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生产测井动态监测中水平井受井身结构、井简流动状态、重力影响等因素影响使得流动介质分布、速度分布、流体的流型、流速削面、油水的分布状态等与垂直井有很大的不同.设计了小管径多相流实验装置,实验介质是柴油和水,设置了分别为3~60 m3/d的10种流量,含水率变化范围10%~100%;分别为85°、88°、90°、92°、95°等近水平状态下的5个角度对阻抗传感器进行了实验.实验结果表明,流量大于10 m3/d时的流型是分相的泡状流,阻抗的相埘响应不受角度的影响,响应规律与垂直井类似;流量低于10 m3/d时的流型是层流,阻抗的相对响应同时受到流量、含水率、角度的影响,在同一角度下受流量和含水率的影响;受油水滑脱现象影响.低流量下的相对响应高于高流量的,持水率高于含水率;受角度的影响,在90°、92°、95°时输出的相对响应出现了向下的趋势,85°、88°时输出的相对响应出现了向上的趋势.实验传感器是仪器短节,排除了集流伞漏失对流体流型的影响,完全反映流体在传感器内流道的真实流动状态,高速摄像机记录了流体随流量和含水率的变化. 相似文献
In this work the effects of empirical correlations of friction factors (wall and interfacial) on the numerical stability and parameters predictions in stratified gas-liquid pipelines flow, was studied using the two-fluid model, where unequal phase pressure effects were considered. To study the effects of such empirical correlations without taking into account the instabilities due to ill-posed initial-value problems or multiple solutions, the two-fluid model was solved using input data, which satisfies a linear stability criterion where multiple solutions do not occur. In general, we found that the empirical correlations are not important for numerical stability but do, however, affect significantly the parameters predictions. 相似文献
Abstract In this work the effects of empirical correlations of friction factors (wall and interfacial) on the numerical stability and parameters predictions in stratified gas-liquid pipelines flow, was studied using the two-fluid model, where unequal phase pressure effects were considered. To study the effects of such empirical correlations without taking into account the instabilities due to ill-posed initial-value problems or multiple solutions, the two-fluid model was solved using input data, which satisfies a linear stability criterion where multiple solutions do not occur. In general, we found that the empirical correlations are not important for numerical stability but do, however, affect significantly the parameters predictions. 相似文献
牛顿流体-宾汉流体的圆管分层层流的数值模拟 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
从流体力学中N-S方程出发,建立了圆管中牛顿流体-宾汉流体的分层层流流动的数学模型。通过两相分层层流的相互作用的流体力学分析,提出了两相流动界面的耦合条件,得到了一组完整描述两相牛顿流体-宾汉流体的圆管分层流的数学方程,再通过数值求解,得到了对工程实际应用有重要价值的流动规律。应用圆管两相分层层流的流动规律,可以实现高粘宾汉流体的高效率输送,节能效果十分明显。 相似文献
变质量气液分层流动数值模拟 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
管内气液两相分层流动是管道输运和水平井采油中的重要研究课题之一,而气液界面是研究的重点内容,尤其有气泡穿过界面的分层流是水平井采油中有射孔注入时不可回避的流动现象,也是数值计算的难点所在。首先采用一维定常模型对分层流作整体研究,然后采用三维非定常模型进行数值研究,利用VOF方法捕捉气液界面,应用RNG湍流模式和有限体积数值方法计算圆管内三维非定常雷诺方程,得到了典型界面上有质量交换的分层流流场和界面上阻力变化的结果。 相似文献
In view of the importance of gas-liquid two-phase spiral flow and the few research reports at home and abroad,the gas-liquid two-phase spiral flow patterns have been researched in a horizontal pipe with different parameters investigated by means of observation and a high-speed camera.Since the appearance of spiral flow makes the distribution of twophase flow more complicated,the flow patterns appearing in the experiments were divided into the Spiral Wavy Stratified Flow(SWS),the Spiral Bubble Flow(SB),the Spiral Slug Flow(SS),the Spiral Linear Flow(SL),the Spiral Axial Flow(SA),and the Spiral Dispersed Flow(SD) by the observations and with reference to the predecessors’ research achievements.A flow pattern map has been drawn up.The influence of velocity,vane angle and vane area on flow pattern conversion boundary and pressure drop has been studied,with a solid foundation laid for the future research work. 相似文献
通过ICEM CFD建立倾角θ为±20°、±15°、±10°、±5°和0°(完全水平),内径为0.124m,长度为20m的井筒,利用FLUENT中的VOF多相流模型对大管径不同斜度井中的油水两相流进行数值模拟,得出不同油水混合速度、不同含水率和不同倾角时的流动变化规律;结合Trallero J L的流型分类方法,根据模拟得到的油水两相分布图划分了6种流型,并制作了以混合速度、倾角为坐标的流型图。倾角θ=0°(井筒水平)时,流型以分层流为主,随着混合速度的增加,其逐渐变为界面混杂的分层流;若含水率逐渐增大,流型将转变为油-油包水、油包水或水包油-水、水包油;倾角θ0°(井筒上倾)时,流型随流速的增大提前发生转变,并且水相出现回流,局部持水率变大;倾角θ0°(井筒下倾)时,水相在底部加速流动,局部持水率变小。计算结果与相关实验结果比较吻合。 相似文献
随着石油和天然气混相输送技术的应用和发展,两相管流的理论研究越来越受到重视。为此,提出了圆管中两相分层流动水力特性研究的新方法——旋转坐标轴法,并基于此建立了新的圆管分层紊流流动模型,得出了速度场解析分布式。此外,还用设计的掺气实验装置完成了圆管分层掺气实验,进一步验证了笔者所得出的结论:掺气可实现有效减阻。为油气混输技术的进一步发展提供了有力的理论支持。 相似文献
Abstract In this study, empirical friction factor correlations were developed for two-phase stratified- and intermittent-flow patterns through horizontal fully eccentric annuli. Two-phase flow hydraulics were investigated, and a flow pattern prediction model is proposed. The friction factor correlations were validated using experimental data collected at the multiphase flow loop METU-PETE-CTMFL. Two different geometrical configurations were used during experiments—that is, 0.1143 m inner diameter (ID) casing, 0.0571 m outer diameter (OD) drillpipe; and 0.0932 m ID casing, 0.0488 m OD drillpipe. The eccentric annuli has been represented by representative diameter d r . A new mixture Reynolds number based on liquid holdup is proposed for friction factor determination. 相似文献