氧化物和表面氧化物最低氧化还原反应温度的差异,设定了合适的程序升温方式,分别测定样品中的表面氧和内部氧。进行了阶梯升温方式定量分析的准确度和精密度试验,并对影响分析结果的因素进行了探讨。结果表明:通过阶梯升温方式可以达到准确测定非规则形状钢样中氧含量的目的。  相似文献   

采用高低温熔体混合凝固处理,研究了不同高温液相温度380,390和400℃(低温液相温度均为274℃)条件下,金锡共晶合金凝固组织演变规律及非规则共晶组织的形成。研究表明:熔体混合可有效地改变金锡共晶合金的凝固组织结构,随着高温液相温度的提高,合金的凝固组织可以从常规层片状组织转变为块球状的非规则共晶组织,熔体混合金锡共晶合金中非规则共晶组织的形成机制为枝晶熔断机制。  相似文献   

提出了基于往复式喷射成形工艺制备大璧厚非规则管坯的近终形成形工艺及其工艺参数优化方法,以实现坯件从CAD设计到喷射成形的快速制备过程。该工艺方法包括三个阶段:非规则管坯的三维CAD设计、分层处理和单层沉积厚度计算;基于沉积厚度与往复速度和质量流率的对应关系,计算满足各层沉积厚度所对应的控制参数;利用控制系统和执行机构对控制参数进行实时控制和调节,采用往复式多层喷射成形工艺制备满足设计轮廓的管坯。通过试验进行了验证,喷射成形制备的管坯形状和轮廓与CAD设计模型较好地一致,表明了该工艺方法的可行和正确性。  相似文献   

王志宏  王斌 《冶金自动化》2004,28(Z1):90-93
在分析遗传算法和非确定性目标的基础上,给出了模糊适应度函数,改进了模糊遗传算法并用于非确定性目标的搜索,研究了其算法结构.最后给出用于工业过程中非确定性参数的寻优实例.  相似文献   

针对数据立方体的结构特点,结合联机分析处理技术,提出了两种基于数据立方体的维内关联规则挖掘算法.以合肥农河超市实际数据作为测试数据,给出了两种算法的实验结果.结果表明,两种算法在不同支持度情况下执行效率存在明显差异,分别适合在高支持度和低支持度情况下进行关联规则挖掘.  相似文献   

针对深部矿岩在高地应力下钻孔岩芯饼化现象频发、现场取完整芯样困难等问题,选取采场爆破后的岩石与矿块进行现场点载荷试验,通过测试获得不规则尺寸试样的点载荷强度指标.采用指数型和线性型两种修正系数(f1,f2)对点载荷强度指标进行修正,得到修正后的点载荷强度指标为Is50-1和Is50-2,获得修正前后的点载荷强度指标的分布特性及规律:修正前后的点载荷强度指标的分布频率基本满足正态分布,修正前的点载荷强度指标呈偏态型分布,修正后的点载荷强度指标基本呈标准正态分布.采用线性型修正后点载荷强度指标的正态分布更加明显,其点载荷强度值整体上大于指数型修正后的点载荷强度值,且在等效直径为50 mm左右时点载荷强度基本相等.指数型修正方式所得结果受尺寸效应影响较大,强度值偏差较大;而线性型修正方式所得结果更具准确性.在95%的置信度下,岩样标准点载荷强度指标的置信区间为1.09~1.57 MPa,均值为1.33 MPa;矿样的置信区间为0.37~0.45 MPa,均值为0.39 MPa.由于试样受爆破损伤的影响,岩...  相似文献   

基于规则的热轧钢管调度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对钢管调度的现场经验及一些模糊的规则进行了总结并使之清晰化,形成7条关于钢管组批和排序的规则,在此基础上,提出了一种新的启发式方法用于解决复杂的钢管调度问题。该方法与以往文献中给出方法的不同之处在于:前者组批和排序同时完成,而后者需要先组批然后对轧批排序。最后给出一个案例。  相似文献   

胡兵  代真虎  黄明 《冶金自动化》2022,(S1):271-274
当前智能工厂数据分析中存在工具少、调整难、积累少、成本高等痛点问题。针对这一现实问题,本文利用工业互联网边缘计算技术构建了规则引擎工具,将业务规则与IT应用分离,从而降低智能工厂数据分析的难度,使得业务人员在没有IT人员的参与下实现对智能工厂中的高频数据进行高效率、低代码、流程化分析。该规则引擎工具可通过拖拽式方式将工业算子组合成工业算法,通过可配置化的参数输入形成满足不同应用场景的业务规则,然后利用高频流式数据技术,通过滑动窗口的方式将实时数据流传递给业务规则引擎进行规则调度执行,最后对执行结果进行实时报警输出,对现场操作形成指导建议。本文研制的规则引擎工具在宝钢股份、马钢集团、昆钢集团等大型钢厂生产现场进行了试点应用,大大降低了现场规则开发成本,提升了智能工厂数据分析效率,具有较强的推广价值。  相似文献   

谢颖 《冶金自动化》2022,(S1):238-240
余材充当覆盖钢铁企业完整加工产线质量/生产多个领域的业务需求,是库存管理优化的重要环节。固化的充当规则模式效率低下难以适应现在制造业的高效需求。为了支撑企业进一步实现智能优化,精准支撑业务需求,设计了规则可配置的余材充当方案。方案应用后,提高了充当效率,提升了企业生产组织的柔性和敏捷性。同时将企业规则进行了整理提取,形成了专业规则知识库。实现工艺规则知识化、资产化管理的同时,辅以严谨的业务规则管理机制,长期避免发生产品质量异议。  相似文献   

Many comprehension theories assert that increasing the distance between elements participating in a linguistic relation (e.g., a verb and a noun phrase argument) increases the difficulty of establishing that relation during on-line comprehension. Such locality effects are expected to increase reading times and are thought to reveal properties and limitations of the short-term memory system that supports comprehension. Despite their theoretical importance and putative ubiquity, however, evidence for on-line locality effects is quite narrow linguistically and methodologically: It is restricted almost exclusively to self-paced reading of complex structures involving a particular class of syntactic relation. We present 4 experiments (2 self-paced reading and 2 eyetracking experiments) that demonstrate locality effects in the course of establishing subject–verb dependencies; locality effects are seen even in materials that can be read quickly and easily. These locality effects are observable in the earliest possible eye-movement measures and are of much shorter duration than previously reported effects. To account for the observed empirical patterns, we outline a processing model of the adaptive control of button pressing and eye movements. This model makes progress toward the goal of eliminating linking assumptions between memory constructs and empirical measures in favor of explicit theories of the coordinated control of motor responses and parsing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A novel supervised manifold learning method was proposed to realize high-accuracy face recognition under varying illuminant conditions.The proposed method,named illuminant locality preserving projections (ILPP),exploited illuminant directions to alleviate the effect of illumination variations on face recognition.The face images were first projected into low-dimensional subspace.Then the ILPP translated the face images along specific direction to reduce lighting variations in the face.The ILPP reduced the distance between face images of the same class,while increase the distance between face images of different classes.This proposed method was derived from the locality preserving projections (LPP) methods,and was designed to handle face images with various illuminations.It preserved the face image's local structure in low-dimensional subspace.The ILPP method was compared with LPP and discriminant locality preserving projections (DLPP),based on the YaleB face database.Experimental results showed the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm on the face recognition with various illuminations.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new encryption embedded processor aimed at the application requirement of wireless sensor network (WSN). The new encryption embedded processor not only offers Rivest Shamir Adlemen (RSA), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 3 Data Encryption Standard (3DES) and Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA-1 ) security engines, but also involves a new memory encryption scheme. The new memory encryption scheme is implemented by a memory encryption cache (MEC), which protects the confidentiality of the memory by AES encryption. The experi- ments show that the new secure design only causes 1.9% additional delay on the critical path and cuts 25.7% power consumption when the processor writes data back. The new processor balances the performance overhead, the power consumption and the security and fully meets the wireless sen- sor environment requirement. After physical design, the new encryption embedded processor has been successfully tape-out.  相似文献   

吴秀永  徐科  徐金梧 《工程科学学报》2009,31(10):1342-1346
提出了一种基于小波矩不变量和保局投影(LPP)的特征提取方法,并应用于中厚板表面缺陷自动识别.首先对图像做三级小波变分解,将中厚板表面图像的细节分解到各个尺度的各个分量中并利用小波阈值收缩法降噪;然后对各分量的傅里叶幅值谱提取Hu不变矩作为原始特征向量,并利用LPP将该特征向量的维数从77维降到8维;最后利用AdaBoost分类器对样本进行分类识别.实验结果表明,本文提出的特征提取方法适用于中厚板表面缺陷分类,识别率达到91.60%.  相似文献   

根据MS-DOS存在的缺陷较全面地论述了PC机优化的概念,技术及方法.  相似文献   

针对虚拟机内存需求预测困难及内存分配不足时性能严重下降的问题,提出在虚拟机监视器中加入一个缓存HECache.HECache预先保留部分内存,运行在同一台物理主机上的所有虚拟机共享该部分内存,且对HECache中内存的使用申请都可以立即得到满足.通过预先牺牲少量内存的方法,所有的虚拟机都获得了更多的可用内存.实验结果表明,将内存保留在HECache中与直接分配给虚拟机相比开销很低.HECache对应用程序透明,与现有的其他内存机制(例如ballooning,page-sharing,hotplug)等兼容.  相似文献   

When Western Scrub-Jays (Aphelocoma californica) cached and recovered perishable crickets, N. S. Clayton, K. S. Yu, and A. Dickinson (2001) reported that the jays rapidly learned to search for fresh crickets after a 1-day retention interval (RI) between caching and recovery but to avoid searching for perished crickets after a 4-day RI. In the present experiments, the jays generalized their search preference for crickets to intermediate Rls and used novel information about the rate of decay of crickets presented during the RI to reverse these search preferences at recovery. The authors interpret this reversal as evidence that the birds can integrate information about the catching episode with new information presented during the RI. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

针对现有基于粒子群参数优化的改进蚁群算法耗时较大的问题,提出了一种新的解决方案.方案中采用一种全局异步与精英策略相结合的信息素更新方式,同时合理减少蚁群算法被粒子群算法调用一次所需的迭代代数.对日本旭川垃圾场巡查机器人路径规划问题仿真求解的结果表明,与其他算法相比,该改进算法具有比较明显的速度优势.  相似文献   

山东金创金银冶炼有限公司根据自身企业所存有的氰化尾渣以及国家在2018年3月1日所颁布的《黄金行业清渣污染控制技术规范》所明确规定的技术环保要求,采取通过压滤机在固液分离时水洗石尾渣合格的工艺处理方法,并在洗涤后单独处理洗涤液,利用该方法来除氰不仅具有灵活的特点,可以利用氧化也可以通过固氰来处理,同时还具有不产生新型污染物,无二次污染的优良特点,且相对综合处理成本较低,该方法适用于各种浓度的含氰尾渣处理,在山东金创金银冶炼有限公司运行工艺处理方法一年之内,处理氰渣共产铅锌混合金矿约占2%,硫精矿约占50%且平均品位达到45%以上,达到了理想的生产技术指标,并在一定程度上大量减少了固废产生量,保证了在国家规定环保条件下取得较大的经济效益,应用该方法使得氰化行业更加完善,该工艺不仅实现了复杂氰渣无害化的处理,还实现了可利用回收,已达到国际先进水平。  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that accurate cache recovery is more critical for birds that live in harsh conditions where the food supply is limited and unpredictable, the authors compared food caching, memory, and the hippocampus of black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapilla) from Alaska and Colorado. Under identical laboratory conditions, Alaska chickadees (a) cached significantly more food; (b) were more efficient at cache recovery; (c) performed more accurately on one-trial associative learning tasks in which birds had to rely on spatial memory, but did not differ when tested on a nonspatial version of this task; and (d) had significantly larger hippocampal volumes containing more neurons compared with Colorado chickadees. The results support the hypothesis that these population differences may reflect adaptations to a harsh environment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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